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Futuristic Star Wars: Skywalker’s Fall


Vitals: 100%
Location: Corakara's Frigate
Interacting with: Kaztastrophe Kaztastrophe

Price turned in his seat to glance over his shoulder and look back at the metallic heap, biting back a disgusted sneer as he refocused his attention to the Nav screen ahead of him as he pulled up an image of the planet in question. "It's an agriworld, however this jump puts us closer to the proximity of Coruscant and other Core territories. It's up to you if you want to investigate this planet, I don't call the shots around here." Price looked to the general with his lips pursed in a tight smile; his abnormally wiry facial hair making him look like a tired, haggard warfighter. "I'm not privy to any planets selling droids as a specialty, however. I'm sure any planet bar an agriworld does."
"My droid will never function again. My droid died long before I left Chiss space. The thing there was an abomination of technology that served it's purpose, it is garbage. When I get somewhere with the proper tools I will extract the Chiss and bury my droid. The Chiss part is going to a scrapheap. I have no mission. I have no war. If I am meant to do something The Force shall guide the way like it guided me to you. If I am not meant to do something then I will do whatever I please. Right now the only thing that will please is to free my droid's corpse from the abomination and get a new one. So whatever planet allows me to do that is fine, doesn't matter which one."
The paused to look back. It would be hard to miss the deadpan stare Argo gave Rulirr, even with a mask. She cocked her head to the side slightly. "Actually, shockingly, that's still eavesdropping. I believe that in certain civilizations this sort of interaction is called 'strong-arming' and it's generally frowned upon."

She quickly grabbed her transmitter when a small light on it flashed to signal and incoming transmission. She frowned listening to Alvar's words. "You couldn't... have got Radassa first?" She glanced between the transmitter and Rulirr. Something in her gut was telling her that this was a bad idea. Not a feeling in the force, necessarily. It just felt... fishy. "I'll be right over
ETA in an hour." She cut the transmission and clipped the device back to her side.

"You're lucky I'm in a rush. 10 credits will suffice, I presume."

Endless Thundaza Endless Thundaza Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358
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Vitals: 100%
Location: Corakara's Frigate
Interacting with: Kaztastrophe Kaztastrophe

The ARC Trooper nodded, listening to the woman speak as she essentially wanted to get a new droid, or perhaps software. The fact that she only relied on the Force for her guidance baffled him. To Price, guidance was found within the orders he was given in a situation. Enemy number count, resources, assignments, equipment, instruction. To rely on something as if it were a commanding order that he physically couldn't see or hear always baffled the man from his interactions with Jedi Generals. Of course, that quickly changed following his assignment to the 232nd. Perhaps there were more divisions out there that operated without the 'guidance' of Jedi Generals and only reported to GAR HIGHCOM, but he'd never know. Silently tapping away at the Nav console, he re-calibrated the destination solution to jump straight to Saccoria- at the cost of half the ship's fuel for the Hyperdrive. "So much for a wipe... Back in my time, Coruscant was the Republic's Capital. If this Empire came along, that means the restructuring of the new Imperial government had to have originated from Coruscant as well. And if the Empire is as... destructively hostile as you claim, perhaps going to Coruscant would be a bad idea. Look, we can at least see what's around Saccoria- that is even if this agriworld does sell droids for a price." Price said, sighing. Everything was new, and despite quickly catching on, he didn't like the way this was appearing to work out.
Destiny was being rather cruel to the Jedi, currently. If anything toying with her. "Make it 20 for your sass." She said, gesturing for her to follow. She approached the ship. Such would usually be stolen or at least taken for scrap. Unwatched, left alone. Albeit the reason would be found inside as the door opened up for her. An alien beast would growl and hiss loudly at the scent of the stranger, only to stop as it wagged it's tail at Rulirr. "Down. This one is coming with us." Rulirr spoke, walking to the cockpit. "Get ready for take off. We are heading to the ruins of the following coordinates." She explained, hearing the beeping of the Droid by the piloting seat. The pet beast sniffed at the Jedi and growled, shaking it's head before walking off. Rulirr began pulling switches and pressing buttons. "Best hold on. And keep your hands to yourself. Watch her hands, Domo." Rulirr asked, the alien pet huffing at her like a true watch dog.
"Ah, 15, my favorite number." Argo waved a hand in a bit of a flourish along with her statement as she followed the woman. She was quite impressed and shocked by her ship's mere existence. This was a small settlement, hardly thrilling, and she hadn't seen any crime aside from a few spats within the cantina while she had been here. Yet this ship was worth a pretty credit- it was a surprise no one had decided to take it yet. Even know, the crime part of her brain immediately started making guesses as to the resale value. But the reason why it was still here quickly became clear. Argo jolted when the creature hissed at her. She supposed it wasn't actually as frightening as her first instinct had suggested, though she certainly hadn't been expecting this. Argo watched the beast leave curiously and continued to scan her surroundings as she was led to the cockpit.

