Experiences Some of the players that made this site great

[div class=leaf style="animation-delay:0s,0s;text-align:center;margin-top:450px;padding-bottom:450px;"]Directed by
Bad Decisions

Screenplay by

Produced by
My Internal Self-Doubt

Co-Produced by
Questionable Life Choices

Based on
Anime and Wikipedia

Edited by


A Post in an Appreciation Thread

And Guest Starring
This Sliding End Credits Sequence that Fyuri Gifted to Me

~ Fin ~


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Uh....isn't this page not exactly meant to be for us to post our-

*random background voice speaking to me*

O-oh,we can? Well....I suppose it wouldn't hurt to join in-

Hang on,I have homework.........SH-

Please Stand By
Astolfo.jpgAstolfo 2.jpgAstolfo 3.jpg
*Background Music for the Occasion*

darkred darkred
"Mate. (Wow,british-wannabe much Tamo?) I'd be honest right now. If it weren't for you introducing me to RP Nation I wouldn't be here,having went through an event that kickstarted my reformation,writing this very post made to thank anyone I could think of who had helped shaped me into the short of guy I am as I speak. You've been unfailingly nice to me too so it makes me very happy to have met you during the "World Jumper" days. Hats off to you good sir (That's a pretty uh...."proper" way to put it...I guess...?),hope you have a good day.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"Honestly speaking,if it weren't for you,I doubt I would've convinced myself to start taking several steps into improving my writing. And boy,I'm really glad I've took what you've taught me into heart. I've been doing whatever I can to ensure that whatever posts I write are pretty much true to the character I'm roleplaying as (if they're the official characters),while doing whatever I can to develop them well (if they're OCs or alternate version official characters made from the event I put them through) in a believable manner. I really liked the lore posts you made in B.I.C too,especially Ultimate Finale (the lighthearted story with Mysterio failing to make the sky rain with porkchops properly because Spidey kept getting in his way XD) ("Make the sky rain with porkchops"? Is that "Mysterio" guy trying to do a "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs" there :D?). Again,thank you for knocking some sense into me alongside Crenando Crenando and Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo , Haz. Haz. ,SMAXZO,NeonTerror,and several more (Btw,if you guys are reading this,thank you fellas so much too,I'm honestly glad to have joined Beyond Infinite Crisis to hone my skills in writing and narrating. And your advises alongside Phantom's had me thinking properly now). It's always a pleasure talking to you guys (And uh.....sorry I wasn't as active in the B.I.C community.). Although I definitely still feel kinda awful (and also very embarrassed) about the time I posted my first CS (not that my next 3 characters posted were any better either. I'm glad I've introduced Kamen Rider W/Shotaro and Philip,Goblin Slayer and Kiryu Kazuma into the mix to spare myself the shame XD).

Astolfo 4.jpg

RedLight RedLight
"Yo man,bro to bro,(And now you're going all "totally rad" now? The heck dude? XD Ah well,not that I have a problem with it~) thanks for being a real good bud in the TCS Community alongside CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , L3n L3n , Chungchangching Chungchangching ,@Necessity4Fun,Riri/Enrique, 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B , ManyFaces ManyFaces (actually the list goes on even beyond the fellas in TCS,even those I may not have mentioned here). You're kinda like the "Deadlock" of the TCS discord group I admit (Deadlock's a friend of mine whom I've met when I played the mobile game "Brave Frontier",he's PRETTY much the ultimate troll/smart guy/unambiguously-successful-in-life (Ooooooh! Another luckiest man alive in the 21st Century? Can I meet him =D?) who's always been quite a fun person to talk to as well. He's from Brunei btw,in case you're wondering). Thanks for giving my girlfriend advises when we had a falling out by the way,I really appreciate the assistance you offered to her. Other than that,"gotta get that mutherfucken' guac" amirite?" ("Guac"? Don't you mean "Quack"?)

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"I'd be honest when I admit that I didn't expect us to get along really well and become friends (the news that you're installing Warframe got me hella excited that the group's Warframe player group has expanded even if it's by a li' XD). Having Inazuma interact with Eric made me wished I had Ignis and Gladio go talk to Eric during the game of pool during The Cape (cue sports. The reason I didn't do so was because I had forgotten the rules of the game and was really afraid of making a fool of myself),but I'm glad that both of them have been getting along really well during the events of "Enter the Cosmos". That said,I really hope that whatever the Loremasters and you had planned for Eric in the future,I hope it doesn't happen too soon as I really want to make sure that Excalibur and Inazuma (and potentially more other characters I'll rp as) got to spent more time talking with him outside of The Cape. Btw,if you really need some assistance in Warframe,send word,I'll try to do whatever I can to help you out there (unless it's Stalker,I'd get a friend of mine who uses Octavia to accompany you in case the Rogue Warframe decided to attack),"We All Lift Together" in Warframe after all" (Admit it,you just wanna play Warframe with a familiar friend or two or few dontcha? >:3)

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
"First things first,I apologise for the quiet hiatus on our one-on-one [Gundam Build Fighters:NEXT] RP. Second. Bloody hell am I glad to have met a chill Gundam buddy like you in the BIC discord group. I got worried about my first impressions weeks after thinking about my "dID sOMEONE sAY gUNDAM?" message which I've posted upon being notified of Phantom mentioning about me loving Mobile Suit Gundam. Hope our friendship lasts for the rest of our lives ^^ (I don't know about you guys,but the way I read this,it feels a little....actually,forget what I said)

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (this message also includes Riri/Enrique btw)
"I'd never thought I'd find myself talking with someone whom I could get along with really smoothly. It is also pretty nice being able to talk about the amazing soundtracks in Super Mario Galaxy with your boyfriend. All in all,thank you so much for being a really nice friend ^^ I'm not sure how well I would've lasted there if there wasn't at least one person I could interact with easily XD"

Nightwisher Nightwisher
"Can I just stress how much I'm thankful for the fact that you're basically the playful mother in the TCS Discord group? XD Anyway,I'm glad that I've gotten to know you and others like DapperDogman DapperDogman , QizPizza QizPizza , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , BoltBeam BoltBeam and SheepKing SheepKing . I'm also very grateful that you (and BoltBeam BoltBeam and thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (*pfffft* HAHAHA! Now that's one name I least expected! XDDD Nice one!) too) reached out for me despite my admittedly petty anger hailing from my brief falling out with Akiko that lead to me leaving the TCS Discord group. I feel better ever since after I got to talk my issues out instead of locking them away within me,so once again,thank you very much for lending an ear." (D'awww that's so sweet of her~)

Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva
"I remember back then during the inactive "World Jumper" days where we used to talk about games for a while until ya left. I'm also glad to see that you had my back when thatguy was scolding me for an action that could've gotten things a hell lot worse. Again,what happened back then wasn't his problem,but mine. The most I could ensure is that nothing like that ever happens again as it really pains me to see anyone I've come to befriend start fighting amongst themselves." (The heck did you do back there Tamo? Ah well,whatever,as long as it's already been forgotten)

marc122 marc122
"I admit,the only time we truly started talking was during and after a fateful event during EtC despite the fact that we were both in the B.I.C Discord group (I admire the research you did to deduce the cost of a couch in Japan btw,that's some serious dedication in ensuring that the world of BIC is a lot more believable and not quite as different as ours). I really envy you (and also other users like Birdsie Birdsie , Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins and DapperDogman DapperDogman ),seeing how skillful you are when it came to visualising the scenes in any posts you made both in BIC and in TCS,especially the BotB event where you, 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B , Veradana Veradana , and Crow Crow really dropped the limiter and described pretty much virtually EVERYTHING that's happened during "This Will Be The Day" (compared to mine,which I do not know jack about describing the guitar strings being strummed in full detail). That said,i hope you're doing good at where you are now as I (Technically "Astolfo" :3) speak."

