• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔸 ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 {ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕙𝕖𝕖𝕥}



❝My wings have broken off and I keep falling...❞
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome, as mentioned in the main this is a reincarnation RP, which demands that you make 2 cs for your main, if this confuses you please ask questions and I will do my best to explain, I will give you an example of my character sheets. The character from their past life does not need to be too complicated as we will not RP with them much but just for past knowledge. The age range for the character of past life is 15 ~ 18, and the real RP is set after the characters are reincarnated and their age range are : 12 ~ 15, any questions? Feel free to ask me. This is not a first come first serve RP, if your cs us poorly made I would probably not choose you, that being said I will allow 3 females and 3 males (not changeable) 2 female roles have already been chosen, so that leaves one female and 3 males. (The art below does not belong to me except the dragon)

Past Life
Basic Info:
Riley Cathers, 15 years old.
Height : 5’3”
Gender : Female.
DOB : July 6th,
Fate : Dead.
Weight : 110 lbs.
Eyes : Hazel, round.
Hair : Chocolate brown, medium length.
Skin : Tan.
Sexuality : Straight.
Typical Attire : Hoodies, baggy clothes, sneakers, boots, jeans, big oversized jackets.

Riley Cathers was born in the middle of her parents affairs, her mother was caught with a boyfriend, her father treated her coldly at first, doubting she was his child, she was an outcast, her mom and dad constantly fought over the custody of the child who she belonged to, in the end they made things simple by doing a split, everyday Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday she would visit her father. But even that wouldn’t stop the fighting of her parents, her mom became addicted to alcohol, coming home late, bringing in men she didn’t know. Her father started a new life with his affair, Riley was in the middle of this she hated it, she felt both bitter and happy for her father as she wanted his happiness but he left her with her mom who was no longer even able to take care of herself. All Riley wants is to leave and travel the world with someone she can trust…

Present life

The Dollhouse


Dragon Princess




Beryl Callioux


Berry, Ber, Ryl.


12 years old

hair c.


eye c.

Heterochromia eyes, left eye is yellow and right eye is light blue.



Beryl can be considered as a both very timid and anxious person despite her appearance as a dragon, she tends to be shy and reserved to people around her and will be quiet towards anyone, her death caused quite the shock to her causing her to have a fear of cars (amaxophobia) thankfully there is no cars in this world, she only warms up to people who she trusts or loves, her thinking is always in between positive or negative, she is as well as sympathetic to anyone around her but she can also be very cold.



Born as the first princess of the dragon kingdom she is treated quite preciously, she is the cause of her mother's death which makes her the only female in the royal family, her brother and father treats her kindly especially knowing she feels the most guilty whenever someone mentions the mere name of the queen or the mention of a mother, but which Beryl finds uncomfortable after her past experience with so called, "Family" her brother and her have a 7 age year gap as the crown prince he holds the most authority, she doesn't see him often but when she does she treats him distantly while he dotes on her or tries to give her as much love as possible but considering that Beryl in her past life had a drunk mother which was obsessed she couldn't trust even her family. The heir to the throne is her brother and she is the current princess, she holds enough power as well, and for most of her life she had been taught to learn and control magic.



♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

-- "You're such a bore! Lighten up sometime! ...no! Wait! I'm not talking about your weight! Chill! WAIT!"

Name: Su-Wei Trinh Lingyang
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Gynosexual
Birth Date: March 29th
Time Range: Past Life

