VoR-271 The Logo


New Member
Artifact Nature

VoR-271, or The Logo, is a logo for an as yet unknown brand deemed "The Riddle Stoppers". The meaning of this name is currently undiscovered, as no existing organization or company holds its copyright. The logo is circle with a question mark in it. Various shapes are around the circle, and under the question mark are the words "The Riddles Stoppers". Upon a human being viewing the logo, the subject will slowly have a compulsive tendency to solve any riddle, joke, or brainteaser that comes in their way. This only seems to apply to word-based puzzles, as things such as slide puzzles, Rubix Cubes, and other mathematical and logical puzzles don't have this effect.

If the puzzle is not solved, or the subject is restrained from solving it, they will become self-destructive and massively suicidal. For this purpose, the only records of the image allowed are various image files on classified computers.

Artifact History

A group of college students committed mutual suicide in 1987 via overdosing on various medicines. A sheet of paper was found on the floor displaying a rough sketch of VoR-271. The effects carried on to the policeman, and the Vault quickly came in to take the logo away without directly observing it. Since then, it has been safely stored on computers with little conflict.
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pugsmith said:
Deity Nature
VoR-271, or The Logo, is a logo for an as yet unknown brand deemed "The Riddle Stoppers". The meaning of this name is currently undiscovered, as no existing organization or company holds its copyright. The logo is circle with a question mark in it. Various shapes are around the circle, and under the question mark are the words "The Riddles Stoppers". Upon a human being viewing the logo, the subject will slowly have a compulsive tendency to solve any riddle, joke, or brainteaser that comes in their way. This only seems to apply to word-based puzzles, as things such as slide puzzles, Rubix Cubes, and other mathematical and logical puzzles don't have this effect.

If the puzzle is not solved, or the subject is restrained from solving it, they will become self-destructive and massively suicidal. For this purpose, the only records of the image allowed are various image files on classified computers.

Deity History

A group of college students committed mutual suicide in 1987 via overdosing on various medicines. A sheet of paper was found on the floor displaying a rough sketch of VoR-271. The effects carried on to the policeman, and the Vault quickly came in to take the logo away without directly observing it. Since then, it has been safely stored on computers with little conflict.

Wouldn't this be an artifact though?
pugsmith said:
If the puzzle is not solved, or the subject is restrained from solving it, they will become self-destructive and massively suicidal. For this purpose, the only records of the image allowed are various image files on classified computers.
Well, that escalated quickly.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Awesome!
Wouldn't this be an artifact though?

Good point, although it confused me. Because it's not a physical thing, I chose something else. I'll change it to artifact, though. Thanks for the feedback!

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