Crow Crow (Caw)
"It feels strange that I'm actually here,talking with you like I normally do with other people ever since after I first joined Iwaku and then eventually RPN,considering that it was your (and thatguyinthestore and also The Smoking Peanut too iinw) involvement in the Multiversal-Crossover RP "Murder Games" that had me wanting to join a multiversal crossover rp like that (although I'd admittedly wanted to not join one with the Traitor mechanic,which is ironic as I ended up joining one that is Eye of the Falls as Prompto Argentum anyway). That said,I was honestly pretty excited when we were doing a collab post of Inazuma and Laffey singing "Marine Mirage" together (I still feel guilty for thrusting the translation onto you however,I'm really sorry you had to shoulder the trouble.),as it was my first time ever doing such thing a "multiple people working on one post" thing. That aside,I'd glad to have met you during the Iwaku days,I don't think I would've ever known about the existence of Text-Based Roleplaying websites (even if indirectly because of Ben's "The Convergence Wikia" entry) which not have lead me here in the first place."

Kami Kami GA JAGAIMO Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"Two words. Rider Time. In all seriousness,I'm happy seeing that I'm not the only one here who really likes Kamen Rider (Although shamefully enough the only series I ever got to watch fully and properly was Kamen Rider W,and even then I haven't watched its films yet soooooo....sorry)" (Ya done messed up eh?)

BoltBeam BoltBeam
"Like what I've mentioned up there when listing my message for Nightwisher,I'm happy that you reached out to me when I was upset after a falling out. More so that I was able to avoid venting out my anger unintentionally (probably helped that Nightwisher and I talked earlier,thus making me feel a little more at ease. Akiko and I are doing okay now btw). Sorry you had to see my unusually sadistic side in the discord chat btw 😅."

L3n L3n
"I'll be honest,I didn't expect to see my name up in your post for a rather (imo) mundane reason involving my signature "tea sippping" command (Command? Wait....Tamo has a Command Spell that orders the servant to sip tea?) XD. Kinda peeved that I never got Inazuma to talk to Mami once during EtC,but eh,I digress. You are one of the few I honestly feel comfortable with when talking,as such I'd like to thank you for keep the mood up in the discord channels (Oh and,in regards to the tea sipping command,you're welcome. Also,thanks for making it a reality marc122 marc122 )"

Topless Topless
"Once again another one where I actually found myself tagged in when I least expected it. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to join in in the "play-date" shenanigans you and mostly Kami Ga Jagaimo Thepotatogod Thepotatogod are involved in. I'll give you an affectionate headpat whenever I can in there though. That said,I'm happy to see that you also care for me as a family,and it really means a lot to me to have seen it.

"I didn't want to have the list stretch any longer than intended so to those whom I probably did nor mention here,I'm sorry if your exclusion had upset you. I'd like to say that I still do care about anyone I've come to get along well,so it doesn't matter if you were mentioned here or not,you still have still earned my respect after all."

Astolfo 5.jpg

"Okay,this.....is gonna be one hell of the boring ride. So to those who are really still reading this,I'm apologise in advance. Anyway,truth be told,I used to rp only a little years back in Deviantart with users "CloudFlare","Gray-Feathers","Futurehunter98" and "XenonB". However,those were only just mere brief "IC Interaction" or some crap like that where I just did it because it'd be boring if it was only just me typing the usual comments and stuff. My life of roleplaying didn't start in RPN,nor did it truly start in Iwaku in fact. Hell,believe it or not,it started in LINE (where user "Deadlock" and I do it for the heck of it with all the misadventures of the summoners from Brave Frontier),and then in Discord (with user "The Path Master",who is also a fellow Warframe player currently. We don't rp much anymore but he's still a chill guy to talk to.). But it truly started in one of Google+ (wouldn't blame you if you dont know of it,it's a pretty underrated social media server/software after all and is now officially closed down.)'s rp communities,the one founded by the girl whom I rp-ed with constantly and would eventually confess my love to:"

Akiko Tamotsu Akiko Tamotsu (Hold up,you got intimate with a GM and actually outright became her boyfriend,Tamo? I mean,sure,the confession is done via the inter-thingy-whatever-you-guys-call-it but still,wow.)
"Words fail to express how overjoyed I am to have met you,given that back then I always just rp as gloomy characters which unironically symbolise how lonely I've always been throughout my life. Yet at the same time,I've also come to doubt my status as your boyfriend,given that we've gotten into fights and argument which haunted me and caused me to kick myself in frustration that I could not handle our problems peacefully. As such,it was a huge relief when we finally,FINALLY,got along really well now.......or at least,it should've been the case until you informed me of some sort of demonstration going on in Iraq (Again,Akiko's from Iraq),the wifi getting cut off and essentially forming a barrier to keep us from contacting with each other,which also meant that I can't be there to help you feel better anytime after your father decided to psychologically and physically abuse you again. I really hope that you'll come back soon,or even better,finally travel away from the hell you're currently living in and away to another country where you'll be safe and happy at long last. "

"If anything,you were right about what our true home is:the private group we made four ourselves as we develop Hisashi/Novus,Akiko/Alexandra,several more of the characters and the story they're in we've created together as prototype in preparations for a video game which I plan to try creating (if i'm lucky enough to do so that is) once I finally graduated from my college. We made so much memories,both good and bad,but mostly good,together as ourselves and also the characters we created as,with you being Alexandra/Akiko and me being Novus/Hisashi. Yet.....at the same time,I feel sad thinking about the life we gave our characters. Despite their differences and the world they live in,they still managed to find happiness and start a happy family,meanwhile we are still stopped by a wall that prevented us from meeting in person who goodness-knows how long. It soon made me wonder if they're perhaps a daydream we made,visualising our long-awaited reunion which may not come no matter how long we've waited. However,I adamantly refused to believe that you'll forever be stuck in Iraq under your excuse of a father's thumb. You deserved better than this,much like anyone else who had to face difficulties in countries and areas where a staying in countries which only have minor civil conflict is the equivalent of being granted a dream home in heaven. If you're reading this,I hope that you've gained the will to avoid doing a second attempt on your own life like the time you've slit your own wrist and had to be rushed to the hospital,barely surviving. I still am shook at the thought of losing you for the rest of my life as there are no other woman in the world who could ever replace you,and there never will be one. If I have to wait for your freedom and arrival to Malaysia where we could finally meet at last,then I'll wait. and wait. And keep waiting,as long as we both refuse to stop at nothing to be able to feel the warmth of our embrace after years of waiting. Till Death Do Us Apart...Sarah."

