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Fandom Naruto Rp (Kitsune Siren x Strawberry Milk)

The Kitsune Siren

The Foxy with the Moxxie
Roleplay Availability
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The days have been going a bit slowly for Jayla. If the chunin wasn't out on missions either by herself or with her teammates, she was in the village helping her mother out at the restaurant or being properly introduced to the T&I department for the short time. With a majority of the Watanabe clan did work in either T&I or other forms of information gathering in the ninja corps, it wasn't a surprise that she was following suite. And as clan heiress, it meant that she had to put her best foot forward at all times.
But now, the young brunette managed to find a bit of time off between all of the hectic work that she's been doing and found herself idly strolling through the village in search of something to do. At first she thought of grabbing her weapons and going off to train, but she decided against it because of how much training and fighting she seemed to be doing in the meantime. Instead, she decided that she could simply walk about and possibly find any of her friends that were out as well. If they weren't busy doing anything, that is.

Sasuke stared at the open terrain as to where he was supposed to be meeting his target for his mission given by Orochimaru. His mission? To find Ren Kurosawa and possibly recruit her to join Orochimaru's side. If not, to fight and report back to Orochimaru with as much information as possible. The mission itself was surprising in two ways. One was that he was suddenly granting him the ability to take such a mission so close that was towards Konoha, and the second was the person Orochimaru was interested in was an old friend of his from his childhood. But now, he doubted that they were even friends anymore. Of course, he pulled away from Ren ever since the massacre of his clan, so he doubted there was much there now that he was abandoned Konoha a few years back.
But now, to be back and possibly facing the one person who he generally cared about before everything went to hell in his life as a child. Orochimaru informed him that Ren would be out on a solo mission and would be due back to Konoha any day now. His job was to wait for her a few miles away from Konoha in order to either make her join, or fight her long enough to assess what type of skills she gained over the years.

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