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Fandom Naruto: A Tale of Ice & Snow Roleplay Thread

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The Land of Fire, the Greatest of the Great Powers. A fertile sprawl of land that dominated the continent’s center and extended its influence in all directions. Their prestige was forged for the fires of blood and war, paid for by the thousands who perished in the last three Great Ninja Wars. All of which the Land of Fire was purported to have won…as much as one could win in such a war.

Legends told of the prowess of their Ninja, the ‘Shinobi Gods’ of the Leaf Village, arbiters of destruction whose battles had rewritten maps and shifted landscapes. Once again, the Land of Fire was the center of attention. Rumor said the Snow Princess had sought refuge and asylum within its borders. Curiously, she hadn’t done so with the Leaf Village, but instead with the more neutral Shinobi Monks of the Temple of Fire.

Shīnkai was a blur flitting from tree to tree, her mind preoccupied with the ramifications of the princess's chosen…asylum. The Leaf was close and sooner, rather than later, the princess was sure to be ‘escorted’ away by their shinobi. If any other nation wanted a shot at the riches of the Land of Snow, they would need to move quickly and efficiently. When options were so few and time so fleeting, violence could easily become the preferred tactic. That would spell trouble for some, but not Shīnkai—she looked forward to it.

What shinobi would the princess attract? Would they be strong? Funny? Interesting? Shīnkai hoped the answer was all of the above.

The kunoichi slowed to a stop as the bronze-gold gates of the fire temple pulled into view. She was still some distance away from the temple proper, but if she squinted, she could just make out two monks—guards. The first challenge…getting past the guards.
Senka hummed as she looked at the small booklet of information she had about the location she had only heard about. She'd been in fire country before, but it was a rather rare she ever needed to be anywhere near here. The monks around here were neutral and tended to keep to themselves just like she does. One of the reasons she tended to avoid being near here. While here status as a missing nin didn't particularly matter to them it didn't mean they would be welcoming to a foreign ninja entering their territory. Even if she swore not to cause any trouble. She stiffened slightly and turned her head slowly to the left. Someone just entered her sensor range. They were just on the edge of it and by her Chakra flickered they were a ninja like herself. This was cause for slight concern. Even if Senka was suppressing her Chakra out of habit if they were a sensor like herself they would sniff her out rather quickly.

It could be possible they were a leaf shinobi. Perhaps one of the reasonable or... odd ones. There were a few she met that were content with the exchange of information. Some person by the name of Might Guy caught her training and said something like, 'Training so youthfully, so early in the morning, has fired me up!' They proceeded to train with her for a few hours before running off somewhere saying something along the lines of 'Keep stoking the flames of your youth! Maybe we may meet again!' She shuttered at the thought of Guy's eyebrows even if he seemed like a nice enough person.

With a soft shake of her head she had to move. Even if she didn't want to the best course of action not to piss off the monks was to politely ask for entry. If she was to ask Princess for what she wanted in exchange for protection that didn't mean the princess would see her. She is a Missing Nin with a rather bloody Bingo Book entry it should be good enough for the Princess to at least humor her with a meeting even if it's surrounded by monks. She honestly was thankful it wasn't in the Leaf Village proper. She wouldn't make it past the front gate. Perhaps it would be best to approach calmly and with my hands visible. So they will know I don't intend any harm.

She grumbled a bit at this plan she would love to just sneak in, but she'd burn the feeble unspoken agreement of you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you. Plus it would be at least a good impression that I at least know how to be proper. So by gathering her breath she formed the half ram seal and appeared about ten yards away from the front gates using a Shunshin. The ground being slightly dampened by her appearance. She lowered part of her upper body in a bow being sure to keep her eyes upon the guards.

"Excuse me for coming unannounced. I am Senka Yamizumo of the Seven Swordsman. I came in hope for an audience with someone you may have inside. I swear upon my blade to be civil and act in self-defense only. Should you ask it of me I will leave immediately with no trouble should you wish it so."​
A soft humming escaped from the lips of the woman who was pacing back and forth between the trees and the statues present in the shinobi temple of the Land of Fire. A swordswoman had appeared amidst the trees and made her approach towards the temple, presenting herself openly to the monks. Now, Shirami already knew well that the princess was here: a merchant had offered up this knowledge in return for being allowed to flee with the millet in their cart after the gang had made off with the few pieces of jade and gold-plated jewelry that had been worth anything.

