• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Trial by Fire - IC Thread

As Kuaidao makes his strike deep into the heart of the monster, you can see that there is a greenish-black glow coming from somewhere deep inside, a glow that seems to draw your blade to it as you instinctively recognize something important to this monstrosity. Your Daiklave strikes something hard that is not bone, but instead, you believe it is some kind of rock. Perhaps a hearthstone? At this point, it doesn't matter, because the force of your sword strike is enough to shatter the stone, and with that, the glow stops and the necro-monster begins to fall apart. Soon, all that remains of it is a stinking pile of corpses.

Moving out of combat time. Excellent work, everyone.
Spider takes a few deep breaths as she looks on as the monster begins to fall apart, somewhat irritated with herself for not connecting on her last attack. Need to practice more. Don't want to get sloppy. She takes a look around to see if there are any other enemies, but if not, she will then place her Rings back around her waist as she walks. "Kuaidao! I saw you take a hit earlier. You ok? Anyone else hurt?"
Psychie Psychie Rykon Rykon Sherwood Sherwood
Kuaidao glanced down at the wound on his chest, noticing that the bleeding had already slowed considerably.

"If I was still mortal, it would be a lot worse." he replied, cleaning his daiklave and then sheathing it. "Hurts a little, but I should be back to normal after a few days rest."

He then looked at Valden. "I've no issue with you helping us fight that monster and protect this village." he said in what the Night Caste would recognize as Realm-accented Skytongue. "I am a bit curious about what you were doing here, though."

Out of some impulse, he then looked at Melinda. "Do you know anything about this man?" he asked.
The night caste shrugged, “What indeed. Keeping my distance from old troubles, keeping an eye on fellow chosen...” He says flatly, anima glowing brightly but not quite at full intensity as it begins to dim. “... and most importantly keeping what I take.” He swiped his blade across the air to fling the gore of the beast onto the packed snow beside him. He let the Starmetal blade bask in the light for another moment, revealing the prismatic refraction of light around it before dismissing it back to Elsewhere.

“I’m Valden Craig.” He said with a yawn. “Been stowing away for a little while til this little skirmish ruined one of those treasured naps accompanied by the rare pleasant dream.” He cast a glance at Kuaidao’s wound. “Better that it did from the look of that hit you took there. I’m sure you’ll shrug that off like a champ, all the better that you didn’t take any more.” His eyes turned to Melinda and smirked. “Do go on though. Tell him what you know. I’m curious.”
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The other man's lackadaisical manner was a little grating to the Dawn Caste. The lack of humility he displayed regarding his involvement in the recent fight didn't help matters, nor did the fact that he'd been stowing away on their ship. Still, he would try and be patient with Valden, Kuaidao decided.

"Kuaidao, of the Blessed Isle." he replied. "And if you don't mind me asking, why did you feel the need to keep an eye on us?"

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 27/40
Anima: Burning

Committed Essence: 10

Willpower: 5
Join Battle: 7 dice
-0: [X]
-1: [X], [X], [X], [X], [_], [_], [_], [_], [_], [_],
-3: [_]
Resolve 3, Guile 2

Guardian Host (Orichalcum & White Jade Daiklave): 14 W. Accuracy, 11 D. Accuracy, 15 Damage, Overwhelming 4 (+3 ACC, +12 DMG, +1 DEF, OVW 4) (Lethal, Melee, Chopping)
Straight Sword: 13 W. Accuracy, 11 D. Accuracy, 12 Damage, Overwhelming 2 (+2 Accuracy +9 Damage, +1 Defense, +2 Overwhelming) (Lethal, Melee, Balanced)

Rush: 10
Disengage: 8

Evasion 4, Parry 7
Soak/Hardness: 11/7 (Dauntless, Soak +8, Mobility Penalty -1, Hardness +7, Attune 5)
"Let's say I have a few trust issues from my prior line of work with the Guild south of here. A bloody betrayal tends to leave one with a healthy abundance of suspicion and paranoia even when trying to make new like-minded friends. I'd wanted to be a little more sure I could approach you all without catching something upside my head, piercing my kidney, or other unpleasant consequences before I made introductions. That thing over there is pretty solid proof we can't all have what we want though." He nodded to the amalgamated abomination's corpse.