Appearance: Su-Wei had an uncharacteristic physical appearance to herself, one that anyone who knew her would agree on. With her completely fiery personality, she had quite a dull look to herself. Dark gray eyes, short, black choppy hair, and pale skin that signaled she didn’t spend her days tanning herself, Su-Wei doesn’t stand out and give the aura that she's snappy. Her figure is rather small, and she only seems to stand at the height of 5’2” with a weight of 103 pounds. Along with this, her arms and legs show that she hadn’t spent a day out exercising in the Sun. Not the most intimidating look.
Su-Wei also usually wore dark collared shirts and dress pants to match. Dress shoes were also found on her petite feet, and if you look closely, she’s even wearing a belt. A belt! Could you imagine someone like Su-Wei wearing a belt? However, if asked about her clothing style, her go-to response is, “I like the clothes. I'm also trying to ruin them by wearing them all the time.” Great thought process, Su-Wei.
Biography: Su-Wei’s life is... boring, to put it simply. Born the third and last child of an established Taiwanese family, her generation of cultures never really passed down. That meant no Taiwanese God worshipping, no Taiwanese holidays, even no classic Taiwanese foods. She was placed into an Americanized Taiwanese family. It’s like her guardians weren’t even trying to force Su-Wei into a religion she never wanted to get into, so she was stuck with nothing. It's fun to be annoyed with your life sometimes, but
Su-Wei had nothing to be annoyed about other than... well... having nothing to be annoyed about. What did that mean for her?
Her life was normal. Abnormally normal, if that was even possible. Her guardians were normal, her older siblings were plain annoying and distant, and school was… well… school. Everything in Su-Wei’s life was just not weird. She was an average student. She didn’t have any special skills. Her clothing choice was boring, and she looked like a regular person. Heck, she even had a normal birthday. Su-Wei wasn’t special. She wasn’t born special. She wasn’t born with a dark past, or with a background where both of her parents were murdered by an assassin. Unfortunately, Su-Wei’s life was just… plain reality.
Well, Su-Wei couldn’t accept that! She was born into this world, so she deserved to have a special life as well! Sure, she dressed boringly, had a normal boring appearance, had everything boring, but that didn’t mean she had to do boring things as well! Su-Wei deserved to have a life that she wanted! So, at the great age of ten, Su-Wei made herself have a life. She became the ultimate daredevil. She took leaps onto mountains that she could never get onto and made herself not be normal. She swam down to the deepest of impossible dreams, and she chose to do what she wanted to do, no matter what anybody else said about it.
Of course, you can see where that recklessness got her. Wanting to go on a new adventure.

It made her die.


"I'm the Princess of the Phoenixes, dumbo! I can do whatever I want, whenever I want!" --

Name: Matanisiga Aiga Sonce
Nickname: Matan
Age: Fourteen
Role: Phoenix Royal
Time Range: Reincarnation

Personality: Su-Wei (or should I say Matan, now?) is the definition of who you would expect as a Phoenix Royal. Completely reckless, fierce, stubborn, and free-spirited, many are intimidated by the aura she simply gives out... for a good reason. She places any common sense underneath the rug as she runs to wherever she wants, however she wants, for whatever she wants. Some may call her idiotic by the choices she makes that could have been solved by thinking over the situation, and some may call her courageous from how she picks herself up and goes after what she needs, but whatever anybody thought of her, one thing is clear: Matan is the leader of her own life.

This red-haired girl isn't afraid to speak up, either. She snaps at anyone who ticks her off, she speaks up whenever she needs the attention, and nobody will think of her as the doormat type. She does get easily annoyed at those who let others walk all over them, although it's unclear whether it's because of them being different from her or Matan simply believing it's wrong. Matan's mindset towards everything could depend on the situation, but most of the time, the girl believes she is strong enough to get through it. Optimistic thinking right there? No. Matan believes it's realistic.

Unfortunately, Matan can be quite a bit much sometimes. Her temper is short-fused, and she has no self-restraint when she gets an urge for something. What more could someone expect from the Princess of the Phoenixes, though? Exactly.

Appearance: Unlike her past counterpart, Matan's appearance fits her personality to the inch. Popping out and being much more colorful than that dull look before, Matan has long, dark red hair, always placed in a high ponytail. She had maroon eyes to match and slightly tanned skin, overall having her physical look is the complete opposite of Su-Wei's. Along with this, Matan seems to have matured physically much more than Su-Wei ever has... yeah. Okay. Moving on, she now stands at 5'5" with 124 pounds in her rectangle body shape.

When Matan turns into the Phoenix, it's what you would expect when seeing one. The fiery appearance, the huge, flame wings, the entire fire bird look: it's all there. However, it should be noted that Matan's Phoenix shape had a greater fiery look than normal. The little details inside of the bird are mostly covered up with more flames than normal. Which, in Matan's defense, is what she wants. Other than that, expect the same.

Biography: Unfortunately, Su-Wei and Matan have to have some similarities as well. Like her past life, Matan was the third child birthed for the Phoenix Royals: the last child they were planning to have, actually. With two elder sisters, Matan was the youngest of the Sonce family. This time, though, it was much different. The cultures of the Phoenix magic were passed down in their family. Rituals of what they would have to do was shared among them all as they learned the ancestries of the sacred flame bird. Days of celebration for their royalty was celebrated, and overall, it was special. In this life, Matan had the chance to be forcefully placed into something that she didn't ask to be born into: something that she could become playfully annoyed to.

