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Multiple Settings Hell and Back... CS



Harbinger of War, Chaos, and Poptarts
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Curse: (Upon entry into the underworld, everyone is curse; make up one or look in Lore page.)
Username: PlusUltra
Name: Zenos yae Galvus
Nickname: Zenos
Alias: Zenos Viator Galvus
Origin: Eorzea, Final Fantasy XIV
Man should fight for the joy of it. To live, to eat, to breed -- lesser beasts snap and howl at one another for this. Only man has the wisdom -- and the clarity -- to embrace violence for its own sake.
Being a Garlean, Zenos is arrogant, savage, and overall ruthless. But unlike his constituents such as Gaius van Baelsar and Nael van Darnus, he doesn't have any noble motive behind his actions, nor does he care about ruling his empire. Zenos is in fact a deeply nihilistic and sadistic individual with no regard for life including his own. He views the world not only being cruel and meaningless but also as a "hunt" with his enemies being his prey. He has a personal hobby of collecting the weapons of the enemies he has slaughtered, and would sometimes spare his enemies for the chance of having a more thrilling battle.

However, after his first defeat at the hands of the Warrior of Light, Zenos gains a greater sense of purpose. His motives change from simply causing chaos and misery for the sake of it, to hunting down the Warrior of Light who he sees as his only true friend in his twisted vision. His Obsession towards fighting the Warrior of Light is so great that he not only killed his own father and plunged the Garlean Empire into a civil war, but is willing to plunge the world into a cataclysm so long as he's able to fight his adversary one last time.
Backstory: Zenos Galvus
Death: Death at the end of the Universe duelling their first friend.
Curse: Corruptio
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Gorgeous Watchdog


Julian the Hedgehog




27 years (at the time of death)






Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comics, though this version of Jules is from the fanmade comic, "The Murder of Me' as well as some details from the archie version.


In his youth, Jules Hedgehog was very different from his mild-mannered brother: he possessed all the stubbornness and daring that his son, Sonic would later develop. Despite this, he is like Sonic after him. He was also a being of bravery and compassion. These qualities eventually won the heart of his wife, Bernadette.

Calm and caring is the best way to describe the adult Jules: his family means the world to him. Despite the bad things he remains in good spirits, choosing to get on with his life rather than brood over the downsides (a trait his son has inherited). He is less strict than his wife in parenting, having realized their son is a teenager now, not a little boy and allows accordingly more freedom. Jules is also fiercely protective of his family and has courage well-honed from his experiences in the Great War.


Jules Hedgehog was born several years prior to the Great War, and together with his brother Charles was a student of Nate Morgan, the Overlander who created the Power Rings. He and his brother were inspired by the historical stories written by Kirby.

While still at school, Jules frequently debated against another hedgehog called Bernie as the two would often spar in class debates, and lost to her all the time. Although Jules remembered her, the two did not meet again until during the Great War. During the Overlander's siege of Mobotropolis, Jules was part of a small group of troops that managed to take refuge in the city's underground catacombs, only to be led behind enemy lines by Bernadette and Cocoa. Due to the element of surprise, the task force was able to chase off the Overlanders, defeating or capturing all but the commanding officer of the unit, Colin Kintobor.

Sometime later, after marrying Bernadette and having a son they named "Sonic" Maurice Hedgehog, Jules was part of a small task force employed to seek out and recover the infamous historian Kirby. While on the mission the group encountered a lone Overlander soldier. In his haste to capture the enemy, Jules was caught off guard and received a mortal wound. The enemy troop was subsequently defeated by Bernadette, and Jules was brought back to Mobotropolis to undergo treatment.

He survived the wound, but lost sight in his right eye. His right eye was hit during his attempt to capture an enemy, and though it didn't need to be removed, thanks to the power rings, his vision in that eye could not be saved or restored.



When Sonic was only 6 years old, Zielo attacked the Hedgehog family in an attempt to steal part of Sonic's soul as one of the Sons of Heephis. Jules stands up to protect his family as his surroundings burn, tapping into God Powers, but was ultimately killed in front of Bernadette and Sonic.


Corruptio, as he was mortally wounded by Zielo.
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Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27


Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans oc

Kaito has short black hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. He wears a black tank top, Grey and blue camouflage jeans, and Black Boots.
His height is roughly 6'00, and his weight is 120 lbs.