*Background Music adruptly stops*

Astolfo 6.jpgAstolfo 7.jpg
Astolfo 7 (1).jpg

Please Stand By
*New Background Music because the previous one got damaged from the scratch*

Astolfo 8.jpgAstolfo 9.jpg

Credits for the models
Garden House Stage:YamadaNoKokoro
Background is an easily searchable "Autumn" Skydome part of this pack

Akiko,or rather,Sarah,I hope you're okay as I speak. I don't want us to leave each other in the dark again like before. I need you just as much as you need me. I hope we'll meet at long last,our hands holding each other's as we walked on the Earth together,smiling ear to ear as we share our stories in person.
Last edited:
Uh....isn't this page not exactly meant to be for us to post our-

*random background voice speaking to me*

O-oh,we can? Well....I suppose it wouldn't hurt to join in-

Hang on,I have homework.........SH-

Please Stand By
View attachment 633210View attachment 633211View attachment 633214
*Background Music for the Occasion*

darkred darkred
"Mate. (Wow,british-wannabe much Tamo?) I'd be honest right now. If it weren't for you introducing me to RP Nation I wouldn't be here,having went through an event that kickstarted my reformation,writing this very post made to thank anyone I could think of who had helped shaped me into the short of guy I am as I speak. You've been unfailingly nice to me too so it makes me very happy to have met you during the "World Jumper" days. Hats off to you good sir (That's a pretty uh...."proper" way to put it...I guess...?),hope you have a good day.

Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
"Honestly speaking,if it weren't for you,I doubt I would've convinced myself to start taking several steps into improving my writing. And boy,I'm really glad I've took what you've taught me into heart. I've been doing whatever I can to ensure that whatever posts I write are pretty much true to the character I'm roleplaying as (if they're the official characters),while doing whatever I can to develop them well (if they're OCs or alternate version official characters made from the event I put them through) in a believable manner. I really liked the lore posts you made in B.I.C too,especially Ultimate Finale (the lighthearted story with Mysterio failing to make the sky rain with porkchops properly because Spidey kept getting in his way XD) ("Make the sky rain with porkchops"? Is that "Mysterio" guy trying to do a "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs" there :D?). Again,thank you for knocking some sense into me alongside Crenando Crenando and Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo , Haz. Haz. ,SMAXZO,NeonTerror,and several more (Btw,if you guys are reading this,thank you fellas so much too,I'm honestly glad to have joined Beyond Infinite Crisis to hone my skills in writing and narrating. And your advises alongside Phantom's had me thinking properly now). It's always a pleasure talking to you guys (And uh.....sorry I wasn't as active in the B.I.C community.). Although I definitely still feel kinda awful (and also very embarrassed) about the time I posted my first CS (not that my next 3 characters posted were any better either. I'm glad I've introduced Kamen Rider W/Shotaro and Philip,Goblin Slayer and Kiryu Kazuma into the mix to spare myself the shame XD).

View attachment 633462

RedLight RedLight
"Yo man,bro to bro,(And now you're going all "totally rad" now? The heck dude? XD Ah well,not that I have a problem with it~) thanks for being a real good bud in the TCS Community alongside CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , L3n L3n , Chungchangching Chungchangching ,@Necessity4Fun,Riri/Enrique, 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B , ManyFaces ManyFaces (actually the list goes on even beyond the fellas in TCS,even those I may not have mentioned here). You're kinda like the "Deadlock" of the TCS discord group I admit (Deadlock's a friend of mine whom I've met when I played the mobile game "Brave Frontier",he's PRETTY much the ultimate troll/smart guy/unambiguously-successful-in-life (Ooooooh! Another luckiest man alive in the 21st Century? Can I meet him =D?) who's always been quite a fun person to talk to as well. He's from Brunei btw,in case you're wondering). Thanks for giving my girlfriend advises when we had a falling out by the way,I really appreciate the assistance you offered to her. Other than that,"gotta get that mutherfucken' guac" amirite?" ("Guac"? Don't you mean "Quack"?)

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"I'd be honest when I admit that I didn't expect us to get along really well and become friends (the news that you're installing Warframe got me hella excited that the group's Warframe player group has expanded even if it's by a li' XD). Having Inazuma interact with Eric made me wished I had Ignis and Gladio go talk to Eric during the game of pool during The Cape (cue sports. The reason I didn't do so was because I had forgotten the rules of the game and was really afraid of making a fool of myself),but I'm glad that both of them have been getting along really well during the events of "Enter the Cosmos". That said,I really hope that whatever the Loremasters and you had planned for Eric in the future,I hope it doesn't happen too soon as I really want to make sure that Excalibur and Inazuma (and potentially more other characters I'll rp as) got to spent more time talking with him outside of The Cape. Btw,if you really need some assistance in Warframe,send word,I'll try to do whatever I can to help you out there (unless it's Stalker,I'd get a friend of mine who uses Octavia to accompany you in case the Rogue Warframe decided to attack),"We All Lift Together" in Warframe after all" (Admit it,you just wanna play Warframe with a familiar friend or two or few dontcha? >:3)

Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
"First things first,I apologise for the quiet hiatus on our one-on-one [Gundam Build Fighters:NEXT] RP. Second. Bloody hell am I glad to have met a chill Gundam buddy like you in the BIC discord group. I got worried about my first impressions weeks after thinking about my "dID sOMEONE sAY gUNDAM?" message which I've posted upon being notified of Phantom mentioning about me loving Mobile Suit Gundam. Hope our friendship lasts for the rest of our lives ^^ (I don't know about you guys,but the way I read this,it feels a little....actually,forget what I said)

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (this message also includes Riri/Enrique btw)
"I'd never thought I'd find myself talking with someone whom I could get along with really smoothly. It is also pretty nice being able to talk about the amazing soundtracks in Super Mario Galaxy with your boyfriend. All in all,thank you so much for being a really nice friend ^^ I'm not sure how well I would've lasted there if there wasn't at least one person I could interact with easily XD"

Nightwisher Nightwisher
"Can I just stress how much I'm thankful for the fact that you're basically the playful mother in the TCS Discord group? XD Anyway,I'm glad that I've gotten to know you and others like DapperDogman DapperDogman , QizPizza QizPizza , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , BoltBeam BoltBeam and SheepKing SheepKing . I'm also very grateful that you (and BoltBeam BoltBeam and thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (*pfffft* HAHAHA! Now that's one name I least expected! XDDD Nice one!) too) reached out for me despite my admittedly petty anger hailing from my brief falling out with Akiko that lead to me leaving the TCS Discord group. I feel better ever since after I got to talk my issues out instead of locking them away within me,so once again,thank you very much for lending an ear." (D'awww that's so sweet of her~)

Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva
"I remember back then during the inactive "World Jumper" days where we used to talk about games for a while until ya left. I'm also glad to see that you had my back when thatguy was scolding me for an action that could've gotten things a hell lot worse. Again,what happened back then wasn't his problem,but mine. The most I could ensure is that nothing like that ever happens again as it really pains me to see anyone I've come to befriend start fighting amongst themselves." (The heck did you do back there Tamo? Ah well,whatever,as long as it's already been forgotten)

marc122 marc122
"I admit,the only time we truly started talking was during and after a fateful event during EtC despite the fact that we were both in the B.I.C Discord group (I admire the research you did to deduce the cost of a couch in Japan btw,that's some serious dedication in ensuring that the world of BIC is a lot more believable and not quite as different as ours). I really envy you (and also other users like Birdsie Birdsie , Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins and DapperDogman DapperDogman ),seeing how skillful you are when it came to visualising the scenes in any posts you made both in BIC and in TCS,especially the BotB event where you, 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B , Veradana Veradana , and Crow Crow really dropped the limiter and described pretty much virtually EVERYTHING that's happened during "This Will Be The Day" (compared to mine,which I do not know jack about describing the guitar strings being strummed in full detail). That said,i hope you're doing good at where you are now as I (Technically "Astolfo" :3) speak."

