• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.
little confused with whats happening here, is this started already or rebooting? kinda digging the idea
it's started already, but we'd love to have some new people in! If you have any questions, we're happy to help ☺️
little confused with whats happening here, is this started already or rebooting? kinda digging the idea
This is an ongoing project. Most of us are in our 20s and so real life takes precedence. Posting schedule is every 3 weeks as we move through each phase of the arc.
If you have any questions about the lore or the application process, please feel free to post and we'll answer as best as we can. :)
it seems so cool but also really intimidating with just the character applications alone lol I have no idea how yall did half of this on a forum page imma be honest with you T__T
it seems so cool but also really intimidating with just the character applications alone lol I have no idea how yall did half of this on a forum page imma be honest with you T__T
The patience of a GM who backed out last year, and the ongoing efforts of those of us who have stayed. :closed eyes open smile:
If you are feeling intimidated, let us know if you have any questions that can help in your decision-making. However, by all means hangout with us in the OOC thread and/or read the canon.
one question I do have is do I have to like do all the programming/code stuff because idk how to do any of that or will I just have to like copy and paste something? or will someone else entirely do all that stuff if I get accepted lol it just seems like so much that I have never done before :closedeyesfrown:
also where do i submit my reserve application do I just directly DM it to the person listed?
one question I do have is do I have to like do all the programming/code stuff because idk how to do any of that or will I just have to like copy and paste something? or will someone else entirely do all that stuff if I get accepted lol it just seems like so much that I have never done before :closedeyesfrown:
You would have to do your own coding from a template we have. I have made videos that help with customizing that coding, but it would still be up to you to do the work.
And you would send your reserve application to me with all of the necessary information and samples. :)
You would have to do your own coding from a template we have. I have made videos that help with customizing that coding, but it would still be up to you to do the work.
And you would send your reserve application to me with all of the necessary information and samples. :)

Oh okay then I can do that at least if I have a tutorial to follow thx for answering my question.

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