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Fantasy Forever (A Tyranny of Dragons D&D5th)

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
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Episode 1: Greenest in Flames

For the past serveral days, you have been traveling a roadusing a cart pulled by a local farmer that winds lazily across the rolling grasslands of the Greenfields.

Here you have gotten to know the other fellows in the cart who have are traveling for their own reasons, just like you are.

Sundown is approaching when you top a rise and see the town of Greenest just a few short miles away. But instead of the pleasant, welcoming town you expected, you see columns of black smoke rising from burning buildings, running figures that are little more than dots at this distance, and a dark, winged shape wheeling low over the keep that rises above the center of the town. Greenest is being attacked by a dragon!

"Sorry folks, I know you have your own reasons for reaching Greenest, but I stop here!" said the driver as he stopped the cart and waited for you all to get out.
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"Very well." Said Rine, dismounting and picking up his pack. "A dragon is no laughing matter, Greenest will need all the help it can get, and I intend to provide what help I can." Rine hefted himself off the cart and began to secure his things before he would make his way towards the town.


INT check on the dragon
JayTee said:
"Very well." Said Rine, dismounting and picking up his pack. "A dragon is no laughing matter, Greenest will need all the help it can get, and I intend to provide what help I can." Rine hefted himself off the cart and began to secure his things before he would make his way towards the town.

INT check on the dragon
You immediately recognize the dragon as an adult blue dragon known as Lennithon. It doesn't make sense for this dragon to be here, it usually prefers to be left alone in its territory and does not take kindly to strangers. Many have tried to tame and control its destructive power, they have all died.

You recall your knowledge of Lennithon as it's destructive power knocks over another building in the distance.
Rine cursed under his breath as the memory of his draconic studies came back to him. "This is so far out of my league. Worst of all, it makes no sense!"
"Well that's certainly no good. As long as we don't split the party, perhaps we should investigate." Kieran pushes his hood down, revealing the long curled up horns against the long bright red locks of his hair. "Well, as long as the investigating doesn't have us fighting that dragon. I'm just a musician."
"Fighting it directly would be suicide, Lennithon is old and powerful. What she's is doing here I don't know, but our best bet is to rally the town against it in a coordinated attack."
Bel was glad to just get off the wagon after such a long ride. He stretches out a little and frowns at the mayhem before them now. This was not his business but then again it never hurt to play the hero...

"Hmmm, well I for one see this as an opportunity to do some good. As the great Duke Valentino Silvanus, I cannot simply walk away form this," He said while placing his hand on the chest of his leather tunic, showing his signet ring.
"Between your authority and Kieran's talent for inspiration, we should be able to rally the townsfolk." Smiled Rine, a plan coming to mind.
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Dain hopped down from the wagon, he hated not touching the ground so being stopped was a great relief. He huffed at the sound around all the planning on how to deal with the dragon. He held his warhammer in anticipation for the upcoming battle before saying, "Bunch of scared children, you lot are. One of the Stormjaw clan does not balk at such challenges. Let us hurry this prattling and let this beast taste my fury."
As the last member of your party disembarked from the cart, the farmer began to turn around.

"Good luck, with what ever it is you seek"said the old man out loud as the cart eventually eventually vanished past the direction you all came.
"Well no need to rush into things, but we should probably start walking in one direction or another." Kieran hums an old bar tune and grins as he smooths out the front of his leather vest.
Rine nodded, "Agreed. The sooner we get to Greenest, the better." He said, moving in the direction of the town.
Rowan had been asleep for most of the ride to Greenrest, but not even the hardest of men would dare sleep through something as dire as a dragon attack. He hopped off the cart with a great thud and the jingle of chain. He'd been looking forward to a good night sleep too. "Well we can't just go charging in like lunatics, sure enough way to put us in an early grave. Safe to say my agreement is with Rine, we should see who we can rally into something of a fighting unit...or at the very least get them to safety. Make your peace now because you may not get the chance again."
"Well, no argument there from me either," Bel said with a sigh as he drew and flourished his rapier thoughtfully. "Let's be about this then and see what poor souls we can muster together."