The princess, of course, could not have stayed forever here: her goal was always to return to the Land of Snow and assume the throne. This meant that she would have to emerge at some point, to someone else if not to this "Senka Yamizumo". That would be Shirami's opportunity. Her observation had already revealed that there were several exits both to the building as well as to the compound itself, but none underground. This meant that no one who wasn't a shinobi could leave without being seen by Shirami and her accursed eyes.

In the meantime, this was not a job for brute force (which she certainly had in spades). As such, she had disguised herself as a pilgrim, availing herself of a few days of the monks' modest generosity and allowed to meditate and pray in the open areas, though she was not allowed anywhere she could have gotten direct visual confirmation of the princess. Nevertheless, the arrival of the swordswoman more than gave it away. Shirami herself couldn't outright disguise as one of the members of this temple's monastics, and her primary weapon therefore sat in a scroll hidden in her belt. Sealing and summoning from scrolls was an ability that was fairly new to her, and would surely prove more useful in the time to come.

She chose not to make contact for now: she already had the general trust of the monks (not that she would be staying much longer), and the less any of the other intended escorts saw her before she made her move, the better she would be able to assume a role that could gain the upper hand over them.
The monk guard on the left looked Senka over and leaned over and whispered over to the guard next to him. The guard next to him nodded and then monk guard looked back at Senka "You'll have to be more specific." He said as he crossed his arms. Just then a woman's voice could be heard from behind the gates. "Open the gates it's alright." The monks looked at each other and then did as she said and opened the gates. "This is what we hoped for after all." The gates opened and at the entrance stood a woman, she looked to be around 38. There were four other monk guards standing her. "Your free to come in but I'm afraid any weapons' you have must be left here with these two gentlemen." She said referring to the guards who were guarding the gates. "You'll get them back."
Absollover77 Absollover77
Two Tails

"Oh wow I can't believe we're actually this far out. I know right? It's so exciting. I wonder what kind of people we'll fight. Maybe some big strong ninja, don't you think so? Yeah, you're right, they probably sent some really strong people to protect... um who are they protecting again? Duh! The princess of that one place, of course. You're so silly sometimes."

The loud laughter of the young female ninja could be heard across the area. Asahi walked without caution down the open road towards her intended destiny. She had a nack for talking to herself outloud, something she picked up when growing up. It was common for her to be locked away for days, being trained to control herself. This resulted in Asahi gaining a talking buddy, with herself. Still, she somehow managed to make herself laugh or even surprised with what she just said.

Her bandage was tight around her head as a toothy grin spread on her face. Her two giant katana clung to her back, somehow barely avoiding draggin on the ground, being bigger than the carrier. "Whoa! That place looks big, look at all those people too, you think any of them are strong?" The bad luck girl stretched her arms into the air. "You're right, it's amazing! I wonder, if we kill everyone there, can we keep it? Ha! This far out? I don't know... oh but think of all the cats we can have! Gah!" Asahi squealed in delight. "Yes yes! We have to take over this castle thing whatever."

As she stepped closer, she was able to pick up on the ones by the front gate and maybe some others around. However, her mom taught her proper manners, so she decided to announce her arrival. "Yo!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, even if the people at the gates where still small because of the distance, she couldn't help but want to get to know them already. "Is this the place with a preh-sense?!" She stopped to coup her, trying to make herself be heard more clearly. "If not, can you tell me which way it is?!"

Senka didn't exactly feel the best about handing over her weapons but if that was necessary. She would 'hand over' her weapons. She reached into her weapon pouch and offered a Scroll. "Here..." stepping forward she offered the scroll with her more basic tools like kunai and such. The severing sword on her back however remained where it was. Kubikiribōchō was far too valuable to be removed from her person. "I hope you don't ask a swordwoman to remove her blade?" She leveled a testing look at each monk as if daring them to request such a thing. Not like it would matter. They would need at least five different ninja or a competent person with seal knowledge to remove it from the ground should she stab it into it. The weight and ownership seals made sure of that. However that wouldn't predate her being cautious of the other ninja who just arrived from having a way to take it from her or the monks.

