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Fandom Ninja Gaiden Z: Resurrection

Emperor Of Embers

The Red Kaiser of Flame
You are a member of the Kamikaze clan who just died from an encounter with Hayabusa soldiers. Then you are resurrected as a Cyborg ninja in a zombie apocalypse by Forge industries to slay the undead, until you find out the Hyabusas are there and the true intentions of Del Gonzo, the Big cheese. Will you seek revenge? or find the truth, Team up, and turn on Forge industries for using you for their sick goals.

1. Romance is allowed, however if you must "Do it", please time skip, implying it has happened.

2.swearing is allowed, try not to make it excessive.

3. Gore and violence is encouraged, since you are killing zombies after all.

4.you can have whatever weapon you want, as long as it goes well with punching with your metal arm and using your metal hand as a flail.

5. please, make each post understandable.

6. have fun!!! also, if you are going to be gone for a while, PM me.
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