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Chapter Eleven: The Troubled Temple of Tapio - Preparation

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Kaerri's Man. =)
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With Mielikki's grand gesture, the Wayward Wanderers felt in them a desire to rise to a higher level of ability. Oscar, once again, was willing and able to provide instruction. Yet, after two long bouts of climbing thus, the Wayward Wanderers finally felt their endurance reaching its limits.

The adventurers and their retainers were escorted inside the enormous and fantastic Tree-temple, Earthhome. There, they dined for supper among many evergreen-clad admirers. Only after enjoying fine forest-born dishes and tasty drinks were they restored enough and alone enough to chat amongst each other.

In a comfortable terrace glittering with colorful fireflies so a'plenty as to away the need of torchlight, the Wayward Wanderers and their friends sat under the starlight with the Goddess of the Hunt as company. The air was crisp and ever-blowing this high up on Highwind's mountainside and all about them, the world darkened into a gentle cloud-tossed dusk.

Shalin, Glider, the Meadowsweets, Stewart, and Oscar were also all there with you. With sleep not too far off, the heavy question came - "Come morning, how do we prepare for the excursion into Shandra's Evergreen?"
Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 23
Fort save: +13
Ref save: +8
Will save: +11
Current action points: 10
Current HP: 104+1d10
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: none memorized
Speech color, for reference: #3399ff

Bren found his mind and heart full of his new self. It was good to settle back and take stock of just how he felt, both inside and out, and explore new abilities. Some of that had been done in training, of course, but there was just so much that was new, it was still settling in. His gaze alternated between the starry sky above, his lady goddess sitting right there with them!, and his companions. When the question of tomorrow's preparations came up, he straightened up and nodded. "If any feel their gear is lacking, I think we should start there. I've got a good relationship with the owners of one of the best shops in the city, and I'm sure we can all find something there we like. The problem will be affording it!" He chuckled, then added, "However, I've also got an account at the city bank, which should help. I can drop by there and pick up extra funds, if it looks like we need them. Mind you, there's still likely to be plenty at Ben & Misha's that we won't be able to afford, but it'll be a start. If there's anywhere else you would like to visit, we can probably fit that in too, but it might be best to limit explorations to just what we need, right now, lest we get distracted." He looked around, particularly at Nivirea, who apparently had spoken with a "good authority" on his next subject. "It would also be good if we pooled any knowledge we have about the current state of Tapio's temple. Even something that seems small could be important later." He smiled wryly, remembering another trip to a different ruined temple. "Discussions of that sort are best done while we're all here and not there, in case there's something we need to plan for, and to avoid anything inimical listening in."
Luna looks over at the newly frocked paladin and gives him a smile. "I'm not thinking that there is too much equipment that I need, but I would like to find a library/temple to Boccob where I can acquire some new books for research. I want to know more about the rituals needed to sanctify a temple and more about Tapio. As the old expression goes, knowledge is power, and the more I know about what we are facing off against, the better it will be for all of us. Will we need a priest of Tapio to cleanse the evil and restore the temple, or will Mamapaw and Bren be able to do it? Where is the location of the temple, and how will we get there? Oh, my goodness, so many questions come to mind! I do hope that I will be able to find some textbooks on point with what we are about to face." The wizard looks positively giddy at the thought of adding more books to the library in the Grand Wagon.

"Other than that, I suppose we should make a list of foodstuffs that we are running low on and restock the Wagon while we have a chance to do so."
.:| Nivirea - The Sorceress |:.

Nivirea had made no immediate reply to Bren's assessment of the situation. She'd kept quiet still while Luna pondered aloud the numerous questions at hand, each more important than the next. She was as unobtrusive as possible even during the dinner and walk through Earthhome, all the while trying to look less impressed than she was. Now, sitting comfortably on the terrace, her attention seemed to be divided mostly between the stars, the fireflies, and Bren.

Bren had become the focus of seemingly everyone's attention, of course; at least since his ascension to paladinhood. Nivirea had seen the way everyone looked at him, as if they'd never truly seen him before. And perhaps they didn't. Perhaps this was a new Bren Sarabina, she mused. Purpose was a powerful thing, and even if he hadn't been lost to begin with, he definitely seemed like a person found, sitting there in the company of the very goddess he'd sworn himself to. Nivirea herself was equally amazed at the way others gazed upon him now, as she was by what she saw when she looked at him herself. She couldn't let it show too much, of course.