That caution just rose through the roof however at a new arrival in her range. Her right hand rose to the handle of the massive blade in a flash, her eyes wide. Something with massive Chakra was heading this way. Her head had snapped to the left searching for the presence. She could see them and if her guess was right this woman wasn't normal. Something powerful was inside her sensor ability and her instincts were screaming that she is a danger. Taking a few deep breaths she let go of the handle and walked inside. Now there are two here and one wasn't a normal ninja.​
A displeased frown rested on Riku's face, a prickle of irritation running up the side of his neck as his eyes remained glued to the temple gates from a distance. From the looks of it, he wasn't the first one to arrive in search of the princess. Crossing his arms over his chest and letting out a frustrated sigh, he began to run ideas of what to do through his head. The thought of killing one of the guards and stripping them for a disguise had crossed his mind, but there were several bumps and flaws. He doubted the other guards of the temple would believe he was one of them, and there were the stories he remembered his father told him of the monks of said temple, even telling him of the time he was beaten bloody by one before during a job gone wrong. Clicking his tongue in annoyance he rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his shoulders a few times, letting out a small breath through his nose as a few brief pops sound from his shoulders filled the air. Brute force was also out of the question as well. One or two he could maybe take, but an entire temple? Riku was confident in his abilities, but not delusional. Plus dragging the princess out bloodied and surrounded by bodies would most likely make her less than accepting of him, making her a much more of a pain in the ass moving.

By the feel of things, Riku's go-to approach for his work is completely useless. He'll have to put in more work on this one. A small smile slowly spread across his face, the thought of a new challenge making him a bit excited. With a sigh, he locked his hands together behind his back and stretched his arms upwards, a few more pops sounding out in the air as he loosened himself up. Looking down at his current attire, he thanked his earlier intuition to change into his civilian clothing, taking on the look of a ragged wanderer of the road. Looking at his bags he doubted they would let him in without checking his belongings. So, after finding a suitable spot to hide his gear and sword and burning the location in his mind, Riku patted some dirt and grime across his face and clothing. Looking himself over, he fits the part, but perhaps another detail could be added. An unpleasant detail. Finding a secluded spot to sit down Riku took a deep breath and gripped his right knee, his fingers finding familiar spots. With one last deep breath to steady himself he made a quick motion and gritted his teeth in pain, a loud pop once again reaching his ears. A growl of pain slipped through his gritted teeth but quickly suppressed the pain from his newly dislocated knee cap. A horrible experience, but easy to fix when needed, having done this act more than a few times to play a part.

With the deed done Riku located a sizable stick to help support his weight before pulling over a hood onto his head and heading onto the main road toward the temple, the limp from his newly dislocated knee adding to selling the bit of a wary traveler down on his luck. It wouldn't be hard to sell the bit seeing as how the trip here was filled with misfortune after misfortune. He smelled, lost what few rations he had to spare after a storm, and wore heavy bags under his eyes from pushing himself to get the first step onto any other potential "hunters" for the princess. Riku was a tad sour to see his hard and hurried march here was for nothing, but he'll have to make do. Just more hurdles he'll need to overcome.

As he approached the gate, he kept his eyes downcast from the other ninjas, a tingle running up his spine as something felt odd about one of them. It disappeared quickly, but something was rubbing him the wrong way. "Greetings!" he called out to the guards, raising a dirtied hand with a wary expression as he gripped tightly onto the stick with his other hand. "Forgive me, but I request entrance and aid. I have been on the road for weeks and it seems fate has seen fit to torment me along my travels. I'm in dire need of food, rest, and shelter," he said before lightly grabbing his wounded knee and wincing at the bolt of pain in his leg. "I also require aid to my wounded leg. I took a nasty fall, but would you believe it was injured from my climb back up from the very fall," he chuckled wearily before lowering his head. "I don't know if it's broken or what, but I have been walking on it for hours and the pain has nearly made me faint on the road. I beg for entry to your temple grounds."