Kaito is a serious individual who doesn't have much in terms of emotion. He talks monotonously and nothing really makes him flinch, except for 1 certain thing.....

Ten thousand years, before the modern day that Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans takes place in, there was a great cataclysmic war known as the Calamity War. Self thinking machines built to kill humanity had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and killed many people. To combat these machines, humanity built the Gundam Frames, Machines that could fight the giants and maybe defeat them.

However, a Gundam can't be piloted by just anyone. A pilot had to go through special surgery, being given cybernetic Enhancements on their spine, which strengthens their link with their machine, enabling better mobility and reaction time. Kaito was one such individual who went through this operation, and had been given the Andras to pilot.

In his first and last deployment, he did everything he could to fight the mobile armor known as Serafim, but he died in vain......

Died in the Calamity War, trying to slay the Angelic Mobile Armor known as Serafim. His Gundam got impaled in the chest by a wire claw, which in turn had broke through to impale Kaito in the chest, killing him.

Name: Kyojuro Rengoku
Origin: Demon Slayer
Appearence and backstory:
Personality: Cheerful and has respect for his friends. Also honorable.
Death: Died during the Mugen train incident at the hands of the Upper Moon 3 demon Akaza.
Curse: Corruptio
Username: Gears
Name: Simon Riley
Nickname: Simon
Alias: Ghost
Origin: Call of Duty MW
Personality: Ghost is extremely loyal to his allies and country. He is determined to protect the inncocent but will sacrifice others for the greater good if he hasn't no choice.

Backstory: Ghost had a traumatic childhood due to husband abusive father, and following the September 11 attacks he joined the milaiarry and later joined the special air forces

During a mission infiltrating a drug cartel, his squad was captured after being betrayed by their commanding officer.

Ghost suffered months of torture as the cartel attempted to brainwash him, but after they lost patience; they killed Ghosts traitorous commander and buried Ghost alive.

Ghost spent three hours using the officers jawbone to dig out our the grave before returning home, his brother a drug addict and father even more abusive to his mother.

Ghost helped his brother and made his father leave, before his brainwashed squad mates killed his family.

Ghost hunted down the castle and his former teammates, adopting the disguise they had used to infiltrate the cartel long ago: a skull patterned baclava.

Ghost then joined task force 141 and fought against the ultranationalist Russians, before and during the Russian-American war. Ghost was enervated on a mission to find information on the leader: Vladimir Makarov, leading to husband death.

Death: Betrayed by General Sheppard; shot with revolver and burned alive.
Curse: Memoria
Username: Gears
Name: Unknown
Nickname: Mac
Alias: Hammer
Origin: Unknown, modern universe
Personality: Mac is willing to do anything to survive, no matter the consequences. He is obsessed with finding a way to return to his world, his determination the only thing that has kept him alive in the past.
Backstory: Mac’s backstory is unknown due to his curse, but he has a past in the military. He is a good tactician despite his silence and an expert in hand to hand combat.
Death: Unknown, but was likely from hanging.
Curse: Silentium

Gorgeous Watchdog


Johnathan Marston






Red Dead (Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Redemption 2)


John has a strong dislike of birds and a rather dull imagination, especially when compared to his son Jack. When it comes to how he feels about religion, in-game quotes suggest that he is likely a Christian who is not overtly religious.

He is also a fairly serious individual with very little patience for the eccentricities of both life and the various people he meets during the events of Red Dead Redemption. He frequently threatens Irish into sobering up so as to be of some use to him, and he is clearly disturbed/disgusted by Seth's habitual grave robbing. However, he is not above employing sarcasm in conversation with certain characters, particularly those he sees as exhibiting hypocrisy, which can be seen in his interactions with both Abraham Reyes and Agustin Allende. John is also shown assisting both sides of the revolution in Mexico, suggesting he is willing to be morality apathetic to save his family.

He greatly respects women and refuses to commit adultery, yet can be quick to anger and never seems to feel guilty or remorseful about the deaths he's caused both past and present. Despite Dutch leaving him for dead and devolving to a deranged maniac, Marston still holds respect for him as a former father figure in his life. The familial bond created when Dutch took in an orphaned teenage John is still somewhat evident, as John is noticeably reluctant to kill Dutch when given the chance; even years after his time in the gang, John still has some of Dutch's more progressive, less violent philosophical beliefs, such as viewing modern society to be deeply unfair and having a low opinion of the government. However, John does seem to have matured since his criminal days and is unbending in his desire to live out the rest of his life with his family.

