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Realistic or Modern Yperanthropos era


The offspring of all things
(not the best writer so forgive my mistakes also I wasnt sure of how to right this and wasn't sure of my plot either)

*Turns on front facing camera*

My name is Donjo Green I am 18 years old in the year 2016 of December 18. I am speaking from an RC20X smartphone with 98% life giving me 7 days to document what I have seen and have learned. A small meteor hit Russia around 4 years ago on august 8th but nothing was to serious about from what news channels said it wasn't till 2 years passed and a few other reported meteors where found not sure of there dates but I hope to find them. Each place hit was observed by scientist and from what they gathered the earth that surrounded the meteor was gaining high amounts of nutrients that made the earth blossom with foreign plant life and several different specious of animals the scientist marked these meteors as the solution to the worlds problems no more world hunger, many cures for diseases, less poverty, etc. The world was becoming a utopia a place where survival of the fittest meant nothing more than a friendly rivalry. I my self found that even something as common as bullying was disappearing.

After that year that the world called "The year the sky cried" I't was hard to pick a name due to religion which people tolerated now but no one still agreed on that matter. Okay I need to stop wasting time. After that year thing was amazing everyone was happy no conflict could be seen across the globe until 3 days from today a storm of meteors rain down hit earth not missing a single area. This resembled what had happen to the dinosaurs everyone laid lifeless for a full 24 ours I am not sure how I knew this but it was as if I had been wide awake through the whole thing as every stands from the destruction immediately "the blast heard around the world" was fired and that caused everyone to realize that humans were blessed with amazing abilities everything from super strength to telekinesis.

I have observed the earth and it has evolved as well new plants that feast on life and grow rapidly in hordes, mountains that fired boulders, rivers that feasted on fish, etc. As well as the animals who have mutated from herbivorous and carnivorous into omnivorous monsters that resembled terrifying nightmares but still seem to only kill when needed which shows how much more intelligent animals are than humans but thats my opinion.
"Hey kid what are doing recording me I will kill you" A young fat man yells angrily. Excuse me for a moment. Donjo stands from his shelter like ruble two medium sized boulders began to float the man becomes confused and surprised they then crush the man splattering his guts onto the ground. The bolders drop and Donjo returns to his video.

As you have just witnessed I can control earth one of the billions of the billions of powers found across this earth. When I use my ability I can feel the weight physically in my hand even though it is a mental power. Oh I forgot to add that along with us gifted with powers there are those that have none but even without an ability humans are still stronger than before I have seen a grown woman lift a car off of her child and I have seen a toddler capable of running to it's parent dodging the rubble like a pro athlete though this is only my sighting there are many things I must learn. But I can't do it alone so I will need others to help me survive this so that any future watchers can see this and learn from it.


This is a kinda open world adventure type thing basically Donjo(me) is trying to make his way to a science lab in Russia assuming that they would have the most knowledge and experience with this evolution and he is trying to document this for future references for the history books just encase no one else does or if the others don't survive also there's no where else to go so why not.

So welcome to what ever is left in the world.

(If you have questions just ask)

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