"Well, before I get to any questions of my own, anything else you all wanted to know? Given the manner of our meeting, it's only fair I owe you some answers."
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"So you used to work with the Guild?" remarked Kuaidao. "Well, I won't begrudge you for having some trust issues, and I won't pry into what exactly your past work involved, at least for the time being. Still, I wouldn't mind knowing what you plan to do now, though."

Right now, Kuaidao wanted to try and learn why this village had been attacked by the forces of the dead. At the same time though, the sight of Valden's anima had been enough for the Dawn to identify him as an Exalt of some kind, and given potential future events, he didn't know if he wanted to blow off a potential supernatural ally.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 27/40
Anima: Burning

Committed Essence: 10

Willpower: 5
Join Battle: 7 dice
-0: [X]
-1: [X], [X], [X], [X], [_], [_], [_], [_], [_], [_],
-3: [_]
Resolve 3, Guile 2

Guardian Host (Orichalcum & White Jade Daiklave): 14 W. Accuracy, 11 D. Accuracy, 15 Damage, Overwhelming 4 (+3 ACC, +12 DMG, +1 DEF, OVW 4) (Lethal, Melee, Chopping)
Straight Sword: 13 W. Accuracy, 11 D. Accuracy, 12 Damage, Overwhelming 2 (+2 Accuracy +9 Damage, +1 Defense, +2 Overwhelming) (Lethal, Melee, Balanced)

Rush: 10
Disengage: 8

Evasion 4, Parry 7
Soak/Hardness: 11/7 (Dauntless, Soak +8, Mobility Penalty -1, Hardness +7, Attune 5)
Out of some impulse, he then looked at Melinda. "Do you know anything about this man?" he asked.
The Sidereal nods, and says, "Yes. Valden is one of the Exalts that I called out for to come and gather at the Fortress to begin the process of stopping the invasion of Creation. After looking at that . . . thing . . . that came out of the pit, I am glad to have done so, especially with the potential of more of these things, or even worse, appearing out here."

As she talks, Rory clomps through the snow, calling out, "Donna! Where are you, my love? I swear on all that is holy that if there is even one hair out of place on her head, there will be hell to pay!"

The people in the village begin to gather, looking at the disgusting pile of rotting corpses, then over at the various Exalts that have come to their rescue. A voice calls out, "Everyone, look! Its Rory! He has come back to us!" Multiple people begin to cheer, and you can hear others saying things like, "Our savior!" and "The great protector has returned!" Finally, a woman comes out of the mass of people and manages to catch Rory's eye. Even at a distance, you can see the look of utter devotion on the big man's face as he sees her, and it only takes a glance to see that she is a woman of exceptional beauty and grace, quite probably some Fae blood in her lineage.

Rory lifts her up in his arms and spins her around and around in circles in absolute joy before setting her back down on the ground. With a huge grin, he says, "Ah, my dear! How I missed you! Come and see my new friends. These are fellow Champions of the Sun and Moon."

"Then I shall gladly greet them, my husband." Together, the two of them walk towards the rest of the Circle, with many of the villagers following along. With a deep curtsey, she says, "I greet you, and offer up my most sincere thanks for your aid in saving us from those that were attacking us. I am Donna Augustdaughter, wife to Rory the Red." Donna then stands up straight, with Rory beaming next to her.

He looks at her with a gaze of utter love, then seems to shake off the spell that is on him, and gets serious. "My dear, what happened here?"

Donna replies, "We were approached four days ago by an emissary from some dark lord, politely saying that if we wished to continue to survive in this world, our service to his Master must be sworn under the force of magic to ensure our continued obedience and service. Obviously, we said no, and this emissary left with words of warning that we will regret our decision." She looks at the pile of corpses with distaste, then continues. "Then this morning, the ice broke open from below and those two," she points at the bodies of the archer and the swordsman, "declared that our punishment is now due, and began to kill people around them, seemingly at random. Several of the warriors of the village tried to attack them, but they were no match for these dark Exalts. But then you arrived with your new friends, and you know the rest. I fear that if you had not arrived when you did, we would all be dead."
Upon hearing Melinda's words, Kuaidao found himself a bit more willing to trust Valden from that point on. Assuming that the Night Caste intended to stick around, the Dawn let his attention be drawn to the approach of the villagers, Donna among them. He smiled at the reunion between Rory and his wife, and then made his way over to Maja.

