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Fantasy Arva: Tides of Darkness [IC] [Closed]

Invira didn't laugh at Pot's failure, but it was a near thing. He was like a new colt with new legs he wasn't sure how to use. But he'd be trotting around in no time, likely. It helped he had so many masters to teach him and he wouldn't have much else to do when they set sail. As they came to a close, she wondered if she should be doing something like shopping or...whatever. There wasn't anything she could think of offhand. She waved to Zakala after she came back on board but the demoness seemed irritated and didn't notice.

And then a large, dark female demoness appeared. Invira hadn't met many of her own kind, in fact the only one she'd spoken to was Zakala, but this one seemed--large. Terrifying. Invira absolutely wanted to be her friend post-haste. She had weapons befitting her muscles.

But was she supposed to be here?

Invira hopped down from the railing she'd been sitting on, glad she'd decided to wear her armor when they'd gotten to this city. Just in case, of course.

"Hello there. Are you looking for something? Someone?" Her fingers twitched and she longed to draw her daggers--again, just in case.
Drokos glanced over. Another demon of Lusvon? "I was recently hired by your employer, Hughin. I am Drokos, Ironskin and outcast of Morganthi." she replied, turning and looking down at the shorter demon. "Who might you be, demon of Lusvon?"
Hughin gave a look over at Cain for a moment before shaking his head. "I don't know, you seem pretty green. And mercenary work ain't pretty often." he spoke, before turning his head and looking around. He gave out a heavy sigh before looking back over to the young man: "Still, probably better for you instead of getting caught here eventually and losing a hand or two. Head on over to the barge. Like with our demon friend, if anyone from my Company asks tell them I sent you."


"Ah, indeed it is!" the dwarf spoke as she took her position behind the counter. "Is it for you, or for someone special?" she asked as she wrote down the sale in a ledger on the counter before returning her attention to the Aervis. "Hm... I haven't seen your kind often in these parts. Last time was... oh, five years ago?"


Vendor Stall [Aureal]
Aureal - 9; Success
A rugged man walked over to Aureal from the back of his workplace to inspect the elf's armor quickly and nodded: "Aye, with hands like mine I can get them done within a few hours." he spoke, "Nothing serious in the sewing itself has been damaged so it'll be a quick patch job. I'll do it for 10 gold."


Vendor Stall [Krasso]
Krasso - 10; 1d6 roll = 6
Krasso had made his decision to purchase some additional food for himself to eat in the near future, which on his mind were two hens he found from a farmer's selection at the moment. Considering the bouts of hunger he experiences, he absolutely would be needing such reserves in the future at some point. The farmer was kind enough to part ways with both of them for a decent price, as he had many more at home, but mentioned to the Satyr about using them to lay eggs as both had been "breadwinners" for him. Soon enough, Krasso found himself carrying two cages with a hen in each and prepared to haul off his purchase back to the barge.

Yet, as he began to talk he thought he saw something in the crowds. For a brief moment, he stood still and observed to try to see if he could see it again. For a time, nothing out of the ordinary was spotted until a blue cloaked figure walked some distance away to buy something at the vender. Something seemed awfully... familiar about this person. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but when the figure turned to walk away after buying some goods it became clear as Krasso caught a glimpse on their face: it was Ellas!
Invira tilted her head, "Clan of the what? I'm Invira. Welcome to the company. It's nice to meet you, Drokos." She smiled warmly at the new member of their odd fellows.

"Do you only practice weapon craft like myself or do you also have magic hidden up your sleeve?"

And then, as if finally registering all that Drokos, her face closed in confusion, "What do you mean by outcast?"
Da'Vost gave a nod as the dwarf asked who the modestly sized tome was for, hands clasped behind his back as he moved toward the counter as he was being rang out. "Ah yes, not for I but rather a pupil of mine." he explained, just to blink a few times at the mention of another of his kind. "Likely another Fateseeker pursuing their goals and ambitions. I do hope the meeting found you well, as it is always a shame when I hear of my kin being rude to the others."

In a few moments his claws were digging into his sack of coins, ready to pluck a few of them to purchase the book in question. "How much do I owe you for this?"
“I won’t let you down, Hughin!” Cain replied with excitement as he nodded. After dusting off his cloak from all the running, Cain quickly ran for the barge thinking that there might be food, considering that Hughin mentioned he had plenty. “And don’t worry, I wont steal from a friend!” he said while running off.

