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Realistic or Modern Rosemary Beach ~ Character Sheet



Likes and Dislikes

(Feel free to add whatever you like to that'll fit into the CS :) )

    • name
      Owen Patrick Manning.


      Cisgender male.

      Deeply heterosexual.

      date of birth
      April 7th.

      place of birth
      Rosemary Beach, FL.

    Owen Manning

    code by low fidelity.

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  • closer to you


    given name


    s. name





    new york city, new york, usa


    december 25th, 2001


    cis woman

    • a.



      naturally dark brown, silky, down to the middle of her back, she has bangs that can be pinned to the side if she wants them out of her face


      dark brown


      5'9" (174.3 cm)

      face claim

      aisha from everglow



      new necklace yeee



      no bangs today!



      took this while extremely sleepy





    ♡coded by uxie♡
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  • tongue tied


    charlie howell




    charlie may howell


    charlie, charles




    cis female




    january 24


    1st year master's student (biomedicine)



    ☼ negatives ☼
    What Charlie wants, Charlie gets. She stops at little to reach her typically large goals and once she has something in her mind, it is difficult for her to change it. While this helps with keeping her focused and on task, she can become hyper-fixated and become lost in the pursuit. Charlie also doesn't know when to just let things go and move on, having great difficulty in knowing that she can't fix everything. It takes someone talking sense into her for Charlie to eventually call something quits.

    Sometimes, Charlie's personality and desires can go sporadic. They change rapidly with little to no thought behind them. Charlie can be incredibly impulsive, acting on a whim when something comes into her mind. She's always safe and, for the most part, careful, but that doesn't mean that this unpredictability hasn't gotten her into trouble before. Charlie likes to have fun, it can be difficult for her to find the line before she's crossed it. Charlie is also an emotional girl who allows her emotions to completely rule her actions and can sometimes act very impulsively if she is upset or angry.

    Charlie isn't the best team player. She has difficulty working with others and much prefers to work on her own, to march to the beat of her own drum. There are a select few people that mesh very well with Charlie so when she finds them, she tends to work with them repeatedly to reduce the drama that can come with Charlie being overly independent.

    Charlie doesn't sugarcoat things. She sees the world as it is: messy, broken, difficult. While this helps Charlie keep a level head and to keep her humble, it also makes her sort of bad at being sensitive when giving advice. Charlie is a logical girl and values being realistic over trying to look for silver linings.

    ☼ positives ☼
    Charlie is known by many people for being smart, both academically and in general day-to-day life. Filled to the brim with wit, Charlie has a sharp tongue and an even sharper mind. She excels in school, often taking her spare time to help tutor other students when she isn't hitting the book herself. Charlie prides herself on her 4.0GPA that she will do anything to maintain, partially because of the pride but also because of her scholarship. She is armed with clever comebacks for any insult or joke and has no issue saying them aloud.

    No one has bigger goals for themselves than Charlie. She's always thinking seventeen steps ahead, always ready for the possibility of a possibility. She's got goals that, for some, would seem entirely unobtainable. But no goal is too great for Charlie. In fact, the bigger and more complicated the goal, the better. Sure, she gets overwhelmed sometimes from putting way too much pressure on herself but with great goals comes great responsibility (or something like that).

    Don't let her small size fool you, Charlie far tougher than she looks. Charlie is known for calling people out on their shit and the threats she makes are followed up by action where needed. Piss her off enough and her bite becomes as bad as her bark (see: Chas's tooth, or lackthereof). Growing up with four older brothers has helped her become the sort of strong person she is, though being tough doesn't mean that people can't get to her. Petty comments usually aren't enough to get under her skin but keep at her for long enough and a comment can take over Charlie's mindset. She rebounds fairly quickly as long as guilt isn't involved in the situation.

    ☼ likes☼
    sunflowers, video games, competition, sunsets, thai food, team sports, adventuring, animals that look real stupid, anything salted caramel, cafes and their vibes

    ☼ dislikes☼
    arts and crafts, long car rides, secrecy, jerks, citrus, extremely floral perfume, spiders (and most bugs with too many legs), early mornings, dry heat, the feeling of velvet



    [TW: health issues, sick parent]

    Charlie Howell, born Charlotte May Howell, was born in room 201B of the Brookhaven Hospital's maternity ward on January 24th, 2000. She is the only child of long time Rosemary Beach resident, Caroline Howell. Charlie, like many of the other residents, is Rosemary Beach born and raised. She attended the elementary school, played on the sports teams, became a beloved member of the Rosemary Beach community. Caroline, Charlie's mother, was a well known nurse at the hospital Charlie was born at and a member of the volunteer council at the school board. Wherever Caroline went, Charlie was right there in her shadow. It always just Charlie and Caroline against the world.