"Huh. Guess she is as beautiful as he kept claiming." he said to the Lunar. "Don't get me wrong, though. I'm still only interested in you."

He then approached Rory, Donna and the villagers as Donna explained what had happened, the Dawn's expression soon becoming troubled at what he heard. "So war's as good as been declared, then." he said in summary, before looking at the woman, guessing that she'd be the more knowledgeable one here.

"Tell me, how many warriors do we have on hand right now? And what of the other settlements in this area? Will they spare people willing to fight alongside us?"

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 16/16
Peripheral Essence: 27/40
Anima: Burning

Committed Essence: 10

Willpower: 5
Join Battle: 7 dice
-0: [X]
-1: [X], [X], [X], [X], [_], [_], [_], [_], [_], [_],
-3: [_]
Resolve 3, Guile 2

Guardian Host (Orichalcum & White Jade Daiklave): 14 W. Accuracy, 11 D. Accuracy, 15 Damage, Overwhelming 4 (+3 ACC, +12 DMG, +1 DEF, OVW 4) (Lethal, Melee, Chopping)
Straight Sword: 13 W. Accuracy, 11 D. Accuracy, 12 Damage, Overwhelming 2 (+2 Accuracy +9 Damage, +1 Defense, +2 Overwhelming) (Lethal, Melee, Balanced)

Rush: 10
Disengage: 8

Evasion 4, Parry 7
Soak/Hardness: 11/7 (Dauntless, Soak +8, Mobility Penalty -1, Hardness +7, Attune 5)
As the others begin to calm down from the fighting, Spider goes over to where the fallen Exalts lay, nudging the body of the swordsman with a toe. "I wonder what clues might be available on these bodies. Anyone care to help me strip them down?" She then begins to examine the contents (if any) of their pouches, and removing the armor and weapons to add to their inventory.

What do we find?
Psychie Psychie
When Spider does her search of the bodies, the following items of note are found.

A Soulsteel Grand Daiklave
A Black Jade Daiklave
A Orichalcum Long Powerbow
A suit of Soulsteel Reinforced Breastplate
A suit of Soulsteel Lamallar armor
There are a total of four hearthstones of different shapes and sizes

Also, there are several other items that might be of interest.
Inside a long scroll case is what looks to be a large piece of rolled up leather, measuring three foot by three foot when unrolled. It has many filaments of Starmetal, Soulsteel, and Moonsilver woven across it, but the use of this item is currently a mystery to you.

A pair of Orichalcum Bracers, covered in runes with Starmetal threads on it.

A Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light.

A whistle made of bone with Soulsteel threads inlaid on it.

There is also a pair of pouches with a small stack of jade coin, enough to be able to make a single Resource 2 purchase.

Finally, the swordsman was wearing an ornate signet ring, made of Orichalcum, with a coat of arms that Spider does not recognize.

Rykon Rykon D. Rex D. Rex jaydude jaydude Random Word Random Word
What are the rest of you doing at this time?
Psychie Psychie
When Spider does her search of the bodies, the following items of note are found.

A Soulsteel Grand Daiklave
A Black Jade Daiklave
A Orichalcum Long Powerbow
A suit of Soulsteel Reinforced Breastplate
A suit of Soulsteel Lamallar armor
There are a total of four hearthstones of different shapes and sizes

Also, there are several other items that might be of interest.
Inside a long scroll case is what looks to be a large piece of rolled up leather, measuring three foot by three foot when unrolled. It has many filaments of Starmetal, Soulsteel, and Moonsilver woven across it, but the use of this item is currently a mystery to you.

A pair of Orichalcum Bracers, covered in runes with Starmetal threads on it.

A Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light.

A whistle made of bone with Soulsteel threads inlaid on it.

There is also a pair of pouches with a small stack of jade coin, enough to be able to make a single Resource 2 purchase.

Finally, the swordsman was wearing an ornate signet ring, made of Orichalcum, with a coat of arms that Spider does not recognize.

