• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Frozen Veil: Shadow Under the Ice – CS


Giantson of Ephias
  • OverviewAppearance: (picture required. Art only. Description optional)
    Aliases (optional):
    Age (Minimum age 21):
    Profession (See #character-creation in the discord for help. A relevant profession is not required but recommended):
    Home City:
    Theme (optional):

Code thanks to Juju:
Appearance: (picture required. Art only. Description optional)
Aliases (optional):
Age: (Minimum age 21)
Home City:
Theme (optional):

Personal strengths:
Personal flaws: (must be equal to # strengths -1)
Goals: (What do they hope to accomplish? Feel free to leave it vague if it's connected to backstory)
Backstory: Characters backstory will be kept hidden and will have to be filled out in a private channel on the discord. This way your character can have their own story revealed throughout the RP. Remember to include any potential allies or enemies.
Stats are measured in tiers from A to D. An A is one's most trained and practiced stat. D is their weakest. Either untrained or damaged over time. It is not crippling, but each stat will be tested and you never know how your choices will affect your survival. 
[spoiler=Option One]
[/spoiler][Spoiler=Option Two]

Strength – measures the raw physical brawn your character. It influences melee combat, as well as one's ability to carry, lift, push, or drag.
Constitution – measures the hardiness of your character. A higher Constitution allows one to take more damage before going unconscious and measures resistance to disease and poison. A character's natural cold resistance and endurance of long journeys is also affected by Constitution.
Dexterity – measures your character's speed and agility. It affects one's balance, aim, and ability to move quietly.
Size – measures of your character's sheer mass. A bigger size affects weight, balance, and one's resistance to being shoved, picked up, or carried.
Intelligence – roughly measures a character's cunning and intuition. It represents your logistical problem-solving and ability to use the knowledge you have.
Education – measures the academic knowledge your character has and the degree of formal education they have received. A high education could be a master's degree or doctorate, while a low education could be a degree from the "School of Hard Knocks".
Willpower – measures a character's spirit and mental stability. It influences one's endurance, magical resistance, and sanity.

Professional Skills:
Fighting style: (if any)
Unique combat strengths:
Unique combat weaknesses: (equal to # of strengths -1)

Inventory:  (You don’t have to prep every little thing. Stuff like food, water, and bedding will be provided for you but personal equipment can come in handy. Just remember you’ll have to carry this around with you)

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