Crow Crow (Caw)
"It feels strange that I'm actually here,talking with you like I normally do with other people ever since after I first joined Iwaku and then eventually RPN,considering that it was your (and thatguyinthestore and also The Smoking Peanut too iinw) involvement in the Multiversal-Crossover RP "Murder Games" that had me wanting to join a multiversal crossover rp like that (although I'd admittedly wanted to not join one with the Traitor mechanic,which is ironic as I ended up joining one that is Eye of the Falls as Prompto Argentum anyway). That said,I was honestly pretty excited when we were doing a collab post of Inazuma and Laffey singing "Marine Mirage" together (I still feel guilty for thrusting the translation onto you however,I'm really sorry you had to shoulder the trouble.),as it was my first time ever doing such thing a "multiple people working on one post" thing. That aside,I'd glad to have met you during the Iwaku days,I don't think I would've ever known about the existence of Text-Based Roleplaying websites (even if indirectly because of Ben's "The Convergence Wikia" entry) which not have lead me here in the first place."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Truth be told. I really get incredibly afraid of asking anyone (especially of higher rank like a GM in that case) whom I haven't gotten well acquainted with yet. It's kind of the reason why I didn't dare ask if I could have it explained in "The Second Awakening" that Excal and Manelion had both been helping the Toad Brigade in the collection of the remaining fraction of the Power Stars. That said,thank you for giving me the leeway to writing that scenario (I'm glad the idea did not get in the way of whatever you had planned either). And of course,thank you for starting the RP Community where I got to experiment with rp-ing as characters no matter what form as long as I play fair. Also,will the epilogue give us a chance at having a proper Star Festival celebration without the invasion occuring this time before our characters return? XD"

Kami Kami GA JAGAIMO Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"Two words. Rider Time. In all seriousness,I'm happy seeing that I'm not the only one here who really likes Kamen Rider (Although shamefully enough the only series I ever got to watch fully and properly was Kamen Rider W,and even then I haven't watched its films yet soooooo....sorry)" (Ya done messed up eh?)

BoltBeam BoltBeam
"Like what I've mentioned up there when listing my message for Nightwisher,I happy that you reached out to me when I was upset after a falling out. More so that I was able to avoid venting our my anger unintentionally (probably helped that Nightwisher and I talked earlier,thus making me feel a little more at ease. Akiko and I are doing okay now btw). Sorry you had to see my unusually sadistic side in the discord chat btw 😅."

L3n L3n
"I'll be honest,I didn't expect to see my name up in your post for a rather (imo) mundane reason involving my signature "tea sippping" command (Command? Wait....Tamo has a Command Spell that orders the servant to sip tea?) XD. Kinda peeved that I never got Inazuma to talk to Mami once during EtC,but eh,I digress. You are one of the few I honestly feel comfortable with when talking,as such I'd like to thank you for keep the mood up in the discord channels (Oh and,in regards to the tea sipping command,you're welcome. Also,thanks for making it a reality marc122 marc122 )"

Topless Topless
"Once again another one where I actually found myself tagged in when I least expected it. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to join in in the "play-date" shenanigans you and mostly Kami Ga Jagaimo Thepotatogod Thepotatogod are involved in. I'll give you an affectionate headpat whenever I can in there though. That said,I'm happy to see that you also care for me as a family,and it really means a lot to me to have seen it.

"I didn't want to have the list stretch any longer than intended so to those whom I probably did nor mention here,I'm sorry if your exclusion had upset you. I'd like to say that I still do care about anyone I've come to get along well,so it doesn't matter if you were mentioned here or not,you still have still earned my respect after all."

View attachment 633477

"Okay,this.....is gonna be one hell of the boring ride. So to those who are really still reading this,I'm apologise in advance. Anyway,truth be told,I used to rp only a little years back in Deviantart with users "CloudFlare","Gray-Feathers","Futurehunter98" and "XenonB". However,those were only just mere brief "IC Interaction" or some crap like that where I just did it because it'd be boring if it was only just me typing the usual comments and stuff. My life of roleplaying didn't start in RPN,nor did it truly start in Iwaku in fact. Hell,believe it or not,it started in LINE (where user "Deadlock" and I do it for the heck of it with all the misadventures of the summoners from Brave Frontier),and then in Discord (with user "The Path Master",who is also a fellow Warframe player currently. We don't rp much anymore but he's still a chill guy to talk to.). But it truly started in one of Google+ (wouldn't blame you if you dont know of it,it's a pretty underrated social media server/software after all and is now officially closed down.)'s rp communities,the one founded by the girl whom I rp-ed with constantly and would eventually confess my love to:"

Akiko Tamotsu Akiko Tamotsu (Hold up,you got intimate with a GM and actually outright became her boyfriend,Tamo? I mean,sure,the confession is done via the inter-thingy-whatever-you-guys-call-it but still,wow.)
"Words fail the express how overjoyed I am to have met you,given that back then I always just rp as gloomy characters which unironically symbolise how lonely I've always been throughout my life. Yet at the same time,I've also come to doubt my status as your boyfriend,given that we've gotten into fights and argument which haunted me and caused me to kick myself in frustration that I could not handle our problems peacefully. As such,it was a huge relief when we finally,FINALLY,got along really well now.......or at least,it should've been the case until you informed me of some sort of demonstration going on in Iraq (Again,Akiko's from Iraq),the wifi getting cut off and essentially forming a barrier to keep us from contacting with each other,which also meant that I can't be there to help you feel better anytime after your father decided to psychologically and physically abuse you again. I really hope that you'll come back soon,or even better,finally travel away from the hell you're currently living in and away to another country where you'll be safe and happy at long last. "

