The Butlers *Anime*


She's alone
It seems like the rich and famous have maids and butlers, but what happens when a group of people with little money or no fame are able to choose one of the best butlers around? Will they find out secrets? Who is the liar? How can girls be butlers? Does the school have a secret that may ensnare everyone and their butler? Who knows, but it will be one heck of a ride. *Make sure to read the rules*


- Swearing is allowed

- Romance is allowed even encouraged

- Nothing sexual

- Violence is allowed

- Only one butler per master

- Not every butler can be female only a couple

- No controlling other's characters

- Don't switch butlers without permission (it has happened before)

- Have any questions PM me


  1. Sora Abe - TAKEN
  2. Haruka Mori - TAKEN
  3. Kaoru Matsubishi - TAKEN
  4. Akira Hana - TAKEN
  5. Len Kekuromi - TAKEN
  6. Grey Kosuke - TAKEN
  7. Kohaku Sashi - TAKEN
  8. Inori Zamatza - TAKEN
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