Herself, she appeared pleased enough with things so far. Her robes were as clean and smoothed down as possible. Her black hair was tied in a practical, neat ponytail using a long, red ribbon, bringing out the green in her eyes and making her look even younger than she was. It was only her demeanor that hinted at the possibility of wisdom and experience beneath. Luna had just finished speaking when Nivirea joined the conversation, turning her head from following a firefly that had lingered in the air close to her exposed shoulders.

"There is another small detail, as you put it," she said to Bren, "That could be important later. As surely as Tapio's temple stands, something stands inside it. Loviatar did something there, besides wreaking chaos. Some kind of dark magic, I surmise. An ice bridge - or so I was told. Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

The question was directed at no one in particular, though the girl's eyes lingered the longest on Bren and Mielikki.
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Upon hearing this latest nugget of information, Luna wracks her memory to try and remember if she has ever heard of something, anything, about a ice bridge that might apply to this.
Knowledge: Arcana is +19, with a total now of 10 ranks in the skill.
"In the Woods of Kroandal" by Andreas Vollenweider

Sitting in the EarthHome is very much like sitting in the forest itself - creatures seen and unseen remind one of their sharing of the world around them. That world, bright and lush and green, is enough for everyone - if it is only maintained, respected, and protected against those that would ravage it. The Wayward Wanderers and their friends were one such group there to give aid though each of them had their own reasons. There among the fireflies, their conversation continued.

"Discussions of that sort are best done while we're all here and not there, in case there's something we need to plan for, and to avoid anything inimical listening in."

"Uhhh," Powerpaw leaned down to Bria. "Wha's 'ininimmical' mean?"

Bria leaned towards him. "Inimical means hostile."

Powerpaw grinned. "Oh, I knows all about dats!"

"You sure do, Fuzzy Goof!"

"I'm not thinking that there is too much equipment that I need, but I would like to find a library/temple to Boccob where I can acquire some new books for research."

Luna's own knowledge came knocking on her mental door - Luna realized she had never heard of a temple to Boccob in Highwind. Boccob was mostly worshipped in and around Summerset and perhaps in the coastal city of Glimmerdawn many days away to the east of Summerset. From what she had heard, Highwind's temples were devoted to Saint Cuthbert and recently-so Thor and, of course, Mielikki. There were other faiths celebrated in the mountain city, like Yondalla of the halflings, but only those three had temples so far as Luna knew.

"Will we need a priest of Tapio to cleanse the evil and restore the temple, or will Mamapaw and Bren be able to do it?

"There are no priests of Tapio." It was Mamapaw who spoke, also known as Melshaef of the Many Faces. The druidess had her paws crossed. A low feline grumble escaped her lips. "Even druids of Mielikki as new as myself to this land are taught that. When the Temple of Tapio fell, His connection to his followers fell with it. This scattered His followers to the four winds and whenever their numbers dwindled, like flowers trampled under boots, they did not rise and regrow."

Her son raised his paw. "Doez dat mean dere ain't no Tapio-faces anywherez?"

"Only a precious few - and none of them are priests."

Bria clasped her hands behind her back. "Those that remain, well... their faith must be absolute! A follower unconnected to her deity receives no benefits whatsoever - no spells, no divine abilities, nothing. If you still care for and believe in someone who cannot give back to you - well... that is the very heart of love!"

Where is the location of the temple, and how will we get there?

The Mistress of the Hunt raised her finger and smiled slightly as if to tell Luna, "Leave that to me..."

"Other than that, I suppose we should make a list of foodstuffs that we are running low on and restock the Wagon while we have a chance to do so."

Stewart coughed politely. "If I may be so bold, do leave such arrangement to me, lady Luna. After such time as I understand the flow of the markets, I can have us resupplied in no time. Indeed, we are not lacking for much at all. Even with the wholesome appetites of our Felane and hobbit friends, our casks and larders are far from empty. We are mainly low on cleaning supplies and items required for maintenance and repair. After all, the Adventurers' Wagon has seen more than her fair share of adventure since it changed hands, has it not?"

"There is another small detail, as you put it," she said to Bren, "That could be important later. As surely as Tapio's temple stands, something stands inside it. Loviatar did something there, besides wreaking chaos.