John is also extremely polite to women, often calling Bonnie MacFarlane "Miss MacFarlane", even after she requests that he call her "Bonnie." He also does anything possible to keep women safe, even pistol-whipping Irish to defend two nuns he was holding up. In contrast to his politeness to women, John is unafraid to take the moral high-ground when dealing with less than reputable characters, like Irish with his alcoholism and Nigel West Dickens with his swindling of gullible people. John seems to be one of the only men who is loyal to his wife. He also seems to get irritated when someone mentions his wife's past than his own.

Unlike many people of the time, John doesn't hold racist views and even sarcastically mocks those that do. Marston is also skeptical of new technology, dismissing the automobile as "slow" while preferring a horse. He is cynical of the government as a whole, stating that "most men can't handle power", and explaining to Marshal Leigh Johnson the irony of murder being a crime "unless it's ordered by a court of law". However, John does nothing to solve these supposed problems in government, and instead seems to unintentionally further them. He helps Marshal Johnson murder criminals and aids Abraham Reyes in leading a revolution, the latter who ultimately becomes a tyrant after winning power. It seems John has come to a realization that civilization will always be littered with hypocrisy, violence, unfairness, and corruption. Unlike his former gang members, John stops trying to fight it and instead chooses a path to live a peaceful life as a rancher with a loving family, away from all these problems.

Like other playable characters in the series, John has the capacity for both honorable and dishonorable actions, mostly depending on player choice during gameplay. Within the story of Red Dead Redemption, the extent of John's merciful nature or desire for vengeance is somewhat influenced by the player during key moments. At different points in the story, the player can choose whether to personally kill Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella and Captain De Santa out of vengeance or simply leave their demise to other characters. However, John is usually depicted as being morally ambiguous with a sense of honor in the context of plot and general personality.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, a younger John Marston is depicted. Unlike his older self, John is seen as having a more apathetic, colder personality towards his family. He avoids his responsibly of being a father to Jack, even believing for a time that Jack wasn't his son and often expressing annoyance at Abigail when she chastises him for this. At one point, John even jokes about his family "seeing corpses" in reference to all the people he's killed, showing that he has no moral qualms around his family. As the Van der Linde gang faces increasingly dire situations, John frequently questions Dutch's plans and the overall morality of the gang. At the same time, John realizes how much of a poor husband and father he's been, due to the growing danger his family are being put in due to his actions, which ultimately causes him to change after his wife and son leave him in 1907.


John Marston was born in 1873. His father was an illiterate Scottish immigrant who was born on the boat to New York, while his mother was a prostitute, who died during John's birth. John initially lived with his father, a man who loved Scotland and always talked about it. However, he was blinded in a bar fight south of Chicago and died at some point later, when John was eight years old. The circumstances around his death are unknown, although John was told that he died in the bar fight.

John was subsequently sent to an orphanage, where he spent the next few years. He eventually ran away and tried to make his own luck living out in the streets. At the age of 11, John committed his first murder when he shot a man, although he claimed it was not his fault. In 1885, at the age of 12, Marston had been caught stealing by homesteaders in Illinois, who planned on hanging him. Dutch van der Linde stepped in and saved the young boy, taking him under his wing; John was thus inducted into the Van der Linde gang, alongside Hosea Matthews, Arthur Morgan, and Susan Grimshaw. The gang became a surrogate family to the young boy, with Dutch becoming his mentor and father figure. He taught John how to read, shoot, hunt, gather, and instilled him with a love of nature and things other than power.

John developed into an experienced outlaw, running with Dutch, Hosea, Bill Williamson, Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella and several others, committing robberies, raids, murders, kidnappings and other crimes across the American frontier. Alongside Morgan, Marston was viewed as Dutch's proudest protégé; many members of the gang considered John to be Dutch's favorite and "golden boy", much to the envy of certain people, such as Bill. Marston had fallen under the sway of Dutch's philosophy, believing that the gang stole and fought for a reason. In stealing from the rich, they, in turn, gave to the poor. They wanted to elicit change in the people of the West, although he later came to admit that these were excuses to let them rob and steal indiscriminately.