Due to competition between herself and her eldest sisters, Matan has learned much and practiced many times the ways that she could use her transformation powers. While Matan hasn't mastered her magic, competing in many challenges and saying how she was better at her powers than her older sisters gave her...
motivation, for a lack of a better word. She grew up with this motivation, having every second going towards her becoming the best. And, while she did not acknowledge it, she was simply trying this hard to have a powerful skill in fear of being normal. And... because she's subconsciously preparing for the worst to happen again. For there to be a near-death experience involving cars again. For there to be an event where she and the people close to her were in danger once again.

Yet, for the fourteen years of this life, Matan tried to make it all about adventure. Flying through the air as a Phoenix, making actions as a princess, further increasing the strength of herself: it was all like a dream. It was like the perfect life she wanted. It was like a redemption of something that she couldn't quite place together. A redemption of something lost inside her. Matan lived her life to the fullest, something she couldn't have done in her past one.

Well, until she had to save the world with others.
(I own only the two sketches of the oc. a potrait and the eye.)

Past Life
Basic Info:

Zack Wright, 18 years old
Height : 5’11"
Gender : Male
DOB : February 14th
Status : Deceased
Weight : 135 lbs.
Eyes : Light Blue
Hair : Black Jet, short length.
Skin : Pale.
Sexuality : Asexual, Bi-romantic
Typical Attire : black sweater with long sleeves, cream trousers and black slippers.

Zack came from a small family of four, being the second son. it is without question that his parents spoil him, however He is seriously ill. Getting in and out of hospitals almost daily and never got outside of his house without his older brother watching over him. With a life full of boundaries and watching his family crumble under the pressure of his mortality, Zack wishes that someday he could recover from his illness and actually live life to the fullest with him returning the support that his family always gave him.

Present Life

Achilles Come Down

Gang Of Youths

Vampire Prince




Evan Wilheim


Evan, Ev, Van



hair c.


eye c.




Evan is known for his
He will speak his mind regardless of how others will view him for it, standing by every decisions he made throughout his life. He accepted the risk and would rather suffer through the repercussions rather than live with regrets. Much of it is indeed influenced from his past life, a desire that he held for a chance to honor the kind wishes that was gifted to him. He is also known for his
He isn't one to be intimidated by doubts and fear, living his past life knowing death so close to his shoulder. Naught could shake him to the core, staying calm and collected even faced with the most ghastly sight and tale one could ever dish. He is also
Providing support, both Emotional and Physical. Always treating others with utmost kindness, reminding his nature to return the kindness he is displayed in his past life. In hopes to aid even those who are currently experiencing the most darkest of time, In accordance that he could become their loyal witness and companion in this short life.



Born as the Nightwalker with a blood of the royals, It is not a question that Evan was well respected and feared by some. Second to his own father in the pillar of his society, however his relationship with his mother is quite strained. For his personality was found soft and naive by his own mother, It wasn't only his mother. Even most of his brothers, they steer clear of his view. Desire naught to do with his double sided and muddled reputation, though the eldest did not held any contempt towards him. Leaving Evan with only two of his family members that actually cared and supported him despite the circumstances, which he is utmost grateful for. With a newfound strength and a possibility to live eternally as long as fate allows him, he strives to aid others regardless of who they are and try to stave off his thirst as he does not bask in the glory of his hunger. Seeing the thirst for blood as a price he had to pay and contain as much as he could, for it requires the act of sacrifice from another that he shall not take granted of.



♡coded by uxie♡

-- "You're such a bore! Lighten up sometime! ...no! Wait! I'm not talking about your weight! Chill! WAIT!"

Name: Su-Wei Trinh Lingyang
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Gynosexual
Birth Date: March 29th
Time Range: Past Life