Shinkai was startled, to say the least. From her vantage point she could see, rather clearly, as what she presumed were shinobi or pilgrims, approach the Temple. Just like that? They were just going to ask nicely—Please, Mr. Monk, could you pretty please let me in?

The notion seems…wrong, ridiculous even; but, on second thought, the simplest solution was often the best one. Maybe there was a method to the madness. She had heard the Temple Monks were formidable in their own right, so an honest, innocuous approach wasn’t a terrible idea.

Shīnkai wasn’t sure if she wanted to follow their example; on one hand, the Monks seemed rather willing to allow ninja to enter their temple, on the other hand, that meant the Monks were confident in their ability to handle troublemakers and any ninja entering the temple would need to keep themselves in check. It was a trade-off; they could obtain proximity to the princess but would give up some of their freedom.

Then again… A thoughtful look appeared on the painter’s face and after a moment, she decided to set-up some assurances. She stuck her finger in her mouth, and soon the digit came back wet with ink. Shīnkai eyed the surrounding trees and got to work setting up a barrier formation, hiding the script with small characters on the backside of leaves. Just in case she needed it later.

With that done, Shinkai once more tapped into her chakra network, but focused on her hair. It only took a few moments for the dark black to become a deep blue. With a conical hat to obscure her face later, it would be difficult for other to recognize her at a passing glance. That was enough for her purposes.

A final review found her ‘trap’ in good order, so Shinkai cleaned off her fingers and admired her work.


Three minutes later, Shīnkai strolled over to the Fire Temple’s gates a wide smile on her lips. She clapped her hands cheerfully as she approached.

“Wo~ow! There are so many people here. Are you all here for the princess? Sorry, silly question. Of course you are!” A well-dressed woman flanked by four monks attracted Shinkai attention. Was this the princess in question? “You’re pretty popular, eh~? Look how many people rushed over to meet you~”

The woman raised an eyebrow at the girl Senka not wanting to give her sword. Though if the guards allowed she wouldn't complain. She watched as three others appeared and before she could really do anything a monk suddenly appeared seemingly out of no where behind the visitors. "Well well we sure our getting a lot of visitors today." Something about his presence was intimating despite the genuine smile on his face. IT was clear he was on a whole other level which one would wonder why just now were they noticing him. He walked passed the visitors and as he did he responded Shinkai's comment. "That's not the princess by the way." He then turned around with the same smile on his face and said, "The princess isn't old like her." The woman eyebrow twitched and suddenly wacked him on the back of the head. "Who are you calling old Katsuo?! I'm only 38!" Katsuo starting laughing and rubbed the back of his head. "Oh come on now I was only teasing." The woman crossed her arms with a irritated look on her face and a embarrassed blush on her cheeks. "Ugh! Well since your back from whatever mission you were on I'll let you sort this out." She then turned and walked away the guards that came with her did not follow.

The monk then turned to look at the others. "Now let me guess you guys are here to escort the actress our we?....or princess i guess I should say." He studied each and everyone in front of him before he spoke again. "Well if you want entrance all weapons must be left with the guards here. Usually buuuuut since I'm here I'm going to let it slide. Not like your weapons will do you any good anyway." He looked over at Riku then smriked a little. He then looked over at the four guards and ushered two of them over. "Bring this one to see the medic. He's clearly not here for the same reasons as these young ladies." He looked at the other 3. "Rest of you follow me these other two guards will lead us to who you seek......oh before I forget just one more thing." He was still smiling but there was something extremely threatening behind it. If you dare cause any type of trouble in this temple and/or try to harm our guest. I promise you will promptly kicked out or I'll put you through your worst nightmare." The threatening aura that was around him suddenly disappeared. "Good then now that we understand each other shall we?" And with that he turned around and headed in following the other guards.
Hecotoro Hecotoro
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Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

The smile on Shinkai’s lips narrowed to a thin line, a shiver running down her back as the bloodlust vanished. She…didn’t much appreciate being threatened. The man, who hadn’t even the courtesy to introduce himself, turned around to usher them into the Temple and Shinkai stepped forward ahead of the others, a subtle display of dauntlessness.