She waved halfheartedly at the droid. "Hello," she spoke quietly and thumped down into an empty seat. She crossed her arms over her chest. After a few minutes of silence post-take off, Argo cleared her throat. "Got a name?"

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"I know I told you this at least once. Probably twice. So I will tell you once more only. Empire is dead. Republic is alive again. At least it was of two decades ago. Wake me when we get to wherever you set it." She walked to the back of the ship locking everydoor behind her and locked herself in her room. She got in bed and went to sleep.


Vitals: 100%
Location: Corakara's Frigate
Interacting with: Kaztastrophe Kaztastrophe

Price knew how to fly a starfighter, but not a full-fledged frigate. First time for everything, he supposed. As she stepped out of the cockpit and went into the back of the ship, he looked down, squinted, and pinched the bridge of his nose in light irritation. The woman was beginning to vex him. He lightly entertained the thought of waiting a few more hours before begin rescued, but that simply wasn't a viable option. Locking in the destination solution and powering up the hyperdrive after fumbling around with the controls, he successfully engaged the device to jump to Saccoria. The ship's low bass drone turned into a sharp whine as the drive engaged; momentarily disorienting the Clone as the view in front of him warped the stars to appear like elongated specs of white string- right before plunging into hyperspace. Price shook his head and clambered over to the pilot's seat of the craft as he familiarized himself with the controls. Within an hour, the ship suddenly lurched backward as the jump was completed. Flexing his hands, Price guided the craft down to the planet, through the atmosphere, and engaged the landing gear as he made a smooth touchdown onto the planet's semi-arid surface. Hopefully, no-one saw or attempted to hail him during this process as he powered down the engine and left the pilot's seat, putting his helmet over his head and reaching up to activate the ship's PA system. "Ey, sleepin' beau, we've arrived. Let me out of here would ya?" Price said rather jokingly as he deactivated the transmitter. There's no way he could have left as she locked every door on her way out.

Securing his weapons, he stood upright and did a quick series of stretches as he waited for the woman to awaken. As he did, he pondered Corakara's statement before she left the cockpit. How could she know that the Republic was alive after she said it was, essentially, killed off by the Empire? What the hell was she talking about? Perhaps he'd get some answers, and soon.
Corakara did not have a good sleep it was plag by a hellish knight mare of black and red. Two names kept coming up Skywalker & Syndulla. She was awoken by the clone. She got on her computer and unlocked everything. She met up with the clone. “I’m not staying long. I’m refueling and getting a navcom update then I am out of here. I have a new mission. You are welcome to stay aboard or you can stay on the planet. Up to you. Death is calling and I must answer.“

Jacen remembered something his mother told him about Specter 6’s first Lightsaber. He began engineering an attachment to his dad’s lightsaber. He went to the cargo hold, put on a spacesuit, and opened the cargo bay doors. He aimed for outside and tested his attachment. It worked perfectly he believed. The blaster bolt dissipated quickly the farther it went. “Short range only. I’ll have to see if I can fix that with better parts.“ He closed the cargo door.