"If anything,you were right about what our true home is:the private group we made four ourselves as we develop Hisashi/Novus,Akiko/Alexandra,several more of the characters and the story they're in we've created together as prototype in preparations for a video game which I plan to try creating (if i'm lucky enough to do so that is) once I finally graduated from my college. We made so much memories,both good and bad,but mostly good,together as ourselves and also the characters we created as,with you being Alexandra/Akiko and me being Novus/Hisashi. Yet.....at the same time,I feel sad thinking about the life we gave our characters. Despite their differences and the world they live in,they still managed to find happiness and start a happy family,meanwhile we are still stopped by a wall that prevented us from meeting in person who goodness-knows how long. It soon made me wonder if they're perhaps a daydream we made,visualising our long-awaited reunion which may not come no matter how long we've waited. However,I adamantly refused to believe that you'll forever be stuck in Iraq under your excuse of a father's thumb. You deserved better than this,much like anyone else who had to face difficulties in countries and areas where a staying in countries which only have minor civil conflict is the equivalent of being granted a dream home in heaven. If you're reading this,I hope that you've gained the will to avoid doing a second attempt on your own life like the time you've slit your own wrist and had to be rushed to the hospital,barely surviving. I still am shook at the thought of losing you for the rest of my life as there are no other woman in the world who could ever replace you,and there never will be one. If I have to wait for your freedom and arrival to Malaysia where we could finally meet at last,then I'll wait. and wait. And keep waiting,as long as we both refuse to stop at nothing to be able to feel the warmth of our embrace after years of waiting. Till Death Do Us Apart...Sarah."

*Background Music adruptly stops*

View attachment 633478View attachment 633479
View attachment 633483

Please Stand By
*New Background Music because the previous one got damaged from the scratch*

View attachment 633487View attachment 633488

Credits for the models
Garden House Stage:YamadaNoKokoro
Background is an easily searchable "Autumn" Skydome part of this pack

Akiko,or rather,Sarah,I hope you're okay as I speak. I don't want us to leave each other in the dark again like before. I need you just as much as you need me. I hope we'll meet at long last,our hands holding each other's as we walked on the Earth together,smiling ear to ear as we share our stories in person.
Love Astolfo.
Alright so uh... I know I already posted here once before, but I didn’t say nearly enough as I think I should have. There’s a lot of stuff I want to say to a lot of people and hopefully I can convey my emotions well enough.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
You are one of the best writers I have met. You as well as a lot of other people in Chronology are amazing at writing and I hope to become just as good as you and the others some day. Also if my dad is Puro and your dad is Puro then that makes us epic bro-matos. I’m really glad we could become friends. Well hopefully we count as friends :p

Nightwisher Nightwisher
You are another one of the best writers I have met. You are funny and sweet, and you definitely know how to put Thatguy in his place when he needs it. I’m glad that we could become friends and I’m really looking forward to Shiloverse :)

Birb Birb PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Chungchangching Chungchangching ManyFaces ManyFaces
You four are great. You are all great writers. Birb, you are sweet and funny and fun to talk to. Polik, you may not think it, but I think your comedy is great. Chung, you are awesome. you are really fun to talk to and don’t worry I’m not gonna mention anything about your command on the server. Last but not least, Many, you are really fun and great to interact with in not just role plays but in a regular conversation too.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Jk you’re an excellent writer and it’s a great bonus I know you in real life :)

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
You ,my dear sir, are hilarious. All of your posts never fail to make me laugh. It’s a great bonus that I know you in real life too.

T The Man With No Name
You may not post much, but when you do I can tell how much effort you put into it. It’s really inspiring really and I hope you keep doing your best. Another bonus that I know you in real life :)

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
You put so much work into everything you do. It’s amazing really. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone more dedicated than you. You’re a great writer also.

Haz. Haz.
You are another one of the greats when it comes to writing. I can tell on all of your posts how hard you work on them. I’m looking forward to playing Morgana when you play Joker. Also hi :)

Sleek Sleek
You are another great writer, but not only that you are really funny and it’s just fun talking to you. I hope someday I can become as good at writing as you and Eric.

marc122 marc122
You are a great writer and a really funny person. I have no idea what you meant by making Blake more like me, but I am honored :) or at least I hope I should be :)

I’m so sorry if I left someone out. I will go back and add them if I remember!

I love every last one of you! You all mean so much to me!
Boy how to even begin with this...

I guess I'll start with a big-ass shoutout to everyone on RPN. I know it may sound like a bit of a meaningless gesture, but RPN has become like a second home to me, and one of the greatest things in my life was finding this place. All of you contribute to making this community I love so much, so it is only fair I express my gratitute at such times.

Now, to get onto more specifics.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel a dear friend to this day, and one with whom I learned so much about my style of roleplay, being the first person to legitimately work with me in planning, giving me access to such a rare experience. Not only that, it's the first time I think I bonded with a partner to that extent, they were there during good and bad times, even though her own life is full of hurdles in which I wish her the best in recovering from. I treasure our friendship, and how much they brought to me here.

Alteras Alteras and Fable Fable On top of being staff (with all the work that entails), you helped me so much with BBCode, and so many others with your support in that area. While I've come to adapt what I've been taught and experiement on my own, there are so many things I use now so frequently that you taught me. Of course though, I'd be remiss not to also mention Lyro Lyro who was not only one of the creators of BBCode+ but also the one who originally taught me to use it. Thank you all! Thank you!

Ceemuhrie Ceemuhrie Being weebs brought us together, and boy am I glad I clicked on that "Konnichiwa" introduction thread. Even though there were some matters of schedule, you have honestly been one of the best partners I've ever had someone who indulged in our planning and all the crazy shenanigans with the RP and embraced it with passion, a great writer and really nice and friendly person to boot. I couldn't ask more of a partner, nor of a friend than what you give me. Thank you so very much!

Melpomene Melpomene I still remember how we started working together, me PMing you and proposing an RP after a while of reading those amazing snippets of your thoughts on writing that instantly told me I would want to roleplay with you. My gut feeling back then was quite right the RP I had with you was one of the best I ever had, and though contact between us stopped recently, I really wish to one day be able to at least talk to you again, or better yet, work with you again.

Kaerri Kaerri You pour so much into this community, among the admins you certainly are the most engaged with the community, from what I see. Speaking more personally though, you just seem like such a nice person, and you've personally helped support my weird little projects like going out of your way to make sure you could participate in the profile extravaganza recently even though you're busy. Whether you did it because I seemed sad when I brought it up, or you just happened to cheer me up a little, the fact is your presence is always welcome and such times show quite well why. <3

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan True to your name, your random appearances in people's profiles are more appreciated than maybe you realize. Please come again, anytime!

Daisie Daisie One of the most positive people on the site, someone who's definitely been a wonderful influence and presence in my time here. I'm sorry I don't have a lot more to say, but I think that really is amazing in its own right, and certainly enough to earn ya a spot in my heart.

LegoLad659 LegoLad659 We don't really roleplay together (we figured our styles didn't really match a while ago) , but it has been a pleasure knowing ya (why does that sound like I'm going somewhere?), having our occasional little chats or playing some games together. I know I pester ya from time to time, but I would like you to know at least that bearing with me like that really is appreciated. Thank you so very much!

yuckeroni yuckeroni Gosh darn it, ever since the PSA I just love your seemingly unending source of enthusiasm for stuff, just where to do you keep all that lovely energy? Either way, wherever you go not just roleplaying but chatting with you is always a wonderful pleasure and something that brings a smile to my face (which I realize sounds a little off given the Joker movie recently came out, but I swear I only mean it in a good way).

