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Fandom Grimm Hunter Part 2: Twin Tendency


Character arc enthusiast

"Alright, it's almost time As. You got all the gear?"
"Your Pride is well strapped?"
"Double checked it."
"...Did you pick your socks in a pair?"
I can barely believe this. Took me three years. Three long years of trying and a fight that got me a day at the hospital, but I made it in to Beacon! It all happened so fast ever since I got the news, maybe because I have no idea what to do when things actually work out. Before I knew it, I'm at the locker rooms and my sister is making sure I got everything ready for the first day. Even though I'm the older brother, she seems so much more calmer about this... But then again, it's Sini. She's got this. She smiles at my remark to say:
"Alright, alright... Just wanted to calm you down. You do know that you're sweating, right?" I check my forehead and swipe out some of it. "Just keep it easy and call for help if you get hurt, ok?"
She knew I was lying, and she knew there was no use pressing on, so she gives me a pat on the shoulders and heads outside. Could I end up in her team? It would be nice to team up with someone I could trust but it can't be her. What would I even do in her team? Besides, you know, getting in her way. I'd like to get into a team where I could actually make a difference if that's not asking too much. And besides... It's not like Sini is the only student I know there. Just beside me, the Russet twins have finished preparing and are busy examining the lockers. They're perfect identical twins: if it weren't for Verde always going with sleeveless shirts and shorts, I could never tell them apart.
"You were right, sis." Midori said while she took notes on her notebook. "It's a new-gen prototype rocket locker model. Do you think it uses fairy energy?"
"Hah! As if those good-for-nothing scientists here at Beacon could make that out." Verde gloats. As soon as she notices me she turns to me: "Aslan! It's nice seeing you here. Like, really. Did you have to wrestle your test of something?" She chuckles, referring to the bandages on my face. Midori walks to me and bows.
"It's an, uh... Long story." Is what I manage to say. "But I made it in. Should we get going? The other students are probably waiting for us."
"You got it, chief!" Verde says. She reaches out for Midori, who's already distracted with the rocket lockers again, and yanks her close. "That's enough Midori, we can check on them more later."
"Uh... Ok." Midori replies, still staring at the locker machines. With those two having my back, I walk outside with a little more confidence.


It was an absolutely stunning day for Cherry Roja's debut at Beacon, even though the sky was actually ridden with heavy dark clouds. Cherry had made her way to the hill near the start of the Emerald forest and was waiting happily for the test to start alongside her sister Sonora. She couldn't help but shower her little sister in questions as they waited for the others:
"Hey Sonora, isn't it great? We actually made it in! This is the best day of my life! Hey, do you think the Russets twins made it? I'm pretty sure the McClouds didn't break a sweat... Oh, and Sini too! She'd never like not get in. And As..." Her voice died out a bit as she reached his name. "Y-you think that he- AS!!!" Her worries were cut short as she saw Aslan, his sister and the Russets heading uphill. She hit the lion faunus with a tackle hug; thankfully, she was light enough that he barely noticed it. "You made it! Congrats!"
"Thanks Cherry!" Aslan replied, carefully letting Cherry down. "And hello Sonora. Glad that you made it." In the meantime, Sini walked up to the test instructor and greeted the familiar face with with a nod.
"Ms. Goodwitch. Can I ask what we're having for today?"
"Of course." She repleid back. Even with the eight of the years upon her face she had not lost one bit of her grace. She made a flick of the wand and took in a very special gear for the students. "You know, we used to do things differently back then. But now... Emeral forest has changed. Our whole world has changed, and as always, it is a matter of adapting or dying. So for your first job today I want to see how all of you wield your slingers." Just as she said that, a loud screech could be heard in the air and a flock of winged drakes took a dive long the hill, then began to soar in the distance. Emerald forest was far from the same indeed... It was now also the home of monsters.
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Upon arriving to the testing area of Beacon with her sister, Sonora Jr. sighed as she looked at the dark clouds, making everything seem bleak. But with Cherry, Sonora could not help but feel happy. "It is great, Cherry. I do think the Russets got in, since they are scary smart. The Mcclouds have Aunt Gamora training them, so it's no wonder they got in. And Sini and Aslan deserve to be here. They got awesome parents afterall." Sonora said in a somewhat disinterested tone, but she could not believe that the whole crew got into beacon. Sonora smiled at Aslan, and chuckled. "You guys are late. So glad you guys could make it!" Sonora jokingly said as she playfully punched her cousin on the arm. With Glynda saying something about slingers, she put one on, and got a weird feeling she knew what was going to happen next.