In the cockpit BB-99 landed the Ghost on Saccoria. Jacen felt a pull within the Force. “99 keep the ship on lockdown I have to find someone.

Corakara also felt a pull. She went to a cantina and looked around. She locked eyes with a green haired humanoid. That green haired humanoid locked eyes with her as well. They approached each other cautiously. They sized each other up. “Syndulla.” Corakara looked at him puzzled. “Any relationship to Hera Syndulla?” It was Jacen’s turn to look puzzled. “How do you know my mother?” Corakara looked pleased. “Mother & father told me of their many adventures with her. I’m sure your mother told you of Wren & Bridger. I’m their daughter.“ Jacen hugged Corakara. “Then were like cousins. The name is Jacen. How are Sabine & Ezra? My mother is mostly retired she runs a small import-export company.“ Corakara looked sad. “They died So did Ashoka. My name is Corakara you can call me Cora or Kara just not CK. The ones allowed to call me that are no longer with us.“ Jacen hugged Corakara once more. "Sorry cuz."
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Vitals: 100%
Location: Saccoria / 'Fat Bantha' Cantina
Interacting with: N/A

"Understood." Price said reflexively, before snapping back to his own directive. He had appreciated the rescue that Corakara had given him, but figure that this was no further place to be. After all, he didn't feel like interfering with this Jedi's mission, and her temperament and nonsensical cryptic ramblings only served to irritate him into desertion. The Clone left the ship, and quite quickly strode off to make his way to a market. Despite being an agriworld, at least what he remembered, the Republic had to have had a shipyard around this planet. After walking for a while, the Clone made his way toward a small villa. His stomach growled at the sight of a Cantina labeled Fat Bantha, and Price made a beeline for it. He simply didn't care of the bewildered looks people gave him; his mission was his own now, and he needed to get a ship of his own at some point.

Walking into the Cantina, Price removed his helmet and tucked it underneath his arm as he approached one of the barstools and took a seat. A Toydarian flew over to him from behind the counter and gave a strange, surprised growling huff. "You.... new Bounty Hunter? Have not seen armor like that. What would you like?" Price finished glancing at the menu and solidified his choice; reaching into his utility pouch and pulling out a string of Republic credits to cover the total of the meal he was ordering. "Namba patty and a Horstberry cider, please." The Toydarian took a look at the form of payment and let out another growl. "Republic... Credits no good. Imperial credits only, Bounty-Hunter." Price sighed. "That's all I have, pal. I'm not a Bounty Hunter, I'm a veteran of the Clone Wars. Woke up in a stasis pod- look can I just get a meal, please? I haven't eaten in fifty years for kriff sakes." Price gave out another sigh; his eyes pleading with the Toydarian for a moment before the winged alien finally relented with a shocked tone. "You... Clone? You eat, Republic friend. How you end up here?" The alien took the credits, before whisking away into the back and placing the order slip onto a drawstring that was moved into the Cantina's kitchen by a pulley system. After a while of waiting, the food finally arrived.

Price didn't realize how hungry he was, having cut into the Namba patty rather quickly before talking his first bite and nearly recoiling from the heat. He sighed contentedly, finishing his meal and gingerly sipping on his cider as he felt more alert and energized than before. The Toydarian never appeared to leave him alone; watching him out of the corner of his eye with a mix of awe and giddiness awaiting a response. "Like I said before, cryostasis pod. What... happened while I was out?" The alien flew over to him, placing his hands on the counter. "After Clone Wars, Empire take over. Empire fall to Rebel Alliance. Then something new show up. Call themselves 'First Order'. This, I hear from travelers. They have not come to planet yet, but numbers are growing from what I hear." Price blinked, taking in the information fed to him. Finally, he understood what was going on, but still couldn't believe it. He was out long enough for the Republic to dissipate, then this Empire to rise from its ashes, then collapse to the victory of.. a Rebellion? An entire generation passed him by as he laid in stasis. Price sighed, and nodded. "Right.. so... what happened to the Rebellion?"