Nivirea's mere mention of the Maiden of Pain's name causes a hush to fall over the room. Heads turn. But none so starkly as Shalin, the Silent Sorcerer's.

"An ice bridge - or so I was told. Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

Shalin's eyes blazed with the fury of an oncoming thunderstorm. He gripped his Staff of the Magi until the blood in his hands whitened the skin. From within that fabled staff came forth a long, low growl - unearthly and huge in its intensity as familiar and magic-user shared keen memories - and with those memories came feelings that few elves and few magic-users have ever known.

Shalin's body shook. He raised one hand as if to scribe, but instead of that clear, fine writing, a bolt of electricity both bright and unmistakably dangerous launched an elf's height above his head. Shalin lowered his hand and glared at Nivirea, or more precisely, at the memories her words had clearly brought forth.

(Dungeon Master note for Sherwood)
Upon hearing this latest nugget of information, Luna wracks her memory to try and remember if she has ever heard of something, anything, about a ice bridge that might apply to this.

Luna does not recall anything useful.
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.:| Nivirea - The Sorceress |:.

The first hint, in the form of the silence that descended at the mention of Loviatar's name, seemed to bounce right off the young sorceress. She looked across the room almost dismissively at all those who seemed disturbed, until her eyes rested on Shalin and she was reminded of the sorcerer's famous past. The recollection softened her features, sprinkling a measure of caution over her self-possessed attitude. When she spoke again, her tone was much more tempered.

"Forgive me, Shalin. I forgot." she said. After a brief pause she added: "I take it you know what it is, then?"
Luna looks puzzled. "It is not a term that I am familiar with. Master Shalin? It is clear that you are familiar with this; can you please share with us what we are dealing with?"
Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 23
Fort save: +13
Ref save: +8
Will save: +11
Current action points: 10
Current HP: 104+1d10
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: none memorized
Speech color, for reference: #3399ff

Bren nodded in response to Luna's suggestions, and is about to speak up concerning the temple of Boccob (or rather, the lack thereof) when Nivirea's words instantly directed his attention to the sorceress instead. Clearly no happier to hear of Loviatar's ice bridge than Shalin is, with clenched fists and suddenly-grim expression, he nevertheless spoke gently in reply. "Yes, I've heard of such a thing, though only from Shalin. Thank you, Nivirea, that is most definitely something we needed to know of." He looked at Shalin and one hand unclenched and moved slightly towards the elf, but he didn't touch him. "It was through his efforts that he gained both the title 'Riversbane,' for having disrupted such a bridge, and 'The Silent Sorcerer,' for the effects of the curse laid on him by that... uhm. By Loviatar and her allies, in retribution. I don't know the details, but I believe the bridge is so called because it creates a path between the evil goddess and the other end of the bridge -- which obviously would de-consecrate any good temple it landed on." He nodded at Nivirea. "Our task just got harder, but thanks to you, we can prepare for it, instead of receiving a nasty surprise far from any help." Turning back to Shalin, he asked, "Could you tell us more, my friend?"
Shalin bent over his staff and scowled darkly. Rare were the times that this fine child of Corellon found himself so twisted under anger's ugly yoke, but this was such a time. Doubly so was the gray elf's frustrations for such memories to come unbidden here in the glorious and most peaceful of places in all Highwind. Moreso when the very goddess long responsible for such greenness and goodness sat in audience just a short distance away.

As if mirroring his own feelings, Havoc, still safely inside his staff, growled hauntingly in ways that sent Mielikkians scurrying away as the supernatural beast gave sorrowful voice where his elven familiar could not. The Meadowsweets shrunk back from that terrible sound. Hearing it, Mamapaw looked sad. Powerpaw appeared uncertain. Bria leaned into Otiorin, her eyes low and heart uncheered.

He looked at Shalin and one hand unclenched and moved slightly towards the elf, but he didn't touch him.
Shalin slowly reached over and with his free hand, he took Bren's own in his and held it for strength. The Silent Sorcerer released his Staff of the Magi and it rose slightly, suspended in midair, and stayed hovering there. Inside it, Havoc continued to grumble woefully.

Shalin raised his fingers into the air. Golden light, bright and starborn, lit there at his fingertips illuminating his face and Shalin, though an elf, seemed aged in that moment. Yet, he found what it took to scribe the following words into the air. So large and luminous was each letter that they could be seen by all. The writing was beautiful even if the image created by the words was not.

