Music Songs that had a deeper meaning?

Knight boi

Hey there people I’m a big music nerd and love listening to everything! (Besides Country) And some people just listen to the beat and others the lyrics!

I just wanted this thread for us to discuss songs that you thought were all happy or had a specific meaning but turned out the meaning is a lot deeper than you expected.

For me it would be this song called,’Basket case’ by Green Day.

Originally I thought it was just a simple rock song with general lyrics but when I looked them up……it concerned me.

The lines;
Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid
Or am I just stoned?’

When I read more and more of the lyrics it eventually lead me to that the singer is saying that he’s losing his mind and realizes that he’s going insane and is in a mental ward.

Pretty deep for what I thought was a bubblegum pop song XD.

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