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Multiple Settings Gamers Society: Our Story Begins



The mind is a fearsome thing, don't tread on it.
enterelysium enterelysium Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia I.EVie I.EVie


Jason Riley
Location: Home IRL
Interactions: None
Yet another normal day. He did his best to do his work without complaint. He ran a pretty successful business from home just so you could play the game all he wanted. It was actually a pretty good setup. He just did what he did best. He helped people. As it turns out, there were a lot of people who didn't know how to set up their computer. So, they would give him access to it so he could set it up to their specific specifications. It was an easy and relatively pain-free experience. Not to mention he was so good at it that his town you made it quite clear that he was the only one they trusted to do computer work. Sometimes people would drop off there routers and other such computer-based things for him to repair. He made a decent living and really only works the hours he wanted to work. Jason has set himself up for an easy life. However, one of his followers made it difficult.

Today in Xeno Phantasmal was the stream event. A few of the players within his Guild Blasphemous Tea Party streamed. One of these streamers in his Guild named Alias was doing a stream. She had asked him to appear on it and give the people advice on how to make a strong Guild like he did. Maybe it wasn't what he normally did oh, but how bad could it be? If other guild got strong, then there wouldn't be so many easy fights. The only real challenge The Guild had anymore was the huge world events that the game put out. It was fun and all, but sometimes you need to fight people who actually stand a chance.

With his work finished and his mind prepared for what he was going to do today, he stretched a bit as he made himself a cup of coffee. He grabbed himself a snack and made his way to the game room he had made. There were three monitors as well as the best processor he could find. Not to mention a graphics card that he had to special-order. All of that combined with his 6 terabyte storage and Gamers Wi-Fi router made this the best possible gaming station he could set up. He set his coffee down and took a breath as he started his computer. While he waited he put on his head set and made sure his mouse and keyboard were prepared. When the computer finally loaded up, he started the game and logged in.


Location: Blasphemous Tea Party
Interactions: None
Albias spawned in right in the middle of Blasphemous Tea Party's Guild Hall. He remembered when he bought it and made it into what it is. Another fantastic part about this game is how open the creation of Guild Halls are. Inside was a classic Victorian Gothic style mansion. Yes there was technology and many glowing pathways through the walls that look like glowing microchip lines, but he made sure to really sell the gothic look. As he walks through the Halls, passing by the Glorious paintings and statues that decorated it, he made his way towards the Light Bridges. These Bridges spider webbed out towards the six pillars of the Guild Hall. These bridges connected to a beautiful garden setting in the center. The Guild Hall itself was hung upside down below a cliff. It was very hard for other guilds to get clothes without a flying mechanism. The view of the landscape was amazing. The different shades of blues and purples and greens that made up the magic looking mountains and forests that they had a magical view of was purely amazing. When he made it to the Garden area connected by the Light Bridges, he sat upon a bench and looked out at the View. He breathed out a sigh of content. This was the world that he belonged to. The real world was just so heinous compared to this. He did not understand why people wanted to live there. This world was far superior.

He sat there and waited. It wouldn't be until the rest of the guild showed up. He had ordered them all to come so that he could properly show the Stream that Alias was doing how he brought the guild to such infamy in such a short time. There was another reason he was very excited. Once again, he got to spend time with his in-game wife. Yes, it wasn't an actual relationship, but thanks to the way he grew up it was the only real romantic relationship in his life. Or at least as close as he could get. So he sat and waited. With both excitement and nervousness coursing through his body.
Jasmine GardnerLocation: Home IRLMentions: None
Jasmine got home from school, drained completely. Social interactions, even when she doesn't do it often, take a giant chunk out of her stamina. She dropped her schoolbag into the awaiting hands of one of the maids. She muttered a small thanks as she made herself scarce in the confines of her room. And once she was behind the door and made sure it was locked, only then could she breath a sigh of relief. She stood there for a couple of minutes, just unwinding and relaxing for the moment. She didn't want to get online super tense. They had this weird way of knowing. Once she was relaxed, she got out of her school uniform and changed into something more comfy before sitting at her gaming setup. It only had one screen as she didn't stream, but it was boosted to all hell and back with the best money could buy. Of course, it was the only aspect of the game that she spent her parents money, but it was well worth it. It ran smoother than a normal computer would and didn't crash since it had RAM to spare. She sat down in her comfy computer chair and put on her headphones that had little car ears on them. She loved them. She then booted up the game, diving straight in as she didn't have any tutoring today.

