Recent content by sirenhead

  1. sirenhead

    hmm... i wonder where you've been...

    hmm... i wonder where you've been...
  2. sirenhead


  3. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    142: start shouting back at the person above about how no one will listen about that because it's the declaration of independence and probably get into a very heated argument about the declaration of independence
  4. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    140: recite this shouting : when in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's...
  5. sirenhead

    Realistic or Modern r o s e s a n c t o r i u m ¬ CS

    Name: Aiden Caldwell Age: 16 Gender: male Sexuality: straight - Height: 5'0 Weight: 110 Hair colour: black Eye colour: green Clothing style: he normally wears hoodies, but if it's to hot outside, he'll wear short sleeve shirts, and anything that he can feel comfortable in Faceclaim: Jonah Scott...
  6. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    110. take off all the price tags and replace them with a fake tag that says FREE!!!!
  7. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    107. take a flare gun in the store and fire it into an aisle of flammable objects
  8. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    100. tip over all the shopping carts inside the store, even if someones using it
  9. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    96. play it's been so long blasting loud while putting everything fnaf related in your cart
  10. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    94. take out every single bike i the bike section, and when some asks why you are doing it say " well how else do i know if it's the right one? "
  11. sirenhead

    i actually have a pilots eye, i think i got it from my dad, he flew helicopters in the military

    i actually have a pilots eye, i think i got it from my dad, he flew helicopters in the military
  12. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    88. dress up as engineer from tf2 and go to everyone that has bread in their cart, hand, or those who are in the bread aisle and say; " don't teleport bread! "
  13. sirenhead

    no problem

    no problem
  14. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    82. after someone drives into the manure, come riding in on a skate board playing the back to the future theme very loudly
  15. sirenhead

    1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

    79. drive over with dump trucks full of manure, and pour it at all the entrances