In 1894, a prostitute named Abigail Roberts joined the gang. Despite having sexual relations with most of the gang members, she eventually fell in love with John. They later had a son together in 1895, whom they named Jack. The gang became an extended family to Jack, with most of the members becoming aunts and uncles to him. In his early years, John had a lot of difficulties connecting with his son due to doubts as to whether or not he was Jack's biological father, as well as fears about his own ability to raise him. Around 1896,[2] John left the gang for a year. His return was met well with Dutch and certain other members of the gang, whilst Arthur felt betrayed by his actions. A rift between the two steadily grew over the next few years.

The gang picked up new members such as Micah Bell, Lenny Summers, and Charles Smith as they traversed the Grizzlies circa 1898. They continued moving east until they reached the up-and-coming port town of Blackwater, where they decided to stay for a while. Here, Micah ended up encouraging Dutch to pursue a boat heist, which John participated in alongside Javier, Sean, and the Callander brothers - Mac and Davey. The heist went wrong when Dutch shot a defenseless young woman named Heidi McCourt in the head and a unit of Pinkerton agents ambushed the gang, resulting in an eruption of violence. The gang escaped and managed to stash the money from the boat somewhere in Blackwater. The heist was a disaster, leading to the deaths of Davey and Jenny Kirk, Mac being separated, and Sean's capture by bounty hunters. John took a bullet in the arm and escaped with the rest of the gang, heading north towards Big Valley.

Events of Red Dead Redemption 2

Colter Chapter

In their attempt to escape the Pinkertons, the Van der Linde gang continue to flee north and end up caught in a snowstorm on the mountains of Ambarino. While the rest of the gang look for shelter, John and Micah are sent scouting for additional shelter and supplies. Eventually, Abigail becomes concerned when John has not returned after two days. She pleads Arthur to find him and, after Hosea steps in, Arthur and Javier set out to find John.

They eventually manage to track him down and find him up in the mountains, badly injured and his horse killed. He revealed that he had gotten lost a day or so prior, ending up on a cliff near the peak of a mountain after being attacked by wolves that badly lacerated his right cheek and nose, giving him his iconic scars. They proceed to bring him back to safety, although Morgan is forced to fend off several wolves that had come after the trio while Escuella carried Marston on his horse.

Once they return to Colter, Abigail scolds Marston for his actions, and he is left to recover during the rest of their stay. At some point afterwards, John asks Dutch if he can join the train robbery crew, but Dutch refuses and tells John that he needs to rest and heal. During the ride out of the mountains, John is seen being loaded up in a stretcher onto a wagon, with his face still heavily covered in bandages and badly injured.

Horseshoe Overlook Chapter
After recovering from his injuries, John, along with Arthur and Bill, assaults an O'Driscoll hideout at Six Point Cabin, using the information given by Kieran Duffy, a former member of the O'Driscolls. John takes Kieran on his horse, and they arrive at a forested area outside of the camp. The three take out some of the O'Driscolls silently, before a shootout ensues. The three emerge victorious, and after Kieran saves Arthur's life, John and Bill convince Arthur to let him stay, and the two take him back to camp.

John, Arthur, and Charles (before being joined by Sean) rob a train passing through Scarlett Meadows. They manage to steal a Cornwall wagon and put it on the tracks to force the train to stop. During the robbery, John deals with the passengers, carrying a loot bag for them to put their valuables in. However, the law shows up quickly, prompting suspicion from John, although they still manage to make off with the money.

John and Arthur go and steal a herd of sheep at some point afterwards, to sell them at the Valentine auction. When they go to the nearby saloon to drink after the success, where Dutch and Strauss show up. Strauss and John go outside but are captured and held hostage by Leviticus Cornwall and his hired guns. Arthur and Dutch rescue them, before fighting their way out of Valentine. They then promptly pick up camp and leave.

Clemens Point Chapter
John, Javier, and Arthur make a deal with the Grays, in which they will steal the Braithwaites' prized horses and sell them for five thousand dollars. The three of them talk their way into the grounds, before subduing the stable-hand and stealing the horses. John takes the lead during the escape until they sell them for a meager seven hundred dollars.

After Jack is kidnapped by the Braithwaites, John takes part in the assault against Braithwaite Manor in the hope of taking back his son. After his son is not at the manor, he grows furious.