KemmiLocation: Guild HallMentions: Albias
Kemmi logged on and was standing in the Guild Hall. She couldn't help but giggle in excitement before heading further in. Inside she saw Albias and felt her heart skip a beat. She ran toward him and threw her arms around him. "Hi Albias!" She chirped, smiles all around. She knew this was a virtual world, so a virtual relationship, but it was the realist relationship she's ever had. Screw the fact that they've never met IRL. "It's great to see you!" She added, going to sit beside him. "Looking forward to this streaming event?" She asked, though she wasn't sure how popular it actually was. She didn't watch things like that, preferring to actually play the games instead of watching other people play them. That, and she didn't really understand the concept...

((Replies will be longer later, but I'm on a time cruntch right now.))
location: Misc
Mentions: Albias, kemmi

She clicked on her streaming software, then surfed through the tabs on her computer to her streaming playlist, clicking it on, and lo-fi begins playing through her headset, and to her viewers.

She slipped on the VR trackers, and the VR headset, appearing on her streaming monitors as her character, alias.
She waves hello to her viewers, "Hi everyone, my stream is working right? you can all hear me properly?" she glances at the chat to see people spamming emojis and answering her questions with yes. "alright, perfect, I have a little treat for you guys today,,," Shes interupted by a $10 donation, "Oh thank you so much, zombiecharizard664, anyway, Albias, you know him? He'll be telling you all a little about how the blasphemous tea party started, itll be like an interview!"
She logs into the game, spawning just outside of the guild hall, She answers a question from a donation, "Oh yeah, I just recently got the VR stuff, I think its just more fun to be honest, heh." She pushes open the large dark doors to the main hall, chattering about how cool it looks to her viewers as she meanders towards albias, Noticing him, she waves and grins, "Heya fearless leader! you still up for the whole interview/storytelling thing?"
Chase Reichart
Home IRL
Interactions: None

Chase finished up his stream with his usual "This is where we'll close curtain today folks....hope that hour or so of Animal Passing was enough to sate you guys but I got some Xeno I gotta play". Now that it was over, Chase exhaled and sank in his chair. He was still a bit irritated that it took him almost half an hour to catch that rare golden butterfly. Checking the time, he saw that it was nearly the meet up time. Albius had asked them all to meet in the guild hall in Xeno Phantasmal for something. Chase hadn't quite heard him due to working on a new robot. It was a catgirl model that transformed into a ferocious tiger. Speaking of cats, Chase flipped his chair around to see his napping on the bed. Walking over and picking him up, Chase hugged his sleepy furball. Chase had found Mr Kitty over two years ago, abandoned in a box during a heavy rainstorm. Alone after moving out of his parents house, Chase took the cat home. Now Mr Kitty was better than ever and always stuck near Chase. Taking him to the kitchen, Chase fed Mr Kitty his cat-food. Picking him up again and taking him back to the room, Chase rubbed Mr Kitty's belly while he tried to paw at Chase's hand. He was a weird cat, but a loving friend. It was because of Mr Kitty that Chase didn't feel so alone. Walking back to his computer, Chase fired up his VR Headset and picked up his controller. Not a lot of people liked playing Xeno with a controller, stating that "Filthy Casuals" played with a controller. Chase responded by PK'ing them with a robotic eyeball that shot lasers. He looked at his Character on the Login Screen. Reeve always seemed to exude a kind of calmness and gentleness that Chase never could. Logging in, Chase flicked on his headset.

