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Fantasy Reclaiming Irrilia

"Well my humble bar owner they should be arriving assuming all instructions have been followed but at present." Drellin darts to the window to where he could see where he left Damien to see 4 of them, meaning one was still missing. Still an issue but he could easily pay for those and find the last one on his own. And his eyes slowly fell to the broken mug. "You all may come in!" Drellin shouted to the 4 members of royalty outside as he reached for the handle of the broken coffee mug. When his hand carefully grasped the handle as the shattered pieces rapidly came back to the cup seemingly entering a reverse of the cup shattering until the many cracks seal on their own and the cup became whole in this mans hand. "Now I would like to speak of how much to pay for them, how much for night. And extra to behave as a blank check for their food and drink." Drellin looked the bartender in the eyes returning the newly repaired coffee cup to the man.

HerosLeader HerosLeader . D O V E . D O V E Trektek Trektek Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Benjamin Strongwind
He Looked at his now repaired coffee cup and looked at the strange looking man that strange man the glare shining in his glasses not showing a distinct facial features. "ok so four people you and one guy who has not arrived yet depending how long your staying its a gold a night as for food and drink i'll set a tab for ya mr Magician you can pay all that when your done though i would like to see who your bringing in to my bar before signing off on everything you know how it is." He addressed the man in a straight forward manner not beating around the bush about it. He then looked at those walking in more or less assessing the just as he did the man. "and who might you all be ?"
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi . D O V E . D O V E Trektek Trektek Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Ele had calmed down Daddy, and for once had not invoked his wrath with his way of words. Her thoughts were interrupted once more with a gentle force ruffling her hair. She instinctively raised her arms up, looking up at Elexar, doing his best to smile. He knew she was scared, but yet that did not bother her. He explained that it was okay to be scared of a "paternal figure," whatever that meant. She couldn't help but smile brightly back.

Afterward, Hecate started to ponder on Daddy's orders. She didn't know one thing about tracking. However, there was one person who would definitely fit the job. Hecate and her force of shades, despite being the force they were, could not have taken Manastisia by themselves. Which was why they were awfully lucky to come across a brewing coup, led by that vexed crusader. Perhaps he would be willing to assist?​

Damian Turner Holt

Damian smiled at the Princess's response. It was good that he had gotten her name right and that she actually remembered him considering how long ago it must have been since their families had interacted. Those were much better times, not even just compared to now with all of their families having been hunted to the brink of extinction. To only be down to the royals that are going to be assembling here, is a downright tragedy of untold proportions. He, himself still had not fully digested everything that that meant and he could only imagine what the others must be going through.

"It was the strangest thing. Yes. I did in fact receive the message speaking directly into my mind. I thought at first I must be going mad, but considering it actually led to the person that must have actually sent the message, well, I guess not." He chuckled lightly.

The young prince did not jump when the second visitor had arrived. He recognized his strange accent and dress from the Northern Kingdoms of Garrandar. They were a strange people, addled a bit in the head, he thought from the strange mushrooms that they consume and the mining conditions of living underground instead of the fresh outside air. It does things to a person. He let Azyvah talk with him instead for the moment while he continued to get his bearings.

The next one to arrive was Prince Steve Freeling of the Valley of the Wind. He had heard of all the debaucherously outrageous things that were coming out of his conquered kingdom. It must be horrifying to see ones people give in to such temptations. But at least Steve managed to get away from it all.

"Glad to see that you have managed to arrive here safely, Prince Steve Freeling of the Valley of the Wind. At least we all currently have each other."

Drellin poked his head outside and told them all to come in. He immediately moved to Princess Azyvah's side and offered up his arm. "Might I escort you inside, my lady?" With two other princely gentlemen there with them, Damian did not want to be remiss in his princely duties.​
[class name=font] font-size:14px; padding:25px; text-align:justify; [/class] [class name=title] font-size:34px; text-align:center; color:#fc8c03; [/class] [div class=title]Azyvah de Avalannah[/div][div class=font]
The feeling that arose within Azy upon hearing Steve's voice was strange. An odd mixture of two contrasting emotions- joy and sorrow. She felt glad to see her friend again but also felt heavy because of their shared circumstances.