Tristan waited for a while, before getting impatient. "Damnit Noctis! Late on a test day?! Whatever, I do not want to be late for this." Tristan walked to the testing area, Teostra's Castle nice and sharp. He saw the group, and waved. "Sorry I'm late, I got tired of waiting on my lazy brother." Tristan heard something about slingers, and immediately knew what was happening. "Thankfully mom taught me and Noctis how to use these babies." Tristan Skillfully aimed at a Wingdrake, and fired the hook, landing it on the harness, and floated off with the others. CapRock CapRock

I flinch a bit at Sonora's punch. Her words are as sharp as ever; I'm actually late in more ways that one, even if I'm sure she didn't mean it that way. But this is not about me, is it? Now the whole gang's there. I probably shouldn't be this surprised. Our parents are the stuff of legend; they've made whole books just out of all of their adventures. To have even a single one not attending an academy would be... Well, Noctis isn't here yet, but you get what I mean.
"Noc never changes, does he?" I answer Tristan. It's hard to hold in a chuckle whenever he got mad over his brother's antics, but I manage.
I take the slinger and give it a good look over. Mom trained us in using this, so I should be fine... Right? I hear a thunder strike in the distance, which probably means I should get going. I take aim with the slinger and fire, then I let the Drake lift me up into the air. The air is beating up my face and the position is extremely unconfortable, but after a few moments it becomes quite relaxing. The view is nothing to scoff at, too! Sini and me are just behind Tristan, it's still a long way down and I figure I'll stick around them until I find a goal to go after.


"G-guys... Isn't this a bit too high? If we let go from this tall, W-we could even hit terminal velocity..." Verde half-yelled, half-mumbled as she held on to dear life. She was using all her strenght to not look down since that would spell her doom. At the very least, she could count on her sister for anything...
...Or could she?
"Midori!" She screamed at Midori as her sister steered further and further away from Verde without ever realizing what was happening. Verde herself was too paralyzed to steer after her "Midori, come back here! Please!" While she was way too close to mental breakdown, Cherry just by her was having the time of her life:
"Woohoooo! Go dragon!" She had managed to mount the winged drake and now steered it better than anyone, taking laps around the group. "Take me to the goal!" She screamed, pointing to nowhere in particular.
Though Sonora took this seriously, she could not help but admire Cherry's enthusiasm and optimism in this situation. For as long as she could remember, she was the happy one of the two, while Sonora herself was quiet and distant. "How can she be happy at a time like this? Maybe it's just the way she is." Sonora was rather envious of her sister's attitude, but she couldn't put it past her. Cherry had helped her more than the other way around, in many situations. "Cherry! Can you try to stay focused?"

She did not like snapping at her sister, but at the same time, she did not want the walking entity if diabetes that is her sistet getting hurt.

Noctis finally arrived to the testing area, but was frustrated when he saw everyone was gone. "Yo, Teach! Where is everyone?" Noctis asked nervously as Glynda glared at him. "You're late. Put this on, and get ready." Noctis did exactly what he was told, and put on the slinger. "Mom has one of these at home. She taught me and Tristan how to use these." He then shot the hook into a Miernos, and flew in the direction of the others.
Tristan looked behind him, and saw Noctis slowly catching up. "And the lazy ass shows up. At least he showed up late than not at all." Tristan thought as he sighed with relief, since he was not going to have to tell Gamora about Noctis not showing up at all.
CapRock CapRock

I see Noctis come along to join us as we speed up towards the depths of the forest. It's getting cold and wet out here as we near the center of the storm and the lightnings don't seem to be getting any weaker. Sini picks up on this and pulls down on her Winged Drake, saying:
"Keep your profile low! We don't want this storm to end our first day too early, do we?"
Look at sis, taking care of us even here. She is right though, so I pull on my sling... But the damned thing just won't obey me. I yank and struggle with it as much as II can, but it just keeps on its course while the others fly down and before long, I see a huge flash of white and a massive crackle. Everything goes dark for a moment and I can only feel the gust coarsing through me. I jerk myself awake again; the trees are rushing toward me way too fast to comfort. This should be a pinch to most, but this time, my Semblance has my back; I let all the air in and, just as I go through the trees, I let out a large roar to stop my fall dead in its tracks. I reach for the ground just a moment later, rolling twice to a stop.
Well, wasn't that a close call? Now if I can just get up and meet with the others... But wait. There's something in front of me. It's big, ugly and very angry at me. It sniffs a ball of hot, humid breath onto me and starts to sratch the ground with its front paw. That's way too close! I use whatever's left of air in my Semblance to hurl myself away just in time to avoid it's charge, then I unseathe Pride. That's an... Bull something? I can't remember the name. But it's here and it's out for my head, so I better get ready for it.