The Mechanist The Mechanist buddy, you're a great friend, and though we may have our disagreements and we don't talk all that often, I still feel you're someone who's got my back and who really contributed to making my time here on RPN great. So thank you!

Psyche Psyche a wonderful partner, and uber patient with me on top of it! Thank you for working with me, and for our friendship as well!

These are just the ones from the top of my head, and honestly they barely amount of the tip of the iceberg of the people to tag. Still, each of them has been part of what my experience with this site has been, of how wonderful it all has been, and I'm really grateful for it <3

PS: As I write this I realize how cheesy it is all sounding, but it's really hard to express these things in words, do forgive me please....
@LegoLad659 We don't really roleplay together (we figured our styles didn't really match a while ago) , but it has been a pleasure knowing ya (why does that sound like I'm going somewhere?), having our occasional little chats or playing some games together. I know I pester ya from time to time, but I would like you to know at least that bearing with me like that really is appreciated. Thank you so very much!
Dude, bro, dude

I'm not the one who goes out of his way to greet everyone every single day :xFtongue:
@Ceemuhrie Being weebs brought us together, and boy am I glad I clicked on that "Konnichiwa" introduction thread. Even though there were some matters of schedule, you have honestly been one of the best partners I've ever had someone who indulged in our planning and all the crazy shenanigans with the RP and embraced it with passion, a great writer and really nice and friendly person to boot. I couldn't ask more of a partner, nor of a friend than what you give me. Thank you so very much!

You know how to make a girl melt, Senpai! <3 I'm also super glad we can be weebs together! I always enjoy that you're so inclusive and you write about every one and just spread so much friendship on this site. You are one of a kind! :33:
Boy how to even begin with this...

I guess I'll start with a big-ass shoutout to everyone on RPN. I know it may sound like a bit of a meaningless gesture, but RPN has become like a second home to me, and one of the greatest things in my life was finding this place. All of you contribute to making this community I love so much, so it is only fair I express my gratitute at such times.

Now, to get onto more specifics.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel a dear friend to this day, and one with whom I learned so much about my style of roleplay, being the first person to legitimately work with me in planning, giving me access to such a rare experience. Not only that, it's the first time I think I bonded with a partner to that extent, they were there during good and bad times, even though her own life is full of hurdles in which I wish her the best in recovering from. I treasure our friendship, and how much they brought to me here.

Alteras Alteras and Fable Fable On top of being staff (with all the work that entails), you helped me so much with BBCode, and so many others with your support in that area. While I've come to adapt what I've been taught and experiement on my own, there are so many things I use now so frequently that you taught me. Of course though, I'd be remiss not to also mention Lyro Lyro who was not only one of the creators of BBCode+ but also the one who originally taught me to use it. Thank you all! Thank you!

Ceemuhrie Ceemuhrie Being weebs brought us together, and boy am I glad I clicked on that "Konnichiwa" introduction thread. Even though there were some matters of schedule, you have honestly been one of the best partners I've ever had someone who indulged in our planning and all the crazy shenanigans with the RP and embraced it with passion, a great writer and really nice and friendly person to boot. I couldn't ask more of a partner, nor of a friend than what you give me. Thank you so very much!

Melpomene Melpomene I still remember how we started working together, me PMing you and proposing an RP after a while of reading those amazing snippets of your thoughts on writing that instantly told me I would want to roleplay with you. My gut feeling back then was quite right the RP I had with you was one of the best I ever had, and though contact between us stopped recently, I really wish to one day be able to at least talk to you again, or better yet, work with you again.

Kaerri Kaerri You pour so much into this community, among the admins you certainly are the most engaged with the community, from what I see. Speaking more personally though, you just seem like such a nice person, and you've personally helped support my weird little projects like going out of your way to make sure you could participate in the profile extravaganza recently even though you're busy. Whether you did it because I seemed sad when I brought it up, or you just happened to cheer me up a little, the fact is your presence is always welcome and such times show quite well why. <3

RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan True to your name, your random appearances in people's profiles are more appreciated than maybe you realize. Please come again, anytime!

Daisie Daisie One of the most positive people on the site, someone who's definitely been a wonderful influence and presence in my time here. I'm sorry I don't have a lot more to say, but I think that really is amazing in its own right, and certainly enough to earn ya a spot in my heart.

LegoLad659 LegoLad659 We don't really roleplay together (we figured our styles didn't really match a while ago) , but it has been a pleasure knowing ya (why does that sound like I'm going somewhere?), having our occasional little chats or playing some games together. I know I pester ya from time to time, but I would like you to know at least that bearing with me like that really is appreciated. Thank you so very much!

yuckeroni yuckeroni Gosh darn it, ever since the PSA I just love your seemingly unending source of enthusiasm for stuff, just where to do you keep all that lovely energy? Either way, wherever you go not just roleplaying but chatting with you is always a wonderful pleasure and something that brings a smile to my face (which I realize sounds a little off given the Joker movie recently came out, but I swear I only mean it in a good way).

The Mechanist The Mechanist buddy, you're a great friend, and though we may have our disagreements and we don't talk all that often, I still feel you're someone who's got my back and who really contributed to making my time here on RPN great. So thank you!

Psyche Psyche a wonderful partner, and uber patient with me on top of it! Thank you for working with me, and for our friendship as well!

These are just the ones from the top of my head, and honestly they barely amount of the tip of the iceberg of the people to tag. Still, each of them has been part of what my experience with this site has been, of how wonderful it all has been, and I'm really grateful for it <3

PS: As I write this I realize how cheesy it is all sounding, but it's really hard to express these things in words, do forgive me please....
Thank you for putting up with me/being a great friend! You're one of the people that make the site amazing for me :) <3
You know how to make a girl melt, Senpai! <3 I'm also super glad we can be weebs together! I always enjoy that you're so inclusive and you write about every one and just spread so much friendship on this site. You are one of a kind! :33:
Haha, I’m only one of a kind in the same way everyone else is :P

Thank you for the kind words though! <3
I've been on this site since 2013 so listing all of the people I could thank would be...well, what the hell.

