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Fantasy Adventures in Emerald Valley (OOC Thread)

I really like them! The doctor and June will get along nicely because of the super natural interest
I really like them! The doctor and June will get along nicely because of the super natural interest
”I swear, I looked everywhere for sticks in the woods- I couldn’t find any, and when I got back, there was a pile sitting RIGHT THERE! HAUNTED STICKS! HAUNTED STIC- I KNOW YOU’RE OUT THERE, PRINCESS NATURA, AND I KNOW YOU’RE REAL!
”I swear, I looked everywhere for sticks in the woods- I couldn’t find any, and when I got back, there was a pile sitting RIGHT THERE! HAUNTED STICKS! HAUNTED STIC- I KNOW YOU’RE OUT THERE, PRINCESS NATURA, AND I KNOW YOU’RE REAL!
Pffft, and in the background, Cami is there eternally facepalming, but knowing she has to put up with it, she does nothing.

"...You keep telling yourself that, and you've got your hands on nothing useful to back it up, doc..."
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I'd like to post a little scenario involving toast and mentions of Princess Natura, but I'll have to do my character's CS first.
Pffft, and in the background, Cami is there eternally facepalming, but knowing she has to put up with it, she does nothing.

"...You keep telling yourself that, and you've got your hands on nothing useful to back it up, doc..."
June’s there, curious as ever, scribbling down notes, and repeating “yes and tell me more...?”
KennethPhoenix18 KennethPhoenix18
I am indeed a CR fan! But I've never heard of Sentai? My username's actually a spin on Captain Marvel lol

Ahh, okay. Super Sentai is where Power Ranger has its origin from. This was the character I was referring to:
Hello everyone! Right now I was just trying to finish my character sheets. Right now the only ones left to make for me are for the miners. By the way, I wanted to share an idea I think would be good for the roleplay. You see, some time ago I was in another group roleplay which had a very interesting post format that helped to keep everything in order. I wanted to share it and see if we can implement it in this roleplay. In this format each post is breaked into the point of views of each character. Here's the format:

(Character Name)
(Place the character is currently at)
With: (What other characters are they with)
Mood: (What kind of mood the character is currently in)

So what we would do is that in our posts, we would start each post with this small section that helps us show which character's point of view we're showing, and the details that help keep track of everything that's going on. If several characters' points of views are shown in a single post, we'd write this section at the beginning of every section where a different character's point of view is shown. Do you guys like the idea?

Also, lilbean lilbean yes, you can have a miner. In that case I'll stick to just one miner.
I see what you're getting at, so, like.

Let's say I'm posting for all three of mine in one go, I'll have to separate their sections with that information 'first' before the actual content of the post, right?

...And, by 'point of view' of the character, are we talking first-person?
In a way, this is something I have done for years. It gets a little hectic with multiple characters on a single post. But l can give a visualize of it.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum fermentum bibendum risus non elementum. Morbi commodo sapien nisl, ac elementum magna interdum eget. Fusce sagittis pellentesque lectus et rutrum. Cras pulvinar eu eros nec fermentum. Proin fringilla eleifend mi a congue. Vestibulum aliquet sit amet sem ac scelerisque. Curabitur ac malesuada augue. Praesent ac sollicitudin dolor. Nunc ut arcu eu dui dignissim lacinia. Praesent molestie molestie erat, eget malesuada justo laoreet sed. Vivamus vel lectus pretium, sollicitudin ex ac, euismod ex. Praesent viverra metus id quam lobortis dignissim. Aenean ornare mollis nulla quis blandit. Donec luctus iaculis ex vel placerat.

Praesent tincidunt consectetur odio, eget pretium lorem dapibus ac. Nullam porttitor sed leo quis vehicula. Etiam hendrerit, arcu nec venenatis dignissim, ligula nisl mollis metus, eget tempus lectus dolor in lacus. Nullam quis neque ipsum. Phasellus rhoncus odio ipsum, id auctor lacus semper ac. Vestibulum posuere, tortor a pellentesque ultricies, diam nibh sagittis erat, ac imperdiet tellus enim vitae neque. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas sit amet mattis lacus, ut cursus felis. Mauris quis arcu sed urna suscipit varius. Nunc viverra laoreet augue, ac faucibus leo condimentum quis. Integer a ultrices enim.

Vivamus nec orci quis enim mattis sollicitudin ut vel massa. Etiam aliquam, arcu ac tincidunt scelerisque, est sem gravida nunc, ut consequat lacus dui ac nisi. Nam lorem dui, ultricies a nunc a, egestas pretium enim. Sed porta, nunc eu sodales egestas, ipsum libero tempus velit, in consectetur purus enim quis purus. Morbi dapibus ligula lorem, a tempor elit scelerisque ut. Suspendisse turpis justo, semper vel nisl sit amet, accumsan elementum mi. Sed gravida orci vitae tincidunt efficitur. Nam sed dolor sit amet mauris posuere consequat. Aenean lobortis, felis accumsan aliquet ornare, leo orci imperdiet lorem, ut laoreet eros tortor eu diam. Cras nisl ex, ullamcorper sed augue eu, ornare malesuada eros. Aenean ullamcorper ultricies consectetur. Praesent elit erat, tristique sed consectetur vel, molestie ac urna. Curabitur ultrices ultricies tellus eget auctor. Curabitur sollicitudin mauris vel tortor facilisis ultricies. Duis dignissim posuere sapien vel vulputate. Nulla facilisi.

Sed rutrum ultricies leo, quis ornare elit fringilla dignissim. Fusce non bibendum velit. Nullam ac molestie justo, ut suscipit diam. Phasellus vestibulum vestibulum lectus. Nulla porttitor aliquam arcu, vitae ornare mauris iaculis in. Fusce malesuada enim in fringilla iaculis. Fusce eget congue arcu. Fusce vestibulum sagittis justo sit amet vulputate. Integer maximus nunc a nibh feugiat accumsan. Morbi quis arcu nisi. Nullam id tristique nunc. Quisque ullamcorper placerat leo sit amet sollicitudin. Pellentesque id dui nec tellus scelerisque consequat vitae id augue. Maecenas congue ante mi, sit amet malesuada velit hendrerit sit amet. Fusce in egestas libero.

In facilisis ullamcorper velit vel mattis. Sed vestibulum erat quis ligula blandit, quis posuere nunc tempor. Aenean ut nulla massa. Sed maximus ligula et tellus suscipit, nec aliquam est pellentesque. Aliquam ut quam ut lorem bibendum tincidunt. Quisque et lectus placerat, hendrerit massa at, ullamcorper leo. Curabitur tincidunt odio ante, ut vulputate dolor egestas ut. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus pharetra tincidunt erat, quis interdum est vulputate a. Nam facilisis orci eu mi convallis tincidunt. Quisque accumsan lobortis egestas. Donec a ipsum ligula. Praesent eros lorem, luctus ut rhoncus ut, malesuada at lectus. Quisque consectetur tortor euismod

With: NA Where: NA Mood: NA


This is one of my posting templates, with the character atmosphere at the bottom.

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