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Fantasy Touched By Gods CS Thread


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Roleplay Availability
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Hi! This is where you will post your character sheets!
Character name:
Age (15-17):
Basic appearance description:
Basic backstory:
Powers/Abilities (Research your characters God's powers. For example, Skylar has weather manipulation and electricity manipulation):
Character name: Diana Dalory
Age (15-17): 16
Sexuality: Straight (questioning)
Pronouns: She / Her
Basic appearance description:6F11FA17-B6B9-4221-8AD2-679504A7B39A.jpeg

Basic backstory: Diana grew up with two great parents, praised as their pride and joy. She was also always praised for her โ€œgracefulโ€ look and personality. How she was so general and kind to all creatures, never finding a soul to be โ€œugly.โ€ She treated everyone the same.

She was usually taken advantage of for her kindness and forced into doing things she didnโ€™t really agree to do all because she was afraid of saying โ€œno.โ€ She keeps to her self, mostly, reading and studying alone, not having very many friends only her small circle, and thriving off her imagination. Her shyness causes her to be a bit flustered and embarrassed at the slightest things out of the ordinary also forming a sort of social anxiety. For example, raising your hand in class, embarrassing, falling/tripping, embarrassing. But other than those things, she is a normal girl.

Powers/Abilities: In addition to the powers ordinary to all gods and goddesses, she possesses perfect aim with a bow, the ability to change herself and others into animals, and control disease and healing. But, unlike Artemis she does not have superhuman strength , not that she is aware of ofc ; ). (Ew- Iโ€™m sorry for winkingโ€ฆ)
Character name: Skylar Storm
Age (15-17): 17
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Basic appearance description:

Basic backstory:
Skylar was born to a famous actress and director, growing up in the lap of luxury with a silver spoon in her mouth. She had always been the it-girl, the one everyone wanted to be, the coolest clothes, the newest toys, the highest grades, the most friends. That hasn't stopped since she'd gotten into high school, either- she's the president of the student council, the captain of the cheer squad, first chair cello and well on her way to both valedictorian and prom queen. This doesn't come easy, though- perfect smiles and easy laughs hide long nights studying and reciting drill, severe imposter syndrome and her feelings over her parents divorce. Nobody's perfect- but Skylar kinda feels like she has to be.
Powers/Abilities: Skylar has command over winds and storms, and can generate powerful lightning bolts from her fingertips. She can also communicate with avians. Along with this, she has somewhat enhanced strength, speed, durability, reflexes, and charisma.
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Character name: Pierre Carter

Age (15-17): 16

Sexuality: Bi?

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Basic appearance description: Pierre is a 6โ€™1 and 160 pounds. He wears a black button up with a teal tie. He pairs that with black chinos and black leather dress shoes. He has jet black hair and green eyes. He is pale and has red full lips.

Basic backstory: Pierre Carter was born to Maria and David Carter. His father is a brain surgeon while his mother works for an oil rig. Pierre comes from wealth but likes too keep a low profile. He doesnโ€™t like to flash his money too much. Heโ€™s very academic and he keeps his grades in the Aโ€™s. He enjoys swimming and surfing as well as reading old books.

Powers/Abilities: Water manipulation, Telekinesis, Telepathy (Uses it to talk to sea or aquatic creatures mostly)

(More powers and abilities will come to him as time goes)
I will never stop doing this for every rp I ever do

Hendrix Beatmor

Age (15-17): 17
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/He *Genderfluid*
Basic appearance description: View attachment 995400
Standing at a inhumanly 6'9, Black hair and dull amber eyes, mostly paired with simple earing and outfits, thus letting him/her blend into the background
Relgion: Even thought white, with an athist father* S/he Is Hindu Like his/her Mother ( * = Still supportive!)

Basic backstory: [/B] Found ditched on the side of the road, S/he was adopted by the Beatmor famliy, where their fame and riches alowed him to dive into his creativity. S/he to this day, still doesnt want to find her/his real parents, as s/he liked to say "If they dont care about me, I don't care about them"

Powers/Abilities: Being able to summon Celestial Bronze from the ground, and melting it into a makeshift weapon or item, and controlling most metal items. And near-superhuman strength

Everything Alse
P.S. S/he Commonly use He pronouns on most days, so if your character doesn't know his/her pronouns that day, just call him/her, He
P.S.S Im not Hindu, but I do my resurch

Background Artist: Jonathan Stroh Picture Artist: Unknown

(sorry don't know why it doubled)
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