The Toydarian shook his head. "Restructure. New Republic, then into Resistance from the former New Republic military. My opinion, war sithspit. Much better opportunities. You, Clone, last of your kin to me. Find girl, settle down. Don't stress over war and retire!" The Toydarian laughed, reaching out and patting Price's shoulder gently. "You die if you go to war again. Certainly against enemy like First Order. That is my opinion. You are obviously free to do what you want." Price sighed, nodding. He knew that he couldn't simply settle down even if there wasn't a war going on. He was born to fight and bred for war. Certainly getting a ship would help. Perhaps becoming a soldier for hire? A merc? It would be a decent way to make a living out here, but he didn't much recall mercenaries having a moral affiliation. They only did their jobs for the pay, it seemed. He knew what he wanted to do, but snags kept getting in the way. Would someone else find him? A Republic soldier? A First Order garrison? As far as he could tell he wasn't hunted, and the public on Saccoria seemed to largely be oriented to be neutral or at least favor independent support. Hell, he hasn't even seen what these soldiers looked like. Perhaps they looked like Clones? Wore the same armor? His mind was racing with possibilities, but Price shoved them to the back of his mind and just enjoyed the last of his cider. "Where can I find a shipyard?"

The Toydarian smiled. "Shipyard further in villa. Small scale. Hyperspace-capable single seat ships. Enough to get you around, provided you have credits." Price nodded, returning the plate and glass back to the Toydarian, who collected the dishware and nodded. "May you have safe travels, Clone." Price looked back, nodding to the alien as he placed his helmet over his head and set out to find the shipyard. If all else failed, he could settle for embracing the mercenary life after all.
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Radassa would arrive at the village of Nakarii. They all stepped off and everyone went their own way. Some went to get supplies, visit people, everyone had things to do even in the war. The place was always at the verge of death, sort to speak. Should the order gain ground, they would eventually befall into it. Radassa would look around, responding back to the message. "Mesa have arrived to Nakarii. Mesa shall gather supplies. Sending coordinates to you, Alvar." She spoke, sending the coordinates over. She needed to gather supplies, regardless. A Jedi Healer used the force, but she had also learned to be a general doctor. Herbs, medicine, bandages...Jedi were powerful but one could not always be there. But they could leave help and hope behind to linger. She entered the market, usually bustling now less than the usual. Everyone was nervous, and those who could packed up and left. Radassa searched for supplies she might need.

"Rulirr." The Miraluka spoke. The Droid would twirl around, and was the complete opposite to Rulirr. "Oh hello!!! Ruli, I did not know that you had friends! Hello hello! I am R-3D! Nice to meet you!" The Droid chirped, quickly typing in the coordinates given. "Oh the ruins? We should be careful. I have heard over the radio that there have been some first order activity!" R-3D spoke. Rulirr hummed. "She is no friend. She is a customer. We are delivering her, getting paid, and getting back out." She said, rather persistent on it. R-3D would shake it's head. "Oh do not mind her. She is always in business mood. Oh! Would you like a drink? We have drinks!" The Droid was already off the seat and hurrying off as Rulirr pushed forward, allowing the piloting system to aid her. Domo was laying down and staring at the Jedi, watching her. R-3D searched around and picked out a drink, bringing it back to her.

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"Jacen I assume the Force sent you the cryptic message of black and death. I..." Jacen intrerupted Corakara. "Yes I know. History is repeating itself. Not safe to openly talk about such matters. I have a ship, I presume you have a ship. Mine is currently registered with a Syndulla Shipping, we will have legitimate cover to be anywhere we want to be and easy access to legitimate paying jobs." Corakara grabbed the keys to her ship from her pocket. "Got some stuff I need to get then I can unload it." She caught up to the clone as he was leaving. "Clone! Met up with the son of a friend of the family. They have ship. You want mine?" She dangled the keys to it. "Gotta unload some stuff, then yours."

