Recent content by Skyhunter

  1. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Khantorian Traditional Brawl

    Brawling Grounds Outside of Zuson Khantor @slifer37 Rowan had crossed through these very violent lands, passing through what the locals called the Wildlands of Khantor. They were just ravaged lands filled with many tribes of assorted Beastmen that fought constantly amongst one another, they...
  2. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Khantorian Traditional Brawl

    Brawling Grounds Outside of Zuson Khantor Snare's victory over his strong opponent was a upsetting sequence of events, mainly on the other tribe's side who did not expect this demon to beat one of the few minotaurs in their tribe. They were seen as hard to kill in combat unless you yourself...
  3. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The New Rebellion in the City of Faith

    Renee Nyx The witch, after having brought the doors down to the cathedral, stared at her work. Having her head raised up with a smirk on her face, showing her dominance in power to these mere Neanderthals that knew nothing of true power. Yet... They could care less, care less about this small...
  4. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] A Fine Day in Eldoria

    City of Eldoria Euraphus Manor Gort Gort nodded and bowed a little, he then turned around and walked off, making sure to move a bit slower for Dione to keep up. Although getting outside the estate, there would be a carriage waiting for them. Gort turned to Dione and indicated to the...
  5. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] Lore

    The Andradi Empire --- --- --- --- Andradi Empire POIs Andrad, Urbs Aeterna Capital City, site of the Palatine Hill, home of the Emperor, and the Cathedral of the Sun. The Angustine Port Cities Ostia Thalassonika (Island) Capua Cicilia (Island) Booming port cities along the...
  6. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Sea's Muse

    Kesh Kesh was now wiggling in her chair as the woman repeated what she just said, the ratkin moved her hand to the table and grabbed another piece of meat and pulled it onto her lap where she began to nibble and eat. Her eyes stared at both Gaul and the woman while they talked, or more like...
  7. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Khantorian Traditional Brawl

    Brawling Grounds Outside of Zuson Khantor The minotaur had thought Snare to be out of the fight after delivering such a brutal attack, he was even raising his weapons to get his side all riled up. Acting as if the fight was already over. Snare's side kept on yelling at him to get up and...
  8. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Sea's Muse

    Kesh When the woman stated that the woman in the picture was her special person, Kesh had this look of confusion on her face as she scratched her dirty shaggy hair. " Special person? " Kesh repeated quietly. Well, who was Kesh's special person Kesh thought. Well, Kesh's special person was her...
  9. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Sea's Muse

    Kesh As Gaul explained a bit of Ratkin history to their employer, Kesh was doing a little dance in her chair, swaying back and forth with her arms waving in front of her, moving in the opposite direction of where she swayed. But once the picture of the woman was shown to them, Kesh jumped up...
  10. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] A Fine Day in Eldoria

    City of Eldoria Euraphus Manor Gort There lingered a silence after Dione had gently berated Ser Alvingard, Gort dared not say a word and merely only watched. His facial expressions were hard to make since he was a beastman. The soldiers that were behind Dione dared not say a word either...
  11. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Khantorian Traditional Brawl

    Brawling Grounds of Zuson Khantor Surrounded by growling, cheering and grunts, the two warriors faced off. The mighty minotaur and the demonic newcomer would come to clash. Even with Snare's contorting body sowing confusion, the minotaur still saw Snare's play, whether it be intuition of a...
  12. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Sea's Muse

    Kesh As Kesh was looking around the place, her face was still full of awe at the architecture around her, despite it being a very regular building, she was more used to an underground hole. Surrounded by dead bodies, feces, and Unadesh knows what. But here it was... Clean. Her sniffer can...
  13. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] A Fine Day in Eldoria

    City of Eldoria Euraphus Manor Gort The large beastman stood there unwavering, he stared at Dione as she had welcomed him into the city, he even gave a slight bow in respect to her, although made sure not to do too sudden of movements to gain the hostility of Ser Alvingard. She then would...
  14. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The Sea's Muse

    Kesh The rat was ratting down the street. With her barely clothes on, the rat wore a very luxurious bag on her back, where it is better if it is not know where it came from. Inside her trinkets and glasses clinked against one another. Kesh, as she was called back home, found herself in a whole...
  15. Skyhunter

    Fantasy [Tartarean Chronicle] The New Rebellion in the City of Faith

    Renee Nyx While money never really concerned Renee, she would still like something out of this. Gold would do she supposed, she doubted Dagnia had any sort of magic tome or something of the like for her. Money would do, but also to sow a bit of chaos in this city would be a lot of... Fun. She...