Interactions: EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy
Reeve materialized outside the main hall of the BTP HQ, the gothic aesthetic made them seem like a bunch of vampires. Well, their Guild Master could be likened to a Vampire. The rest of them were fairly non-vampiric. Pulling out his Watch, Reeve pressed a button and watched a holographic clockface move at increasing speeds before a disc appeared in the air in front of him. Stepping onto it, Reeve began to hover forward. It was a bit much, but if his guildmates were gonna be extra; so would he. Reeve was a Technomancer so he didn't fight himself. Rather he made automatons and familiars to fight FOR him. That was in addition to the multitude of items he made for others. Throwing his watch into the air, Reeve caught it with superb reflex. Now inside the main hall, he saw his guildmates. Albius was here of course, along with Kemmi and alias. Albius and alias had fashion choices which definitely fit in with the darkly themed surroundings. Flying over on his hoverdisk, Reeve greeted his guildmates with a simple wave emote. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late.... had some stuff to take care of before I logged on" said Reeve in a voice that his player had practiced over the years. It was calm, gentle and devoid of tension. Reeve never told his guildmates anything about himself, keeping things vague. He had also never shown them what he looked like. He always used a model of Reeve when he streamed. "So what is it today Albius, the impossible or the improbable?" said Reeve as he stepped off of his disk before it disappeared.
Location: BTP Guild Hall
Interactions: Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays enterelysium enterelysium Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Mentions: I.EVie I.EVie
After a while Albias smiled seeing his wife come and hug him. Maybe it was sad that this was his only truly honest relationship in his life, but he didn't really care. This was as close as he was going to get to actual romance, so he might as well enjoy it. Just as he was about to answer her question, both Alias and Reeve showed up.

Once they were both there he sighed a bit and stood. He looked over to Alias "I am. I only agreed to do this because you are a friend and I think it would be fun if the other guilds would actually be a challenge."

He turned his head over to Reeve. There was a pause before they could hear a chuckle. This was a chuckle he was known for. The guild knew that in the game he sewed chaos. It was his shtick. He finally stopped and spoke "A little of both Reeve my friend. When the last member gets here, we hit Mount Mythral."

Albias knew the reaction that the stream viewers were going to have. Mount Mythral was the latest event. He was considered the most difficult. The point of the dungeon was obviously to defeat the boss monster. There was only one problem with that. This event was split up into five sections. Each section had its own boss monster. For those who didn't know, the boss monsters in this game made mincemeat out of many parties. They didn't hold back when it came to boss monster design. These bosses had already pulverized other guilds who had 20 plus members on the raid. Now he said that he was going to take down this event with a small Guild of only 5 members. He looked back to his wife with a smile "Sound good to you all?"
June Kim | Some Hotel IRL
Finally, he had free time. June threw his phone to the side, not wanting to see any other reminders of the work he had to do the next day, and let a long-suffering sigh slip out. Tired, he whined inside his own head. All he wanted was to roll around in this huge, soft bed and never have to leave it again. The ting of another notification had him groaning into the pillow again... until he realized that it wasn't from his phone.

Like a spring, June sat up, his gaze flying toward his half-open notebook. How could he have forgotten? He had a meeting with his guild on Xeno today; one that was bound to be fun considering Albias had gathered all of them — and having all the members of the Blasphemous Tea Party in one place was always a ride to be had. A real smile finally found its way to June's lips as he pulled the device over onto his lap.

He didn't have his usual set-up with him but that didn't bother him much, considering his so-called set wasn't all that fancy anyway — June wasn't much of a gamer outside of Xeno. His character, a dark, winged figure whose villainous appearance was a regular on the PK top charts, grinned ferally back at him on the log-in screen. Controlling his happiness at finally being able to get back to his "real" world, June entered the game.

Falling | BTP Guild Hall

As he materialized in the gothic castle their wayward little family called home, Falling stretched out his wings like a cat stretches its back. Following the direction of the noise, he strolled toward where his team was gathered. As he neared them, his eyes scanned over the gathering. He was the last one to arrive, which was a regular occurrence and and rather ironic considering his role in the team was "Initiator".

He caught the tail end of Albias's suggestion as he joined them. Namely that they were going to take down the newest, killer dungeon called Mythral. He could almot hear Seraphia buzzing at the thought of combat. He laughed, loudly and freely in a way June never did, as he plopped down on one of the nearest chairs.

