Other What Do You Like To Do With Your Time Outside Of Social Media?

I'm trying to find other things to do with my time outside of social media as well as make social contacts outside of social media but don't really know where to start with that. Do you guys have any suggestions as to what I should do?
What kinds of things do you like to do? One thing I'd potentially recommend would be looking into some local events, clubs or classes related to your interests, where you might be able to make some connections! But I know things like that can also be complicated by availability/transportation/money/life, etc., so I suppose finding ways to fill your time will depend on what your circumstances allow at the moment?

Currently, work and college are taking up the majority of my time, and it's difficult to get out of the house much beyond that, so all of my hobbies are just things I can do at home when I'm free: draw, play video games, read, indulge in crafts like sewing, or... nap. I know my school has an esports club for both casual and competitive gamers, which might have been up my alley if I wasn't so socially awkward, but I might also attend my local gaming convention this spring or start going to relevant events hosted by local retro gaming shops. I've been in the market for more friends, too, so I definitely understand how you feel.
Video games is a big hobby for me, I play at least 1h almost every day. I enjoy competitive games with short match sessions so that works for me (Street Fighter6 etc) . For RPG or something longer like MOBA you'd need to dedicate more time and I'm not ready for it.

I also play music, it's another big hobby. I'm learning 3 instruments and sometimes participate in performances, so there are also rehearsals. It also takes a lot of time and dedication.

I also like to watch series, and because I'm into cdramas it takes a while since they have at least 40 1-hour episodes lol Takes me 2-3 months to watch one series 😅

I think that's all. Those hobbies already take up almost all of my free time. Occasionally I draw as well, but it's mostly when I'm sick or on vacation because that gives me some extra free time lol 🙃

You should do what you enjoy doing. There are so many unique hobbies out there. Maybe your thing would be cosplay or knitting or singing or visiting museums. Try different stuff!
Video games, currently League (ARAM) and Minecraft (modded) have me the most, I'm dabbling in other games too when friends are on & want to play.

I also draw and doodle from time to time and watch my favorite shows. Like Onmyoji said, start by going out & doing something you like. It's easier to relate to someone who shares a hobby or interest with you.

If you're in school, that's a good place as well!
What kinds of things do you like to do? One thing I'd potentially recommend would be looking into some local events, clubs or classes related to your interests, where you might be able to make some connections! But I know things like that can also be complicated by availability/transportation/money/life, etc., so I suppose finding ways to fill your time will depend on what your circumstances allow at the moment?
Well, I don't go out much outside of work because I'm not the best conversationalist in real life and rarely meet people in person, but as for things I like to do, I like roleplaying, I like writing, I like cycling, I like going for walks, I like to play video games every now and then, though most of my gaming-related interests are kinda niche, so it'd be difficult to find people in my local area that share my niche gaming interests, but it's always worth a shot to try and put out a contact message to see if there's anyone at all in my local area that shares my interests.

You should do what you enjoy doing. There are so many unique hobbies out there. Maybe your thing would be cosplay or knitting or singing or visiting museums. Try different stuff!
That's definitely one of the best approaches to finding things to do with my life outside of social media. I'll see what I can do about taking said approach.
I like to find something of interest to really research and learn about. Especially if it's something I've never heard before and this doesn't have to be academic. Like, I can be sucked into a documentary about petz dispensers (whichitotallyhave) and then like be like. Holy crap now I know how to collect really rare items! A hobby! Sometimes I'll get fixated on a part of history and again it doesn't have to be academic. I love watching a drunk history for learning things. Entertaining and you learn. Depending on your city there may be places which have game nights. I've been wanting to do this forever but I've just been too shy. Usually located at your local game store. Generally, they are always really nice people.

