~Kitty Amazing~


I'm sorely tempted to introduce myself in a series of capitalized and colorful 'Meows'. But I'll play nice and do it in English....I guess.

So hello everyone. I'm Kuroneko, aka Kuro [as well as a wide variety of aliases.] I'm an aspiring artist and writer, lover of cats and caramel lattes. I also fail at self introductions. OTL

All in all I love to role play. Though most if not ALL of my experience has been in private. This is my first time attempting to do so on a public forum. So I'm a little nervous. I para to multi para role play. Attempted Novella rp once or twice but I prefer to keep it a tad simpler post wise. I have a couple characters, both male and female. [Cause I've always liked playing both genders.] I usually use Original characters though I do at times use Canon Characters from Anime/Manga/Books/TV/Movies/Ect.

But anyway I like to think i'm friendly enough, so feel free to message me. =]
Welcome! :tongue:

I'm new on here as well, and caramel lattes are amazing! :eek: ♥

I'm also an aspiring artist and writer, and not to mention I also adore cats. :big grin:

My cat, Luna, just had four kittens, in fact! They're so precious. :smile 2: ♥

I'm glad to see someone with much in common with me has joined here! :big grin:

It's a pleasure to meet you, Kuro. :wink: ♥

I'm Rei! :tongue:

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