Arriving at the barge, he was greeted with two demons locked on to a conversation. “Hello, my name’s Cain, Hughin sent me. mind if I tag along?” he said as a warm greeting to the both of them. Realizing that he and the tall demon have been spotting each other all throughout the day, Cain decides to give her a casual wave yet still intimidated to strike a friendly conversation.
Krasso stood dumbfounded before the market stall. This adventure had up until then been one of the most exhausting journeys he'd been on, which was saying something for a centenarian wanderer. Tucking the chickens beneath his arms he once again thanked the vendor for his business and scurried after the blue clad maiden. The bells and beads of his ensemble rattled viciously with each step of his hooves as he felt a surge of adrenaline course through his heart. Saying a prayer to the Missing God, the winds, and even the damnable sea he pushed through the crowds as he tried to get closer to her.

After stumbling and watching his chickens scurry away he let out a curse in his native tongue, she was getting away! Thinking quickly the bard quickly covered his face with his priestly veil of blue and white beads and pulled out his lyre. If he was destined not to reach her by foot than he would sing the song that burned in his heart since he first laid eyes upon the purple skinned antlered woman of his dreams.

In a distant wood where Magic flows freely
I've gazed upon Beauty Beyond Divine.
Hear me when I say to all of you today
that the prettiest of mortals hold no sway
over the Heart of a man whose seen
a Goddess in the flesh.

Moonlight filled her eyes,
Roses made her skin,
Stars speckled her hair,
and awoke a Fire within
The Heart of this bard
whose Lived a Life of Sin.

Unworthy am I to sing of her graces
but know that I do not lie to your faces
when I sing of her Countenance
for it is but a part of the Radiance
emitted by a Goddess in the Flesh
that leaves emotion and Love Fresh
in the Hearts of Men and Beast alike.

He played his mediocre tune jauntily while still trying to get closer to his muse, hoping she'd put two and two together by the lyrics of his ballad. But then again he'd been wrong in the past about this tactic working. In his experience it was rather 50/50 the girl gets the song and loves it or is too stupid to comprehend the meaning of his words and thought he was insulting them. he was betting on Ellas not being stupid but still remained anxious to see if she would respond pleasantly to it.
Drokos tilted her head, letting her poleaxe rest at her side. "My clan cast me out. I live in exile." she replied, her voice bearing a more serious tone. She moved on quickly to the other question, seemingly unwilling to dwell on her status very long. And as she spoke, her voice lightened up a bit. Her rather blank expression remained, however. "I practice weapon craft, yes. I am experienced in several classes of weaponry but prefer to use polearms. I am untrained in the magical arts, as my kind prefers more physical, direct means of combat."

She then glanced down at the small half-elf as he came up to them and introduced himself. She lifted her hand and returned the wave, though in a slower, far calmer manner. So the thief was hired as well. Interesting.
"Ah, a student of your tutelage. Interesting. The last Aervis that came through these parts was quite the loner. Quiet fellow, didn't want for much apart for one of the old tomes I had in my collection." the dwarf spoke as she wrapped the book in some wrapping paper before handing it back to the Aervis. "As for a small tome like that? Not many people look for something like it, so I'll let you have it for a single gold piece." she then said with a smile.


As Krasso sang his melody, he drew a few looks from the nearby crowd as they went about their day. Most ignored him, with some looking on in annoyance with this sudden outburst of mediocrity. Yet it was loud enough to draw Ellas' attention as she recognized the Satyr's voice and quickly turned to look at him. It was obvious that she looked somewhat different than the first time he had come across her, as her hood seemed to show her without any horns at all. Perhaps she was hiding them? She looked surprised at seeing him again, and once she realized what he was doing her face gave off a look of both embarrassment and laughter as she put a hand to to her face to try to hide it.

As Krasso finished his tune, Ellas walked over and gave off a chuckle: "I didn't expect to see you again, Krasso." she spoke, "Honestly, I'm both flattered and a bit embarrassed."
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The Satyr gave a half ass bow to the pink skinned woman as he gave her one of his iconic toothy smiles. "I'm as surprised to see you hear as you are me! To think that our paths would cross again after so much time and distance. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy to see you though, a poet is always in need of his muse after all Ha Ha!" He said giving a light strum of his lyre and shaking the bells of his skirt. "I wouldn't mind getting myself one of those cloaks though" he gestures towards her hood "Can't imagine how convenient it'd be to hide these damned legs when you're amidst starving vagrants." He laughs again before giving her a more serious look. "What does bring you to these parts milady? It's certainly no enchanted grove or grotto."
Da'Vost hummed in thought upon being told about the other one of his kind. Given the proximity of this place to the South Spire he had to presume that was where the Aervis in question hailed from, though that description hardly did him any good. "Perhaps a Fateseeker or Archivist. Unfortunately it is rather common for the kin in those castes to prefer little to no company." he explained, pinching out a single gold coin before laying it on the table. Once it was in his hands he gave the dwarf a respectful bow, thanking her before starting to be on his way. "I thank you for the business, and I do hope that the Aether shines brightly upon you in the near future."

