The Freakshow


Bambina yawned it was already after the show so she was enjoying the quiet dinner she was having. Blood in a wine glass and lobster. She smiled elegantly as she began to eat. She glanced at the tent door,"hmmmm.... That's weird I usually have some idiotic guy barge in by now...."she mumbled then continued eating.
Fang had escaped from the show. He was running as fast as he could, the only thing was, he had no idea where he was running. Fang looked around looking at his surroundings, he didn't realize the tent in front of him. He trip and stumbled inside. After gathering himself he looked up at the girl. "Uh...s-sorry." he stutter.
Bambina blinked,"are you okay?... Wait what are you doing in my tent?"she said as she ate her food. She was always calm when she ate it was the one time of the day she could be kind to others. Bambina slowly got up and patted Fang's head,"you look like your in a rush but why?"she asked.
He sat up still watching her then looked behind him. "I, uh, I escaped from this place." Fang looked at Bambina worried. Thinking she might take him back. "I should keep moving.."
Bambina jolted hearing people running in there direction. She quickly pushed him into her closet,"keep quiet"she whispered and closed the door. She then watched two men walk in,"Bambina did a young man-"he began."no! This is my time of quiet and you very well know that so leave!"she snarled. The men chuckled,"really Bambina? Anyway he was going to be a new attraction...."he said. Bambina rolled her eyes,"just leave"she said.
Fang stumble as he was shoved in a closet. He looked around and kept his breathe steady, getting nervous as he heard talking. He closed him eyes and hoped for the best.
Bambina sighed when the men left and let him out,"are you sure you want to leave?"she asked opening the closet door. Bambina looked around and sat back at her seat,"want to have dinner with me before you go?"she asked.
He looked around Bambina's tent and stepped out of the closet. "Thank you..." He walked over and sat down in a chair. "I might as well stay awhile. I don't have anywhere else to go." Fang looked at the food then back up at her "You seemed like you knew them?.." He said nervously.
"I'm a freak"Bambina said then served him some of her food,"a very well known attraction here actually...."she added then sighed,"anyway if you have no where else to go then be my servent and stay here"she offered.
Fang watched her as she put food on the plate. He wondered why she would stay at a place like that. "Your...s-servent?" Fang stuttered as he looked up at Bambina. "As long as you don't take me back there.." He slowly began to eat not letting his guard down.
Bambino smiled cutely,"if your my servent why would I give you back? Besides it's lonely by myself"she said then giggled,"my names Bambina but feel free to call me Bambi"she said.
He nod smiling back at her "Okay. Im, uh, Fang.." He made eye contact and began to blush "Thanks Bambi" then looked down quickly and continued eating.
"You'll be returning the favor as a servent so don't worry"Bambi said an patted his head,"it's getting late"she said,"would you mind sleeping on the bed? I don't have anything else"she said after finishing her food.
Fang tilted his head "Like share a bed?" He said biting his lip gently. "No,..I dont mind."
Bambi smiled and patted his head,"okay good"she said after drinking the rest of her 'wine'. She slowly walked to the bed being that she already had on a nightgown,"tomorrow we'll by you a tux and a mask so no one can bother you while your with me okay?"she asked sitting on the bed.
Fang watches her and nods before finishing his food. He stands and walks toward Bambi. "If you don't mind me asking..w-why are you apart of the show?" He looks at her nervously.
"I don't think you want to know... You'll be scared of me..."Bambi said sadl before laying down on the bed and pulling the covers over herself.
"I don't think you could be scary then me.." He said looking away before crawling into bed next to her. This made him slightly tense. Fang had never been this close to a girl before. Let alone laying in bed with one.
Bambi sighed and put her head on his chest,"I'm a vampire"she said then looked into his eyes,"what are you?"she asked tilting her head in confusion.
His heart beat quicken as her head laid on his chest. Not because he was afraid but him but simply because well he started to like her despite what she was. "Im a werewolf.." He looked at her smiling gently.

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