-robert- -robert- (Leafa will always be my mascot!) Abrahms Abrahms Aimless Vagabond Aimless Vagabond Alteras Alteras Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 Arcanist Arcanist Archon Archon Arne Arne Arynne Arynne Aukanai Aukanai BarkWolfBacon BarkWolfBacon BasiliskVeranda BasiliskVeranda Blu Blu Braddington Braddington BreeDav BreeDav CaptainSully CaptainSully ChazGhost ChazGhost CupAndCough CupAndCough D. Rex D. Rex Damafaud Damafaud Purr Purr DapperCat DapperCat Darkraven Darkraven DergTheDergon DergTheDergon DiamondJack DiamondJack Dragongal Dragongal dwif dwif mogy mogy Equusheart Equusheart Error 420 Error 420 Vsland Vsland fickleglory fickleglory Foster Foster Andrita Andrita Fable Fable Gradous13 Gradous13 Grey Grey Grim Wraithe Stjerna Grim Wraithe Stjerna Hanarei Hanarei Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater LostHaven LostHaven HK Fifty HK Fifty IG42 IG42 Inheritance Inheritance Jadus Jadus jaydude jaydude Jean Otus Jean Otus J jfish D duegxybus June Verles June Verles Kaerri Kaerri Karcen Karcen Kayso Kayso Keidivh Keidivh Kharmin Kharmin Lakyr Lakyr Lekiel Lekiel LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 Lord-Leafar Lord-Leafar Lucem Lucem MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties Noble Scion Noble Scion Nuitari Delphiki Nuitari Delphiki Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi Orikanyo Orikanyo PlusUltra PlusUltra Proletariat Proletariat Psychie Psychie QizPizza QizPizza RayPurchase RayPurchase Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws redroseknight redroseknight Endless Dream Endless Dream Ronan Ronan RPLongAndProsper RPLongAndProsper Rui Rui Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford Rykon Rykon Ryse Ryse Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire ShakinMcBacon ShakinMcBacon Silanon Silanon SilverFlight SilverFlight Sopranos Sopranos Soviet Panda Soviet Panda Spazzycat101 Spazzycat101 Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Squee Squee The Silent Z The Silent Z StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Wackadoodle0987 Wackadoodle0987 TemplePhantom TemplePhantom ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki The Regal Rper The Regal Rper TYPE TYPE theunderwolf theunderwolf Trappy Trappy U uhhhhmelissa Unwavering Knight Unwavering Knight Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Vaneheart Vaneheart Vudukudu Vudukudu WlfSamurai WlfSamurai Xemanorth Xemanorth ZombWie ZombWie
You guys rock and are some of the great players I've played with. To anyone I didn't credit, it's my failing and not your lack. Thank you all for being awesome.

Special thanks to my favorite hosts and GMs:
Baba Luga Baba Luga - In a year's time, your 5e D&D game has become my favorite D&D game ever. I'm ever so grateful.
Esbilon Esbilon - We've played together for years, but your Maiden, Mother, Crone game remains a favorite. Thanks for being one of my best friends, sir.
Birdsie Birdsie - I've yet to be in a game of yours that lasted past a few months, but I've yet to quit trying. Your example as a GM and host is worthy of emulation by others.
Sherwood Sherwood - Our tastes in games are nearly indentical and you've been unfailingly patient with me despite my (lack of) scheduling abillities. Unreliable as I am, I'll never say no to a game you pitch.
Solar Daddy Solar Daddy - Your Unlit game has exceptional world building but it's your stamina and unwillingness to quit despite cast changes and large gaps of time that I really admire. May we all adventure into the cosmos for years to come!
Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor - You have a knack for pitching a great game that your players fall through on. Nonetheless, I've enjoyed every game I've joined and will always sign up for more. :)
SkyGinge SkyGinge - You weren't my first game host on RPN...you were my second, and the reason I ended up staying with this community. You have my lasting thanks and admiration.
Kabboom Kabboom - No one does combat better. And you've got a knack for keeping games going well past the year mark. You are a credit to this community.
Jet Jet - Your Voids Call game was off the hook for setting originality and great scene description. Thanks for taking what your players made and running with it!
Lexielai Lexielai - What can I say? Your Star Wars Travelers was my favorite Star Wars game, and both of your Astra Veda games rank among my favorites on this site. Incredible plots and great engagement with players, 10/10 can recommend again.
welian welian - Your Royal Witches game didn't go as far as I'd hoped but the friendships I've forged from joining your RP have lasted years. Thanks for worldbuilding, sweetie. :)
JadeGreen17 JadeGreen17 - For all that I was a flake of a player, I've never met a game host or storyteller who could write like you, describe or write NPCs like you. You are what I aspire to. Though it's been two years since we played together, no acknowledgement list could be complete without you on it.
Epiphany Epiphany I am beyond honored to be mentioned! It really made my day. I don't really think I'm incredibly good at RPing, so being on here really makes me feel good.

I guess I'll pitch in as well! I want to thank High Moon High Moon , Braddington Braddington , TheFool TheFool , and everyone else involved in one of my favorite RPs ever, Game of Thrones: The Exalted Council. Those days are some of my fondest roleplaying, and I want to thank you for it all.
I'm not really a great writer like my french boy crush that you can see as my profile picture, hell the best anagram I could come up with using his name was changing the last 2 and 3 letters of his first and last name respectively, not the brightest person really. So take this more as the dumb mumbling of a self titled fool compared to the other much more nicely written appreciatory posts on this thread. Oh and as a final note, due to my aforementioned stupidity I spent a lot of time here on an alt account by the name of Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo , so that's why some of you might get confused when I tag you.

Fable Fable Other than the fact that you're a wonderful member of the administration team for this website I also wanted to genuinely thank you for being kind to me through all the shenanigans I have committed, like when I left and joined with that prior account. Despite my tendency to leave rps I have somehow managed to remain in yours, on and off of course. But at least I won't be dipping out on you now that you've got that legal contract, right? Right.

DapperDogman DapperDogman Haz. Haz. marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Centurion_ Centurion_ fRick fRick Rhysie Rhysie and all the other OG MCRP squad that I am forgetting right now, while we've had a rough trip with that blasted series I've managed to somehow keep in contact with most of you, hell faction doesn't even hate me anymore. Some of you moved on but I want you guys to know that I really enjoyed that rp that started as a hosted project rp that was rebooted what felt like 14 times and a half, now if only dapper could do it the 15th time already for fucks sake.

Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford Idea Idea Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Lexielai Lexielai AgWordSmith AgWordSmith and probably many more, if I could I would kowtow through the screen to give my deepest apologies for leaving your RP's without a saying word. I have probably said this enough but in the end I'm just stupid and I probably have a stupid reason why I left, I hope I didn't upset any of you when I did leave and if I did then I just wanted to say sorry again.

Idea Idea I don't know why I tagged you twice really, you're just pretty cool doing your stuff around the site. Keep doing it if that's what you like doing.

ChazGhost ChazGhost You got a pretty cool RP too, just ignore the previous messages about inactivity in the rest of this post would you?

Birdsie Birdsie Stop selling yourself short loser, Piłsudski didn't raise no bitch.

Noble Scion Noble Scion L-lewd...

Inheritance Inheritance DapperCat DapperCat Xemanorth Xemanorth Hanarei Hanarei kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy r e i r e i StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Morzone Morzone Nightwisher Nightwisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thatguynameded Thatguynameded Tarmagon Tarmagon shadowz1995 shadowz1995 Fenris Fenris Kaerri Kaerri baddervibes baddervibes Myriad Myriad Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara darkred darkred Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Noivian Noivian Critic Ham Critic Ham Elekta Kount Elekta Kount GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Ineptitude Ineptitude L3n L3n SheepKing SheepKing Sleek Sleek Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Alteras Alteras Reinhardt Reinhardt Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Graystone713 Graystone713 QizPizza QizPizza and probably a lot more people who I forgot to tag and I am really, really, really sorry. Anyways you guys are cool too.
Last edited:
@Idea I don't know why I tagged you twice really, you're just pretty cool doing your stuff around the site. Keep doing it if that's what you like doing.
D'awww, thank you so much! Don't worry about leaving no RPs, I try not to take this stuff to heart. I feel real' appreciated right now, so that's enough to bring a smile to my face. <3
I'm not really a great writer like my french boy crush that you can see as my profile picture, hell the best anagram I could come up with using his name was changing the last 2 and 3 letters of his first and last name respectively, not the brightest person really. So take this more as the dumb mumbling of a self titled fool compared to the other much more nicely written appreciatory posts on this thread. Oh and as a final note, due to my aforementioned stupidity I spent a lot of time here on an alt account by the name of Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo , so that's why some of you might get confused when I tag you.