Appearance: Su-Wei had an uncharacteristic physical appearance to herself, one that anyone who knew her would agree on. With her completely fiery personality, she had quite a dull look to herself. Dark gray eyes, short, black choppy hair, and pale skin that signaled she didn’t spend her days tanning herself, Su-Wei doesn’t stand out and give the aura that she's snappy. Her figure is rather small, and she only seems to stand at the height of 5’2” with a weight of 103 pounds. Along with this, her arms and legs show that she hadn’t spent a day out exercising in the Sun. Not the most intimidating look.
Su-Wei also usually wore dark collared shirts and dress pants to match. Dress shoes were also found on her petite feet, and if you look closely, she’s even wearing a belt. A belt! Could you imagine someone like Su-Wei wearing a belt? However, if asked about her clothing style, her go-to response is, “I like the clothes. I'm also trying to ruin them by wearing them all the time.” Great thought process, Su-Wei.
Biography: Su-Wei’s life is... boring, to put it simply. Born the third and last child of an established Taiwanese family, her generation of cultures never really passed down. That meant no Taiwanese God worshipping, no Taiwanese holidays, even no classic Taiwanese foods. She was placed into an Americanized Taiwanese family. It’s like her guardians weren’t even trying to force Su-Wei into a religion she never wanted to get into, so she was stuck with nothing. It's fun to be annoyed with your life sometimes, but
Su-Wei had nothing to be annoyed about other than... well... having nothing to be annoyed about. What did that mean for her?
Her life was normal. Abnormally normal, if that was even possible. Her guardians were normal, her older siblings were plain annoying and distant, and school was… well… school. Everything in Su-Wei’s life was just not weird. She was an average student. She didn’t have any special skills. Her clothing choice was boring, and she looked like a regular person. Heck, she even had a normal birthday. Su-Wei wasn’t special. She wasn’t born special. She wasn’t born with a dark past, or with a background where both of her parents were murdered by an assassin. Unfortunately, Su-Wei’s life was just… plain reality.
Well, Su-Wei couldn’t accept that! She was born into this world, so she deserved to have a special life as well! Sure, she dressed boringly, had a normal boring appearance, had everything boring, but that didn’t mean she had to do boring things as well! Su-Wei deserved to have a life that she wanted! So, at the great age of ten, Su-Wei made herself have a life. She became the ultimate daredevil. She took leaps onto mountains that she could never get onto and made herself not be normal. She swam down to the deepest of impossible dreams, and she chose to do what she wanted to do, no matter what anybody else said about it.
Of course, you can see where that recklessness got her. Wanting to go on a new adventure.

It made her die.


"I'm the Princess of the Phoenixes, dumbo! I can do whatever I want, whenever I want!" --

Name: Matanisiga Aiga Sonce
Nickname: Matan
Age: Fourteen
Role: Phoenix Royal
Time Range: Reincarnation

Personality: Su-Wei (or should I say Matan, now?) is the definition of who you would expect as a Phoenix Royal. Completely reckless, fierce, stubborn, and free-spirited, many are intimidated by the aura she simply gives out... for a good reason. She places any common sense underneath the rug as she runs to wherever she wants, however she wants, for whatever she wants. Some may call her idiotic by the choices she makes that could have been solved by thinking over the situation, and some may call her courageous from how she picks herself up and goes after what she needs, but whatever anybody thought of her, one thing is clear: Matan is the leader of her own life.

This red-haired girl isn't afraid to speak up, either. She snaps at anyone who ticks her off, she speaks up whenever she needs the attention, and nobody will think of her as the doormat type. She does get easily annoyed at those who let others walk all over them, although it's unclear whether it's because of them being different from her or Matan simply believing it's wrong. Matan's mindset towards everything could depend on the situation, but most of the time, the girl believes she is strong enough to get through it. Optimistic thinking right there? No. Matan believes it's realistic.

Unfortunately, Matan can be quite a bit much sometimes. Her temper is short-fused, and she has no self-restraint when she gets an urge for something. What more could someone expect from the Princess of the Phoenixes, though? Exactly.

Appearance: Unlike her past counterpart, Matan's appearance fits her personality to the inch. Popping out and being much more colorful than that dull look before, Matan has long, dark red hair, always placed in a high ponytail. She had maroon eyes to match and slightly tanned skin, overall having her physical look is the complete opposite of Su-Wei's. Along with this, Matan seems to have matured physically much more than Su-Wei ever has... yeah. Okay. Moving on, she now stands at 5'5" with 124 pounds in her rectangle body shape.

When Matan turns into the Phoenix, it's what you would expect when seeing one. The fiery appearance, the huge, flame wings, the entire fire bird look: it's all there. However, it should be noted that Matan's Phoenix shape had a greater fiery look than normal. The little details inside of the bird are mostly covered up with more flames than normal. Which, in Matan's defense, is what she wants. Other than that, expect the same.

Biography: Unfortunately, Su-Wei and Matan have to have some similarities as well. Like her past life, Matan was the third child birthed for the Phoenix Royals: the last child they were planning to have, actually. With two elder sisters, Matan was the youngest of the Sonce family. This time, though, it was much different. The cultures of the Phoenix magic were passed down in their family. Rituals of what they would have to do was shared among them all as they learned the ancestries of the sacred flame bird. Days of celebration for their royalty was celebrated, and overall, it was special. In this life, Matan had the chance to be forcefully placed into something that she didn't ask to be born into: something that she could become playfully annoyed to.