Pocketing the tome, he made his way back into the market proper to start heading back to the barge.
Pottrey nodded to Arnass' suggestion. It was a long journey ahead and they would have plenty of time to practice. And there was some improvement today. He could feel it. He just needed more practice.

Over at the market however, things would make an unexpected turn.

"Well if it isn't the one, the only...WAYLOND THE FUCKING SWIFT!" The knight stopped what he was doing and turned around as he heard a familiar voice he hadn't heard in a very long time. Before him stood another cousin. His father had many brothers and those brothers in turn had many offspring of their own. So the family tree had a lot of branches and roots. A part proffered the sea. His uncle Ebert was known as the Dockmaster and his children would get into trade or sailing. But not the oldest among them. Velog wanted more. He wanted excitement and glory, but didn't care how he would get them. He raised a black flag and sailed as privateer. The waves would soon carry the legend of the Silver crow and it's captain back to his family's halls.

"Hello Velog." Waylond wasn't exactly a fan of his cousin or his supposed deeds and it showed "I suppose I have the gods to thank for this chance meeting."

"Ah cousin, no need to have a strict tone." Velog smiled "It's been how long?"

"Eight years. I wondered if your crew would keep their speed to a full decade."

"At this rate, it would be thirty by the time we're done. But you're right." The smile became more wicked as he got closer "Eight years I led my men across the waves, cousin. Eight years of glory, plunder and... heh, well a variety of booty. Oh don't give me that look, your own reputation is well known to me. It's a common family trait, I'm sure."

"I suppose it is." Waylond shrugged "Where is your crew anyway? Those young men and women you lead to glory. Are they resting after the latest merchant vessel was sacked or are they recruiting their fellow ogres and harpies?"

"Pfah, that's a new one. I'll remember that one. I quite like it. Merrideth would like to hear that you called her a harpy. Suits her." Velog stepped closer "But they're currently resting if you're so curios. Some are at taverns, others at brothels and some are visiting family. Me, I'm hungry for fish and wanted to see what the market had to offer. Lovely food here. But what are you doing here cousin? I don't see your armor nor the family crest. But you still wear that medallion around your neck, so you're not undergoing the same trials as I am."

"No, I'm not. I was never cast out in exile. I took a vow."

"A vow?" Volog's eyes widened in surprise "Well, you're taking this knight business seriously then. Unlike cousin Greggor the fat fuck. Or that other one. What was his name again? The halfwit who decided to prove his valor by headbutting a satyr. Did the goat knock some sense into him?"

"Ser Wilt is a...tragic tale to put it mildly."

"Halfwit had the other half of his wit bashed out. I'll make sure to raise a toast in his honor on my next feast then." Volog mocked with a flippant tone. "But you didn't answer my question, cousin. Why are you here of all places?"

"I left our lands under the Banner carrier's oath and my journey brought me to a mercenary company. A rather good opportunity for my mission and so far the company itself has been rather good to me."

"Oh I'm sure they have been. The great and honorable Waylond the swift wouldn't dare to even talk with them if he didn't deem them of good character" Volog continued to mock. Waylond's didn't dare show it, but he was growing more and more annoyed by his cousin's presence. "Are they near-by? Can I meet them?"

"We both know I can't stop you short from physically knocking you out."

"And your knightly honor prevents you from attacking an unarmed man."

"You have a sword hanging from your waist." As soon as Waylond pointed it out, Volog undid the strap of his sheath and dropped it on the ground. The hilt letting out a light clang as it hit the ground. Waylond couldn't hide his frustration anymore and let out an angry "Are you serious?"

"I was going to buy a new one since that one was starting to rust. Shoddy craftsmanship, you know how it is. I'm sure." Volog shrugged "Come now. Introduce me to your friends."

"I do have to warn you." Waylond stopped his cousin by placing a hand on his chest. "I can't guarantee that they will be as tolerant to you as me. "

"Now why would that be a concern?" Volog gently pushed his hand aside. That smile never left his face. Waylond shook his head and went back to picking up the supplies they needed. He silently dreaded the fast approaching explanation why he was accompanied with Volog.
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With the newcomers having arrived on the barge, Arnas went on over to meet and greet them as he left Pottrey by himself. "Hey there. You're up to join the company eh?" he said as he extended a hand for handshakes. "I'm Arnas."


