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Fantasy Love and Blood Lore & Timeline Tracker




  • Vampires are the dominant species in this world.
  • Vampires are the most scientifically advanced.
  • Vampires are wealthy and elite in this world.
  • Vampires have their own royalty. This is linked to the elite.
  • The king is the eldest and most revered vampire. He is embued almost as a god.
  • There are many vampire clans, and each of them is unique.

  1. These vampires can go in and out of sunlight. However, prefer dark and dim light as they are naturally nocturnal creatures. Vampires require warm blood from a living being to survive. Vampires can eat other food but choose not to. It is more of a class conundrum. When they are newborns, there is a heavy sensitivity to sunlight (and most stimuli). So a newborn vampire would be encouraged to avoid the sunlight for a while until they adjust. The same for newborn vampire babies.

  2. This leads us to our second point. Yes, vampires in this universe can procreate. However, if you were once human and turned into a vampire, then one's chances of producing are nullified. The transformation sterilizes you.

  3. Vampires in this world have adapted to seeing in the dark and have more agility, stamina, and speed. They carry venom that can paralyze or pleasure a victim (located behind the canines) and are often secreted as soon as a bite is made. Newborn vampires need help controlling the amount they secrete. Making them more dangerous and vulnerable.

  4. Vampires are currently the most dominant civilization in the world, and where the current location is, they are seen as elite upper-class nobles who dictate the work of land and humans.

  5. Vampires do develop supernatural gifts over time. However, they are only born with a few natural talents. Gifts include: Enhanced Senses - Vampires are usually portrayed as having extremely keen senses that are superior to humans. This undead possesses remarkable hearing and a strong sense of smell. And are capable of tracking blood over long distances. Immortality- Vampires can potentially live forever. They never age, are immune to disease and disability, and will die only by violent means. Enhanced Agility - Certain lore bestows vampires with fantastic agility, stating that they can climb vertical surfaces and jump from the tallest buildings without hurting themselves upon landing. They are also portrayed in the modern era as having faster reflexes than humans. Night Vision - Vampires can traditionally see in the dark.Shape-Shifting- Recent Western stories state that vampires can transform into mist, bats, crows, owls, moths, rats, cats, foxes, and wolves. Superhuman strength- Vampires are far more potent than humans and can lift 1 to 2,5 tons. Superhuman speed- Vampires' speed is more significant than humans. Weather Manipulation- high-level Vampires can manipulate the weather. Hypnosis- Vampires can hypnotize humans to their will Telepathy- Vampires can read the thoughts of a human being telekinesis- Vampires can move objects with their minds. Supernatural Regeneration- Vampires can heal from wounds and disabilities. Wounds from bullets and crossbows have little effect on them. Wall-crawling- Vampires can adhere to sheer surfaces. Vampirization- Vampires can convert humans to Vampires


  6. Vampire's age gaps have names and stages. They include: Newborn - Newborns are newly transitioned vampires. They become unstable because of their heightened senses and emotions. Fledgling - Fledglings are junior vampires. They begin to learn to control their thirst and only feed when necessary, as well as not kill the victim while feeding. A Fledgling remains so until the age of 50. Upon death, they turn into charred or desiccated corpses and burst into flames and ashes in the sun.Ascendant - Ascendants are mature vampires. They are the most common types of vampires found in the known world. Upon death, they turn into a pile of ashes and bones, and upon contact with the sun, their skin wears off, and they just rust into ashes, or they just desiccate. Ascendants are between the age of 50 to 300.Elder - Elders are vampires between the age of 300-700 years. They are much more potent than other vampires; all clans consist of one elder. Elders cannot be slain easily because they burn in sunlight much slower than ascendant vampires and are much quicker and more robust. Ancient- Ancient vampires are between the age of 1000-5000 years. They are the most vital type of non-Original vampires. They could be killed like all the other vampires and could be killed by an Original Vampire without any weapons assistance.


  7. It's been noted before that there are many different clans of vampires. This also includes subvariants of species and ethnicities of sorts. These include Strigoi, Incubus, Vampyre/Vampires, Nosferatu, and Psychic Vampires / Sirens.


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the global setting
  • To begin, this is a relatively simple world. Its layout is similar to Earth, so if you want to envision an Earth ( that has always been populated with vampires)
    then you have the world setting down. If you need a population reference. Think late 18th-century Earth. The event is happening in what will resemble London in the Regency-Victorian Era.
the technology
  • Second, the technology is that of around the Victorian Era. The fashion resembles something similar. Become creative if you wish to.
    However, I would appreciate it if players kept a gothic atmosphere when describing their surroundings.

the political setting
  1. there is the crown which rules society and most of the farming land
  2. there are lords and ladies who oversee the farmland and the humans
  3. there are the humans who work for the vampires in return for being taken care of by them
  4. humans have their own political representatives and parties
  5. humans and vampires often work in general peace for the most part
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  • Are the same as here on Earth. Only some can possess magic abilities and those are called witchs.
  • Humans can become donors to wealthy vampires who pay them. They are often referred to as blood maids and are easily spotted for their red cloaks. However not every average vampire has any.

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