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Fandom adv literate partner search! (ignore reply count- desperately looking)

Hey! Avid writer, looking to write a story with a long term companion. I dont know anything about those fandoms, but I love writing about vampires and am open to realistic.

I'd love to hear some of your ideas!
Hey there! I would totally be up for doing a Harry Potter roleplay with you! I’d love to give playing Sirius a shot and it’d be awesome if you’d double as Remus for me. Let me know if you wanna start planning something!
Hey there! I would totally be up for doing a Harry Potter roleplay with you! I’d love to give playing Sirius a shot and it’d be awesome if you’d double as Remus for me. Let me know if you wanna start planning something!
Hey there! I would totally be up for doing a Harry Potter roleplay with you! I’d love to give playing Sirius a shot and it’d be awesome if you’d double as Remus for me. Let me know if you wanna start planning something!
Not super into HP right now, but was inquiring about Riverdale. :)

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