Due to competition between herself and her eldest sisters, Matan has learned much and practiced many times the ways that she could use her transformation powers. While Matan hasn't mastered her magic, competing in many challenges and saying how she was better at her powers than her older sisters gave her...
motivation, for a lack of a better word. She grew up with this motivation, having every second going towards her becoming the best. And, while she did not acknowledge it, she was simply trying this hard to have a powerful skill in fear of being normal. And... because she's subconsciously preparing for the worst to happen again. For there to be a near-death experience involving cars again. For there to be an event where she and the people close to her were in danger once again.

Yet, for the fourteen years of this life, Matan tried to make it all about adventure. Flying through the air as a Phoenix, making actions as a princess, further increasing the strength of herself: it was all like a dream. It was like the perfect life she wanted. It was like a redemption of something that she couldn't quite place together. A redemption of something lost inside her. Matan lived her life to the fullest, something she couldn't have done in her past one.

Well, until she had to save the world with others.
(I own only the two sketches of the oc. a potrait and the eye.)

Past Life
Basic Info:

Zack Wright, 18 years old
Height : 5’11"
Gender : Male
DOB : February 14th
Status : Deceased
Weight : 135 lbs.
Eyes : Light Blue
Hair : Black Jet, short length.
Skin : Pale.
Sexuality : Asexual, Bi-romantic
Typical Attire : black sweater with long sleeves, cream trousers and black slippers.

Zack came from a small family of four, being the second son. it is without question that his parents spoil him, however He is seriously ill. Getting in and out of hospitals almost daily and never got outside of his house without his older brother watching over him. With a life full of boundaries and watching his family crumble under the pressure of his mortality, Zack wishes that someday he could recover from his illness and actually live life to the fullest with him returning the support that his family always gave him.

Present Life

Achilles Come Down

Gang Of Youths

Vampire Prince




Evan Wilheim


Evan, Ev, Van



hair c.


eye c.




Evan is known for his
He will speak his mind regardless of how others will view him for it, standing by every decisions he made throughout his life. He accepted the risk and would rather suffer through the repercussions rather than live with regrets. Much of it is indeed influenced from his past life, a desire that he held for a chance to honor the kind wishes that was gifted to him. He is also known for his
He isn't one to be intimidated by doubts and fear, living his past life knowing death so close to his shoulder. Naught could shake him to the core, staying calm and collected even faced with the most ghastly sight and tale one could ever dish. He is also
Providing support, both Emotional and Physical. Always treating others with utmost kindness, reminding his nature to return the kindness he is displayed in his past life. In hopes to aid even those who are currently experiencing the most darkest of time, In accordance that he could become their loyal witness and companion in this short life.



Born as the Nightwalker with a blood of the royals, It is not a question that Evan was well respected and feared by some. Second to his own father in the pillar of his society, however his relationship with his mother is quite strained. For his personality was found soft and naive by his own mother, It wasn't only his mother. Even most of his brothers, they steer clear of his view. Desire naught to do with his double sided and muddled reputation, though the eldest did not held any contempt towards him. Leaving Evan with only two of his family members that actually cared and supported him despite the circumstances, which he is utmost grateful for. With a newfound strength and a possibility to live eternally as long as fate allows him, he strives to aid others regardless of who they are and try to stave off his thirst as he does not bask in the glory of his hunger. Seeing the thirst for blood as a price he had to pay and contain as much as he could, for it requires the act of sacrifice from another that he shall not take granted of.



♡coded by uxie♡

Wonderful!! :D I cannot guarantee for the vampire spot, but if nobody enters for it, it's yours! Also, there is going to be a deadline date of April 20th.
Name: Adelaide Simone Rivera
Age : 16
Height : 4’10
Gender : Female
DOB : February 12th
Fate : Deceased
Weight : 106 lbs
Eyes : Brown
Hair : Black
Skin : Brown
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Typical Attire : Flowy pastels and frilly dresses. Adelaide loved girly things.

Backstory: Adelaide’s past life was horrible. She was born to rich parents who decided that their daughter being autistic was something she deserved to be punished for. She was constantly verbally abused and mistreated, Brainwashed into believing that she had nothing to offer the world. She was obsessively taught by her mother to mask her autism and would be punished harshly when she made a mistake. Her older sister was no better than her parents. Natasha hated Adelaide. She hated her because she was raised to believe she was better than her, yet her parents gave Adelaide so much of their time. Natasha believed that trying to fix her sister was a waste of time. She was envious of the thing that stole her parents attention.
Adelaide managed to find some happiness in friends. People who genuinely cared about her and treated her like a person. As she got older, she began to spend less time with her family and started to grow to be independent. Then she was killed in a car accident.
How cruel of her life to end just as she was learning to live. Her memories from this life have subconsciously influenced how her reincarnation acts and thinks.