"Yo," he drawled out, only half intending it as a greeting, "obviously that's a great idea." Nevermind that it sounded like a suicide mission. With the powerhouses they had gathered here nothing much was left that's difficult in this game, much less impossible. Anyway, Falling was not a person that feared anything, especially not a fight.

"I get the big boss's head, though," he joked breezily as he leaned back in his seat.

KemmiLocation: Guild HallMentions: I.EVie I.EVie EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia enterelysium enterelysium
Kemmi laughed with a nod of her head. "Of course! And I know we're going to kill it!" She cheered, raising one arm up in her enthusiasm. She also didn't understand that, but she did it, but...whatever. It felt natural. "We aren't known as the best guild without reason, after all." She added as a bonus, standing up and walking around the area. Just thinking about the new event was enough to get her giddy. New events were always fun! And doing it with the one she felt closest to? That was an added bonus. Though...it helped not thinking it was only in the game. Yep, not thinking about that! She turned to look at the others with such eagerness that it shouldn't have been possible for the AI of the game to register. "And think of all the money we'll get from it? We'll have so much saved, I don't know what we're going to spend it on!" She tried to begin totaling everything, but gave up since she was not an actual accountant. She would let the game figure it out later. Saving money, however, always got her excited.
"Maybe some new defensive equipment? Or new offensive gear? Oh, the possibilities!" She beamed, clenching her hands in excitement. "Oh, and showing your fans the game too...that's good too." She added, looking sheepish as she looked over at Alias. She knew she could get a little...okay, a lot excited whenever she got the chance. It was something she needed to fix....but she couldn't help it! There were going to be five bosses. FIVE! All the money and experience everyone would get, and even some rare loot if there was any since it seemed to vary depending on the boss, was well worth the excitement. She smiled at her guildmates, her excitement returning with her thoughts. Oh, she wanted to go out now!
Location: clan hall
Mentions: I.EVie I.EVie EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia enterelysium enterelysium Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays

She laughed at Kemmi's enthusiasm, Grinning, she pulled up her inventory screen, and scrolled down, selecting an armchair, and after using a hotkey that made her stream unable to see what she was doing, quickly checked her skills, before unhiding her screen and plonking the chair down in the middle of the floor, before lounging in it, "I would love to do that, do we know anything about the place yet?... also, Reeve, will you stream it? because I know our audiences have a pretty big overlap so I'm sure everyone wants to know if you'll be putting out any content on it, If nothing else, it'll be pretty good clickbait to use "first to beat mythral mountain" in a title" she jabbed him in the ribs, grinning.
Reeve pulled out his watch and began juggling it around for a bit. "Honestly speaking? No, not really. It isn't that I don't want to share this with my viewers....its more that I want to be able to go all out without having to worry about looking at chat. Plus I have to do final checks on everyones equipment, the Bonewyrm Event took its toll on us and I want to make sure we're all good to head into this" said Reeve as he caught his watch in his hand. As the resident craftsman, Reeve was responsible for almost all the gear they used. Hours upon hours would be spent working on weapons or improving armor. Sometimes crafting a familiar or two as an assist in combat. The last time they all met was for the last day of the Bonewyrm event. It was the event where players had to navigate a swamp that lowered passive skills and stunted stats. All to defeat a Level 100 Bonewyrm with modified abilities that breathed some kind of Necromantic flames. It was supposedly a difficult boss that required an entire party of highly skilled Level 100's to beat with perfect coordination. Yet the Blasphemous Tea Party managed it with only five, like they always did. Having observed the attack patterns of the Event Boss, Reeve began bringing up a multitude of menus to he could begin working on items for the upcoming battles.

Interactions: enterelysium enterelysium
Location: BTP Guild Hall
Interactions: enterelysium enterelysium I.EVie I.EVie Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Albias smiled seeing the reaction of his Guild. He knew that just like him, these others felt the same way about the game he did. This game was revolutionary. This was the only game in the world that had so many different play options. He utilized computer playing, but the options were limitless. VR equipment, consul and even mobile. Not to mention the aesthetic was pleasing. Magic existed, but it was mainly a means to an end for technology. He loved this game and would gladly spend every minute he had in it.