Sini saw her brother fall, but she isn't worried with him just yet; she knows that his Semblance will protect him from the fall. She saw Cherry listen to her sister and manuever the winged drake up to Verde; the Russet girl clinged on for dear life onto Cherry, releasing the Drake she was dangling into. Still shaking, Verde managed to say:
"M-midori... Help me get Midori!"
"Understood!" Cherry said, steering her ride towards the side where Midori went. "Come on sis, let's go get her!" Just before leaving Sini's line of sight, she says: "See you guys at the finish line!"
"You too, Cherry!" Sini yelled back. "Alright Mcclouds, let's meet on the ground and set a plan before anyone else gets shocked."
With that said, Sini released the Drake from the sling and dropped down, reaching for the ground at an angle. She hit the very top of a pine tree with her feet, bending it to the side with her momentum; when it was nearly breaking, she leaped out of it, then grabbed a branch and swung under it, falling perfectly atop another branch a few feet further ahead. Sini squatted as she landed on it, then slid her legs forward and sat on it, getting a good look around the area. She saw a group of Grimm ot the right and her brother dueling a Bulldrome to the left, but still no discernible goal. What could they want of them? She could only wonder.
Sonora followed Cherry's lead, and shouted to sini "I am gonna go with them! Be careful cousin!!" Sonora's wingdrake followed the others, as Tristan nodded. "Good Idea! I do not want to get hit with Thunderblight or paralysis in this storm! Noctis! Do not fall behind again!" The Mccloud twins unhooked their slingers, and used their semblances to slow their fall, until they reached the Ground. Once on land, Tristan made note of his surroundings. "please tell me you have your potions and stuff....?" "No worries bro! Never leave home without them." Noctis took out a bottle of green liquid, and put it back into his bag. A distance away, Tristan saw the Bulldrome about to attack Aslan. He grabs a fruit from a plant, loads it into her slinger, and fired it at the beast. The Bulldrome turned around, and without a word, Noctis got ready. "Go for Aslan! I will distract the Bulldrome!" Tristan ordered as the beast started its charge. Noctis ran past the fanged beast, and helped aslan up. "You ok bro? You got any bruises or scracthes?" CapRock CapRock

I tense up my body as the monsters prepares another charge at me. The test is just beggining and I'm already fighting something. But that's the life of a huntsman, right? Just a never-ending world of monsters and grimm out to get me. The sooner I get used to fighting all of them, the better. But not this one: Tristan and Noctis showed up just in time, smashing a fruit against the beast and getting me out of its sights. Next thing I know, Noctis is holding out a hand for me. They can really form a great team when they agree on something, can't them? I can't help but be impressed.
"Nothing more than the usual, thanks." I reply to Noctis. Had to use my aura to protect myself from the lightning. That and the roars ended up using quite a lot of energy right from the start, I have to be careful not to run out. Despite that, I'm still holding tight onto Pride and heading towards Tristan. "Come on, Noc, let's help out your brother!"


Midori came to her senses a bit before her descent was done; she was so busy thinking up the possibilities of fairy energy proppelled rocket lockers that she didn't realize she had strayed away from the rest of the group. She mantained her height and position around a certain interesting clearing until Cherry and Sonora showed in, accompanied by a very nervous Verde.
"Look." Midori said, pointing down. "The ground."
Cherry followed Midori's command and found the same thing as her; the soil there was quite different from the others, being completely covered in dry leaves and dead branches. Given most trees in the Emerald Forest didn't lose their leaves at fall, Midori figured it was worth exploring.
"That's odd..." Cherry said. "Let's check it out!"
"Check what out?" Verde asked. She didn't have the courage to look down. "Put me down, I wanna see it!"
Midori and Cherry both let out their slingers and dropped down. They quickly found out what was behind the leaves as they all caved in to their weight, revealing a several feet deep and wide crater. Beawulves and Ursa started to pop up from all sides, surrounding them.
"Of course it was a trap..." Verde sighted, cleaning the dirt from her clothes. "I would have warned you, but... You know..."
"Yes I do, sister." Agreed Midori as she took out her weapon. She knew very well about her fear of heights but whether she thought Verde could actually tell the trap or not, that was another story.
"Now you're talkin' let's get the Bulldrome's attention!" Noctis said as he drew his energy sword, which was red in color. "We're coming, Tristan!"
Tristan dodged the beast's charges, making sure he was in Axe mode, so he could counter. "alright guys! We need to take this thing down! Noctis, Aslan! Hit it with all you got! I will try to keep it contained, so it does not hurt Anyone! I will need some cover to get an arena up!" Noctis slashed at the beast, making it angry, and target him. "C'mon piggie! Let's dance!"
Sonora landed next to Cherry and the others, and sighed. "Of course... The old "Surrounded hero standoff" Cliché. Whatever shall we do now?" Sonora said in feigned surprise as she readied Sir Speakeasy, and readied the chamber. "You ready to kick some butt, girls?" CapRock CapRock

Tristan needs cover. Got it. All we have to do is not get hit while he does his thing, right? I sure hope so. Up top in the branches, Sini is looking for clues, but she's also watching us. She wants me to show her that I can do this too, that I didn't luck my way in. Well then, I'll show her just that! I run up to the Bulldrome and gather up some air to release it into Pride. The air runs up through the sword's grooves and exit through the back, boosting my swing enough to cause me to float a bit. The blade carves through fur and hide and the boar-like monster screeches in pain. I've landed again and he now has set his sights on me... Tristan better know what he's doing.