The man, Katsuo as he’d been referred to, had confidence in spades. For his sake, she hoped he was strong enough to back it up. Shinkai was a rather reasonable girl; she could look past the threats and the bluster as necessary acts for the protection of his charge. More importantly, he shared a name with an old friend of hers, so she was a bit fond of him already.

However, the other ninjas were not guaranteed to be as reasonable as she was. Even if Katsuo was stronger than them individually, he was but one man. If he antagonized too many people, then he would find himself hard-pressed to defend the princess once they left the Temple.

On the topic of the princess—she wasn’t alone, that was now evident. A retinue of unknown size and strength accompanied her and would only grow with whatever mercenaries she recruited. Curious… As they walked through the Temple, Shinkai figured some small talk was in order.

“You’re a guard in service of the princess, yes? What’s your story—mercenary? Last of the imperial guard? Wandering rogue smitten by the princess’ beauty?”

animegirl20 animegirl20
Senka did her best to ignore the pressure the monk Katsuo was exuding. After all, it wouldn't do her good to show anything more than caution. As it may hurt her prospects when it came to the impression she may leave on the Princess. The most she could do was meet the monk's gaze for a moment to ensure that she heard his warning. Silence was the best idea she could come up with to keep herself from showing any sort of hole in her morale. It was already a little bruised considering how she had to practically ask permission to enter. Any true ninja would have at least attempted to sneak in but she wasn't always the best in that category when so far away from a source of water.

She allowed her body and posture to relax even if her eyes spoke differently. Falling into step to follow the Monk to their destination, she listened to the line of questions content to learn anything of value. If being in the Mizu no Kuni taught her anything no information is without its use true or false. Every lie must have a fragment of truth to be believable and any truth is subjective to scrutiny from person to person. That is why it is best to not say a word or give non-answers. However, this monk might be a tad full of themself. Who knows if they will be willing to speak or not but either way the woman who asked the questions just trapped him and he likely already knows it. Not answering means he has reason to hide the information, but answering with anything could potentially give information to not only the asking but herself as well. This girl knows what she's doing. She's going to have to keep a close eye on her.​

The land of Fire, a rather familiar place for one such as Shura. Returning to his birthplace brought a weird feeling of nostalgia along with it. It was like reuniting with an old friend, yet that same friend was someone who has brought numerous misfortune upon your life. The feeling was bittersweet, to say the least. Shura had been avoiding jobs coming from the Land of Fire, especially if they were located near the Hidden Leaf, but it appears he doesn't have a choice in this case. Luckily, the client in question has situated herself at the Temple of Fire housing the neutral Shinobi Monks instead of the hidden village of Konoha.

Shura hid himself behind one of the many trees on the west side of the Fire Temple, close enough to faintly hear what was happening but far enough to avoid detection, his chakra suppressed to hide his presence further. Other than his usual outfit, the young man also sported a dark green cloak to blend into the foliage of the forest better. Shura had been observing the other ninja as they were arriving, trying to get a read on who he might have to contend with for this mission.

The one to instantly stand out amongst the crowd is of course Senka Yamizumo; a notorious figure in the Kirigakure Bingo Books. A dangerous individual wielding one of the 7 legendary swords of the hidden mist, her presence here is bound to create complications. When it came to the other 2, they did not share the same level of infamy as Senka. However, unknown actors brought along a different kind of uncertainty and danger.

Next, was the purple haired woman. Shura would have written the loudmouth off as a fool well over their head if not for the unusually large amount of chakra he felt being released from her. Something about that woman was clearly abnormal, better be careful around her.

Last was the woman covered in what appeared to be ink, quite an eye catching aspect. Other than her physical appearance, the woman was the most inconspicuous of the bunch; but that also made her the hardest to read. "An artist, most likely. Capabilities unclear." Shura mumbled to himself. A wild card that could turn the mission in either direction, this black haired girl was someone Shura was going to keep an eye on.

However, there was one more arrival on the scene, a poor pilgrim with a busted knee, down on his luck and seeking assistance. A perfectly normal if not sad sight, if these were normal circumstances. It felt a little too convenient, a man asking asylum for his injury at the same time the long lost princess of the Land of Snow was present in the very same temple? A coincidence, maybe, but it never hurts to be more cautious. That man was also someone Shura was going to watch out for.

