Longterm Historical Fiction Romance 1x1


Bardbarian, the Divine Chordia of Concordia
A woman is left single when the love of her life does not return long after the war is over.

The prompt leaves much to be desired which is why I would like YOU to help me with more of the details. I would prefer it if this roleplay was an MxF pairing. I would also prefer to play as the woman. Wanna know more about me as a writer? Just click the peacock (below in my forum signature)! Leave a post in the thread if you would like to collaborate.
How about a handsome soldier from a foreign land comes looking for the lady because he became best friends with her partner in the war, and through the stories of her partner he too fell in love with her. They made a pact on the advent of his friend's death to make sure that the lady would never go hungry, and that the war would never reach her doorstep. The new male stranger tells the woman of his oath to protect her, but keeps the matters of his heart secret... for now. In the meantime the war has only come closer to the outskirts of the lady's community, and the new male lead and a band of ad-hoc mercenaries and foreign legionaries are desperately holding the passes into the the lady's valley until winter falls and the snow and ice closes them.

The lady's community feeds and provides healing, aid and comfort to this cut off band of warriors who's last and only orders are to hold the passes until relieved. The foreign soldier uses some of his hazard pay to buy the lady animals for her farm/ranch and takes the opportunities he can to visit her and somehow capture her heart, despite his guilt he carries for his desires as regards his departed friend.

I'm hoping for a kind of low-fantasy setting without much in the way of spells and monsters, but that medieval flavor.


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