"A Hero standoff, yes." Midori agreed to Sonora as she readied her Heather. "I'm all set up. Just be careful not to fire into my portals, or you'll end up kicking the wrong butts."
Despite the situation she was in, Cherry's biggest worry was her sister's question. "Awww... Do we really have to kick them?" She ran up to a beowulf and hug it, petting the grimm for a second while it tried to process what just happened. "Look at it! Isn't it cute?" Her bargaining was cut short when the Beowulf tried to bite off a piece of her head; thankfully, she was quick to get out of the way. "Eeeep! Not cute!" She took out her hatchet revolvers and began spinning them around her middle fingers. "Ok, so... Just enough so we can open up an exit route, right?" Cherry added.
"Naturally." Verde answered while pointing at a spot on the ground. A light blue puddle exited the ground and formed a humanoid creature with white fur about 8 feet tall, a Hoppe. "You slip past the grimm and find the easiest way out. Go!" She told the Hoppe and it obeyed instantly, running through the grimm unscathed as they closed in. "Ok team. Ready, set... Fire!" Verde took aim with Sunflower in Gauntlet mode and shot a fire dust bomb, exploding at the first Beowulf in front of her; A hail of bullets from the team followed right after.
It took a few minutes for Tristan to form an Arena that was tall enough for the beast to not jump out of, but it is taking a lot of his focus to keep it up. "Noctis! Aslan! Kill it fast! The arena can only stay up for so long with my control!" Tristan said in a strained and urgent tone. He is open and Vulnerable, but Noctis knows how to keep the attention on him. "Hey piggie! How about you eat a salad? You can afford to lose that pudge!" The bulldrome Charged, and Noctis slashed its side, causing it to flinch in pain as a tuft of fur was removed, and leaving a cauterized gash in its side. This angered the Bulldrome, causing it to go into a frenzy, charging at Noctis and Aslan.

Sonora really wished Sonora Sr. Was here, but they were on their own. She watched cherry try to hug a Beowulf, before learning quickly why thay is a mistake. "You see why they are a threat, Cherry!? I better not see that again, or I will....!" Sonora shifted her attention to the incoming grimm, immediately opening fire. Her bullets had Fire dust in them, setting the Grimm aflame as the bullets landed. "You jerks think You can take a bite out of my sister?! That is where you are wrong!!" as an Ursa Came close, on fire, and angry, Sonora jr. Changed her gun into sword mode, and began to hack and slash at the flaming monster of darkness. CapRock CapRock

We're doing our very best here, but that thing only gets angrier as we hit it! Is this really helping the situation? No, Aslan. Keep it together, trust Tristan. He's the one with a plan. I follow my instincts and place myself between Noctis and the Bulldrome, sword ahead. I shift all my weight forward and brace myself to face the thing head on; As expected, it hits like a truck, but I dig my legs deep into the dirt and resist the charge with all all I got, slowing it down to a crawl as the monster pushes me back. My arms are burning like crazy, but other than that, I'm doing fine.
"Now's the chance!" I yell at Noctis. "Cut it down before it tramples over me, please!"
...I just hope this is what sis expected from me.


"I'm s-sorry sis, I just can't help it!" Cherry answered.
The Grimm close in tight on the group despite their best attempts at resisting fire. Sonora was the first to break formation, followed by Cherry; She jumped atop an Ursa and fanned her revolvers until their clip was empty. After that she hit a lever to drop the entire chamber from each hatchet and reloaded a new one to keep shooting. Midori started to open up her portals and distribute her ice charges around as well. But Verde would have nothing of that disorganisation; she activated her Sunflower on shield mode and slammed it into the ground, sending off a wave of fire around her that drove the Grimm back for a moment.
"Keep yourselfs close, people! I'm cooking up a plan that'll get us out of here for sure."
"I like battering rams." Midori simply said as she zipped back and froth between portals to attack.
"Yeah, sure Midori, not very helpful." Verde mubmled. As she got lost into thought trying to get them out of there, the Grimm became to close in on her and she'd be in a pinch if no one helped her soon. What should we do to get us out of here... Wait, I got it!
"Save the cuddles for Sparky when we get home, alright?" Sonora brought down the flaming ursa, and used her Semblance to increase her Weapon's sharpness, and her shield's durability. She fell back towards the others, and looked at Verde. "I hope that plan involves getting out of here, and finding the others. I'm starting to worry about Aslan and Sini." Sonora said in a somewhat aggressive tone, she was trying to keep her frustration in check, with some success.

"No need to tell me twice! This will make for some good carvings!" Noctis said as he charged the beast, and spat out a stream of flame out of his hand, severely burning the Bulldrome. He then slashed at the back legs, and then sliced the head off cleanly. "Take it down, Tristan! So angry. So ugly. So dead." Noctis said as he began to carve pieces of the beast off, while removing pieces of the tusks. "I cannot wait to tell mom about this! She will be so proud of us!" "yeah, but don't think she will let you showing up late go so easily." Tristan said as he started to carve as well. Once done, tristan looked at Aslan with a smile. "You did an exceptional job. You and Noctis both. I should have mom take you on a hunt with us sometime." He said, extending his hand out for a handshake. CapRock CapRock

I stare into the Bulldrome's eyes as I pour all I've got into keeping it in its place until its head is not there anymore. I let myself fall into my butt and sit while the brothers do their carving on the beast. Even attending Beacon, they can't help but follow their mom's way of doing things... I guess that's expected. Once they're done, I'm surprised by Tristan offering me a handshake and kind words. He's already acting like we're already on a team, basically, and I can't say the idea isn't exciting. I shake his hand back and say:
"Thanks! Noc did most of the work, though. I'm just happy I didn't get in the way."