The sudden appearance of this new monk made the situation rather interesting. Shura was originally intending on seeing how the others at the scene would deal with the temple guards before he made his move, but with this Katsuo offering to simply take everyone to see the princess directly, a surprising new path has opened up for the Yugakure Shinobi. “This is a bit too convenient.” He thought to himself. However, Shura did not sense any ill will in the Monk’s words, leading him to believe that at least he did not intend to deceive the temple’s visitors. “Sneaking in might be more trouble than it’s worth. Might as well take the opportunity.” With his mind made up, Shure vanished from his hiding spot behind the trees in a blur.

Suddenly, a silhouette would land in a crouched position in front of the large gates leading into the temple. The cloaked figure wore a large straw hat which hid his face from onlookers. Before anyone could do anything, the individual slowly stood up, his hands raised beside his head with his palms open. “If you’re going to see the princess, may I join as well?” He asked monotonously.

Yūto Senshiro
Basking in the warm sun’s beams, a cool breeze ever so gently blowing by, Yuto lounged against the sturdy trunk of a tree, his form relaxed yet his senses sharp. His gaze drifted lazily towards the imposing bronze gates that marked the entrance to the fire temple, a sight both serene and awe-inspiring. The ancient architecture, with its curved roofs and wooden lattice windows, spoke volumes of the history and traditions held within.

With a nonchalant smile playing on his lips, Yuto couldn't help but admire the tranquility that surrounded the temple grounds. It was a stark contrast to the chaos and unpredictability of his current occupation. Observing the distant figures of what could only be fellow shinobi making their way towards the temple, the Iwa shinobi sighed, this job wasn’t one he was particularly fond of. After all, missions with little actual details tended to get shinobi killed, and he had yet to introduce himself to all the lovely ladies in Iwa. But, then again, he made his bed after his defection from Konoha, already undertaking a massive risk by returning to the Land of Fire.

But on the other hand the monks were neutral, at least outwardly. With a casual shrug, Yuto pushed himself off the tree trunk, his movements fluid and unhurried. He brushed imaginary dust from his attire, a simple yet well-worn ensemble that bore the marks of countless adventures. Adjusting the shiny headband of Iwagakure wrapped around his forehead, he sauntered towards the temple gates, his easygoing demeanor a stark contrast to the overall seriousness of his surroundings.

“Seems like quite the gathering," he mused aloud, his voice carrying a hint of amusement as he nodded towards the approaching group. "It seems the temple is graced not only by the flames of devotion but by the flames of beauty as well. A delightful sight indeed." With a wink and a playful grin, Yuto stepped forward, his footsteps echoing against the temple's stone steps as he hummed a light-hearted tune.
'Shit, did I overthink this?' was the only thought Riku could muster in his head as a newly arrived monk greeted the group at the gate, instructing a few others to take him to be treated while he led the others to "who they seek" without any fight. He fought back the urge to groan out of frustration as the other monks came to assist him through the gates, doing his best to qual the running thoughts in his head. Was it that easy, just knock on the door and ask to see the princess? Sure, they were a neutral people, but surely there would have been more to it. A thought appeared in his head though as the monks guided him into the temple. That man never outright said he'd take them to the princess. Was he just intentionally being vague or was Riku just overthinking things again? The shooting pain bolting up his leg tore him from thoughts as he put a bit too much pressure on it from his last step, spitting a whispered curse under his breath before one of the monks patted him on the shoulder with a friendly smile. "No worries traveler, we'll see to that leg and have you good as new in no time," he assured Riku. He only answered the man with a nod, not too concerned with his self-made injury. He could pop the dislocated knee back into place if he wanted to but doing it now would possibly cast some suspicions onto him now. Though thinking back on it, that smirk the monk from earlier gave him felt a bit off. Again was it just him overthinking things?

Shaking the thought from his head Riku knew he was in it now and would have to simply make do with what his current situation offered him. Just play the part and make the move when it presents itself. So, accepting the role of a poor man on his luck, Riku let himself be guided to the medical rooms within the temples, lying in wait until it was his moment to shine... or at least ruin the party.
moon_princess_red_manga_girl_pink_anime_hd-wallpaper-1710311.jpgBefore they could make their way Katsou stopped in his tracks when he felt a presence near by and turned around to see a cloak figure in a straw hat.