After the Pinkertons find out the location of the gang's camp, John and Arthur go to Shady Belle, in order to clear out any Lemoyne Raiders so that the gang may set up a new camp there. After eliminating a few of the remnants, John and Arthur dump the bodies in the swamp, and John goes back to the gang to direct them to the new camp.

Saint Denis Chapter
John, Arthur and Dutch go to Angelo Bronte's manor, after learning from Catherine Braithwaite that he is holding Jack hostage. In exchange for Jack being returned to them, Arthur and John are sent to deal with a group of grave robbers in the city's cemetery. The duo kill the grave robbers, although the police arrive at the cemetery after hearing gunshots, forcing John and Arthur manage to sneak out of the cemetery and evade them. When they return to Bronte's mansion, Dutch is there waiting for them, along with Jack. They then head back to camp, and the gang throw a party to celebrate Jack's return.

John's relationship with Dutch begins to deteriorate during this chapter, as Dutch believes that John is becoming too close to his family, and that Abigail is turning John against him. Van der Linde also believes that John is losing faith in him, and in return, John begins challenging some of Dutch's decisions.

Later, John accompanies some of the gang members in storming Bronte’s mansion, in revenge for Bronte setting up Dutch. Inside the house, John comes across Bronte and knocks him unconscious with a punch to the face. Later, John witnesses Bronte being drowned by Dutch and fed to an alligator, which he is shocked by. During the failed bank robbery in Saint Denis soon afterwards, John gets captured and sent to Sisika Penitentiary, where he is incarcerated.

Beaver Hollow Chapter
After Dutch and four others travel back from Guarma, Arthur and Sadie Adler scout the penitentiary using a hot air balloon and later manage to bust John out of prison, before returning him to the camp in Beaver Hollow. However, Dutch berates Arthur and Sadie for getting John back earlier than intended, even though the law began making plans to have John hanged. Dutch begins to develop paranoia, and is convinced that John is a traitor (although this can partly be attributed to Micah manipulating him). With tensions in the gang at an all-time high, some other members of the gang such as Bill also suspect that John is a turncoat, and distrust him as a result.

On orders from Dutch, John and Arthur blow up Bacchus Bridge with the stolen dynamite. During this operation, Arthur convinces John that he and his family should run away from the crumbling gang, once they have enough money. The two begin making plans, and John informs Arthur that Abigail knows where the gang's money stash is. The feeling that they need to get out is escalated even more as Dutch descends into madness, in addition to becoming increasingly influenced and corrupted by Micah, who acts as his new right hand man. John is later present with the rest of the Van der Linde gang during the battle against the U.S. Army at the oil fields, although he plays a minimal part in it.

John takes part in the final robbery of the Van der Linde gang, which involves robbing army payroll from a train. When uncoupling a burning train carriage, John gets shot in the shoulder by a train guard and falls off the train. Dutch goes back to save him, but ultimately decides to leave John to die. After the robbery, John is presumed dead by the rest of the gang.

When rescuing Abigail (who had been captured by Pinkertons), Arthur and Sadie learn from Agent Milton that Micah had betrayed the gang, having given information to the Pinkertons since the gang's return from Guarma. Arthur sends Abigail and Sadie to safety at Copperhead Landing while he goes to camp in order to confront Micah. During a stand-off between Micah and Arthur about the former being a traitor, John makes a shock return, still injured, claiming that Dutch left him to die. John and Susan Grimshaw side with Arthur, while the rest of the gang sides with Micah. Susan threatens Micah at gunpoint, but he kills her while she’s distracted by the news of the Pinkertons' arrival. Dutch then draws his revolvers and demands to know who is "with" him, and who is "betraying" him, ultimately leading to the gang uniting behind him and against Arthur and John, holding the two at gunpoint. Before the pair can be gunned down by the others, the standoff is interrupted by a Pinkerton assault on the camp, causing the gang to flee.