"What I tell you now I fear has already befallen the temple of Tapio. My tale will tell you what was undone.

"T'was Corellon's own temple. That is what Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain, initially coveted. And that is where she struck.

"There was no time for my beloved friends and allies in our adventuring party, many of whom had known one another for years not easily counted, to warn any of their homes or call upon their lords for help. So we struck in the name of their safety instead.

"Lo, inside an underground realm I shall not name, we fell upon Loviatar's hordes and smote them like fire falling from the skies. Unwillingly, they parted before us until we had fought our way to her forming Ice Bridge - that hellish span that reached from her frost-covered realm and into Sharseya's own. Were the bridge made complete, that beautiful holy place beloved to Corellon would be torn down and in its place would Loviatar's own reign.

"For the bridge was to channel a river. A river of the purest evil from Loviatar's own plane of existence into ours. That river would spell a flood of destruction for all things elves held dear.

"I called then upon an item an archmage granted to me knowing we would have dire need of it someday. Her words were true. It provided me the means to destroy the bridge but only if it were planted in its very middle where the ice was thinnest and the fighting was at its worst.

"Loviatar then made entrance from her side of the waking worlds with hands filled with trailing snows that thickened the bridge. Her naked feet fell upon the frozen bridge, undaunted by its chill, and with each step the bridge became fuller. With each step, our doom and those we loved neared.

"With praise to Corellon, I brought forth the creation of that archmage whom I shall not name. T'was a staff created long ago. A staff forged in the very heart of flame where the Vorgores themselves battled their mad dances. A staff called Firespike.

"When she saw it, Loviatar screamed at me in blackest outrage. She threatened to curse me for all time should I wreak forth the fiery fury held in both my shaking hands. Not unlike the fabled Retributive Strike the Staves of the Magi and the Staves of Power are known for, the FireSpike could be destroyed with a single, simple spell causing all its energies... unleashing such a great majestic blaze as to rival a touch of the sun's own fire.

"T'was not her wicked threats that stayed my hands, but the embattled safety of my comrades dear, for they and they alone stood between me and Loviatar who advanced unstoppably like a blizzard from the iciest of winter hells.

"I bade them return to safety beyond me so that I may cast upon the Firespike and be done. But... they bade me strike it then while they could still slow Loviatar's unholy march upon me, knowing full well that my blow... would cost each of them their futures with their families, their chances of growing old, their very lives.

"I argued and shouted, but they all held as one. If I loved them, they said, I would strike. For they would do it for me. I knew their words to be true.

"And so I cast and flew."

Shalin shuddered. His grip on Brendoran's hand was as tight as the paladin had ever known it as his best friend dropped his head low, his blond locks, once silvery, covered his face.

"My simple spell destroyed my friends, the Firespike, Loviatar's river-to-be, and her chances of coming permanently to Sharseya. The Elven spirits dearest to Corellon witnessed my act and dubbed me, 'Riversbane.' Others later would come to call me 'Shalin of the Broken River.'

"But Loviatar is a goddess of her word. Along with my friends lives, she thrust upon me three dire curses. I have broken two. Until I break the last, I am known to you and all as... 'Shalin the Silent Sorcerer.'

Shalin sighed but no one, not even Mielikki, heard it. He turned to Bren, his golden hair and brown hood cloaking his face so that only Brendoran could see him. And there before his dearest friend, Shalin wept.

In silence.
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Luna could feel the raw emotion of the story, and her own tears flowed freely down her face. "To make such a sacrifice is the greatest gift to the world that any could make. My words cannot be a salve to the pain you must still suffer, but I still say to you, such evil cannot and will not be allowed to continue unchecked, and I will give all that I have to stand along side my own companions to make it so." The fire mage reaches up and wipes at her wet cheeks with the sleeve of her robes. "I have always wanted to make a name for myself in the world of magic, but this . . . this horror . . . shall be the truest test of my mettle. I can only hope to be worthy of the challenge."

Luna turns to her friends, now with her emotions back in control. "I cannot see myself being the most righteous person, but there is no way that I can pass on being a part of this quest to bring back the temple of Tapio and stop the machinations of Loviatar. I say we gather what we need for the journey and set forth as soon as we can."
.:| Nivirea - The Sorceress |:.