Rykon Rykon D. Rex D. Rex jaydude jaydude Random Word Random Word
What are the rest of you doing at this time?

While Spider examined the bodies of the two Abyssals, Kuaidao was talking with Rory, Donna and the villagers, wanting to get an idea of their existing strategic and military capabilities, and learn if there were any people in the area who'd be willing to help them in the upcoming conflict.
Bard meanders to the bodies once Spider has finished her search, and laid them side by side.

"Woe be it to both of you, Knights of Death. How far you fallen, how low you have become. Despite what suffering you have caused, I will not hold it against you. I know not what you went through to become what you are now, I know not whether you will be reborn. Whether it be by your choice or anothers, if there is any good left in your souls, take comfort then in knowing we will stop your kind at every turn. If there is no good left... then may Malfeas take you, and know that all the efforts of your kind are in vain."

Bard knelt down, and placed a finger on each of their cast marks. Closing his eyes, the mark of the Zenith burned on his brow and from his finger burst a spark with the light and heat of the Sun. The spark consuming the naked bodies, reducing them to less than ash. That in their death, may they feel the embrace of the Unconquered Sun one last time. Be it bring them pain or comfort.

To the mass of bodies turned into the necrohulk, Bard then approached. "The suffering of so many went into the creation of the monster. And my heart hurts for each of you. Let me bring to you all a final peace, where you need not worry about pain again. And where you may once again, be free."

The Zenith laid both hands on the necrotic mass, and like with the Deathknights, his mark blazed and a flash like the Sun set ablaze the creature. Alight like a pyre, Bard stepped back said prayers until there was nothing left to burn.

For one mote, the Zenith’s anima leaps from her hand to a corpse she’s touching, igniting it in Solar flame. This power incinerates the corpse and ensures the soul of the deceased will not return as a hungry ghost. In addition, the Zenith may perceive the strongest Intimacies of the deceased and may choose to accept them. When she is ready, she may pay one mote, touching a target of those Intimacies to pass on feelings of peace, love, and assurance, shedding them in the process. She may also transfer them to an object, allowing it to convey comfort or a sense of duty to the subject. Conversely, she may touch someone who caused the deceased to suffer, paying one mote and rolling ([A social Attribute] + Presence) with three automatic non-Charm successes against their Resolve to transfer pain suffered by the deceased back on the one who caused it. The Storyteller is free to dictate the length and weight of such attrition.

Sherwood Sherwood
Using 3 motes to burn the bodies of the two deathknights and the necro monster.

I would like to perceive each of their strongest Intimacies as per the effect.
While Spider and Bard are doing their work on the bodies of the fallen, Kuaidao and Rory are starting to discuss the state of the village and who may be able to take up arms against your foes. You quickly learn from Rory and Donna that the village is home to a group of fifty skilled hunters, men and women with the skills to be able to take up arms against those that would try and attack the village. Rory then says, "There are many other small tribes in the area that we occasionally trade with, and a few we are at continual odds against, that it might be possible to talk with and convince them to join the effort as a united front against the walking dead. I can send messengers out and let the other tribes know that I am calling for a meeting at Alcar Dal, the sacred valley. This happens on rare occasions, so it is likely that the other tribes will arrive just to learn why the meeting has been called."

Bard's work with the bodies of the fallen reveal that the archer is a cruel one, with the driving goal of causing as much pain and suffering as possible in her foes as she relishes in that. The swordsman has a goal of being the one to lead the forces of his Master across Creation, 'cleansing' it of the unworthy and leaving the survivors to serve this Master.
Bard finishes his prayers and looks up. Having let the hearts of the fallen swirl around inside his mind, he finally lets them go.

"It is good we arrived when we did. The archer would have caused worse than death to the people here if we did not stop her. If she were not so set to cause suffering, there would not be so many left alive as there are now. But worse is yet to come. Mahina, i have seen further confirmation of the disaster you are predicting. In the swordsman I could feel his ambitions, and in them was a desire to lead the reaping of our world. They wish to wipe Creation clean of the unworthy and enslave all others. What they seek, is much greater than what was done at Thorns."