Presently it is the ice season in my country and so I have a lot of excuses to stay inside. Although, I'm getting a bit of cabin fever so I'll likely be keeping an eye on this , just to see what I can do as well to entertain myself
Monday: Start Cultic Groups
Tuesday: Work on card game
Wednesday: Practice at Smash Bros
Thursday: Create deepfakes and start a political drama
Friday: 3am stalking
Saturday: Gym
Sunday: Pray to the lord

1 of these is fake. I wont tell you which one.
Work, write, video games, read, exercise, build the Lego Architecture models.
I play Nintendo Switch, get some from my girlfriend, and watch anime with her. I also play Quake 3 Arena and Open Arena. I sometimes watch movies with my girlfriend on date night....
I dont. I am a being that exists with no dimensions, dimension 0, the only why I can exist is this single website.

(Real answer, video games, read, panic attack, depression, sleep.)
you sound like a homebody like me lol i am NOT a people-person and "going outside" is not something i particularly enjoy doing. i do it anyway because its good for me (*grumble grumble*) but it is sooooo not my idea of a good time!

if youre looking for solitary home-based hobbies, there are obvious options also like watching more tv shows, reading more, etc. but im gonna focus on "productive" stuff. if you like computers, you could get a neocities (free!) and try your hand at some web design stuff (learning HTML, CSS, javascript, etc) or otherwise make some attempts at programming. if youre more of a hands-on type, ive had a lot of fun learning to make simple jewelry, and ive even sold a few pieces to friends. my mom has tried to teach me to crochet multiple times but man, i cant get into it. you can make simple modeling clay at home (or buy it at the store, idk what your budget is like) and get into making little clay creations. i got a new job and quit my current one a few weeks ago, so part of today will be spent making homemade thank-you cards for the two bosses at my current job that i really like. im using stuff i already have (cardstock and watercolors).

things with a slightly lower barrier to entry that you can do at home include learning to cook (you always have to eat, youre gonna buy food anyway,) learning to bake (you can give baked goods away if youre worried about your consumption of delicious baked goods jumping through the roof,) and wood carving. my roommate has gotten really into baking fresh bread and pickling vegetables from our other roommates garden.

if you have a bit more money to burn, you could learn an instrument (a cheap starter guitar or keyboard can run you less than $100-- or try a local secondhand store) or you could buy a cheap tablet (i think my huion tablet was $55?) and learn to draw digitally. my roommate has an honest to god pottery wheel in her room and makes clay pots, but our other roommate hates the mess and pays a bit more to go to a local pottery place that has the wheels and clay ready for you. our walls are decorated with paint-and-sip paintings that we all did together-- paint-along classes, or just buying paints and following along on youtube, are all options. try running around michaels or some other craft store and seeing if anything interests you. you could make soap, or candles, or get into woodburning, or beading, orrrrrr...

if youre willing and able, checking your local library for groups/classes might be worth looking into. mine hosts the occasional free activity/event that i attend either by myself or with my roommates. back in december, they had a holiday card making event, which i attended with my roommates, and they provided all the materials necessary for us to make a few small holiday cards, and my family LOVED receiving the handmade cards so much that i ended up investing a bit of money into some basic supplies so i could make even more. my library also happens to have a small makerspace that allowed me to experiment with watercolors without having to pay upfront to see if i liked them at all, which was nice. they also have groups for writers (of both original and fanfiction, how crazy is that?) and some book clubs i havent attended because i am bad at playing nice with the other kids lol but it might be good for you?

i found meetups (especially singles meetups and happy hours AUGH) to be some of the absolute worst experiences of my life LOL so i dont recommend those at all. but in general seeing whats going on around your city might be fun! just, you know, be safe.
My main hobbies consist of writing, learning about marine biology, playing DnD and I run a monthly horror movie club across different venues in my city. All my disposable income goes on movie tickets. I also work on my stamp collection when I have time! Real mix of stuff that keeps me on my toes.

I wouldn't class having a full time job as a 'hobby' per say, but I sure do spend a lot of time working, so my hobbies have become increasingly important to me. :)
Playing video games, hanging with family and friends and taking walks. I don’t know why but I feel most at peace when I’m walking. It lets me clear my head.

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