"They killed your family, too."

There it was. Azy felt her heart drop. People have frequently told her that she was a good speaker, yet she couldn't find the words to describe the pain she felt. The Freeling family visited the Dominion regularly. The princess has always admired their dedication to the two kingdoms' relationship. She knew what dangers traversing onto the Dominion posed. Moreover, its harsh condition and the Sullied Sea usually made foreigners think twice before visiting. She could still remember the first time she saw the Freeling's ships, carrying enormous containers of safe water and crates of crops from the North.

They were good people, she noted. They were one of the reasons why the world outside the Dominion interested her so much.

Azy eyed Steve for a moment, a sad smile spreading to her lips. He was barely at the height of her hips when they first met, yet, he towered over her now. She moved to give him a short embrace, "I'm so glad to see you alive, Steve." she murmured before letting go.

A moment passed to allow the royals to greet one another before the man whom she assumed to be the cause of this assemblage ushered them in. The dashing Prince Damian quickly offered his arm to Azy, "Thank you, Prince Holt." she said, taking his arm before allowing him to lead the way.

Trektek Trektek Steve Freeling Steve Freeling [/div][div class=font] [/div]
"Ah, uh that is... Wait, one, two, three, four? Odd he should've been here by now. He truly is late." This was indeed as the humans would ironically call fine and dandy. "Well my current amount of wards, the owner of the establishment wishes that you all introduce yourselves. Alongside me, given I never really introduced myself. But ahead of time my current name is Drellin. Which is actually my middle name. I shall be getting my first name when I have accomplished what I came here to fix. But obviously time is something we have currently. A calm after the storm if you would? Wait that doesn't sound right." Drellin muttered as he switched to his native language as if to figure something out that he did not want the others hearing. "Il linguaggio degli umani mi confonde."

. D O V E . D O V E Trektek Trektek Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 HerosLeader HerosLeader Steve Freeling Steve Freeling


"And to what end would herding a flock of sheep do when their original shepherds are running around and could at any moment bring them back to their side. We have no the slightest idea where they could be hiding. And the people are still confused as to who I am. I respect your initiative to keep them in check but at the moment we need to make sure they don't turn." The mad king had no interest in taming a group of people that may not even fully trust in him yet. Blind trust leads to many things. And he was intent on not making that mistake again.

He shook his head for a moment before addressing the others "Hunt them down. Make use of what resources you can. Mercenaries, those with discontent for their old lives, anything you can find and use. And Bellower before you take off I would like a word on the inside of the castle you raided, alone when your brother and sisters are gone. As for the rest of you, go and bring me their heads, or in Elexars case, their broken body and mind."

Divon Divon StaidFoal StaidFoal Athanas Athanas
Ragthan scratched his head "well if ye mean tha voices in me 'ead. aye if nae i got nae bloody clue what ye be on aboot"Ragthan answered making sure to speak slower so that the lowlanders would understand the northerners accent. with another person arriving Ragthan wasn't sure who he was but he looked to be a westerner. then saying something about there entire family being killed it honesty confused him "Ah hop thes wooldnae be tae much trooble but whit th' bludy heel ur ye oan abit? fowk bein' killed? Ah thocht Ah was jist exiled" his heavy accent returning as he was confused. little time was let to answer and person that sounded like the voice in his head guided them into the tavern, the looked a little off but, to be fair it was likely just because he was a lowlander, eating all those plants couldn't be good for you, he even looked a little weird because of it al least Ragthan thought so but he wasn't about to comment on a lowlanders dietary choices. then turning to the inn who was inquiring about their names. "names Ragthen lad" he responded then listening in on the odder lowlander snickering a little at his apparent detachment from "humans" was amusing and his miss-use of phrases was also funny, this one was very dumb it seemed. "what i think ye mean be calm 'afore tha storm, also whats this aboot out being a human? ye think ya some for o' magical lil' friz faz?"