He adjusts his tunic a bit, not too keen on getting caught in front of a dragon as he grabs the rest of his gear now.
Kieran pulls out a flute and starts playing a jaunty travelling tune as he starts following the others towards Greenest.
Dain shifted his warhammer in anticipation for the upcoming chance at burying it into something. He was ready to move out and fight the dragon head on. He marched towards the town calling back to the others, "C'mon you long-legged bas*****. Do you want to live forever?"
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Rowan slings the platinum lightning bolt necklace of his faith through his sword belt's loop and hefts up the rest of his equipment before following behind Dain. "Wouldn't be walkin' toward tha' huge beast if we did." He falls into a natural march and begins to sing along with the flute music. "Oh there's 40 pieces on the drum, for those who volunteer to go..."
Bel just shakes his head and starts walking with the others. His gaze settling on the town now and trying to make what sense he could of the chaos. He wasn't one for heroics but sadly his assumed persona was... It gave him a pang of annoyance to consider better planning next time, but then again he intended to go very far as Duke Silvanus if he could help it. Stuff like this would only further help cement that heroic reputation all the better.
You all traveled the rest of the distance by foot and by the time you reached the edge of the town, the sun had finished setting and the moon had taken its spot on the sky. Burning buildings provide most of the illumination mixed with what little light the moon is providing this night, to reveal villagers trying to run toward what appears to be a keep in the center of the town, one would assume it belongs to what ever nobility lives in this town.

Lucky for you the dragon known as Lennithon roared and retreated for what appeared to be the night as you all got closer. Even dangerous beasts like her must rest.

Unlucky for you, the streets were littered with kobolds and mercenaries of all types from bandits to warriors, all being led by people wearing the same robes and sigil (Knowledge History or Religion to identify them, DC 15).


As you entered the town's broken gates, where normally one might be stopped to see what kind of business you had, you instantly noticed with out warning near you five humans dashing out from between two buildings on your left. A limping man and three young children race across the street into more shadows, and a woman carrying a round shield and a broken spear turns to face back in the direction they were coming from to hold back the eight kobolds that were hot on their heels.

The kobolds easily surround the woman but she seemed determined to hold them off for as long as her mortal life allowed.

You can ignore the situation and sneak past all the troubles of the town with a decent stealth roll once you decide where to go, or you can help the woman and the family.
Rowan's mood immediately drops as they come upon the ransacking that is taking place in the town right now. He lets out a low growl as he observes the banners and markings of the perpetrators, brandishing his truncheon and taking a step forward before remembering that there are others to consider. "By all the hells, they're blasted dragon cultists. Dunno about you lot, but I'm thinkin' about smashing their skulls into powder."

OOC: Successful history roll

Unlucky Fellow]OOC: Successful history roll [URL="http://www.rpnation.com/threads/forever-a-tyranny-of-dragons-d-d5th-dice-log.65072/ said:
The People in robes leading the mercs and other creatures are known as the Cult of Dragons, however the fact that they are working with a living dragon does not make any sense. The Cult believes in controling and manipulating dragons through the power of undeath.

For anyone who wants a more modern look at the Cult of Dragons, it will be a religion check DC 20 but you'd be taking a disadvantage or discovered through more RPing
Well considering I made a 21 on a religion check

Kieran immediately puts away the flute and frowns. "I'm not much of a fighter, but it does seem prudent to not just let them rampage against innocents."
PirateLexi said:
Well considering I made a 21 on a religion check :P
Recently the leader of the cult of dragons who believed in harnessing the powers of undeath to control and manipulate the dragons was "deposed" from his position. While you aren't sure who the new leader is, they do think that living dragons are key to some big and powerful and they have taken to ransacking and looting any towns that happen to be in their cross fire.

The treasure is meant as some sort of offering. To what you don't know. 

JayTee said:
"Agreed." Said Rine, pointing his index and ring finger at the kobolds attacking the soldiers, sending a small bead of white hot fire shot fourth from it.

knowledge check and spell attack
Since you attacked first, you get a free attack against one Kobold.

Then roll initiative same with everyone else. That is only roll initiative if you wish to partake in the fighting.

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