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  • Havent role played in a few months, time to browse forms and take a peek at what we got
    Batman & Robin, a very cheesy movie with some shitty puns on the side... I fucking love. My day was made since I got to watch it
    Oh my god. All I can think about is if that lady on my street didn't hate her neighbors, she probably does now.
    I forgot I had to go to a city council meeting regarding something happen on my block. Shitttttt this is going to be boring as hell.
    Hannah Lou
    Hannah Lou
    Make it interesting by imagining everyone in their underwear. Or is that just for public speaking?
    Ummm I'd rather not imagine anyone in their underwear considering some of the people at this meeting are pushing well over 60.
    Hannah Lou
    Hannah Lou
    Haha then imagine them getting up and randomly dancing or something.
    My mom insulted my choice of crackers. Like umm I didn't get them for you anyways soooo piss off???
    these crackers taste like cardboard LAYERED ON WITH A SHIT TON OF SALT AND PEPPER SWEET JESUS ITS NASTY. Imma eat them anyways
    I've decided that every time someone says Aaq, I'm just going to ask them morbid and dark questions. 
    Bruh, I'm hella depressed over breaking my computer screen ( it happened like months ago and there are multiple other reasons as to why I'm feeling like this ) I guess what's throwing me off was its an expensive ass computer and now I'm not sure I'm even going to be able to get it fixed. 

    I feel like its kind of silly to be depressed over it. It's more of the feeling that I can't be responsible and I'm trying so hard to change that to prove to my parents that I can be. However I feel like it's not going very well and this just shows it. 
    *high pitched scream of distress* 
    *Sticks ring pop in mouth*  Shh!  I'm trying to sleep!  *Crawls back into shoebox*
    *narrows eyes and spits ring pop out. * 

    You've silenced me this time but next time... Next time I'll make sure you can't. 
    *repeatedly bangs head into a wall. *

    i just want to RP why do I gotta be so fucking stressed all the damn time. 
    Damn it. I hate when my mom does this shit to me, you know where she decides what is "best" for you. Okay, so the plan was to get a job soon skip spring college classes and sign up for fall classes. I wanted to it this way so I would have a bit more money and wouldn't fully have to rely so heavily on student loans. I'm so glad my mom thinks I'm being a lazy person and not even attempting to have a future. Sometimes I want to tell her to step off and stop deciding my damn decisions. 
    The Mechanist
    The Mechanist
    I'm fairly sure calling someone's mother a conniving bitch is taking it too far
    Look, Declare isn't fully wrong. It's mean to say but my mom does have her moments where she can be a huge bitch, my dad and my sister can testify to that. She's flat out told my dad that she acts like a bitch to get revenge on him for every "wrong" he's done to her. She used to harass my sister everyday. In fact she picked a fight with my sister when she was home. It got to the point where my sister avoided coming home. 

    So im a little suspicious that my mom is pushing me into this for my benefit. And it feels like it's only a matter of time before she starts acting hostile towards me. 
    maybe she wants to get you into college so she can have tangible reason to be hostile towards you. It's kinda hard to admonish someone for having a job, especially with the way news correspondences paint unemployment in the world.
    I have some time *cough* six months * cough* to come up with a completed and finished look for female tobirama. However I guess you could say that I like to run multiple cosplay tests to see how it's coming along and what I can change up. I guess I want someone's opinion on if I can do this nicely. I like to try and put effort into my cosplays. Keep in mind this isn't the wig I'm going to be wearing. I haven't had natural long hair for a long time and I want to know if I have the face for long hair or if I should go with short haired wig. I'm using my natural hair as an example so let's pretend it's white.

    Tough call and definitely something worth thinking about since that sort of thing slipped my mind.  Thanks! 
    Eye of Nowhere
    Eye of Nowhere
    No problem.  On a subjective note:  I believe the structure of your face lends itself more towards long hair, albeit you'd need it to frame your face, much like that wig is doing in the pictures. A longer sideways froux, is also an option.  
    Yeah that's what I was thinking as well, however I just wasn't sure on the matter. This conversation has actually been pretty helpful. Also, thank you for taking the time to comment and provide a decent opinion. 
    I'm super excited because I'm going to be cosplaying as a female Tobirama( second hokage) and my sister is going to be a female Hashirama( the first hokage). 
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