"There's a rare flower that grows near this city. I was simply collecting it from one of the vendors here." Ellas replied as she held out a small potted plant for Krasso to view. It had orange petals with a purple interior that looked as if it was glowing from the vibrancy of its colors and gave off a pleasantly fresh smell. "As you might remember, I was collecting mushrooms last time we spoke. Those were also of a unique variety. Many places in this world have strange flora, most of it overlooked because it blends in with the rest. Just waiting to be discovered."
Drokos turned her attention to the man that walked up and introduced himself. "My name is Drokos. Ironskin, and outcast of Morganthi." she responded, before glancing down towards Arnas' hand. Carefully, she hugged her poleaxe against her and shook his hand. Afterwards, she looked about. "...Is there a place to cook aboard? I've fish to eat." she said, before holding up the three fish she had bought before her. "...I am willing to share if anyone wants any."
The satyr scratched his head in trying to remember having seen Ellas collecting mushrooms as at the time he was consumed by hunger and lust and not much else. He remembers the grove having had an aura of energy he could not put his finger on nor even begin to grasp. He once again chalked up his lack of memory to something to do with magic. He looked longingly at the flower and remarked that if anything seemed magical it was that. "Such a flower pales in comparison of your beauty, but I imagine that's not why you acquired it." He joked scratching his chin while looking her in the eye. "So....are you some kind of magical botanist? Or something more?" He figured the ability to transport people as she did him must be some type of high magic, one he imagined a select few had.
Ellas chuckled, putting her hand to her mouth in a playful manner. "I'm just a gardener." she replied with a jesting tone. She then leaned over to her side slightly and pointed outwards: "I think your chickens are getting away."


"You'll want to head below deck, that's where the mess is." Arnas said, motioning a hand to the stairs leading down. "The Utterlins down below can cook it up for you."
Aureal gave the vendor a nod before reaching for his pouch and grabbing the required amount. The price seems reasonable enough and the time is not that bad either. "Pleasure doing business with you. I'll return later for the armor." he said, while handing over 10 gold coins. With that done, the elf had some time to kill and he had an idea where to go. Tracing back his steps, he finds himself in front of another stall. Instead of clothing and armor, it was filled with accessories, relics and trinkets of different appearances. The vendor claims them to be capable of multiple things such as protection for its wearer and for increased luck, to name a few. This piqued Aureal's curiosity, having relics of his own from countless of expedition he had done in the past and encountering similar vendors in cities he had visited. Though, most of the vendors are just looking for a way to earn some quick money and weaves false stories and claims around their trinkets to fool their potential victim. Deciding to take caution, Aureal asked the vendor about his wares before deciding on the next course of action.
Cain extended his hand as well to the man that just greeted them with an introduction “I’m Cain.” He said, “I don’t have much titles to work with though.” He joked as he followed it with a chuckle. “Although I hope I could be of use to the company.” He said as a form of reassurance towards his willingness to support the company.

As Cain overheard a discussion about food being cooked, he later realized that he was still hungry, whilst holding his stomach, he turned to Drokos and replied “mind if I tag along? I haven’t had much to eat yet as well.” He said to the tall demon.
From her position at the railing Eirana watched the waves crash against the hull of the Utterlin vessel. Pottrey and Arnas' sparring session as well as the metallic sounds that followed went largely ignored and Eirana barely registered the call outs from some of her companions as they decided to go to the local marketplace.

When the new voices appeared however she raised an eyebrow and glanced over her shoulder towards the source of the sound. A demon and a half-elf by the look of things. Intriguing.

Despite her current emotional state she needed to get her mind away from her current thoughts and worries. Slowly, she rose up from the railing and moved to greet the newcomers.

"Greetings," she said while descending a small flight of stairs leading down onto the main deck. The sun shone brightly behind her, giving Eirana a somewhat angelic and golden aura which reflected off her golden armor and white cloak while her blonde hair seemed to outright glow.

She extended her hand towards the newcomers. "I am Eirana. It is s pleasure to meet you both."
Cain acknowledged the presence of the elf whilst slightly avoiding her gaze. As he notices Eirana extending her hand, he carefully proceeds to shake hands with her. "Hope you don't mind the presence of a half-elf, most elves don't appreciate the thought of it." Cain said cautiously knowing that high elves are quite xenocentric.
After Cain introduced himself, Drokos did the same. "I am Drokos. Ironskin, and outcast of Morganthi." she stated, before glancing back to the half-elf. "To answer your question, Cain, yes. You may join me if you wish." she said, before looking back to Eirana. "...Care for some fish? I am happy to share." She held up the fish yet again. "Needs cooking, however."