Fable Fable Other than the fact that you're a wonderful member of the administration team for this website I also wanted to genuinely thank you for being kind to me through all the shenanigans I have committed, like when I left and joined with that prior account. Despite my tendency to leave rps I have somehow managed to remain in yours, on and off of course. But at least I won't be dipping out on you now that you've got that legal contract, right? Right.

DapperDogman DapperDogman Haz. Haz. marc122 marc122 jigglesworth jigglesworth FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Centurion_ Centurion_ fRick fRick Rhysie Rhysie and all the other OG MCRP squad that I am forgetting right now, while we've had a rough trip with that blasted series I've managed to somehow keep in contact with most of you, hell faction doesn't even hate me anymore. Some of you moved on but I want you guys to know that I really enjoyed that rp that started as a hosted project rp that was rebooted what felt like 14 times and a half, now if only dapper could do it the 15th time already for fucks sake.

Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford Idea Idea Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo Lexielai Lexielai AgWordSmith AgWordSmith and probably many more, if I could I would kowtow through the screen to give my deepest apologies for leaving your RP's without a saying word. I have probably said this enough but in the end I'm just stupid and I probably have a stupid reason why I left, I hope I didn't upset any of you when I did leave and if I did then I just wanted to say sorry again.

Idea Idea I don't know why I tagged you twice really, you're just pretty cool doing your stuff around the site. Keep doing it if that's what you like doing.

ChazGhost ChazGhost You got a pretty cool RP too, just ignore the previous messages about inactivity in the rest of this post would you?

Birdsie Birdsie Stop selling yourself short loser, Piłsudski didn't raise no bitch.

Noble Scion Noble Scion L-lewd...

Inheritance Inheritance DapperCat DapperCat Xemanorth Xemanorth Hanarei Hanarei kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy r e i r e i StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Morzone Morzone Nightwisher Nightwisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thatguynameded Thatguynameded Tarmagon Tarmagon shadowz1995 shadowz1995 Fenris Fenris Kaerri Kaerri baddervibes baddervibes Myriad Myriad Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara darkred darkred Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind Noivian Noivian Critic Ham Critic Ham Elekta Kount Elekta Kount GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Ineptitude Ineptitude L3n L3n SheepKing SheepKing Sleek Sleek Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Alteras Alteras Reinhardt Reinhardt Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Graystone713 Graystone713 and probably a lot more people who I forgot to tag and I am really, really, really sorry. Anyways you guys are cool too.
Dude, it's fine. I leave without a word sometimes too.
Epiphany Epiphany Heya Pips! You have a tremendous talent for role-playing and I do not say that lightly. Every time you make a character, it's a character with depth, feeling, and personality. You combine imagination and skill to create believable characters worth caring about and I like that about you! I hope we get to role-play again sometime! =)

And thank you for adding me to your list. You honor me!

Honor and fun,
Dann =)
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford We've been in half a dozen games together at one time or another, and I've enjoyed your characters. Looking forward to gaming more with you in the future, should we find a mutual interest check in common. ;)

SilverFlight SilverFlight My pleasure, I assure you. Your Order of Seven game was a lot of fun for a few months a year or two back, and my first game with you was a ginormous RP where people had linked animal companions they were bonded with. We've also played in a couple of games together. I've always admired the ease and readability of your prose. Appreciate having you on this site and looking forward to next time. :)

Idea Idea Honorable mention here; I don't know that we've played together frequently but I'm a big fan of your Rewind thread (which more people should read!)

Vsland Vsland Again, we've crossed paths a few times in the last couple of years and you've always been a solid writer with interesting characters to interact with. Look forward to more. :)

Purr Purr You're the most enthusiastic person on RPNation and anyone who has ever gamed with you will agree. The work you put into your characters is exceeded only by the work you put into your games. You engage like no one's business, wish more people did. :) Thanks for being you, D!

MechanicalSnake MechanicalSnake We have a pattern of joining RPs that die early, unfortunately, but every time you've been a solid RPer with good characters who are easy to play with/off. Jaded or not, you've got the skills. Now we just have to find some good games. ;)
Epiphany Epiphany You're welcome! I'm just being me; I don't know any other way to be! *laughs* 8D
Solid...I'll take it.

Interesting characters...I'll take it.

The problem lies with looking forward for more 😂 don't expect too much of me lmao
Not one but multiple people mentioned me? (ू′o‵ ू)*✲゚

Birdsie Birdsie One day we will Co-Gm a roleplay together!
Idea Idea I am not nearly as skilled or knowledgeable as the ones you grouped me with. ;-;
Epiphany Epiphany <3
June Verles June Verles *fans self with contract* Wait, what? Oh yes yes, ahem ahem. Now go post! <3 XD

As far as who I think make the site awesome. Let's see.
Birdsie Birdsie because even though he can drive me up the wall at times I have to admit he approaches things creatively. Even if it's the frustrating kind of creative that makes you want to gag him and slap him because it's just too ridiculous.

Alteras Alteras who I pester when I have a coding problem because I am a code derp and they are Saint Alteras of BBCode.

fluticasone fluticasone who is a coding deity that I worship secretly and is also patient as well as chill and kind.

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 my zealot! Most loyal follower spreading the good word of my codes (even though I never asked for it, lol). I appreciate your kind words regarding my codes and dedication in using them and even shoving them in the faces of others, lol.

StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 my bad cop and duchess of salt who I can vent to.

Tarmagon Tarmagon who is to this day my longest rp partner ever! Understanding of issues when they come up and just as dedicated to writing a reply.

ashwynne ashwynne my newest rp partner who is great to chat with OOC in plotting comedic torture for NPCs and a great writer who I hope to learn some skills from.

Noble Scion Noble Scion Lewd bae.

Kaerri Kaerri The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard Gilzar Gilzar the mighty admins who make me feel like Thor with his hammer *insert I am still worthy gif meme*

ApfelSeine ApfelSeine Meredith Meredith DergTheDergon DergTheDergon Onmyoji Onmyoji AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Daisie Daisie Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe kibou kibou PanOtterPus PanOtterPus My fellow Staff friends of course.

Lyro Lyro cause god damn he started BBCode revolution!

One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost We don't chat as much anymore, but he's still cool and hopefully we'll RP together again someday, one day.

If I missed someone I'm sorry. ;-; I mean my biggest shout out is honestly to all the site members who help make this place a great community by helping other members, writing, and just being a positively awesome presence.

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