While the boys were busy with Bulldrome, Sini had been out and about in the treetops, avoiding any trouble and gathering information. She showed up shortly after the monster was killed, dropping from the trees with something on her hands.
"Is everyone ok?" Sini asked while glancing at everyone, then the Bulldrome. "Seems so. I was out looking for a lead and I think I've found our goal." She revealed four playing cards with a fairily unique design; they were all a card of Brachydios, one of each suit and each highlighting a different part of the beast. She handed the two black suits to Noctis and Tristan and the suit of tiles to Aslan. "I've found these laying around in shrines, they're definitely from a Brachydios. And if you look behind them..." She flipped the card around. All of them had the words 'don't kill the king' written on them. "This should be interesting."


"Verde, watch out!" Midori yelled as she striked the beowulves out of her sister's way just in time to give her some space.
"Thanks sis." Verde replied. "Oh this will get us out of here alright. Guys, rally behind my shield, we're doing a human battering ram!" Midori simply stared at Verde in disbelief as she and Cherry ran behind Verde. "I know, right? I have such good ideas. Now fire them up, sis!" Midori had learned a long time ago that at times like these it was best to just pretend she didn't come up with the same idea 5 seconds ago and go with the flow. She poked an ice dust charge on the ground with her spear and it went off, creating a chain reaction of ice exposions that pushed off or impaled all the Grimm in a straight line. At the end of it, she could see the Hoppe pointing directly at a visible exit. Verde pointed forward, her flaming shield ahead of the team, and yelled:
"Now chaaarge!"

I stare into the Bulldrome's eyes as I pour all I've got into keeping it in its place until its head is not there anymore. I let myself fall into my butt and sit while the brothers do their carving on the beast. Even attending Beacon, they can't help but follow their mom's way of doing things... I guess that's expected. Once they're done, I'm surprised by Tristan offering me a handshake and kind words. He's already acting like we're already on a team, basically, and I can't say the idea isn't exciting. I shake his hand back and say:
"Thanks! Noc did most of the work, though. I'm just happy I didn't get in the way."


While the boys were busy with Bulldrome, Sini had been out and about in the treetops, avoiding any trouble and gathering information. She showed up shortly after the monster was killed, dropping from the trees with something on her hands.
"Is everyone ok?" Sini asked while glancing at everyone, then the Bulldrome. "Seems so. I was out looking for a lead and I think I've found our goal." She revealed four playing cards with a fairily unique design; they were all a card of Brachydios, one of each suit and each highlighting a different part of the beast. She handed the two black suits to Noctis and Tristan and the suit of tiles to Aslan. "I've found these laying around in shrines, they're definitely from a Brachydios. And if you look behind them..." She flipped the card around. All of them had the words 'don't kill the king' written on them. "This should be interesting."


"Verde, watch out!" Midori yelled as she striked the beowulves out of her sister's way just in time to give her some space.
"Thanks sis." Verde replied. "Oh this will get us out of here alright. Guys, rally behind my shield, we're doing a human battering ram!" Midori simply stared at Verde in disbelief as she and Cherry ran behind Verde. "I know, right? I have such good ideas. Now fire them up, sis!" Midori had learned a long time ago that at times like these it was best to just pretend she didn't come up with the same idea 5 seconds ago and go with the flow. She poked an ice dust charge on the ground with her spear and it went off, creating a chain reaction of ice exposions that pushed off or impaled all the Grimm in a straight line. At the end of it, she could see the Hoppe pointing directly at a visible exit. Verde pointed forward, her flaming shield ahead of the team, and yelled:
"Now chaaarge!"
"Aslan, Do not talk like that. As future Huntsman, we gotta work together. I expect you to do everything you can, just like we are expected to as well." Tristan said with a serious tone. "You are better than you think you are, do not forget that." "Yeah! You totally killed it, bro!" Noctis chimed in as Sini came up. "Brachydios...? If I recall correctly, Gamora Hakum has one of those as her mount, and with my limited knowledge of the species, they are weak to water, and their hardest part is the horn." Tristan said as noctis nodded.

