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Fantasy Shadow Boy


made up of opposites


A long time ago, there was a boy.

He came from a miserable and poor family, beaten by his father, ignored by his mother.

But one day, he met a girl.

A beautiful girl, with flowing brown hair and sparkling blue eyes.

At midnight, every day, they would meet near the train tracks.

She came from the richest family in town. If they were caught, they never would have been allowed together.

But one day, that was just what happened.

The boy's father found out, and followed them to the train tracks.

He pulled the two apart and flung the girl onto the train tracks, then yelled at his son.

But before anything could be done, a train came by and..

She was gone.

Enraged and over come by grief, the boy ran. Ran as fast as he could, away from his father, his mother, from everything he knew..

from her. The one he loved.

A little while after he had gone, the boy came back to the train tracks.

He would meet her again. They would be together forever.


When he awoke, he was not in heaven. He was not in hell.

He was still on earth. But he was no longer himself.

His skin was black. He felt light.

His red eyes pierced the night.

He had become a shadow.


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