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Realistic or Modern ๐™จ๐™๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™ง๐™ž-๐™ก๐™–


yoo bit-na
Festivals were supposed to be fun, full of laughter and precious memories to remember then why did something that was to bring joy to everyone become the cause of despair and horror in just a couple of seconds? As the flames became the main protagonist of the festival; the screams of everyone around here were enough to send chills to her spine. Was this really happening, or it was just her imagination? Bit-Na didnโ€™t know what to do or what to say as she stood frozen in fear; the words couldnโ€™t leave her mouth. Even if she desperately wanted to stop Jun from leaving; trying to reason that jumping into the fire wasnโ€™t the best act to save the damsel in distress, not when he was just a regular guy and not the protagonist of a drama.

โ€Go somewhere safe with Jaeho hyung! I need to help with the kids!โ€ Koko said, being the selfless person who he was known for always putting the kids before himself something so charming in any other situation but now deep inside Bit-Na desired that he would have stayed as she tried to reach out to him but just as she moved in slow motion he was moving faster than she could process in her shock state โ€œPlease donโ€™t leave meโ€ She thought as the words could not come out of her mouth once again.

The push of a frantic woman was enough to send Bit-Na to the ground, which was definitely going to leave a bruise. Then she suddenly felt someone making her stand up. โ€œWhat are you doing? We have to go somewhere safe!โ€ Jaeho said as he dragged Bit-Na between the ocean of people to where the stall of her restaurant was. The frantic voices of her colleagues clouded Bit-Naโ€™s mind. She was the one in charge, but she could barely process what was happening.
โ€œPick up your belongings and go somewhere safe.โ€
She remembered saying, or at least thatโ€™s what she believes she said. As once again, she saw everyone leave as she stayed behind.

Without expecting it she was pulled into an embrace and for the first time, Bit-Na felt like she could breathe for the first time at least Yejun was fine, although that sensation didnโ€™t last long as Yejun run away going straight to the fire as Jun did seeing his friend risk his life as she stood there being useless. She wasnโ€™t sure how much time passed between Yejunโ€™s frantic leave and the appearance of a tired Kogun as she let out a sigh of relief. The need to hug him tightly to make sure that he wouldnโ€™t leave her was becoming too strong but was stopped as he picked up that call, one that almost made Bit-Na throw up after receiving the news that Yejun and Juno were in bad conditions.

The journey to the hospital felt longer than it already was the stress and fear of knowing that your friends were in danger was too much for Bit-Naโ€™s heart, seeing Jun and Hee-Yeon even if they were safe still knowing that they needed to stay overnight was adding too much pain to the chef until she couldnโ€™t keep it any longer as she started crying why all of this happened to her friends and not her? Why were they ones to suffer all of this while she wasnโ€™t able to do anything to help them?

"I'm so sorry"
Code by Stardust Galaxy

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