"If you’re going to see the princess, may I join as well?”

Katsou smiled, "Sure might as well join us." Another one then appeared wanting to join the group. Katsou just ushered to him to follow along with him and the others. He then yelled out to the guards by the gate. "If anymore appear turn them away. I think we got enough people here." He then turned around and motion the monk guards to go on and lead the way. While making their way to the Princess Shinkai started to question him. Katsou glanced at her and then laughed a little, "Well no to all of those. We serve as a sanctuary for people and she and her guardian, Hikari, the woman that was here earlier....you might have saw her needed one and so here we are. I am personally involved because I happen to be friends with the Princess's guardian."

The monk guards lead the party to the gardens they were quite beautiful and clearly very well taken care of. There were a few monks around but there was one person who stood out from the rest. You could see the back of a woman with long black hair going down her back and holding a red umbrella. Her face couldn't quite be seen yet but you could take the logical guess who she was. Katsou stopped walking and turn to the group. "Stay here for min." He then left the group and walked over to the woman and started speaking with her, the monk guards stayed with the group. The group was far enough to where it would be hard to hear what was being said.

Katsou walked to Atsuko and greeted her. "Good day Princess." Atsuko turned to look at Katsou and smiled at him. "Well look who's back. How was your trip?" Atsuko couldn't but feel anxiety whenever anyone called her princess she really prefer if they just call her by her name heck even her stage name would be fine but no always princess. "Successful but that's not important. It seems you have few guests. he said as gestured over to the group. Atsuko turned a little to take a look at the group. Her eyes were covered by the umbrella so one could only see the bottom half of her face. Though she did not show it in the least, she was freaking out on the inside. Why didn't someone stop her from trying to be honorable? She could of went her whole life as Yukie and not have to deal with any of this but nooooo she just had to have this feeling of responsibility. She was quite frankly terrorfied of what was to come. Normally she wasn't the type to focus on her worries or problems in fact she tended to not let things burden her. But for the first time she actually actually had anxiety, recently she had her first panic attack, and on top of all that she started having nightmares of that night she lost everyone. But she knew she couldn't turn back now she was in to deep. She looked up at Katsou, "Alright!" She pushed down all negative feelings. She had to look at the bright side of things. "We can go to my room. Tell them to come on over." Katsou looked over at the group and motioned them to follow.

Atsuko was sitting down on a pillow and watched as the others come in. Katsou stood behind the Atsuko with his arms crossed and the two guards stood in front of the doors watching the guest. Once everyone took their seats Atsuko finally spoke up with bright smile on her face. "I'm assuming all of you are here to offer me your services correct? As happy as I am so many of you are here I have been advised to keep the number small." One might noticed she didn't say what that number was. "If you each of you could introduce yourself and tell me why you would be prefect for the job that would be great." She observed everyone carefully as spoke but one might not notice because of the innocent and cheerful personality she was currently displaying.
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Absollover77 Absollover77 Grand Overlord Koop Grand Overlord Koop SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Hecotoro Hecotoro Nellancholy Nellancholy

There she was, the famed actress revealed to be princess of the Land of Snow, Atsuko Kazahana. The true heir to the Snow Daimyo and the subject of this escort mission. The monks were quite brazen to allow a band of strangers into their temple openly, personally guiding them to see the princess they were housing and protecting. It was clear they were confident they could stop any trouble that might arise during this meeting. None of that was of much importance, however, as the employer for the mission of the various shinobi present was now right in front of them.

After the group was led to the princess' room, Shura opted to remain standing as he listened to their employer's demands. The first thing to strike the young man as odd was the number of people she was expecting to hire. Taking a quick glance around the room, Shura noted that only 5 people were present including himself. While the princess did not specify how many, her mentioning the number at all could mean she was looking for less people than the amount present in the room. "Hmm, a typical shinobi team in Konoha consists of 4 people, which would put us one over. I can't say for sure if this is the number she has in mind, but any less could prove difficult for protecting a VIP of her status." Shura internalized.