John and Arthur flee the area using the caves underneath the camp. Once they get out of the caves and try to escape through the forest, Arthur tells John that Micah was the rat and that his family are safe at Copperhead Landing. They are then forced to run while being pursued by Dutch, Micah and the others, declaring that the pair are traitors. After John and Arthur outrun their pursuers, their horses are shot from under them. It becomes clear that the whole area has been surrounded by Pinkertons and their chances of getting out alive are slim, and Arthur has to make a decision. The following set of events will depend on the player's choice:

If Arthur helps John to escape: Arthur decides to ensure that John will get back to his family at all costs, so the two decide to traverse the mountains — with the Pinkertons on their tail. John and Arthur fight their way to the top of the mountain until Arthur decides that (due to his illness) he can’t go on, so he suggests that he stays behind and distracts the Pinkertons while John continues on. Arthur gives John his hat and satchel, while John acknowledges Arthur as being his “brother”, and reluctantly continues on his way to his family while Arthur fights off the Pinkertons alone.
If Arthur goes back for the money: Arthur claims that the gang's money was left at the camp's caves, but John refuses to go back there, as he needs to get back to his family. Arthur then gives John his hat and satchel, saying his final goodbyes as the two friends part ways, with John leaving the area to reach his family while Arthur goes back to the camp to get the money.
Either way, John manages to escape and reunite with his family along with Sadie and Tilly at Copperhead Landing, while Arthur dies, either from his Tuberculosis or from being killed by Micah. John and his family planned to live an honest life after leaving the gang. Wishing to buy some land, they moved to the Yukon soon afterward to take part in the gold rush, but they didn’t make much from it. Sadie and John also vowed one day to kill Micah for his treachery, should they ever find him.

Pronghorn Ranch Chapter
Years after the gang disbanded, in 1907, the Marston family have an incident at Roanoke Ridge which involved John shooting someone, and head to a destination unknown. They eventually arrive in Strawberry to try their luck there where Abigail and Jack land a job in the town clinic and, under the pseudonym "Jim Milton", John temporarily gets a job working for the general store, delivering goods to David Geddes at Pronghorn Ranch. John arrives at the ranch on time and manages to stop the Laramie Gang from harassing the ranch. After this, John receives work as a ranch hand for the Geddes. His reunion with Abigail starts uneasy friction after she receives news of John's actions prior to their arrival.

Nevertheless, Abigail and John manage to get by with their newfound life. John helps Mr. Geddes and ranch foreman Tom Dickens with more ranch work such as teaching the David Geddes' younger son named Duncan Geddes how to tame and ride a horse and build fences around the ranch. During these times, John briefly connects with Jack, teaching him how to ride a pony and retrieving mail from Strawberry.

However, their journey in collecting a package at the post office goes wrong, due to John and Jack being followed by three men connected to the incident back at Roanoke Ridge. John is forced to kill them, which triggers Jack's anxiety. After they return to their ranch, Abigail becomes increasingly worried after seeing Jack anxious and John failing his promise to her. This concern ignites after the Laramie attack the Pronghorn Ranch, and steal cattle. John and the ranch hands head to Hanging Dog Ranch where they successfully fight the gang and retrieve the cattle. John also kills their leader for mocking him.

The event angers Abigail and she leaves John quietly the next morning. John continues to work at the ranch and after some time, Marston asks Mr. Geddes to put good faith on his name so that he can borrow loans from the bank and buy a plot of land. John attempts to buy Beecher's Hope to convince Abigail he's changed, with the intention of turning it into a ranch.

Beecher's Hope Chapter
John successfully buys Beecher's Hope after clearing away squatters living there. He reunites with Uncle in Blackwater and Charles in Saint Denis, who help Marston build his ranch, as well as Sadie in Valentine, who provides him with various bounty hunting jobs to pay off his bank loans. Abigail and Jack head back to John after receiving a letter from him. John spends more time with his family, such as fishing with Jack and Rufus, and going to Blackwater with Abigail. During their trip to town, John proposes to Abigail on the lake.

Eventually, Marston comes across information leading to Micah's location. He, Sadie, and Charles go despite Abigail's pleas not to. In order to reach their nemesis, the trio track down Cleet in Strawberry, who reveals that Micah and his gang are at Mount Hagen. The player can then decide whether to hang Cleet or spare him, though the latter results in Sadie killing him instead. The three journey to Mount Hagen, where Charles and Sadie both sustain injuries; with Charles getting shot in the shoulder by a sniper and Sadie having been stabbed in the abdomen during a scuffle with one of Micah's henchmen, John is forced to continue on without them. He soon confronts and kills Joe, before eventually finding Micah. A shootout ensues between the two and they end up in a deadlock, which ends when a wounded Sadie appears and holds Micah at gunpoint. However, Dutch makes a sudden appearance, emerging from a cabin with his revolvers drawn, resulting in Sadie being subdued by Micah and held hostage.