(tada, a post)
Location: Mad King's Chamber'
Interacting With: Shade lords
Tags: Divon Divon Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi Trektek Trektek Athanas Athanas


Hecate sat on the floor, already bored with the discussion. When Daddy had dismissed all of them, allowing the use of any resources available, she instantly jumped up with new energy. Daddy had wanted the royals' heads, but she figured that taking one to her Dollhouse wouldn't hurt. Bellower was being kept by the Mad King, and Elexar was granted the privilege of bringing his royal's broken body and mind, so why shouldn't she be able to do something special?

"Bye bye!" she said, waving at her siblings before vanishing into a puff of smoke. Hecate reappeared on top of one of the kingdom's many rooftops. She teleported house to house, her army of shades rampaging through the streets quickly after her. One of the shades she had spying on the crusader let her know exactly where he was; a remote village on the outskirts of Manastisia.

Location: Remote village just outside of Manastisia
Interacting With: Hecate
Tags: None

Lord Godfrey

"Please! We've done no wrong! Spare--"
the citizen was cut short when a sword was thrust through his chest. Its wielder was a simple armored knight, one of the hundreds raiding the village. Fire was set to the buildings, and anyone who came running out--man, woman, and child-- were mercilessly slaughtered by the Crusaders. Mothers holding their newborns ran aside the blazes, only to be caught and cut down. The men who tried fighting back with pitchforks fell instantly, but their bodies desecrated by the knights. "Have no fear!" one of the Crusaders yelled. "You and your family will reunite in heaven! Succumb to your fates to avoid any needless suffering!" For some reason, none of the villagers listened.

The Crusaders stormed the lord's manor, easily slaying the guards of lower skill and arms. Torch-bearing knights lit up every room, destroying priceless and ancient artifacts, family heirlooms, anything and everything. Soon, the lord and his family were brought out. The Crusaders slew his wife and kids without a second thought, and the lord yelled in anguish. He waited for the blade to end his life, but found himself being kept alive for whatever reason. "What are you waiting for?" he shouted at the knight holding him. "Kill me!"

He abstained from doing so, however, until a man on horseback arrived. Donned in gold and red armor, he jumped from the horse, landing on the mud with a loud thud. The Crusaders made an entrance for him, dropping to a loyal kneel. "Lord Godfrey," some greeted. "The villagers are all dead," another spoke, earning a nod from the Knight in Shining Armor. Lord Godfrey drew his sword at the lord's neck, saying, "You helped a royal live."

The village's lord fearlessly confirmed that, saying, "He was just a boy. I gave him some food and supplies, and because of that you take everything away from me?" Lord Godfrey ran his sword through the feudal lord's neck, and he slumped to the ground.

"At least you will see your family again. That's a privilege I never had the fortune of receiving." He turned to his still kneeling Crusaders. "Bury any body you find. Rest your greedy hands. If I spot you defiling any woman, then God will have no mercy for you." The knights scurried off, grabbing shovels and moving the bodies. Lord Godfrey watched them work, then at the amulet around his neck. He caressed it gently, muttering, "My dear Sophie... someday, we will meet again..." Through the noise he could hear a familiar "fwoomp" sound. He turned to the entrance, where a black-eyed child rose from the floor. Lord Godfrey fell to a kneel. The Crusaders didn't bat an eye or think anything funny; those who had were slaughtered.

"Lord Godfrey, there's a problem," Hecate aptly said.

The Knight in Shining Armor nodded. "Prince Rainer is still alive. We are tracking him down as we speak. The boy left a small trail, but I can sniff it out."

Hecate wasn't normally impressed by humans, but this one was different. "Wow! Good human! I guess I could leave you to do all the work, then?"

"Yes, that is true. However, I doubt your father would accept that."

Godfrey made a good point. After thinking for some time, Hecate said, "I'll just watch you from someplace you can't see me, okay?"

Lord Godfrey hesitantly nodded. Though he didn't show it, he was put off edge by her. Knowing that she would be in the corner of his eye at all times... From the look of the Crusaders who overheard, even those bloodthirsty savages were frightened by Hecate. She vanished into a puff of smoke, her shades jumping into the floor as well.