As silent as Shalin himself, Nivirea sat and absorbed the sorcerer's written tale. There was a surge of emotions clear on her face as well, though not to such extent as on the faces of some of the others. Realization, awe, compassion, even anxiety - all of those were visible in different quantities across her features. But touched as she may have been, she did not immediately follow Luna's valiant example. Instead, she twirled a lock of hair nervously between her fingers and paid glances to each of the Wanderers in turn while waiting to see their reactions.
Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 23
Fort save: +13
Ref save: +8
Will save: +11
Current action points: 10
Current HP: 104+1d10
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: none memorized
Speech color, for reference: #3399ff

Bren willingly allowed Shalin to grip his hand. He'd only held back because he wasn't sure whether the other wanted comfort just then, nor what form he'd want it in. When the elven sorcerer told of his friends' deaths, Bren covered their linked hands with his other one and bowed his own head in empathic sorrow, but looked up as the silent story continued in the air. And when Shalin turned to him, Bren pulled him close. Some men found it awkward or embarrassing to embrace another man, and such hesitation could be sensed. There was no hesitation here, no awkwardness or embarrassment, no reluctance at all. Just one man trying his best to comfort his best friend in that friend's time of need.

After a time, Bren looked over Shalin's shoulder at the others, meeting each one's eyes in turn. First he looked at the wizardess who had been first to respond. "Be sure, Luna," he said quietly. His gaze then passed to Otiorin and Bria. "All of you. You know now what we risk on this venture, and I would have you all choose whether you want to go with all the dangers in mind." He turned his face to Nivirea. "None should come unwilling or uncertain. We face a completed bridge, with all that may come across it, and as you have seen, even success may come at a terrible price." He looked then to Powerpaw and Mamapaw, though his words continued to be directed at all of them. "You should know: the silence is the last and the least of the curses Loviatar and her allies cast. Another was inability to communicate at all, even in writing such as this. Third, and worst of all, all who knew him or knew of him lost those memories. No mortal remembered his very existence, save perhaps his daughter." His gaze softened as his eyes turned to the Meadowsweets. "Some of you were only planning to come as far as Highwind anyway. Don't feel obliged to come farther when your family awaits you here, and only danger with us." He turned his eyes to Stewart. "It is you, and those like you, that we seek to protect, and knowing you are safe will give us strength in dark times." He looked to Oscar, now much smaller and furrier than Bren was accustomed to seeing him. "Facing death comes no easier when one has faced it before, nor when one has returned from it. You must all be sure that you want to do this." He glanced around at them all once more. "I must do this, by my duty to my goddess and my duty to Highwind, and my duty to my own conscience. I would gladly have you all at my side, but no one should come unwilling." With that, he turned his full attention back to Shalin and let the others consider and decide as they would.
Luna rises up to her full height (not all that tall, but she tries) and gives Bren a confident gaze. "I know that I can be flighty on occasion, and focused on my books and learning magic, but even I can see that letting the Maiden of Pain's bridge across to the temple of Tapio is a disaster that will affect all of us. When I set my mind to something, I can be focused on it to the very end. We can do this. We must do this. I may not be as righteous as a paladin or cleric, but in the name of Boccob and all the good peace-loving people of this world, knowing what I do about all of this, I cannot stand aside and do nothing. Please, let me help." She smiles with a sudden thought. "Besides, if the bridge and the foes we will be facing are of the same elemental focus as their patron Goddess, namely ice, my fire magic will be especially useful! You'll really need a Evoker wizard like me on this quest! And how can you imagine to get the job done without the wisdom that only Sparkle can impart upon us?" Luna gently rubs her finger along the neck ridge where the little dragon liked to be scratched. "The Wayward Wanderers are an awesome team! With us pulling together, we can do anything!"
.:| Nivirea - The Sorceress |:.

Bren's speech clearly struck a chord with Nivirea. She listened attentively, her green eyes following in the wake of his, and was, by the end of it, left staring thoughtfully into some undetermined spot ahead of her. She'd even stopped playing with her hair; that absent-minded gesture that she was prone to. She was, perhaps, even more beautiful this way - with her features unmarred by the usual smug grins or haughty glances, adopting instead the unguarded persona of someone lost in thought.

