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Fandom My Hero Romance


Lovable Mystery Man
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Tannai was having a great day. After all, he had gotten the opportunity to got to U.A.! Never mind the fact that he had cheated on the test, now was for the real part of this. The practical exam was going to be where he would really shine. This would be his real test, to see if people would like his quirk. Jogging outside, he saw the small crowd forming around the gates. Knowing them, he likely wouldn't be able to get to the gate by just walking, so he decided on a more aerial approach. bending his knees, Tannai jumped, flying way over everyone else's heads and flying into the gate, eventually landing on the ground in front of a girl. Well, that definitely hadn't gone as planned. Brushing himself off, he jolted as a person began shouting instructions. Tannai began listening, ready for whatever was behind that gate. What he should have been worried about, was what was directly behind him.
Ayano jerked backwards, nearly tripping over her own two feet as she tried to put space between her and the red head that had just landed in front of her, dropping the roll of gauze she had been using to cover up her elbow joints.

Bringing her arms up in a way to guard her chest, she turned her back on him content to ignore him in the meantime, mentally sifting through the informationshe had gained at his sudden appearance, the bare basics, height, potential weight, eye and hair color, so on and so forth, only to startle again when the overseers voice rang out over the prospective students.
Tannai was listening closely to what the person was saying, but started losing interest and turned back around, facing the girl from before. "Hey, what's the gauze for? Do you have an injury or scar or something? Or does it have to do with your quirk?" Tannai looked her up and down, then stopped as he had noticed his missing shoes and damaged pants. "Ah, shit. I knew I shouldn't have jumped like that. Now some idiots gonna see my legs and scream."

Almost as if on cue, a scream was heard, but instead of near them, it came from the area where he had jumped from. Tannai sighed and shouted, "Hey, don't worry! They're my legs! Just mind the shoes, okay?" Tannai turned around, this time paying attention to the speaker again, who was almost finished with what he was saying.
"Hey, what's the gauze for? Do you have an injury or scar or something? Or does it have to do with your quirk?" The red head asked, he seemed friendly, at any rate, but Ayano wasn't exactly here to make friends she was here to get into Yuuei.

There was also that familiar note of worry, usually coming from the odd concerned adult, always asking if she was harming herself or trying to do something stupid. It wasn't...

Ayano forced her attention towards the speaker, only to blink in surprise when she caught the second bit of what he said.

Did... did he cut off his own fucking legs?

What the legitimate hell?
Tannai had decided that he was going to give the speaker his full attention until they were done, so he stood there and watched the man until they had finished. As soon as the man had finished, Tannai seemed to disappear, leaving behind his legs. Backflipping over the crowd, he landed next to the legs from before, tugged off the shoes, and jumped back to the front, landing on the ground inches from the girl. He turned around and said, "Kinda like these shoes, so I wanted to grab them. By the way, what's your name?" Tannai smiled as he looked at her again, this time just looking at her face as if searching for something.
Ayano blinked, the boy was gone. He was gone, and he left behind a pair of legs in his wake. What the fuck. What in the nine realms if hell, heaven, and earth. Why was this her life?

She just kind of stared at the bleeding stumps for what seemed like an eternity, small as it was, and then, his voice came drifting back in.

"Kinda like these shoes, so I wanted to grab them. By the way, what's your name?" Peering up, Ayano was met with a broad smile, and searching eyes.

You know, if he wasn't an absolute lunatic, he'd actually be kinda cute, a voice, one that sounded far too much like her foster mother for her continued sanity, whispered in the back of her head.

She kept staring, meeting his gaze evenly, eyes wide.

And then his question registered, and Ayano decided that, no, she wasn't going to give the crazy red-head her name, perceived cuteness or otherwise, and promptly decided to begin speed-walking in the complete opposite direction of where he was.
Tannai saw the shift in her face, and he knew instinctively that she probably thought he was a freak. He spoke softly, saying, "Don't worry. I'll never be in the public eye." Unfortunately, she began walking in the opposite direction as soon as he began speaking. Sighing, he said, "Hey, the entrance to this exam is behind me! where are you going?" Under his breath, he muttered, "Idiot." Hearing the gate begin to open, Tannai smiles, and reaches up to his face, pulling out his eye and throwing it through the gate. Looking through the eye, he noted a few hidden bots, and regrew his eye. Tensing, he readied himself to go through, and hearing the blaring horn, jumped through and went into action.
Ayano promptly spun on her heel to face the gate once she was a fair distance away from the Lunatic, as she had taken to calling him, and went over the information that the overseer had given out.

