Journal Log XNF74C


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Log XNF74C, Entry 1:

We have arrived at planet delta g in system IC7, but have not yet made contact. We fear the status of the relations that would develop, so we have decided to observe, for now. In the meantime, we hope for peace. That's why these documents will be translated to one of the languages on the planet. It will be beneficial to everyone involved if these documents can be read at a later date by anyone.

We arrived 12 hours (earth time) ago. This is what we have discovered so far:

Our planets are similar, in some ways. The distance between the star in system IC7 and planet delta g is similar to that of our own. Despite that, there are many differences in the lifeforms on our planets. As far as we have discovered, all life on delta g is carbon based, unlike our system, which has a mix of carbon, Strontium and palladium. It seems system IC7 lacks the resources or atmosphere necessary to be viable for other types of lifeforms. We are unsure of the exact reason why.

The languages are fascinating and are to be studied more at a later date. They are not as complex as ours, but we can't be sure until experts have been called. Yael (will after this be referred to by human name James) claims the languages are superior to ours. Aldoh (Human name Annie) argues that our languages are both older and far more sophisticated. Let's hope the experts can settle this bet before it gets out of hand. They are already wagering 1000 earth currency.

Where did they even get it from? The excursion was scheduled for tomorrow…
I believe the creativity thread area is the appropriate locale to deposit a story such as this one.

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