Captive - Mechanics


Snap out of it
Booby Traps


Shotgun Hallway: When entering the room it will trigger theese shotguns to fire randomly


Razor Wire room: In order to get to the hostages you must plow through a room filled with razor wire in a spider web like fassion


Electrified Staircase: To get to the second floor you must go up a flight of stairs eached rigged to give a shock of elcectricity. Some much worse then others.


Cyanide Room: What seems like a simple room is actually one of the most deadly. Entring this room means certian death. Amoung entering you will set off a chain reaction which will result in gasses and fumes filling up the room.


Shotgun Chairs: If an official was to enter the room within the last hour that would begin a chain reaction. The chairs will begin to spin and would stop on 30 seconds. Whoever it lands on it shoots.
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