Sonora charged with her sister and the russets, her weapon in gun mode. She kept her focus ahead, and watched the others. CapRock CapRock

Oh no... I've did it again! I've spoke out loud the stuff I should keep to myself, now Tristan and Noctis are trying to cheer me up. The quicker I nod and smile quietly, since to say I agree with them would be just a straight lie and I want the subject to be over and out as quickly as possible. My sister hands me the card and Tristan explains what he knows of the monster; my card has the tail highlighted in it.
"So I've heard." Sini agrees to Tristan. As she puts the card in her back pocket, I catch a glimpse of it; of course she kept the horn to herself.
With that said, we're back on our feet and searching up on the Brachydios. I can tell this one is serious business. Why? Well, it's simple. Sini is actually putting on her gloves on for this one.


Cherry ran in the middle of charge, having the time of her life as they pressed through the grimm. Verde's shield pushed them aside, where they fell to Sonora's bullets or Midori's Heather. The group was very near the exit when a large shadow was cast over them. Verde halted the group just in time as a massive shadow landed upon them; it was large, burly and seemed very mean. Judging by Berde and Midori's gasps she could tell they were in big trouble.
"Oh no..." Said Verde. "It's a Beringel!"
"It dropped something." Midori observed as it snatched it from the air. "Playing cards with a Beringel on them... And on the back, they all say 'escape'." After she said that, the Beringel knocked on its chest and delievered an ear-shattering roar. Cherry took a step back and whispered:
"Sounds like a plan."
"What's the plan Verde?! This thing isn't exactly a friendly animal that won't kill Cherry with a bite to the face." Sonora backed away slowly, her gun pointed at the Grimm Gorilla.

"Do be Careful if you go up close. They aren't the type to hold back their.... Explosive... Temper." Tristan warned as Noctis snickered. "Yeah man, They got this green goo that explodes when it is bright, and after the monster licks its arms. The goo goes Green, yellow, red, then BOOM! Don't get any on you, if you like being in one piece." Noctis said as he remembers a demonstration Gamora of Hakum Village showed with her Brachydios. It may be small, but it packed way more punch than an adult in the wild. Whatever she did to it, it served the beast well. "Let's go find it! Should we split up, or...?" "No, you thirsty bastard. We stick together. Did you not pay attention when mom was talking to us about teamwork?" Tristan shook his head, and then sighed. "Let's get this over with." CapRock CapRock

Noctis sure has some gut to try and get together with Sini. Last guy I've heard even tried that... Nevermind, I shouldn't be worrying about that right now. Sini takes the lead and I gladly take the back end of the group. I remember reading some things about this monster... If my memory serves me right, then we really should be getting any warnings to not kill that thing; having to break off a part of it like that should be enough of a challenge. After exploring for a bit, we reach the entrance of what seems to be a cave. Sini crouches over a plant and picks up the remains of a leaf.
"It's been blown to pieces... Yes, this is definitely the place." She warns. "Like Tristan said, they're really dangerous up close, so wait for aan opening, get in a hit and then fall back. Are we ready?"
"After you, sis." I say, nodding to her. She gave me the easiest part, so the least I can do is break it on my own... I hope.


"For now?" Verde asked back to Sonora Jr. "Just get out of its way ASAP!"
The Beringel didn't seem much fond on waiting for the team to talk, so it picked up a Beowulf beside him and hurled the grimm at them as if it weighted nothing; that's when Midori saw her chance. She created a portal right in front of her, redirecting the hurled beowulfat the gorila grimm's head. It confused the beast for just the moment they needed to escape. That itself wasn't easy either, since they had to fight their every inch through the grimm. But Midori wouldn't panic yet; Quietly but surely, she began firing he ice dust charges around a certain pattern. She had a plan and this time Verde wouldn't hear about it until it was too late for her to claim it.
"Actually.... Noctis and I have something up our sleeves you may appreciate. Just wait until we fight it." "Bro... You mean...?" "Yes, I do." Tristan nodded as they heard stomping coming closer and closer, until the Brachydios came into view. "Get ready everyone, he's here." The Ebonshelled monster stared the group down, before letting out an echoing roar that caused the group to cover their ears. "Noctis! Now! Bring it down!" Noctis nodded, and drew his sword. He ran at Tristan, did a forward jump flip, and jumped off of tristan, swinging twice at the beast, knocking it down. Noctis hooked on as he got up, and began stabbing the Brachydios' back with his carving knife, while it attacked the others.

Sonora Jr. Took the chance and ran, activating her semblance as she ran. She fired upon the beowulves and ursai, mowing them down as the others fought. "Keep moving! Harambe clearly doesn't like us! And don't think about hugging this one Cherry!" Sonora said as a beowulf stood in her way, and she switched to sword mode. CapRock CapRock

As soon as Noctis jumps up the Brachydios, the monster becomes furious and absolute chaos ensues. The beast is mad at us, and for good reason I'd say, so it is stomping and slamming around like crazy. I'm just trying to get away from it when I pass near a slime pile and find out the hard way how those work. The exposion almost knocks me off balance and if I were a little closer I'd probably be done for. The explosions are just going off everywhere and I'm not even sure where's safe, so attacking the tail is the last thing on my mind right now. But thankfully, I'm not the only one here. There's someone just by me, and she knows just what to do.