Lord Godfrey turned to his men. "Crusaders, look for broken branches, torn bushes, any sign of fleeing. If there are footprints, then it's from a villager you failed to kill. Look for the faint prints, washed away by nature!" Godfrey raised his sword in the air. "We will exterminate the last of the royal bloodline. Long live the Mad King!"
Last edited:
Benjamin Strongwind
As all the Royals introduced and looked at Drellin raised an eyebrow upon the weird foreign language he never heard before as well as the fancy dressed people that accompanied him. "so four with a fifth on the way i see ...." he looked at the wards of the strange man that entered the bar there was a man with rough accent that seemed to be interacting with Drellin, he had a somewhat easier time understanding him but not by much with the accent and all. he could see there were three others outside 1 female 2 male which he could only assume where the other people he was being told about.
He then called Drellin over ," im probably gonna need to be filled in a bit more considering this is an odd assortment of individuals you have here and believe me i've seen my fair share of odd customers." he whispered to Drellin a bit suspicious this was not the average passer by's that he is use to especially with the arrival of this man who is requesting shelter for these people as well as one whom had not arrived. Benjamin would then usher everyone else in and prepared some accommodations. for them as well as began to brew a new pot of coffee as he decided to get a look at all who are here to kinda gauge them. (I'll leave the describing to you all) After Looking upon them all he asked Drellin to follow him to a back room to get more detail on what is going on.
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi . D O V E . D O V E Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Trektek Trektek


It was disappointing that her father was not granting her permission to do as she pleased with the escaped royal as he was to her brother. But since she had no choice in the matter. Hm. She'd have to think on this. Nothing said that she couldn't just draw it out and have her fun with him first before she was forced to end his life. Yes. That might be much more preferable than just killing the prince outright. Khyluria really didn't like to kill if she didn't have to. Killing is such a downer. Now, giving and receiving pleasure was much more in her wheelhouse.

Since they were dismissed, Khyulria took off in flight using her wings to get back to her kingdom to plot her next move. Surely there were some new human minions that she might be able to acquire to help her track down the wayward prince. There were endless possibilities that she could provide to the one who could help her do so.

The succubus smiled. It was going to be a good time after all. At least for some of them.



Damian Turner Holt

Damian escorted Azy inside, and even pulled out a seat for her to sit in at the table. Not only was it the gentlemanly thing to do, it was the princely thing to do. And he was nothing if not an advent study of proper etiquette. It was all coming back to him, since usually he had his head in a book and was not physically doing this sort of activity. But he felt the need to impress this princess, and perhaps give her a sense of normalcy to this chaotic time.

The young Prince took a seat himself as he waited for their host to tell them all about what is sure to be a grand plan to help them reclaim their lands from these horrid demonic creatures that killed all of their families.​
[class name=font] font-size:14px; padding:25px; text-align:justify; [/class] [class name=title] font-size:34px; text-align:center; color:#fc8c03; [/class] [div class=title]Azyvah de Avalannah[/div][div class=font]
Azyvah took the seat Damian offered after escorting her inside the tavern. The princess smiled at the kind prince, appreciating his efforts to make her feel better during such trying time. She silently wondered what it'd be like if everyone in the world was at least a little bit like him. Perhaps, none of these would have had happened.

"Thank you, Prince Holt." She said before the said royalty took his seat.

It was then when she found the eyes of whom she assumed to be the establishment's owner. He was eyeing them intensely, and Azy figured that he must've been pondering whether housing the colorful casts of wanted royalties was a wise choice or not. Perhaps he wasn't even aware that they were royalties?

"I am Azyvah from the Golden Dominion." She bowed, "Thank you for having us." She was uncertain as to what the man did and didn't know so she took the safe route. Revealing her title might be unwise at the moment.

Azy noticed the owner whisper something to Drelin, the man who claimed to be helping them. The uncertainty of the situation bothered her. Not knowing who to trust felt terrible but she also knew she had no other choice.