And a moment later, without a goodbye, she turned and walked off. Eventually finding her way below deck. She was hungry, and standing around talking wasn't feeding her.
It looked like the others were back from their own shopping. Some new arrivals among them. Waylond climbed aboard the barge along with Volog right behind him. The privateer looked around to get a good idea of the mercenary company and their travel arraignments. He didn't look very impressed. Waylond called to his squire.

"Pottrey, come over and help me with these supplies." As the boy hurried to help Volog took a curious look and that wicked grin returned

"Why if it isn't little Pottrey! My my, haven't you grown. Fat and wide, but that's something."

"I'm sorry ser, but I'm afraid I don't recognize you." Waylond was thankful that he just brushed the insult off. Or he didn't catch it in the first place.

"Not recognize me?" Volog scoffed "Yes, I suppose that makes sense. You were just a child when we last met and I didn't exactly visit often. I think you were six at the time." He turned his head to Waylond "I don't suppose you told him much about his dear old cousin Volog then?"

"No." Waylond gave a short answer while handing Pottrey a bag.

"Well Pottrey, that's me! Volog the older, captain of the Silver Crow and privateer for hire." He proudly announced. Waylond rolled his eyes, but Pottrey froze in place. While Waylond hadn't been telling him any stories, other members of their family did. They spoke of Volog's deeds. His cruelty, his malice and his greed were the core of most of them. Volog noticed the glimmer of fear and would pounce on the opportunity "Come on Pot. Give your cousin a hug." He stepped closer, Pottrey stepped back "No? I guess that's a bit too much for now. We hardly know each other. Even related by blood can become distant. So how about a handshake then." He extended a hand and the squire reached with some hesitation. Volog grasped his hand and squeezed like he was trying to crush it into dust and pulled. "That's a strong grip you have there." After releasing his hand he turned to Waylond "Where's the rest of your group? I see mainly land lovers here."

"They're around you, Volog." Waylond responded while he handed Pottrey something else to carry "I do advise you to not ignore my warnings, but that's up to you. I'm sure they already heard you introduce yourself." He turned his head towards Arnas. Pottrey in turn was now hurrying down to drop off what was given to him. He would rather be as far away from this cousin as possible.
after such warm greetings from the members of the company, Cain proceeded to follow Drokos below the deck to prepare some food. Cain broke the silence between the two and said "I overheard that the utterlins could take care of the food. maybe we should hand it to them?" whilst facing the tall demon, speaking in a friendlier tone.
A man passes by the front of an inn, deep in conversation with his friend beside him. He doesn't notice he's being watched.


A poor old woman slowly shuffles on by with her head bowed to the ground.

Not that one.

A city watch guard strides forward with his hawk like eyes looking all around for any sign of trouble.

Neither him…

A silent bundle of drab colored carpets shuffle in place as it sits against the wall of one of the various inns. The horned metal helmet that was crowning its peak gently wobbles from side to side as it occasionally turns to its left, and then to its right, scanning the street in front of it. Immediately, it snaps and locks on towards a wealthy looking man walking outside the inn.

There! That one!

The bundle rises from where it was sitting and stalks the man very carefully so as to not alert him. It follows him through the streets, through the crowds of people, through the markets without him knowing. It gets closer to him, and closer, and closer, until-

“Hey! Watch it!” the wealthy man pushes the bundle back as it harmlessly bumped into him.

“Oh, excuse me.” replies the thing draped in carpets, backing off. It moves away and ducks into a corner where it sits back down, and carefully examines a small pouch of gold coins in its hand, taken from the wealthy man.

“[Silly man. Never saw it coming.]” It snarls to itself as the coins bounced in its hand. After inspecting them, it tucks them back in a sack hanging off its belt and gets up again in search of another person to mug.
"I overheard that the utterlins could take care of the food. maybe we should hand it to them?"

Drokos paused, the yellow orbs in her eyes looking down to the half-elf. She then raised the fish in hand, looking at them for a brief moment, before grunting. "...I usually prepare my own food." she said, before cutting a glance back down to the half-elf. "...But I guess I can hand them over and simply rest till its done."

She looked about, spotted the nearest utterlin, and handed the fish over. "I would like these cooked...please." she said simply, before walking off once more. She moved to a quiet corner, sitting down and letting her poleaxe rest against her shoulder. Looking on at the utterlins. Waiting.
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