Name: Nina
Age : 13
Height : 4’11
Gender : Female
DOB : February 12th
Weight : 123 lbs
Eyes : a pale green-grey
Hair : dark brown
Skin : brown, the ends of her limbs are a mossy green color
Sexuality : questioning
Typical Attire : loose light clothing, usually adorned with some of the plants that grow from her skin.

Personality : Nina comes off as a sweet girl who can be a bit dim. She pretends to be a lot kinder than she actually is. She’s afraid that she wouldn’t be accepted by others if she was completely herself. So, she pretends to be someone that most would want to protect, someone stupid, but kind and outgoing. She is a relatively kind person, acting the way she does so others feel comfortable and safe around her. She wants people to be happy. She’s selfless in her own way, and she’s very thoughtful and considerate to those she holds dear. She just doesn’t believe that anyone could truly like who she really was. Nina is a very insecure person. She gets jealous of other people’s happiness and immediately hates herself for feeling that way. She’s a hypocrite who wants others to trust her, but never truly trusts anyone. The world has been rather cruel to her in both of her lives, and she thinks she deserves it. She’s given up on being happy with herself. So she decided to dedicate her entire being to making others happier, hoping to find her own.
Likes : Nature is part of who Nina is, it’s something she loves. The nymphs are a tight knit community and she loved her kin, but Nina has always preferred nature’s company to theirs. Nina loves unique things, people, places, items. Anything she has never seen before will immediately catch her attention. Nina also enjoys being in the water. Other miscellaneous things she likes are birds, flowers, running through grass, laughter, pearls, shiny things in general, sweet things, and feathers!
Dislikes : Nina doesn’t like things that are too loud, she’s easily frightened by loud things. She doesn’t like crowded places and she dcourse, oesn’t like sudden bright lights. She’s also a vegetarian, so she doesn’t really eat meat.
Hobbies : Exploring new places is her favorite thing to do. She loves seeing new things and her family tends to worry about her when she manages to get herself lost for a few days. She’s usually fine. Nina enjoys practicing her speech, even if she knows that she doesn’t need to to communicate with her people, she wants to be ready in case she has a chance encounter with another race.

Backstory: Nina’s original form is a willow tree. While she was royalty, Nina wasn’t the first born. So while her people were protective of her, they didn’t expect the responsibilities of a firstborn from her. Even though she’s spent her entire life with them, and she loved her family dearly, she has always felt like a bit of an outcast. Though, an outside perspective would never realize this since Nina is very good at pretending to fit in. But she’s never truly felt like she belonged with her people. She’s always wanted for more, to explore. To meet new people and learn of their cultures. Nina never really agreed with the nymphs' hostility towards other races. Though she was careful not to be too outspoken about that. She’s tried to follow along with their way of life, but Nina can’t ignore her desire for change forever.
Let me know if I need to make any changes!
Name: Adelaide Simone Rivera
Age : 16
Height : 4’10
Gender : Female
DOB : February 12th
Fate : Deceased
Weight : 106 lbs
Eyes : Brown
Hair : Black
Skin : Brown
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Typical Attire : Flowy pastels and frilly dresses. Adelaide loved girly things.

Backstory: Adelaide’s past life was horrible. She was born to rich parents who decided that their daughter being autistic was something she deserved to be punished for. She was constantly verbally abused and mistreated, Brainwashed into believing that she had nothing to offer the world. She was obsessively taught by her mother to mask her autism and would be punished harshly when she made a mistake. Her older sister was no better than her parents. Natasha hated Adelaide. She hated her because she was raised to believe she was better than her, yet her parents gave Adelaide so much of their time. Natasha believed that trying to fix her sister was a waste of time. She was envious of the thing that stole her parents attention.
Adelaide managed to find some happiness in friends. People who genuinely cared about her and treated her like a person. As she got older, she began to spend less time with her family and started to grow to be independent. Then she was killed in a car accident.
How cruel of her life to end just as she was learning to live. Her memories from this life have subconsciously influenced how her reincarnation acts and thinks.
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Name: Nina
Age : 13
Height : 4’11
Gender : Female
DOB : February 12th
Weight : 123 lbs
Eyes : a pale green-grey
Hair : dark brown
Skin : brown, the ends of her limbs are a mossy green color
Sexuality : questioning
Typical Attire : loose light clothing, usually adorned with some of the plants that grow from her skin.

