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Lore Gods


One Thousand Club

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The world of Isekai Hell has many gods. Pretty much all the gods known in our world, fantasy worlds, and beyond. While the hierarchies within specific domains are established or somewhat maleable, in IH, the only structure known by the dwellers of IH is that there is a [Creator] that sits over all the gods. What's more, the Isekaiers know of [god], the entity that brought them to IH and is a self proclaimed manager of the rest. This thread will hold all the known or established gods of IH and their IH peculiarities if they happen to be god's from other settings.

Starter Gods
These are the gods most Isekai characters are likely to encounter first. They are a list of gods commonly worshipped or referred to within the country of Ryke.

Pantheon of Ryke​


・❥・Noble’s Gods​

♡ Miralis, The God of Law​


The god of Law Miralis, is a notoriously cold and even individual, only seeing things in pure black and white, with very little room for interpretation. The very word and spirit of the laws he writes must be followed, lest one become a [Criminal]. He is the one believed to have written the rules for criminal titles and how to remove them, although [god] is the one who implemented them into the universe.

An image of him holding a pristine axe in one hand and a tulip in the other is found in all places closely connected to the law, to represent the difference in treatment of a guilty man vs an innocent man.

His visor is also rarely depicted with eye slits, as the law is known to be blind to circumstance, and only see in terms of guilty and innocent. The method by which verdicts are carried out is to raise one or another of his arms, either the axe or the tulip.

♡ Vreign, The God of Dominion​


A deity worshipped primarily by the nobility. Vreign is associated with borders, slavery, and the very concept of a higher class of society. A chief symbol of him is gold, due to its resistance to corrosion and being seen as a valuable pristine metal. It is said to adorn your belongings and home in gold is to have Vreign himself recognize your ownership granting your holdings his protection. Because of this nobles make up most of his followers. The runic name of Vreign is often invoked in rituals of binding, wards, and oaths. Kings, Military Officers and others in positions of authority will pray to Vreign to bless their ascent to leadership. Slavers as well pray to him, as it is believed the favour of Vreign will keep slaves docile and controllable.

He is attributed to taking multiple forms depending on who he is in contact with though gold is a constant in all. While not a merchant god, dominion and of course gold is more often than not tied with wealth. So traders and oligarchs in particular may include him in their worship. A piece of gold shaped into a hand meant to represent his reach is held by his most loyal adherents.

The few who have met Vreign would each describe him differently. Some saw him as fatherly, others as a cold overseer, and others still as a haughty man fit for a noble. Each interpretation is valid. Vreign himself would likely say he is merely an opportunist. Despite being a god associated with nobility he has no bias towards them and gives his favour equally to those he deems deserving.

There is a mystery surrounding his origin though it has come to be believed that he was created by the chief god when the first king was crowned. His true purpose as a deity is vague leading those in society to interpret him in a way that suits their worldview. The truth of the matter is that he is neither good nor evil but beyond them. Dominion is a primal concept; control above all else.

・❥・Gods of Adventure​

♡ Urliberia, The Goddess of Freedom​

Urliberia is the goddess of deliverance from responsibility, more commonly known as the goddess of freedom. She is formless and ever-changing. It’s said that her form changes often from day to day so that she can experience freedom as anything. It’s said that Urliberia can be anything and anyone at any given time.

To those she finds interesting, are the ones who she’ll personally guide, beckoning them, and straying them far far away, where they can experience the truest form of freedom all by themselves. A place where their decisions are in their own control.

To worship Urliberia, Employers would let their employees have a few days of Holiday, or Farmers would let half their livestock go free, but Adherents say that the best way to worship Urliberia is to free one’s self.

It is often believed that Urliberia originated from three slave children who wished with an ever-burning passion to be free. So one day, together they ran away, but after being pursued by their enslaver they all threw themselves off a cliff into a briar of freesia. Wishing not to be forgotten they screamed their names into the sky as they slowly bled out. It is said that a priest overheard them crying their names for one last time, and mistook it for Urliberia, naming his goddess after the three children who he watched draw their final breaths.