Trektek Trektek HerosLeader HerosLeader Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi [/div][div class=font] [/div]
Steve Freeling
"I'm glad you're alive, too."
Steve returned Azy's embrace. They'd known each other a long time. Then came Ragthan's reaction. He doesn't know? Steve wasn't sure how to respond to to Ragthan, so he agreed with Damian.
"Yes, we do and that's a good thing." There's still that one thing, though. "We need to find Jack, too." Before long, they were heading inside. He seated himself at the table while watching Damian's actions with Azy. If he's after what I think he's after, he'd better take care of her. She could do a lot worse than Damian, that's for sure. He stifled a giggle at the thought.
"I'm Steve. I'm from the Valley of the Wind. Thank you very much for your hospitality." He answered the bar's owner. Steve didn't think his title as a royal defined him so he didn't care to mention it either way. His friends called him Steve and most of the others called him Captain Freeling. I prefer it that way. The Valley was a more laid-back monarchy. The king and queen had never worn a crown in the nation's history and they spent more time among the people than in the castle. I intend to keep it that way, too.
Bakuyoshi Bakuyoshi . D O V E . D O V E HerosLeader HerosLeader Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Trektek Trektek
"No we shall not be keeping any secrets, look at them sir, these are people that have been through Avernus on earth. And I have not keen on keeping anymore secrets. So the answer is no, I will not go to the back with you. But their presence here means the different of every living being on this continent may live, or in the chance we fail. Result in the rulership of a Tyrant that will kill every one that will refuse to bend to them. And alongside that Armies of extra planear beings working for him. And I intend with this information to be taking these royals to my homelands. Their is hard proof that more is going on then we imagined. And I need the royalty of this land as my witnesses to the wholesale slaughter of all of their peoples, their families slaughtered and their thrones usurped!" Drellin realized he was being far too aggressive with this man. Before taking a deep breath. "And this is a family issue on my end to. My father is currently rotting in prison because we found proof that he was involved in talking to this Mad king of yours. My entire family is in Jeapordy due to his actions. And you all are in your situations due to him."

HerosLeader HerosLeader . D O V E . D O V E Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Trektek Trektek Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Benjamin Strongwind
This was alot for the man to take in, as he sits down behind the bar as he took moment to process everything "so let me get this straight these young people you brought into my Tavern are the surviving royalty of the kingdoms of Irrillia because there is a tyrant who has taken over and you've gathered them to witness you taking on this guy who if im correct controls beings outta the norm to solve an issue involving your family ? just making sure because that sounds a bit far fetched dont you think?" he looked a Drellin with Speculation, concern, and intrigue.
he then turned to the group while all this sounded like some tale from a mad man things were adding up almost too well unlike the travailing diplomats most from Manastisia there had to be some reason why royals were here since they have never really been here before least to his knowledge. he looked to him almost expecting this to be some cruel joke but if this was true in some shape or form kicking them out would mean that he played the part of 4 out of 5 families who are all but probably gone now but then it dawned on him "wait so if all of you are the Royals he's talking about were are the rest of you there are 5 kingdoms yet i only count 4 people and if your from some place else that means ones missing right ?" he looked back to Drellin for some sort of confirmation after looking at royal piecing together where they were each from based on what he heard in their introductions.​
"Me try to fight someone that has enough magic in them to summon thousands upon thousands of creatures from the abyss? I know you humans have never been ones to understand magic but I am but one elf. Even with our skills it would take the aid of dozens of races to even stand a chance. Whoever this mad king is, well he's way too powerful for any of us to take on. But what confuses me are what his goals would be? If he had that much magic why not silently kill off the royal families with magical plagues, or distorting their minds to the point of them slaughtering each other. He could've easily have taken the whole continent without much of a scene. Whoever this is wants to crush any form of resistance through sheer shock and awe. Throw enough power to the point of most surrendering upon realizing they would not stand a chance, but also never showing his actual face. Whoever this mad king is, his plans make no sense and I can't tell what he's thinking at the moment." Drellin sighed putting his hands to his own face trying to rationalize any of this. What was this mad kings purpose, who was he. And what were his intentions with a hostile takeover like this.

"My plans are to bring you all to the council of my people. As it stands none of you would stand a remote chance against your foe. Even with my own magic I cannot fully take him on by myself. If we get the favor of the Elves we could start gaining favors with the others. And with some hope get you all proper training in magic or other talents."

Trektek Trektek HerosLeader HerosLeader . D O V E . D O V E Steve Freeling Steve Freeling Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

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