Corakara went back to the ship. Most of the crap on board she left behind, none of it meant a thing to her. It was just the usual crap one collects over the years, none of it means a thing to her. The stuff that truly meant anything to her she kept in an easily accesible box in her room. She grabbed her droid abomination corpse and loaded it on a hovercart and she grabbed the box. She stopped by the bridge and disable all restrictions for the ship and purged all personnel data. She left the keys on the dash. She grabbed the hovercart and met up with Jacen. "Left the ship for whoever gets it first."
Argo nodded, giving no name in response. However, she was immediately enthralled when the droid spoke up. She grinned beneath the helmet. "Oh yes! Rulirr and I are very, very good friends. Don't listen to her- just a customer. You know how good ol' Rulirr can be. All grumpy-wumpy." The Jedi gladly accepted the drink, lifting it up to try and gaze inside. Ah, well, she'd chance it. She stuck the bottle between her legs while she popped the helmet off her head, placing it gingerly to the side of the seat. While she did so, she couldn't help but be alarmed at the mention of the First Order. If she was such an "eyesore" to the woman, then surely she would sense the unease. She cleared her throat. "It is so very nice to acquaint you, R-3D. I'm Argo," she smiled at the droid and took a swig of the drink.

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R-3D would tilt her head when she accepted the drink. "I detect sarcasm. Haha! I like sarcasm! Just how I like people dead!" The Droid chirped. Silence. "...that was sarcasm." Rulirr didn't even need to look back. "That better had not been the last pop." R-3D was already walking back to the cockpit. "Even if it was, it is rude to not allow guests to have something to drink and eat! Oh I should get her some food!" "Sit your metal ass back down that cake is mine." Rulirr spoke, merely tilting her head back as the Droid sat down. Pop was a sweet, sugary drink originating from humans. It was pretty hard to get due to the distance it took to get it. Domo heard the word cake and was already jumping up and searching for some, walking up and down the ship wagging it's big tail. Rulirr could sense the discomfort, but it was not surprising. "We ain't friends to any order if that is your fear, Argo." Rulirr spoke, hands on the controls. "The order has made themselves enemy of everyone. Including people like us. If they win, we go out of business, or we will be forced to work for them. I work for no one under a whip and chain." Ironically that had been most of her life, had it not? "Keep scanning for any transmissions as we go. If anything seems suspicious we should lay low and not bring attention." "Yes mam'!" Rulirr sighed. "What are Jedi doing here, anyways? The front lines are miles from here."

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Argo's face twisted into a loook halfway between disgust and intrigue as she swallowed the drink. She wasn't used to tasting something so overpoweringly sweet. She scoffed, "Front lines? There are no front lines. The Republic thinks the Order's nothing more than a fairytale. One of our own has been trying to convince them for years. Don't think any one on the senate is going to start fighting til they leave their comfy nests on Hosnian Prime and see what it's like beyond the core." Argo waves a hand, taking another sip of the pop. "Unless, of course, your talking about front lines that are a little less government sanctioned."

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On a distant desert planet, a tired kaminoan flipped the switch on a very jury rigged machine. He watched it start up for a moment before checking the small radio next to himself. He stared at it for a time before taking in a deep breath and pressing a small button. “Testing Testing Testing.... this is an emergency broadcast, my name is Salin Bor, I was left for dead upon a remote planet, anyone who can hear this please respond. I request a simple pick up. I have little to offer besides appreciation. This message will now repeat.” he then pressed the button again before sighing. He could only hope and pray at this point. Unannounced to him, the message would travel only so far and would be scratchy and broken thanks to the nature of the machine. He was no master craftsmen. But still at least had the knowledge to build such a beacon.
Salin would soon stand up and head towards what could only be described as a hole in a mountain, where he was shaded from the scorching heat of the sun. He would then uncork a small canteen and take a small sip. “Im not sure how long I will last...in times like this i feel like water thats settled into a deep crevice....” Salin muttered to himself, a habit that formed while upon this planet alone. As he got deeper into the cavern he would place his hand on the wall feeling the grooves. “I just need some light... i know you hold a secret. A secret that I must unveil.” He then would slump against the wall of the cavern, his eyes growing rather heavy. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

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