Three types of robots, four in the phamaplet, mentioned. One pointers, two pointers, and three pointers, she didn't have anything resembling a Quirk that could do anything for this part, so she should probably stick to the sidelines, try not to get hurt, help who she could when they needed it.

The sound of metal grinding made her take a steadying breath, square she shoulders, and stand up straight.

She could do this, she would do this, she would be a Hero.

Once others began moving around her, she took off in a dead sprint.
Tannai had been well inside of the gate before everyone else, and with the scouting from before, he was ready to rumble. spreading his fingers out in an arc, he began rapidly shooting them off into the robots around the start, quickly destroying them and racking up points quickly. readying himself, he began to shoot off varying parts of himself, flying deeper into the city area, encountering more robots and the strongest of all, the anarchy creator. Smiling like a demon, Tannai began to rapidly approach the robot, finally shooting his entire upper half at the thing, piercing through it and causing it to explode, destroying several other robots and causing him to regenerate from one of the fingers shot before, completely nude. Laughing maniacally, He leapt off again, disappearing into the city again.
The ginger to Ayano's left split into three distinct copies, the brunette on her right formed something in her hand and threw it, and the kid in front of her took to summoning a fucking sword made of what looked like diamond.

Already, her little inner pep-talk was falling apart rapidly, with so many heavy-hitting Quirks there was no doubt that she was going to lag behind.

Her sprint died down a touch, and she was forced to splinter off to left, where the nearest building entrance was.

It wasn't nearly the best strategy, but she was still one of the smallest people in this block, it would be best to split off now to get a lay of the land.
Tannai was clearly one of the stronger people here, but there were also quite a few that were making their mark on the battlefield. One kid, a taller one with blonde hair, was waving his hands and causing water to enter the robots, short circuiting quite a few. Another, this one ridiculously muscular, was screaming in fear as he tore apart two robots with his bare hands. A third, this one a girl, seemed to be riding another Robots and making it attack other robots. Suddenly, Tannai landed in front of Ayano, saying, "Hey. We should definitely work together on this one! Get ready!" without warning, Tannai picked her up and threw her into the air, throwing her right into the midst of several robots and gently setting her down, before Tannai's actual boy slamming into the ground next to her. "You support me and I support you! Come on!"
The red headed lunatic was back, and he was naked, very naked, and then suddenly he had his arms around her body, and they were flying through the air, and it wasn't any better.

Ayano screamed.

And kept screaming.

And screaming.

And screaming.

Finally, she began to struggle in his hold like a worm, thrashing and crying, begging to be let go.
Tannai grunted as she began screaming, and said, "Shut up! God, are all women this annoying?" When she began struggling, Tannai growled and said, "Fine! Take them on yourself!"

With a thud, he landed in front of several of the robots and said, "Have fun!" Leaping to a nearby post to watch her, he began to smile, then noticed his legs on the ground, the pants mostly intact. With a smile, he shot at them, yanking the pants off the legs, and putting them on himself, only for a robot to crush his head. Backing up, his head regrew, and he said, "Wanna take them together?"
Ayano scrambled to her feet with a short, shrill, squeak, her breathing turned a touch frantic as she surveyed her position, surrounded by large robots at least thirty times her size.

Fuck, fuck, fuck... Come one Ayano, think, fucking think, the pamphlet, the phamplet, holy shit, the protrusion on the back of most the robots, shit, shit, shit, what did it do? What did it do? Remember, remember, fucking remember!

Why would it stick out? Why would it need to? The last time she had seen something remotely similar was on a fu-

Fucking hell!

"HIT THE FUCKING FUSE BOX ON THE BACK!!" She screamed diving just as one giant leg came descending downwards, only to end up in the range if another robot.