A three-way standoff develops between John, Micah and Dutch, with Dutch initially appearing to be on Micah’s side. After an exchange of words between the three, Dutch eventually shoots Micah in the chest, mortally wounding him and freeing Sadie. Enraged, Micah then tries to shoot Dutch and John in a last-ditch effort, but John outdraws Micah and shoots him numerous times, killing him. Dutch then takes his leave without saying a word, ignoring John's attempt to thank him. Marston subsequently finds the Blackwater ferry robbery money stash and returns to the ranch with Charles and Sadie. Afterwards, with his mortgage having been paid off thanks to the money stash, John formally marries Abigail, with both looking forward to living a new life on their ranch with Jack.

Sadie and Charles leave Beecher's Hope and the Marston family on good terms. Edgar Ross, the newly appointed head of the Bureau of Investigation catches wind of the events on Mount Hagen and goes to investigate, finding nothing but Micah's frozen corpse and no trace of the missing Blackwater money. Alongside his new subordinate, Archer Fordham, they begin a manhunt for the culprit, questioning various people until they trace the murder to John's location at Beecher's Hope. John continues working on his ranch with his family for the next few years, unaware that his revenge on Micah meant the Bureau knew exactly who he was and where to find him.

Events of Red Dead Redemption
Four years later in 1911, the old American West is dying. Encroaching technological advances such as railroads, telegram offices, and stronger law enforcement begin to integrate themselves into western society. The federal government wants the Bureau of Investigation to aid in the process of civilizing the west by ridding the region of all of the savage gangs running wild and unchallenged, especially that of Bill Williamson and Dutch van der Linde. Not wanting to make martyrs out of them, Ross decides to use an ex-associate of Williamson's that the Bureau had been watching to hunt him down: former outlaw John Marston. By kidnapping John's wife and son, Ross forces him to comply. Thus, John is forced to roam the frontier once again to protect his family.

New Austin
John arrives in Blackwater on the ferry Morningstar and is escorted by Edgar Ross and Archer Fordham through town to be sent off by train to Armadillo. Once there, John finds a guide named Jake hired by the local marshal in the saloon. The talkative guide questions Marston about his motives but gets no answers in return. He leads John to the walls of Fort Mercer, the main hideout of the Williamson gang. In confronting his old friend, Marston tries to reason with Williamson in giving up peacefully, but Williamson taunts John for his vocabulary, proudly proclaiming that he is now in charge of his own gang. John reaches for his revolver but gets shot in his lower right torso by one of Bill Williamson's men.

After suffering through the night and eventually passing out on the side of the road, Bonnie MacFarlane and her ranch hand Amos find John and take him to Nathaniel Johnston's doctor office in Armadillo. After treating his wounds, Bonnie provides John with lodging, food, and drink, on condition he helps her around the ranch.

John works off his debt of $15 and his life to Bonnie and her father Drew MacFarlane by doing various ranch jobs such as night patrol, cattle-herding, and horse-taming. However, Williamson finds out that John has survived and is staying at the MacFarlane Ranch, and orders his gang to set the barn on fire. John rescues the trapped horses and Bonnie promises to sell him some cattle when he settles on his ranch again.

After assisting U.S. Marshal Leigh Johnson with various jobs in and around Armadillo, John and the Marshal begin to plan an assault on the fort. To gather a posse and the necessary resources to conduct the attack, John works with snake oil salesman Nigel West Dickens and, through him, Irish and Seth Briars. However, their plans are temporarily delayed when Bonnie MacFarlane is kidnapped, to which John volunteers to help Marshal Johnson save her from being hanged. After saving Bonnie, John and his allies carry out an assault on Fort Mercer, using a "Trojan Horse" strategy by sneaking John and a Gatling Gun inside the fort in Dickens' wagon. West Dickens gives them a lecture about what is inside his "miracle" wagon, before rapping sharply on the side of the wagon to signal John, who shows himself and kills most of the outlaws while assaulting the fort. However, after the battle, the crew discover that Williamson had fled the previous morning and went into exile in the Mexican province of Nuevo Paraíso with Javier Escuella.