After a moment he sat down on the bench once again. He opened his menu and started looking through a few data sheets "Most of the other guilds had put out what information they could gather when they attempted the event. Of course none of them made it past the third boss. So we have plenty of information on those three. It's the last two that we need to worry about."

After that he summoned his weapons. A group of six floating Cannon's behind his back. Each one in a sort of cubic pedal shape with a Long Point at one end. These were his Dragoon type weapons. He built up his character so that he could modify them as he needed. However, he transferred the weapons over to Reeve. They floated over and he looked at Reeve "
Everyone give Reeve your weapons. While we all conduct this interview, Reeve can continue working and modifying our weapons to fit what we know about this event." He smiled as he then used a couple special actions he bought. He first kissed Kemmi's cheek, then held her hand. He then smiled as he looked to Alias "A deals a deal. Ask your questions Alias. But please be fast. I was to get to Mount Mythral fast." he knew that most of the questions would be aimed at him. He was the one who created this Guild that defies logic. However, he liked to keep them all around. That way if there was a question that had a specific answer that pertained to a specific guild member, it was quite easy to reference and answer. He was just excited about this upcoming event they were about to embark on.
location: BTP guild hall
Interactions: EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy I.EVie I.EVie Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

She hands Reeve her scythe, grinning at him, before turning to Albias. she then pulls a camera-drone out of her inventory, setting it up in the air, transferring her stream over to it and drags her chair over to the bench, pulling out a fake mic and mockingly holding it up to albias and laughing, "We're really professional here, I know," She laughs at her own joke, before clearing her throat and continuing. "First few questions, What prompted you to start the guild. what do you love the most about this game, and what is the best thing you've done as part of the guild"

(oki its 2am for me I need to go sleep, sorry for the slightly shorter one)
KemmiLocation: Guild HallMentions: EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy I.EVie I.EVie enterelysium enterelysium Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Kemmi would have blushed if she was able. She still wasn’t used to physical contact, it being in a game be damned. So she distracted herself by transferring her daggers over to Reeve. She didn’t use them as often as the others seeing as her skill set was mainly focused on support, but it was better safe than sorry. She then rested her head on Albias’s shoulder. A lot of these interactions were paid for, but it was something she had decided was necessary. Of course it was with her own money from the allowance she got, but it still made her feel sick using her parent’s money. But, as she rested her head on her husband’s shoulder, it didn’t make her feel as sick as it once did.
Kemmi listened to Alias’s questions, just enjoying she could just sit with those she considered friends around. She even went to tease Falling, something she never did outside this fantasy world. “You’re going to have to beat everyone else here for it. And I doubt you could beat Albias.” She added, showing her obvious bias towards the leader of the guild.
Location: BTP Guild Hall
Interactions: enterelysium enterelysium
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
A smile grew on his face IRL. The fact that most of these interactions were paid items, it meant a lot to him that his in game wife was willing to pay for them just to interact with him. This place was the only real place he felt somewhat normal. A place where he didn't have to worry about what everyone else thought. A place where people accepted him no matter what he was doing. It was the perfect place.

After listening to Alias' first set of questions he thought for a moment. He had never really exposed why he created The Guild. Well, now is as good a time as any. He looked to Alias and spoke "I started the Blasphemous Tea Party for people like me. People who felt like this world was better than the one we live in. I wanted people like me to have a place they could go and call home." There was a sudden pause of silence as the words he spoke took time to settle in.

After a moment he opened a few windows and menu's. He was looking over his character build."As far as what I enjoy about this game, I think I made it pretty clear. This world is much better than the one we live in. This world makes sense. People are after what they are after and don't have a separate agenda. It's simple and much easier to uunderstand." There was another pause. This time the pause was because his statement obviously applied to all of them. All of them are here because this world, this world is better.

Albias smiled as he looked at Alias "
And the best thing I've ever done a part of this Guild is easy." he turned his head to look over at Reeve and Kemmi. He smiled "I gave you all a home."

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