"I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU!!" Came her half-delrious shriek as she dove out of the way of an arm swipe.
Tannai grinned maniacally as she yelled at him, and he shouted, "Here! Take my arm to use!"

Ripping his arm off, he tossed it over to her and shouted, "Use it as a gun! Aim the fingers and they'll launch on their own!"

Lifting his remaining arm, he began to shoot at the small boxes on the back of the bots, noting how they collapsed as soon as they were hit, making him wonder how she had noticed it. It was almost invisible on the giant robots. For sure, she had an interesting quirk.
Ayano pushed down her fear, and subsequent revulsion, and wracked her brain for pressure points concerning fingers, trying to fight through all the screaming and crying.

Finally, she hefted the arm upwards, placed it under her arm, and pressed down on a particular spot on the wrist, sending them off into the nearest fuse box.

"I am going to smack him with this arm," she hissed to herself as she took aim at another robot, "I swear to the Gods."
Meanwhile, Tannai was being pummeled by the robots, and every time a robot slammed down onto his head, it would explode as he regrew destroying the robot, all the while laughing. Lifting his arm, he began to shoot his fingers off, slivers shooting off as well to direct the shots.

Tannai eventually was thrown directly of Ayano, and he said, "The chaos is fun, right?" Bouncing away, he slammed into a robot head on, before getting slammed into the ground, where several robots began to rip him apart. "Hey, can you help? I kinda want to keep the pants mostly intact until I can get some new clothes."
"And what, exactly, do you think I'm able to do beyond playing sniper?!" Ayano snapped, mentally cataloging her points to sixteen or so, running out of the way of a falling robot, and falling back to throw the now useless bicep toward the leg of another.

This was worse than Sakaguchi-san's fucked up little 'playdates' Gods above, no amount of therapy would ever help with this...
Tannai yelled out, "Fine! Jeez, I was trying to not flash people more than necessary, but here goes!" With a sudden explosion, the remaining robots were destroyed, and Tannai seemed to be a bloody mess on the ground, until he regenerated in front of Ayano completely naked.

Scoffing, Tannai said, "The least you could have done is thrown the arm at me. Idiot." walking over to his dead corpse, he reached down and grabbed a bloody tatter left of his pants. Sighing, he tied it around his waist and said, "Later." and disappeared into the sky.
The boy seemed fed up with everything, just as she was, at this point, "Fine! Jeez, I was trying to not flash people more than necessary, but here goes!" With a sudden explosion, the remaining robots were destroyed, and the red head seemed to be a bloody mess on the ground, until he regenerated in front of Ayano completely naked.

She, quite pointedly, averted her gaze not three seconds after catching sight if what exactly the hell that was about.

Scoffing, he said, "The least you could have done is thrown the arm at me. Idiot."

Some shuffling could be heard from where he was positioned, and then, suddenly a quiet 'later' followed by the thud of another pair of legs had Ayano desperately wish she had gone to Seiai instead.

It was around this point that she noticed that she was completely alone, the sounds of fighting could be heard from all around, in the distance, but nothing was readily approaching her.

Swallowing back the bile that threatened to rise in her mouth when she caught sight of bloody splat again, she made her way over to a heap of scrap metal, tore off what she could, and made her way to a nearby window.

Ayano didn't have much in the way of allies so, smashing a window, and hiding inside for the rest of the entrance exam seemed to be a decent plan.
As Tannai leapt into the air, he began to wonder why he had picked the girl up in the first place. She was annoying at best and downright a nuisance. She had rejected every chance to gain more points, and what's more, she had acted like he was a freak or something.

Landing back down at the gate, he started walking through, saying, "I quit playing! This is boring!"

One of the teachers looked at him with confusion, and said, "What? You can't have that many points. Are you done with the test or something?" Tannai nodded, and the teacher said, "Very well. We will send your results to your house when we are done here."

Tannai smiled, and said, "Great! See ya!" The teacher looked at Tannai and said, "Uh, what happened to your clothes?" Tannai smirked and said, "My quirk kinda shreds it, so I don't need anything too fancy! Just maybe some pants." The teacher nodded slowly, looking at him with confusion. Tannai waved, and hopped away.

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