He shook his head,"I am no general as to make good sense of these motives and what hints we can gather. But I suppose I can make a guess. The time we have left, they must be finalizing their plans. And it feels... it feels like they have yet to choose a leader of their armies. Or if they have, it is a contested position. It may be that these anathema where set out to test themselves and start making preparations. And it is likely there are more about. It could be possible that if that is true, then the one who curries the most favor to their Master will be given that 'honor'. But this is all speculation, with little but the fleeting heart songs to go by. Still, if these two were here, it is wise that we should expect more are here as well."

As Bard spoke, he moved over to the pile of goodies that his mate had looted. A bunch of odd looking things.

Of course he picked up the whistle first, and he could not help but give it an experimental tweet to see if it did anything.

He would then of course inspect the scroll and ring in turn. To see what of them he could discover.
Bard's small toot on the whistle makes no noise at all.

The scroll is some sort of leather skin with filaments of the various Magical Materials woven through it. At the moment, you don't know what it is.

Your examination of the ring is a bit more telling . . . assuming you make your Int + Lore roll.
Bard's small toot on the whistle makes no noise at all.

The scroll is some sort of leather skin with filaments of the various Magical Materials woven through it. At the moment, you don't know what it is.

Your examination of the ring is a bit more telling . . . assuming you make your Int + Lore roll.

Leaving the curious whistle in his mouth, and the scroll spread out across his lap, he finally picks up the ring.

Taking a closer look at it and letting the sun gleam off the magical metal. The symbol though. Bard has seen and heard many stories, so he racked his memories to see if anything regarding the symbol pulled at his thoughts. Surely he should be able to recognize some part of it, especially if it was as old as he assumed. Bard was no historian, but imagery was a major part of the telling of stories and sharing of tales. And what was a historian but a nerdy bard, anyway?

Int+lore: 6
Stunt: 2

Sux: 3
Leaving the curious whistle in his mouth, and the scroll spread out across his lap, he finally picks up the ring.

Taking a closer look at it and letting the sun gleam off the magical metal. The symbol though. Bard has seen and heard many stories, so he racked his memories to see if anything regarding the symbol pulled at his thoughts. Surely he should be able to recognize some part of it, especially if it was as old as he assumed. Bard was no historian, but imagery was a major part of the telling of stories and sharing of tales. And what was a historian but a nerdy bard, anyway?

Int+lore: 6
Stunt: 2

Sux: 3
If you are not mistaken, and in this case you doubt that you are, this is one of the seals of a rich family from the Threshold region of Creation, very influential in Nexus due to large land holdings across the area. While this family is known for its business acumen, you doubt that they have sunk enough to be directly involved in dealing with a Deathlord this far north of their own interests.
If you are not mistaken, and in this case you doubt that you are, this is one of the seals of a rich family from the Threshold region of Creation, very influential in Nexus due to large land holdings across the area. While this family is known for its business acumen, you doubt that they have sunk enough to be directly involved in dealing with a Deathlord this far north of their own interests.

Twirling his mustache, he nodded. He knew it seemed family. Yes, he remembered seeing the crest a few times personally during his time on the island. All sorts of goods were traded in the west from all corners of Creation. But why then would this be with one of these Deathknights.

Definitely some connection. But it could be any. As simple as robbed from a caravan. Or as deep as being forced into cooperation. Or even the Deathknight being from that family.

Still. One thing worth noting, not many families would be so brazen in this age as to cement their mark into devils gold without some balls. But, such is those of the Threshold. And especially Nexus. Either this family has no love of the empire, and uses it out of spite or some munade reason, or it has had history with the Solar involvement. Probably the former, hopefully the latter.

"Mahina. What do you know of this family? I think they are worth looking into. They may be potential allies, victims, or a lead. Though we are a far way from Nexus." He said with the whistle still between his lips, flashing her the crest to give her a good look.

Sherwood Sherwood
Bard would take his time to look at each of the artifacts in turn. Pouring a little bit of essence into each to see if they would reveal their secrets or purposes to him. The hearthstones, as well as the weapons and trinkets.