"Not bad!" Sini tells Noctis and Tristan. "Hold on tight Noctis, I'm going in."
With that said, Sini built up speed, jumped into a wall and leaped into the Brachydios' head from the flanks. Shame started to glow and crackle and her electric aura bursted through it, taking the shape of massive electric claws as she got a direct hit on the Brachydios' horn. The monster roared in anger and begun to slam its pounders in her general direction. Sini moved like a ghost around the blasts, firing a constant barrage of aura projectiles at the horn while she dodged. The Brachidyos had enough of that, so it stopped pounding the floor and reared its head back to hit its target with a horn slam; yet the huntress in training didn't flee, remaining upright right in front of her.
"Sini, what are you doing! Aslan cried out of her. "Get out of there!" But it was too late. The Brachydios swung its head down with all force towards Sini...
...Only to have it stop halfway.
"I love it when you worry about me, As." Sini said. "But you really should focus on your goal."
The Sterling girl was still standing as she said that, holding both hands up as her claws held on tight to the monster's horn. It struggled and pushed down the best it could, but the squishy prey below it just wouldn't budge. Sini turned her attention back to the Brachydios and then pulled both her hands down, smashing the creature's head into the ground before her. One last pull snapped the horn clean in her hands and then she leapt away from danger as it got back up again. She put her horn aside and simply said:
"1 down, 4 to go."


The scramble continued as the ~~Harambe~~ Beringel grimm began to pound the ground behind the team. Verde didn't have the space or time anymore to summon any more Hoppe and she cursed her own ego for not summoning them preemtpively since she could really use a couple at the moment. Things seemed bleak for them as the grimm closed in qucikly. If she couldn't think of something quickly they'd be done for and even Cherry was starting to realize that. With nowhere to run off to, the Roja girl started to retract and panic, her fear building up to the point where she simply couldn't hold it in her anymore:
The scream filled the canyon they were in, paralyzing all the smaller Grimm as they held onto their ears in pain. Verde saw the chance and got a couple of Hoppes summoned to help her out.
"Good point, Cherry!" Verde said. "If you guys got any trick up your sleeves, now is a great chance to use them. Just saying."
While sini was doing her thing, Noctis finally brought down the Brachydios with a deep stab into the back, causing it to toppl over, and try to get up. "Tristan! The arms! Break the arms!" Tristan and Noctis immediately go for the arms, and with 1 minute of slashing, the carapace on its arms break, showing large cracks on the shell. "Arms are broken. Aslan! Go for the tail!" Tristan said, seeing his chance to cut the tail tip off.

"No need to tell me twice." Sonora said as she activated her semblance, and let loose a hailstorm of elemental metal. The bullets penetrated the beowulves paralyzed in pain, and setting them aflame. Once the small fry were gone, it was the big boy to deal with. "you alright, Cherry? That was scary, even for me."

Ok Aslan, this is it! The Brachydios is nice as soft, its lost its arms and horn and all I have to do is take off its tail. They all were so amazing at it, too! Sini didn't even seem to sweat it as she took out the hardest part. I can't just let it slide, can I? It's like Tristan said, I'm better than what I make myself to be so all I have to do is trust in myself a little bit more. I can feel the confidence burning up my chest and filling me up with strenght as I make my way to the monster's tail and I wanna make a good impression on them, so I grip my sword tight and swing it forward with a boost from my semblance to cut off the tail in one fell sweep! If only that was what really happened...
What actually goes on is that my sword runs out of strenght midway thorugh the cut and gets stuck in the tail. I'm still running, so I trip and roll up to a wall. Things are bit blurry and numb to me, but I can see that the Brachydios is berserking around. Damn it, I did it again! Get up, you stupid body, and go fix this before it's too late! I'm doing my best to get up, but it's going too slow to my liking. Hopefully, they can cover up for me without killing it... If I'm the cause of their failure, I'll never fogrive myself.


"If i'm okay?" Cherry asked back her sister. "No, I'm not okay... My jaw is gone!" She gave Sonora Jr. a hug tackle. "That was amazing sis, you saved us all!" The Beringel roared at the group again and Cherry cltuched Sonora Jr. tighter and screamed, but this time without using her semblance.
"Cherry, get your head in place!" Verde said. "We still got the big one!"
"Get ready, Verde." Midori said. "We need to use that."
Verde stared at Midori in disbelief while she went forward to detonate her ice charges again; they exploded in a circle and formed a barrier over the giant Grimm. It started walloping at the barrier right away, but it seemed like it would take a few seconds.
"What's that?" Cherry asked. "Sis, you got any idea what they're talking about?"
"Aslan! Noctis! Get back on the Brachydios! We need to give aslan a chance to finish this!" Noctis nodded as he then used the monster itself a springboard, and slashed at the beast. Meanwhile, Tristan helped aslan up. "Shake it off, you got a job to finish. Focus, and do not doubt yourself. You are doing great, keep going!" Tristan tried to motivate Aslan to finish the tail off, when Noctis finially got the mount after a 3rd jump.

