"'Soda'? . . . you mean 'pop', right"


New Member
Okay so! It's been a few years~ but recently I find myself wanting to write creatively and participate once again in role plays of fantasy, romance and the supernatural until i become so engrossed i turn into a dark eyed panda bursting for the loo (I think we've all been there, right? yes..?). Now, i'll admit i'm not the best writer, even before i stopped several years ago, in fact i tend to go off into a pressure zone through over thought and outright confusion, but i do genuinely love it, especially the character creation process so hopefully i do okay. ^^~

So a little about me . . . i'm a fe.male gamer (my end game kill:death ratio is higher than yours and if it's not i blame the lag) and my favourite authors include Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaimen and Eoin Colfer, I love movies and am a closet anime/asian drama fan and no i don't have facebook or twitter; my life is not interesting enough for either of those X3.

My personality is . . . well . . . let's not go there. . .

nice to meet you all!

Hola.^^ And the pleasure is all mine. I'm Eva by the way. But, like i've allowed everyone else, you can call me what you please.^^
Hello! Welcome to RPN! I hope you enjoy it here. The people here are very nice and there are lots of great roleplays on here. Hope to see you around!

Welcome to RpNation~

If you have any questions concerns or problems don't be afraid to speak up.

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