(Would like to get an idea of what each does)
While Spider and Bard are doing their work on the bodies of the fallen, Kuaidao and Rory are starting to discuss the state of the village and who may be able to take up arms against your foes. You quickly learn from Rory and Donna that the village is home to a group of fifty skilled hunters, men and women with the skills to be able to take up arms against those that would try and attack the village. Rory then says, "There are many other small tribes in the area that we occasionally trade with, and a few we are at continual odds against, that it might be possible to talk with and convince them to join the effort as a united front against the walking dead. I can send messengers out and let the other tribes know that I am calling for a meeting at Alcar Dal, the sacred valley. This happens on rare occasions, so it is likely that the other tribes will arrive just to learn why the meeting has been called."
Kuaidao nodded in approval at this news. "I can offer training to anyone willing to fight at our side. While I'm sure your people know how to fight as both individuals and groups, there are always old skills that can be improved upon, and new ones that can be learned. That's the kind of knowledge the Unconquered Sun blessed me with." he said to Rory and Donna.

"Still, besides that monster, those two Abyssals and the means to create that tunnel into your village, I don't know what our enemy is capable of." he then said. "I think we can assume that they have zombies and various ghosts among their ranks, but I still want to get a better idea of what we're facing. The more incomplete our knowledge is, the more vague we'll sound about the threat we're trying to unify people against..."
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"Mahina. What do you know of this family? I think they are worth looking into. They may be potential allies, victims, or a lead." He said with the whistle still between his lips, flashing her the crest to give her a good look.
Walking over, Mahina looks at the ring carefully. "Hmmm. This looks like it is from the Taeger family, business folk that have a great amount of land in the region around Nexus and Lookshy. Land barons, and quite influential in the social circles of the Threshold. I would not think that the Taeger family would have their reach so far north of their usual haunts, but I suppose that anything is possible. It could also be that this fellow was one of their number before becoming one of these dark Exalts, and he held onto the signet ring as a link to his past."

Looking at the various artifacts, Bard begins to experiment. The rolled up piece of leather lays out flat, a 3x3 piece of skin and metal filaments. Once you put five motes of Essence into it, the wires begin to glow, moving across the face of the leather square and forming the lines of a relief map of the area around your current position, giving details of the terrain out several miles. In addition to showing the lay of the land, small moving motes of light show each and every person in the area, including the various Exalts that are shown by brighter motes of light.

Putting some Essence into the whistle does not seem to make any difference to it; when you blow into it, no sound comes out.

The bracers are covered in runes made in Starmetal filaments, and as Bard looks them over, you recognize symbols of the sutras that the Maidens use to describe the flows of Essence of a person using various martial arts. These appear to be meant to be used in conjunction with one of the many martial art styles, but in order to get more information on this, you'll need to put them on and put some Essence into them.
Spider looks on in interest as Bard fiddles with the various Artifacts. The glowing map makes her think of the times she has flown high overhead and looked down on the earth as the wind flowed beneath her wings. Her recent study of the arts of war speaks to her. "Look here. If this map is accurate, it can remove any chance of an ambush on a fighting force by lighting up the positions of the enemy. It will make going to war against these walking dead that much easier."

She watches as Bard blows into the whistle, then frowns in disappointment. "Meh. What good is a whistle that won't even whistle? Maybe you're doing it wrong. Let me try."
Walking over, Mahina looks at the ring carefully. "Hmmm. This looks like it is from the Taeger family, business folk that have a great amount of land in the region around Nexus and Lookshy. Land barons, and quite influential in the social circles of the Threshold. I would not think that the Taeger family would have their reach so far north of their usual haunts, but I suppose that anything is possible. It could also be that this fellow was one of their number before becoming one of these dark Exalts, and he held onto the signet ring as a link to his past."

Looking at the various artifacts, Bard begins to experiment. The rolled up piece of leather lays out flat, a 3x3 piece of skin and metal filaments. Once you put five motes of Essence into it, the wires begin to glow, moving across the face of the leather square and forming the lines of a relief map of the area around your current position, giving details of the terrain out several miles. In addition to showing the lay of the land, small moving motes of light show each and every person in the area, including the various Exalts that are shown by brighter motes of light.

Putting some Essence into the whistle does not seem to make any difference to it; when you blow into it, no sound comes out.