♡ Delilah, The Goddess of Luck

The goddess of luck is often attributed to being a fickle woman, with the fate of those she watches being something she decides truly on a whim. She has two states to herself, a golden-haired maiden with ornate clothes and jewels embroidered on herself, and a sadist's smile on her face in artistic depictions. In this state she is fickle and impatient, playing favourites for those she decides should have a good life, and making all others suffer for the sake of doing so.

The other form is that of a black-haired woman in a humble dress with a mischievous smile, and the features of a cat. She wears heels and black gloves that reach her elbow, with a constant upturned expression. This form believes more in fairness, where all have equal chances for success, and simply seeing where the dice land so to speak.

Her picture is often held in the wallet of many gamblers, who understand that her grace is the only separating factor between loss and victory. Skill means nothing when everything goes against you, such is the power of luck. She is known as a close relative of the god of fate as well, due to the unpredictable nature of luck and fate.

It is often stated that Delilah’s real name is Jim

♡ Gains, The God of Growth​


Gains the god of Growth
While his exact form isn't clear, his adherents claim he is as large as the world and as green and earthy as her wilderness. Common portrayals of him show a mountain range in the shape of a bearded man's face or of a jolly green titan in the forest and hills.

Gains preside over all forms of growth and in turn all things that grow. This would generally put his dominion over everything alive. Adherents of the faith would consider constructs to not be truly alive as they do not grow or 'live' in the same way organic creatures do.

He is considered one of the first gods formed by the Creator at the time of the world's creation and put over the land and animals that crawl upon it. His duty is to preserve and flourish life with his blessings. With this calling, he is assumed to be a good-aligned god with many boons in areas of fertility, personal growth, and racial evolutions. He is a slow-to-act but generous and patient father figure of all life on IH.

Preferred forms of worship are celebrations during births, birthdays, planting season, and racial evolutions. Adventurers take this a step further and give thanks on days of their guild rank-ups and level or ability gains.

・❥・Merchant’s Gods​

♡ Lysandra, The Goddess of Wealth​


Lysandra Goddess of Wealth is often depicted as a young woman wearing expensive clothing and an often noble appearance. She is generally followed by travelling merchants who have already established themselves or those who value money such as thieves. Rykes are all stamped with an image of her when they are being melded.

It is said that Lysandra was once a mortal though many of these stories are pushed as myths, she is considered to be the first merchant. Many merchant guilds have a statue or some kind of symbol in their halls as a show of reverence. She is considered by some to be a very neutral goddess but sometimes cruel as people tend to lose their fortunes from time to time.

♡ Karkan, The Goddess of Trade and Commerce​


Karkan, God of Trade and Commerce, is one of the major gods that merchants follow in the hopes of receiving his blessing of abundant trade routes for their businesses. He is also seen as a neutral god that few want to cross. Many people have blamed the downfall of their business on the Karkan as their coffers ran low. As the stories go many merchants who are about to see disaster often see the god following them several days before.

It is often said the rising and falling of businesses is the result of this god. He is the merchant prince maker and the ruiner of their empires. Many merchants and other business owners keep a necklace with a scale emblem around their neck in the hopes of gaining his favor.

♡ Delcan, The God of Intellect​


It is said that all knowledge stems from Delcan God of Intellect, depicted as a benevolent scholar which is far from the truth. He is seen as cunning and only does things as he sees fit. While he is considered part of the merchant gods he is also the one with the least amount of followers due to his nature. The god goes by another name, Delcan the book hoarder as books tend to go missing across the world due to his nature of not revealing knowledge freely.

Many people who had the fortunate or unfortunate encounter with this god always say that he has a price to impart upon them further knowledge. Many have complained about the statue's appearance and many are calling for a change in how he is shown to the masses.

・❥・Religious Gods​

♡ Elisiul, The God of Peace​

Elisiul is the god of peace that is mainly worshipped by humans. In different translations of scriptures and transcriptions, Elisiul is translated as the deliverance from war, but in recent times, adherents instead refer to him as the God of peace for simplicity. His name was first recorded in Sylvan scriptures.