With the less than vague limit placed, the princess moved on to her next point; asking those present to present themselves, make their case why they should be hired for this mission. This was quite different from what Shura was used to and kind of put him in an awkward place. The man wasn't the best when it came to talking and was, as expected, unsure on what to say. Shura's usual action over words approach might not work for this mission, he won't be able to let his skills do the talking if there wasn't a mission for his skills to be used after all.

So, Shura spoke up. "You can call me Shura, I do not know for certain what you're looking for, my lady, but I assure you I always complete my missions." He explained. "I am fast and... good at dispatching targets quickly. I usually let my actions speak for myself so I apologize if I do not make a convincing argument with words alone." The young man added, a slight stutter appearing in his speech as he looked for the right words to use.

Interesting, the silver screen did not do the woman justice. She's far more beautiful than information or the visuals from the movies make her out to be. It would be far too embarrassing let alone unprofessional to ask for an autograph right now. She internally grumbled at the fact so many had caught wind of this ordeal. If there wasn't, she could do this the quick and quiet way. Given the diversity of the ninja in this room it is well noted that each came from different backgrounds and have a vast differences of skills. Given how long Senka has been in the Bingo Book each one of these people could be a possible hindrance.

As the stuttering guy stopped talking Senka took a single step forward and gave a slight bow. "I am Senka Yamizumo but most know me as Senka of the Seven Swordman weilder of Kubikiribōchō." She lifted herself from the bow and continued, "As the name suggests I am a highly proficient with the blade upon my back. It is a well known fact I'm in the past eight Bingo Books with a flee on sight order when I'm near large amounts of water." She moved across the room and placed her back to a wall keeping her eyes on everyone. She hoped the princess was as smart as she believes her to be. A guard like herself would be invaluable, the boat ride to snow over the ocean and if the namesake is correct the land of snow is literally covered in water. Senka'd never be without her primary element. Meaning she was one of if not the sharpest tool the Pincess could pick up. She didn't tell the Princess everything but it is unwise to share more than necessary when she has yet to be completely hired. She'd have to await the Princesses choice.​

The princess had great confidence in her ascetic protectors. That or she didn’t think an assassin would so brazenly approach her. Fortunately for the princess, Shinkai was no assassin, but she also hadn’t come to offer her services. In truth, the wandering artist’s goals were far more self-serving than that and it simply wouldn’t do to voice those goals and end up thrown out by the monks!

That’s why Shinkai was all too happy when the stuttering boy spoke up and provided a perfect opportunity. A pleasant grin split her lips and her hands joined together in a crisp clap, “Hello there princess~ My name is Shinkai, and I am but a humble artiste! Unfortunately, I’ve not come to offer my services—well, unless you want your portrait painted?”

Shinkai raised an eyebrow and allowed the princess a moment to decide if—yes, she really did indeed want her portrait painted. Then she proceeded.

“I figured the true heir to the Land of Snow would attract a lot of interesting characters to her banner and embark on a journey fraught with peril and pleasure! I’m sure there will be many soulful scenes simply begging to be depicted; so how could I pass up the opportunity? Whether life or death, triumph or tarnish, I’ll ensure your big moments are captured beautifully, okay~?

“Anyway, as mister stutter pointed out though, actions speak far louder than words! If you’re interested in see what your future bodyguards have to offer, then—with your blessing—shall I test their mettle?”

Atsuko listened to the first three who spoke up. One of them, Shinkai suggested that she test their mettle. Atsuko wasn't against the idea she had already been considering doing that. "Splendid idea We'll head back to the front." Atsuko popped up from her seat and headed outside with Katsou behind her. Once they found a spot Atsuko turned to look at everyone. "You can start Shinkai you can pick out your opponent unless anyone wants to volunteer." While Atsuko was waiting to see who would spar first a guard approached Katsou and whispered to him about something. Katsou then excused himself and told the guard to wait by Atsuko until he got back. Atsuko watched him as he left she couldn't help be feel a bit nervous but she was probably just worrying too much. It's not like anything was going to happen.......right?
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Absollover77 Absollover77 Grand Overlord Koop Grand Overlord Koop SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Hecotoro Hecotoro Nellancholy Nellancholy

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