The bracers are covered in runes made in Starmetal filaments, and as Bard looks them over, you recognize symbols of the sutras that the Maidens use to describe the flows of Essence of a person using various martial arts. These appear to be meant to be used in conjunction with one of the many martial art styles, but in order to get more information on this, you'll need to put them on and put some Essence into them.

"My thoughts as well, dear heavensent. My thoughts as well. It is highly unlikely that they would support this Deathlord business. Even they have standards. Once we settle down here, it may be worth looking into them. If a scion of theirs was taken by such evil, perhaps they will be interested in giving us the aid we will certainly need. Or, we can learn if this Deathknight has set up a connection with them, one that we could disrupt and ruin."

His eyes brightened as the scroll began to animate. "Kuaidao, my friend! I think we have found something that will aid you greatly. You will enjoy this." He rolled up the scroll and gave it a toss to his fellow solar. jaydude jaydude

The whistle he kept. Seriously. Why did this one have to be the most stubborn? He liked whistles. He blew in the whistle again. "People don't keep whistles without sound for no reason. Its got to do something. No sound. Or none I can hear, at the very least. It might for something, it might be what can summon or control the monster. Or signal for the dead. Any insight?"

When Spider chimed in, he grinned. "Oh? Are you sure you want to? Its got my spit on it now." He teased, but tossed her the whistle for her to see what she could do. Psychie Psychie

As he spoke, he took off his current bracers. Putting them respectfully to the ground. He would then put on the kata bracers. The symbols, he could even recognize those of his own style there. How curious.

"You know, I really shouldn't be trying all these. I just know one day I'm going to get cursed. But I can't help myself. And who knows? Maybe if I try this enough I'll get good at it." He joked.

Once on, he poured his essence through it once more. Taking multiple stances of the Nightingale style. From its form to simple exercises. Sherwood Sherwood
The whistle he kept. Seriously. Why did this one have to be the most stubborn? He liked whistles. He blew in the whistle again. "People don't keep whistles without sound for no reason. Its got to do something. No sound. Or none I can hear, at the very least. It might for something, it might be what can summon or control the monster. Or signal for the dead. Any insight?"

When Spider chimed in, he grinned. "Oh? Are you sure you want to? Its got my spit on it now." He teased, but tossed her the whistle for her to see what she could do. Psychie Psychie Psychie Psychie
When Spider tries to blow into the whistle, the same thing happens; no sound comes out. Mahina chuckles. "I think it won't work at all during the day. If it is what I suspect, it is a Ghost Summoning Whistle. It takes three different blows to make the full magic work. The first is a simple call to all the ghosts within a five mile radius, letting them know that there is someone that wishes to speak with them. The second makes the call stronger, forcing less powerful spirits to come even if it is against their will. The third blow is even stronger than that, bringing stronger spirits to the one that sounded the Whistle. Once the Whistle has been blown three times, it will not work again until ten nights have passed. A word of warning about the Whistle; it does not make the spirits called bent to your will, and they can even be openly hostile to you."

As he spoke, he took off his current bracers. Putting them respectfully to the ground. He would then put on the kata bracers. The symbols, he could even recognize those of his own style there. How curious.

"You know, I really shouldn't be trying all these. I just know one day I'm going to get cursed. But I can't help myself. And who knows? Maybe if I try this enough I'll get good at it." He joked.

Once on, he poured his essence through it once more. Taking multiple stances of the Nightingale style. From its form to simple exercises.
The new bracers click into place on your wrists with an audible sound, and after you put 5 motes of Essence into them, their heavy weight seems to ease off, making them light to wear. Moving through the various katas of the Nightingale style, it almost feels like the bracers are making your movements even more fluid. Once you activate the Form Charm of the style, golden bands of light encircle you as the runes flare on the bracers, enhancing your movements with even more power.

OOC These are slightly modified Perfected Kata Bracers with a lower Commitment cost. They take 5m to attune, and once you activate your Form Charm, it adds your Essence to the accuracy, damage and defense of your unarmed attacks and of attacks made with the active Form-type Charm’s particular weapons. You may choose to inflict bashing or lethal damage at will and you may parry lethal attacks unarmed. In addition:
Orichalcum bracers let Solars inflict aggravated damage on creatures of darkness.

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