Elisiul is described as slim and always of equal height to the person he stands before. Straight and silken hair reaches endlessly for the horizon. Adherents often say that Elisiul is always exposed to direct harm, but the way he is exposed is different from person to person. Some say you can directly see and touch the core of his body, or that he wears little to no forms of physical protection.

Adherents say that a country that never participates in or causes war is a country blessed by Elisiul, but this isn’t necessarily true. Elisiul presides over countries that stop wars without causing harm to larger populations. It is said that Elisiul turns his back on every being who kills another being who did not wish to die.

It is said that when one who puts faith in Elisiul dies, they’ll go to a realm of golden poppies. In this place they will dream for all eternity, remaining peaceful forever more. It’s also said that a nation favored by Elisiul is a place where fields of golden poppies naturally bloom. It is often said that Elisiul cherishes poppies more than anything..

People who want to avoid any form of conflict or violence will often grow gardens of poppy flowers in hopes that Elisiul will bless their residence to keep the flowers from harm or will carry posies of them on their travels.


♡ Zylf, The Horns​

1652146319918.pngZylf the Horns is the God which appears in the [Tribulation] for the character Sage Litwile. Zylf first appears as a forest elemental with two large swords. This form of Zylf is as large as sixty feet. The “god” stands in the belly of the large elemental beast, controlling it.

Zylf, The Horns, is a god of woods, who controls and commands a forest-like realm. Zylf’s elemental is described as beautiful and dangerous, a presence which demands both respect and power. Zylf's inner form is described to be attractive and seemingly fit. With shining deep green eyes with white pupils, snow-white shaded hair and fair skin.

Zylf the horns has been shown to lack empathy, being impatient and shown to be somewhat merciless. Zylf is capable of telepathy, as shown by her first interactions with Sage. Zylf is also capable of creating wooden creatures which fight in her Trials. She seems to have the ability to control trees and wood elemental creatures. Zylf the Horns bears a patron which is currently in possession of her boon. This patron is named Vrel.


♡ Meldaron, God of Death and Transitions​

Meldaron, the God of Death and Transitions, is an awe-inspiring entity, towering and timeless, his form a shifting silhouette that reflects the interplay of sunlight through forest leaves. His skin holds the dark hue of wet bark, seemingly woven from shadows, and his eyes are pools of luminous silver, exuding wisdom and tranquil acceptance. Adorned in a mantle of velvet darkness, it shimmers like moonlit dew, draping over his shoulders. He carries a staff, both a torch and a symbol of ancient growth, the ethereal flame representing guidance and transition. With elements of an otherworldly river or boat often depicted around him, his serene aura echoes the inevitable journey every soul must undertake.

Meldaron is revered as the God who guides the souls from their earthly existence to the ethereal realm, just as the sun sets on one day to rise on the next. He ensures that the departed souls complete their journey, safeguarding the equilibrium between the realms of the living and the dead.

Meldaron interacts with the mortal world through the natural cycles of life and death, overseeing each soul's passage from one state to the next. He sends signs and omens through the shifting patterns of rivers and the rustle of leaves, subtle and often cryptic messages decipherable to those attuned to his ways. As a neutral entity, he seldom intervenes directly in mortal affairs, focusing instead on maintaining the balance between life and death. However, in rare instances, when the equilibrium is threatened, Meldaron might choose a mortal as his envoy, granting them insights or abilities to rectify the situation, a gesture that has led to many myths and legends about the god's chosen ones.

Worship of Meldaron is distinct, showcasing his dominion over life, death, and nature. Uniquely, the deceased's ashes are combined with soil to plant a tree, symbolizing the soul's return to nature. There's an annual festival held during the migration of monarch butterflies to celebrate life's cyclical journey. Silent moonlit processions and river stone offerings in personal shrines represent Meldaron's guidance in the soul's journey, exhibiting the cultural intersection of the diverse populace and their shared reverence for Meldaron.
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