Personality : Nina comes off as a sweet girl who can be a bit dim. She pretends to be a lot kinder than she actually is. She’s afraid that she wouldn’t be accepted by others if she was completely herself. So, she pretends to be someone that most would want to protect, someone stupid, but kind and outgoing. She is a relatively kind person, acting the way she does so others feel comfortable and safe around her. She wants people to be happy. She’s selfless in her own way, and she’s very thoughtful and considerate to those she holds dear. She just doesn’t believe that anyone could truly like who she really was. Nina is a very insecure person. She gets jealous of other people’s happiness and immediately hates herself for feeling that way. She’s a hypocrite who wants others to trust her, but never truly trusts anyone. The world has been rather cruel to her in both of her lives, and she thinks she deserves it. She’s given up on being happy with herself. So she decided to dedicate her entire being to making others happier, hoping to find her own.
Likes : Nature is part of who Nina is, it’s something she loves. The nymphs are a tight knit community and she loved her kin, but Nina has always preferred nature’s company to theirs. Nina loves unique things, people, places, items. Anything she has never seen before will immediately catch her attention. Nina also enjoys being in the water. Other miscellaneous things she likes are birds, flowers, running through grass, laughter, pearls, shiny things in general, sweet things, and feathers!
Dislikes : Nina doesn’t like things that are too loud, she’s easily frightened by loud things. She doesn’t like crowded places and she dcourse, oesn’t like sudden bright lights. She’s also a vegetarian, so she doesn’t really eat meat.
Hobbies : Exploring new places is her favorite thing to do. She loves seeing new things and her family tends to worry about her when she manages to get herself lost for a few days. She’s usually fine. Nina enjoys practicing her speech, even if she knows that she doesn’t need to to communicate with her people, she wants to be ready in case she has a chance encounter with another race.

Backstory: Nina’s original form is a willow tree. While she was royalty, Nina wasn’t the first born. So while her people were protective of her, they didn’t expect the responsibilities of a firstborn from her. Even though she’s spent her entire life with them, and she loved her family dearly, she has always felt like a bit of an outcast. Though, an outside perspective would never realize this since Nina is very good at pretending to fit in. But she’s never truly felt like she belonged with her people. She’s always wanted for more, to explore. To meet new people and learn of their cultures. Nina never really agreed with the nymphs' hostility towards other races. Though she was careful not to be too outspoken about that. She’s tried to follow along with their way of life, but Nina can’t ignore her desire for change forever.
View attachment 975543
Let me know if I need to make any changes!
Awesome! :D It seems absolutely cool! If no one enters for nymph it's yours! < 3
Past life
Basic info:

Rick (“Rickey”) Allaband
Height: 5’ 11”
Gender: Male
DOB: June 4
Fate: dead
Weight: 152 lbs
Eyes: Dark brown eyes with hits of green
Hair: Should be Dark brown- He tried to dye it blue but it came out sea-sick green.
Skin: Roman tan
Sexuality: straight
Typical attire: A punky black leather over a ripped, ugly bright/neon t-shirt, black ripped jeans, and muddy hiking books
Age: 17


Rickey grew up with his father. His mother died during his birth, but Rickey always kept a photo of her on him for good luck. His father wasn’t great at parenting- so he had lots of freedom, but if he didn’t come home for dinner on time he wouldn’t get anything to eat that night or the next morning unless he made something himself. He was often late for dinner (probably doing something reckless and dumb, but he’d never say) around the ages of 14 1/2-dead and was narcoleptic, so he normally slept when he should’ve been making himself something to eat, resulting in him being very skinny. He got into a car crash 11 months before he died and got injured badly. It would leave him with a limp and an addiction to opioids, because he was allergic to regular pain killers. He’d just gotten over his addiction a month before he died.

Present Life

Name: Allen Rowan (both first name) Whitlock
A.K.A.: Al, Lil Al

Age: 14
Hair color: Dark brown, almost black
Eye color: Brown
Psyche: He can be seen as cold and removed, always a sideshow to his siblings. Allen never shows to be ambitious outside of reason, very hopeful, or willing to give others a second chance, but he’s very loyal and protective. Just… without anyone to call a friend. Sometimes he talks to himself, sometimes it’s friendly conversation, other times it’s yelling at himself for being such a nerd (Allen will speed-read through any book he can find (even if it’s too dark to read; he’ll try. That’s why he has glasses). Thus calling himself a nerd). The bane of Allen’s existence is exercise. Want him to run up some stairs? Yeah, no. He’ll just walk it, even though he’ll be called lazy by his siblings. When it comes to talking to others he mainly avoids it, because he easily gets flustered. Being flustered usually means a panic attack in Allen’s book, and that’s the last thing he wants people’s first impression of him to be. To hopefully make others think better of him, he always dresses nicely, no matter the occasion.
History: Allen grew up with many siblings, unlike in his past life when he had none. Allen had a pretty uneventful childhood. His siblings alway pushed him around and he always tucked-tail and stood to the side so they’d ignore him and get all the attention. Allen never felt comfortable enough with his parents to talk about it, and so a gap grew between him and his family. It never appeared to effect him to much, because he was normally sitting with a good book in his room instead of making friends or playing with his siblings.
Past Life
Basic Info:

Nico Delos Reyes, 18 years old.
Height : 6'0"
Gender : Male.
DOB : December 28th.
Fate : Dead.
Weight : 186 lbs.
Eyes : Grey eyes, sharp.
Hair : Dark black, shaggy and short.
Skin : Pale.
Sexuality : Questioning.
Typical Attire : Dark clothes, ripped jeans, heavy rock clothing, pierced ears, dark emo clothing.

Nico was born to his father and mother when they were not young, he had a shaky but fine relationship with his dad and mom. His mom was Italian and his dad was Philippine. He wasn't abused or ideally doted over just a basic family which immigrated to America. He always felt bored pretty much bored, and nothing ever seemed to fill his taste, only when he found out rock did he finally learn true passion. But he never told anyone. Music was chosen. He wanted this to be his path... He wanted it to be in his life... Well, that was until he died.

Present Life
Basic Info:
Randolph Redwood, 15 years old.
Height : 5'11
Gender : Male.
Weight : 156 lbs.
Eyes : Grey eyes, sharp.
Hair : Bright red unruly but shaggy hair.
Skin : Tan.
Sexuality : Questioning.
Psyche : Randolph still tends to be a loner, and it fits him perfect this time... He is a Werewolf. He can't count on anyone neither does he trust anyone, he can be cold, cunning, flirtatious if needed to use it in his plan but his love for music never changed but sadly they didn't have a single have a single thing involved in music, not even a single instrument which Randolph found extremely boring. But he tends to bring music to the world he lives. Usually Randolph tends to be a grumpy, snappy, yet cunning boy but he usually is in a good mood.

Born as a Werewolf Randolph didn't have an easy start first off the monarchy in the Werewolf kingdom was quite different, the king at the current moment has 7 wives and 13 children, as a Werewolf Randolph couldn't rely on his mother or father since they were taught to be strong and alone, and Randolph was already used to this, he was fine he only missed the love of a mother and father slightly but he never showed it. With 2 older siblings and 10 younger siblings the family always competes who is up for the throne, and as the third child he is one of the main leads which could hold the spot. He desires to be king. He wants to be strong and he hates the hostility among the races. Why couldn't they all get along? That's why he decided he was going to be kind and that was his dream... Of course music would go along as well.
Past life:
Basic info:

Adam LeBlanc, 15 years old
Hight: 5’ 8”
Gender: male
DOB: Jan 3
Fate: Dead
Weight: 142
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: brown
Skin: sun-tanned
Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Typical attire: A t-shirt and shorts. no matter the weather.

Adam grew with nice parents, a decendent education, and played many sports. He had quite a few friends and was always eager to help. So yeah, pretty boring. Nothing major.

Present Life:
Basic info:

Khalid Stackhouse, 15 years old
Height: 6’ 0”
Gender: Male
Weight: 162
Eyes: Scarlet
Hair: black with premature gray streaks
Skin: Very pale (like the guy [Grindlewald] in my pfp)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Psyche: Khalid can be very flirty (and usually is), but if he ever does choose to date someone, it would probably be for the hell of it. He tends to stray away from making promisies or comitments, making him unreliable and not an easy person to trust. When it comes to being a vampire however, he fits in just right with the lot of them. Khalid never really made any friends because he tends to make other a little uneasy with his flirty additude and lack of empathy for others. Oh yeah, and he enjoys watching people suffer when he’s bored. What a lovely chap. All jokes asside, if someone does become his friend, they won’t reget it. He will always look out for his friends and be a little less flirty and more aware of his actions. Not saying he’s clingy or overprotective, becuase he just isn’t. Khalid wants to make is friends feel enabled and in control.

Khalid grew up with only one younger sibling, a little sister. He doesn’t really like to talk about his past becuase he doesn’t want to adimit how boring it was, he wouldn’t even talk about his hobby. But like in his past life, there really isn’t much to tell, unless you count the fact that he colected bat, butterfly, bird, ect. wings in his spare time, along with learning how to whittle, singing, and a few different languages.
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