    As Charlie aged, it was clear that she was a gifted child. She regularly out performed her peers in school, eventually leading her to be officially labelled as gifted. As a result, Charlie was bumped up a grade from 4th to 5th grade during elementary school. Extremely talented in academics, Charlie also found a love of team sports during middle school. Her naturally competitive edge leant itself well to her schooling and athletic careers. She continued both well through high school where she eventually landed herself several scholarships to the esteemed Princeton University.

    Charlie moved away from Rosemary Beach after graduating high school, pursuing a degree in neuroscience at Princeton. She loved her work and fell easily into a rhythm of true academic success. She was on the path to great things, having a year on everyone else in her graduating class. Charlie knew what she wanted: she was eventually going to become Dr Charlie Howell, neurosurgeon. She'd study the brain, help people who felt hopeless and at the complete and utter mercy of uncontrollable conditions. She'd make a difference. That was her calling. Upon graduating with honours, Charlie accepted a position working for the school in hopes to fund her masters. Everything was working out as planned.

    The phone rang one evening, a call from the intake ward at Brookhaven. That night, Charlie hopped a flight home.

    Charlie's mother, having once been in perfect health, had fallen at work and had a seizure. It was then discovered, upon awaking the woman, that she had suffered a major stroke. It would be months, maybe even years, until her mother fully recovered, if ever. Everything about Charlie's life went on hold. They dropped thousands of dollars to set up the trailer they shared to be friendly for her mother once she came home. Charlie took the first available job as a waitress at a local restaurant called Oceania. Her hours not working were spent caring for her mother, helping her through physical rehabilitation. There would be time for dreams and youth later. Right now, all that matters is her mom.



    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • "A gilded cage looks stunning from the outside like it’s everything you could want but from the inside it’s still a cage"

    Sarah Kline

    • When in doubt run

      “You have a chance until you open your mouth and someone else's voice comes out”

      This character sheet contains implication of shoddy parenting

      LET ME IN

valerie tan
nightmare dressed like a daydream
full name
valerie tan
val, V
May 15
miami, florida
Valerie is a force to be reckoned with. Her feisty and spirited nature means she's never one to back down from a challenge; in fact, she thrives on it. Her playful and flirtatious charm is her secret weapon, making her the center of attention. Valerie's rebellious lifestyle, despite her considerable wealth, sets her apart. She resists conforming to what society expects of her, embracing a life of non-conformity that keeps her on the edge of excitement.

Confidence is her armor, and she wears it well. Her unshakable loyalty to her loved ones is the main value of her persona, as she fiercely protects and stands by those she cares about, no matter what. Valerie's magnetic charisma draws people to her like moths to a flame. Still, her impulsive tendencies can lead her down unpredictable paths, and her penchant for hedonistic indulgence sometimes takes her to the extremes of pleasure. Yet, her stubborn determination is both her strength and her Achilles' heel, as she refuses to yield or compromise when her heart is set on something.

Valerie was born into a life of luxury and privilege in the vibrant city of Miami. She grew up amidst luxury and extravagant parties, and from an early age, her confident nature made her stand out in the world of Miami's elite. Her early years in Miami were marked by glamorous events, private schools, and a world of excess, which she both embraced and rebelled against.

Her parents, Charles and Isabella, were both successful businesspeople, with Charles running a thriving real estate empire and Isabella managing a high-end fashion boutique.

However, when Valerie was just a teenager, her family decided to make a change and moved to Rosemary Beach. The move was a significant shift in her life, taking her from the bustling streets of Miami to the sunny scenarios of Rosemary Beach.

In Rosemary Beach, she continued to enjoy the perks of her family's wealth while embracing a more laid-back lifestyle. After the move, Valerie discovered her love for the beach and the arts, and she developed a passion for water sports and an attraction for the local art scene.
ariana grande - 7 rings

coded by Stardust Galaxy

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