!noitanpR olleH


New Member
Sorry about the strange title. I wanted to do something different....And I think it worked out horrible. c;

Anywho, hello everyone. I'm a moderate rper. I love to rp in my spare time, but I do spend a lot of my time doing other things as well, including writing stories. I've been rping for probably about 2 years now. I started doing it on iscribble, where they had smaller immidiate roleplays, however it all felt very amateurish and simple. Then I switched to a couple of rp forums, hoping to find a bit more complexity there. And I did, but in those cases, my shy nature gave me trouble with the social aspect of a forum. However, I loved the paragraph writing and the set up.

I stopped for a while after, so I could pay attention to my grades and now I want to pick roleplaying up again. And I thought a good place to start would be here.

I absolutely love creating worlds, creating characters, seeing interesting worlds and interesting characters. And of course interacting with them to and progressing in a story. It's all so satisfying. And my favorite part about roleplaying is that it's unexpected, fresh, variating and social. It's a great time spender.

I have a lot of characters that I would love to give another go, but I also want to create new characters. My favorite genre is fantasy, but to be honest, I'm willing to try everything (as long as it's not fan based). I'm excited to meet new people on here.

Aside from all that I love to just talk as well a lot. And I adore gaming, playing keyboard and ocarina, drawing, writing, acting, scripting, karate, anime and just lazy around as well from time to time.

Considering I have a lot of hobbies, I'm very mediocre at a lot of these things. And often I go through phases. One month, I'm very ambitious about this and the next month, it's something else (Though rping is just something fun I always like to do).

Sorry for randomling throwing information down here. I hope this serves well enough as a introduction. Hope to talk to you soon!

This bird is over and out!
Hello and welcome to rpn! I hope you enjoy it here and we'll bring out that shy nature of yours. =3 we don't bite and we are all very kind, and understanding rpers here. Once again hello and enjoy your stay here ^^

Hello there, Chi.

Welcome to RpNation!

I assure you that you will have a magificent time here.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or drop by the Shoutbox!

What genre of roleplays do you prefer?

[QUOTE="twilight sparkle]Hello and welcome to rpn! I hope you enjoy it here and we'll bring out that shy nature of yours. =3 we don't bite and we are all very kind, and understanding rpers here. Once again hello and enjoy your stay here ^^

Thank you dear. c: The people DO sound very nice here yeah. This seems like a pleasant place to roleplay. I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy my stay here.

Thank you for stopping by to say hi, Twilight!
[QUOTE="twilight sparkle]Welcome! Just doin my job-salutes- X3

....salve. *dies from laughter* Sorry, couldn't resist.
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]

Hello there, Chi.

Welcome to RpNation!

I assure you that you will have a magificent time here.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or drop by the Shoutbox!

What genre of roleplays do you prefer?

Thanks Darth. I was already getting that impression here, that I'm gonna feel right at home here. Haha.

I will be sure to ask.

I personally do really prefer fantasy, but in a sense fantasy that's not derived from older literature (e.g. dwarves and elves ect). However, I lik all kinds of fantasy nonetheless. I also do like rps with a slight darker hint, and psychological twists to it.

Thanks for replying. c: 

[QUOTE="twilight sparkle]Welcome! Just doin my job-salutes- X3 also I love your pic. Its awesome =D

Haha. Then you have a really nice job I presume. c: Meeting new people every day.

Thanks. :D I wish I drew this myself, but this was actually done by another artist. Nonetheless, thank you.

You yourself have a very nice picture too! Very suiting of the season as well.
Chiryu said:
Thanks Darth. I was already getting that impression here, that I'm gonna feel right at home here. Haha.
I will be sure to ask.

I personally do really prefer fantasy, but in a sense fantasy that's not derived from older literature (e.g. dwarves and elves ect). However, I lik all kinds of fantasy nonetheless. I also do like rps with a slight darker hint, and psychological twists to it.

Thanks for replying. c:
Well then, I'm going to go ahead and shamelessly advertise my own roleplays!




Welcome, Chiryu! As you can tell, we're a friendly group here. There are all kinds of fantasy RPs available here: I'm sure you'll find one to your liking. And if not, you can start one. (The system here is great, in my never humble opinion.)

Welcome to RpN!
Thanks for stopping in to say hello! Certainly glad to have you!

Your new friend


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