"Beringel. A very angry grimm, and very dull, unlike my bullets and blade. Cherry, try to keep him at bay with your metal head screaming. And try not to hug this one, please." Sonora said as she loaded her gun, and opened fire. This time, she was using Ice Dust to form clusters of ice, to at least slow it down. CapRock CapRock

My vision's still blurred when I see something showing up ahead of me. I squint my eyes and realize it's a hand, Tristan's, to be more precise. I don't get all the words he says but he doesn't seem mad at me in the slightest. Is he really okay with this? Or is he just acting positive so I can get my stuff together? I can't really see him doing this to Noctis, so I guess it must be the latter. But I'm wasting too much time on this. I take Tristan's hand to get myself up and the next thing I see is my Pride sliding up to me. Sini's near the tail and she winks at me as if to say 'you're welcome!' and now I only feel worse for screwing up so bad, but what I'm thinking isn't showing on my face anymore. I'm smiling with all I've got as I pick up my sword and say:
"Thanks guys! I'll finish this now, you have my word."
The second run is much like the first, but this time, I'm not blinded by my own ego again. I get to the Brachydios and slash the tail up little by little, taking advantage of Noctis' distraction as much as I can. I can't even believe my own eyes as one last swing of mine slices off the tail. But it doesn't really matter if I believe it or not, I did it. I get away from the monster and say:
"We did it, guys! Let's get to safety."
I can't help but notice how satisfied Sini is with seeing me happy. I need to remember showing off my happy side more for all of them, no matter what. It's the least I could do to thank all their help.


Verde was sweating a bit as she stood beside Midori. In paper, there was little to worry about their trump card but this was the first time they were using it a live situation. Midori seemed to be just as nervous, however, and Verde couldn't let her sister down at a situation like this so she activated her shield mode again and said:
"Come on Midori, let's show them how it's done!"
Midori readied their spear and the two made their way to the Beringel who, despite the Roja sisters' best attempts, was already breaking free of its prison and set to attack them. Midori then thrusted her Heather into the Sunflower, causing the shield to fold into a cone shape and spin wildly while releasing a vortex of fire and ice around its body. Both Russets held onto their combined drill and hit it directly into the Beringel's fist. Verde was screaming at the top of her lungs, while Midori uttered a similar sound but in a much softer tone.
A large explosion ensued and smoke and steam took over the whole canyon. Verde and Midori were both on the ground, conscious, but nearly out of it. Verde could only manage to lift herselff a little and say:
"Did it work?"
After the blast had settled, and the dust had cleared. There was no sight of the Beringel, and it came to light that they had defeated the dreaded beast. "I think it did. You vaporized Harambe. You should test that move on a nevermore next." Sonora said in a snarky, yet joking manner. "I guess we completed the test then?" She asked as she holstered her weapon.

Tristan nods and smiled at Aslan as he finished his job. "We gotta go, noctis! Deploy a Pitfall trap, to slow it down!" Tristan ordered, with Noctis jumping off the ragin monster, and setting down a trap. Once set, Noctis lured the Brachydios into it, where it fell into a hole, with half of its body sticking out as it struggled. The twins then ran with the Sterlings, to get as far as they could before the Ebonshelled monster got out of the trap. CapRock CapRock
-Two hours later-


Now that I think it back, it was really silly of me to think I'd ever not be in a team with my sister. As I'm standing in the auditorium watching the team names, it becomes really clear why; Sini and me with the Mccloud bothers make up team SANT, while the Rojas and the Russets are team CVSM, so all the siblings end up together. Also as expected, my sister is the leader. You can see just by the way she looks at us upon hearing the news, like we were everything for her, that this was a good choice as well.
"So this is it." I say. "The four of us against the big bad world."
"Doesn't seem so bad, right?" Sini asks back, hitting me lightly on the shoulder. "It'll be just like the trainings back home, only more important." She turns to the Macclouds and says: "After all, you two are every bit as good as I expected you to be. And as the leader, I'll do my very best to keep these high standards on our every move. If we work together just right, becoming the number 1 team in Beacon is more than just a dream... How does that sound to you?"


While Midori was hardly a fan of having her sister take the lead, being afraid of what power would do to her head, the idea of the team name starting with a 'C' seemed even scarier. She only calmed down after confirming that Verde was, in fact, the team leader and the name change was merely aesthetic. Cherry didn't seem much worried with losing the stance:
"So we really did make it to a team!" She happily said. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Now we can study together, go on missions and do awesome team attacks, visit theme parks together, watch scary movies under a blanket at night... It's like you're all my sisters now!"
"Like we're all sisters." Midori repeated. It was a scary prospect at first, but also one that didn't feel too wrong given how close their parents were.
"Well if we're all sisters, then that means I'm the eldest sister!" Said Verde, despite being the absolute youngest of the group. "Feels about right. C'mon, let's go find team SANT... As leader of this team, I should look out to keep good relationships with our partners." Midori held out a chuckle. For now, at least, she would try to not take her sister's gloating very seriously and take some amusement out of it.

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