Nuevo Paraíso
Irish escorts John south of the border to the Mexican province, Nuevo Paraíso, where he meets the region's provisional governor, Colonel Allende, and his subordinate right-hand man, Captain de Santa. He is forced to work for them to gain information on Williamson and Escuella. At the same time, John encounters the aging famed gunslinger Landon Ricketts who teaches him new gun fighting skills and commits raids on the Mexican Army. Marston also aids Abraham Reyes and Luisa Fortuna - two lover revolutionaries working to overthrow Allende and their president, General Sanchez, with numerous revolutionary attacks. He attempts to extract any information possible from both Allende and Reyes regarding the whereabouts of Williamson and Escuella.

However, Allende, aware of John's loyalties, betrays John and has his men attempt to kill him. However, Reyes and his rebels arrive in time and rescue John before he is executed. John kills Captain Espinoza in the ensuing battle and sides with Reyes in the revolution. After Captain De Santa is dealt with, John participates in an attack on El Presidio. Marston confronts Javier and holds him at gunpoint, although Javier manages to escape. Marston pursues him, and Javier is either killed or captured by John in the ensuing struggle. Dead or Alive, Javier is handed over the newly arrived agents Edgar Ross and Archer Fordham. Eventually, the rebels lead an attack on Allende's villa. In the midst of the bloodshed, Luisa is gunned down by Allende's men, although she is avenged when Raul Zubieta and two of his soldiers are killed by John in retaliation. As the rebels storm the villa, Allende and Williamson, who was also seeking protection from the Army, make their escape. They are subsequently hunted down and killed by Marston and Reyes, allowing the rebels to take over Nuevo Paraíso and make plans to march on Mexico's capital, continuing the revolution. With Williamson dead, John is required to head back to Blackwater in America to meet with agents Ross and Fordham once again.

West Elizabeth
Though Marston's business with Williamson and Escuella is over, Ross tells him that he still needs to subdue Dutch van der Linde, the former leader of the Van der Linde gang, if he wishes to get his family back. John, along with Ross, Fordham and other Bureau Agents engage in several skirmishes with Dutch and his gang of Natives across West Elizabeth, but fail to capture or kill Van der Linde. Marston also works with incompetent Yale Professor Harold MacDougal and Native American informant Nastas in tracking Dutch down. Eventually, John and the Bureau of Investigation join forces with the American Army in ambushing Dutch's hideout. He confronts Dutch himself, who warns John that the government will find a new "monster" to justify their pay. Rather than dying or being taken captive by John, Dutch chooses to commit suicide by falling from a cliff.

After the raid, John is released by the government and finally reunites with his family at their ranch in Beecher's Hope. He settles down with his wife Abigail and sixteen-year-old son Jack, along with old family friend Uncle, and attempts to return to a crime-free life as a farmer and rancher with his family. In order to get the ranch going, he returns to MacFarlane's Ranch to purchase some cattle, breaks some horses with Uncle, and goes out hunting with Jack, even saving him from a bear in one instance.

However, as per Dutch's warning, Edgar Ross double-crosses John. He, along with the Bureau, US Army, and U.S. Marshals, launch an attack on the Marston ranch. Uncle is killed during the shootout, while John and his son continue holding off the attackers. John tells Abigail and Jack to run while he stays behind in the barn to defend them. Knowing that the chances of survival for John are slim, Abigail and John seal their love with a passionate kiss before the former rides off. In the end, John realizes that the only way to save his family from the government's crosshairs is to lay down his life.


John sacrifices himself in a last stand against Ross and his men. After exiting the barn and standing before a large firing squad, he draws his pistol and takes out as many men as he can until they open fire on him. Still standing, breathing harshly and with multiple bullet wounds on his body, he drops his revolver, falls to his knees and then eventually collapses back to the ground. As Ross watches Marston dying, he callously lights a cigar, satisfied with knowing that the final member of the Van der Linde gang is dead, before departing with his men. Abigail and Jack, presumably upon hearing a sudden ceasefire, return to find John's body in a pool of blood, peppered with bullet holes. They bury him up on top of the hill overlooking the ranch, next to Uncle. His grave is inscribed "Blessed are the Peacemakers."


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