"I will accompany you to the temple," she said at long last. "It is not how I planned to spend my weekend, but I am prepared. I can't think of anything specific that I need at the moment, but I'd like to write a letter and find some way to send it before we depart. After that, I'm all yours." She faced Bren as she said that, smiling out of the corner of her mouth.
There was no hesitation here, no awkwardness or embarrassment, no reluctance at all. Just one man trying his best to comfort his best friend in that friend's time of need.
Shalin embraced Bren fully, for in truth, the Silent Sorcerer had not been ready to tell the tale here, in front of so many he did not know. It felt like he was baring his very soul and yet there had been no shame in the telling.

When at last he released Bren, there was a refreshed resolve burning under that smoldering gaze. The Staff of the Magi and the supernatural thing inside of it became silent. Bren, for a moment, sensed as if he had two beings gazing upon him from close distance - each a great elemental force. With those gazes came feelings of gratitude.

Without taking his eyes off of Bren's and with a confidence that only best friends know and share, Shalin reached into his fine robe and plucked out a small leather pouch about the size of the sorcerer's palm, but from what creature the pouch was made from, even Bren could not say.

Shalin's slender fingers opened the carefully-tied pouch and from it, he pulled forth a delightfully-beautiful golden ring crafted to look like the head of a horse. Seeing this, Shalin softened.

He scribed. "Son of the Summer Steeds, Knight of the Green Mistress, and my best friend, I give you this. I gathered the required materials myself, but roaring Ben was quite happy enough to make it exactly as I had drawn it." Shalin handed him the ring.

(Image credit: Pinterest)

Shalin's fingers danced in the air again. The golden letters he left hanging in the air spelled out his feelings. "While you have the sense of duty to take on this great task, unless you're hiding great magics from me, I think you and your people lack the means to carry it through. Even if you reach it, how will you destroy the ice bridge?"

He gave Luna a glance. "No evoker of your experience possesses the power."

Then Shalin grinned. "But this is a matter I can alter. For the archmage bestowed upon me more than the Firespike - I have the means to make another."

"With that ring, I can find you, dear friend, and arm you with mighty magics that will perhaps even make the Maiden of Pain tremble in doubt. Having detonated one firsthand, it is my utmost belief that even a completed ice bridge cannot stand against the Firespike's power."

Shalin's eyes practically sparkled with readiness. "What say you to this, Bren?"

Meanwhile, the other adventurers and adventurers-in-spirit seemed to contemplate in their own individual ways what their future paths would be.
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It is somewhat sobering that an Evoker of even her experience is no match for the ice bridge. But, when compared to the powers of the gods themselves, she is barely more than a apprentice. Then Shalin mentioned his ability to create a new Firespike. "Excellent. With the power of the Spike, we can destroy the bridge, and save the temple." Then, she shifts her thoughts to what happens when it is detonated. "Tell me, what happens to the wielder of the staff when it is destroyed? Will it sacrifice the wielder? Is there a way to avoid that fate, or is it certain doom? If so, who will bear this burden?"
Shalin thought a moment, then scribed to Luna. "Such questions! And even before your leader has given his answer."

The gray elf sighed without a sound, his tear-stained cheeks still drying. "Consider the course of your questions, young wizardess, if not their pace. If the staff spells doom for its wielder, then how is it that I sit before you now?"

Then Shalin returned to await Brendoran's answer. For if the leader of the Wayward Wanderers did not wish Shalin's offer of ring or staff, then what was the point of continuing to talk about them when instead they could focus on some other solution?
Luna looks briefly embarrassed. Of course it wouldn't kill the wielder. Luna, you really need to think these things through.
Bren Sarabina
Standard AC: 23
Fort save: +13
Ref save: +8
Will save: +11
Current action points: 10
Current HP: 104+1d10
Status effects: none
Powerpaw's tower shield +1 (-2 to attack rolls)
Spell: none memorized
Speech color, for reference: #3399ff

Bren smiled warmly at Luna and Nivirea as they made their choices clear. He gave each one a nod, and added to Nivirea, "We'll add your letter to the list of preparations to be made. Well, not that we'll be writing it of course, but getting it to the post, at least!"

He met Shalin's gaze with a different, but equally warm smile, and took the ring gratefully. "Thank you, dear friend. Most gladly do I accept your assistance in this, for you know what we face as well as any, and better than most! Will the Firespike that you create be one that Luna, or any of our Arcanists," he smiled at Nivirea and Otiorin, "can activate?"
Will the Firespike that you create be one that Luna, or any of our Arcanists," he smiled at Nivirea and Otiorin, "can activate?"

"Aye," Shalin scribed. "Though I should not tell its secrets until I have brought the thing to life." A look of concern crossed the gray elf's face. "Even with all of my tools and resources, crafting a FireSpike will be a most daunting task. We shall see how far along I have come as a crafter of potent magic. We shall see indeed."


Powerpaw sat between his mother and his best friend, his large furry head hung low. During Shalin's recollection, he had listened with clenched teeth and fangs. More than one guttural growl came forth from inside his deep chest. Now the weight of decision on whether to go or not upon the great quest lay upon him. Powerpaw sat and fumed.

Finally, he turned his head toward Bria. "Hay."

The peaceful healer looked at him.

"Iz you goin'?"

"Mmmhmm," Bria nodded without hesitation.

Powerpaw turned his head towards his mother. "Mom?"

Mamapaw glanced up at her son.

"Howzabout you?"

The motherly Felane-become-Druidess nodded. "With beauteous Bastet as my guide."

Powerpaw smacked his paws together and locked his teeth. "Well!" he declared. "Dat's it! We Wayward Wandererzes iz all goin'! An' if we get the opportunities, I sez we kill dat ice queen dead! Right in her face!"

Mamapaw blanched and recoiled. "Son, Loviatar is a goddess!"

But Powerpaw snarled. "Dat's right, Mom! An' even gods kin die! Just ask Likki-face! I bet she knowz!"

In reply, the Goddess of the Hunt paused in deep thought, then nodded firmly. If anyone knew how possible it was for a deity to meet their doom, it was she.

Then she asked. "Powerpaw of the Felane?"

"Uhhh, yeah?" Now it was his turn to appear concerned.

She stared at the mortal cat as if she could see through his very soul. "Didst you just refer to me as... 'Likki-face'?"

"Uhh... Yah, I guess I didst!"

For the second time that evening, all of EarthHome in its towering greenness and loveliness glowed with the bright and ladylike laughter of the Mistress of the Forest.
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Luna smiles as Powerpaw gives her his own unique stamp of a nickname. Luckily the Goddess doesn't mind this comment and is actually laughing at it.

The spellcaster looks over at Shalin. "Besides being used to destroy the ice bridge, what can this Firespike staff do? Is it something that requires its destruction in order to work its magic, or can it be used to destroy the bridge without shattering the staff?"
"Aye," Shalin scribed. "Though I should not tell its secrets until I have brought the thing to life."

Shalin's look to Luna was one born of fatherly patience. He scribed, "As I have said, young and eager wizardess, I should not tell its secrets now."
(Dungeon Master note for all - I am going to have the next three posts contain dialogue from Glider, the Meadowsweets, and Stewart instead of one giant post. Enjoy!)

Glider stood tall. Here under EarthHome's heavenly canopy, surrounded only by natural light and goodness, the Ko master seemed like a mirror opposite of the deadly destroyer the Wayward Wanderers encountered when he was controlled by the Wee Jas.

He stood facing you in attention-stance - feet parralel and shoulder-width apart, back straight, hands resting easily at his sides. His muscled, chiseled features softened only by his soulfelt smile, Glider addressed all of you.

"With my mind and spirit still pulled North and South, I am not sure what good I can be to any of you just yet. I hope you all understand that I want to return the favor for the freedom you've blessed me with, but now is probably not the right time.

"What I want to do is go with you, but what I need to do is go home." Glider looked upward as if staring into clouds he had not seen for too long a while. "After living this hell of nightmares under the yoke of our worst enemies, I need to remember and live in what it means to be Ko.

"So I will find my brothers and sisters here in the city and return to the Temple on Phoenix Mountain with them." He gave a sly wink and that dashing grin of his.

"And when I am whole, you'd better be ready, my dears, because you'll see me again much to the woe of your enemies!"
Luna goes over to Glider and pulls him into a brief hug. "Everyone must follow their own path forward, even Ko monks like yourself. You have been a good friend and excellent traveling companion, and I pray to Boccob that he guides your steps to a safe path so you can find the peace you need to put your soul at rest. You have given much to us all, and your presence will be missed." She gives the older man a tight squeeze before releasing him. "Just remember you are a good man, no matter what was forced upon you in the past, and I think that I speak for all of us when I say you will always find a welcome home with the Wayward Wanderers. Be safe, my friend."
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