[Valor Academy] Amelia Spannagel


New Member

Name: Amelia Spannagel

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance Notes:

Amelia is often shaggy and unkempt, wearing the same set of clothes for days at a time, and her hair rarely brushed. Amelia doesn't seem to mind, and has taken to the habit of taking a pair of scissors to her hair when it becomes bothersome, rather than taking the time to brush it out. Amelia also has long slender fingers and a petite form.


Amelia is very work oriented, and when given a task she will spend hours on it until it is complete. However her focus on specific tasks leaves other areas neglected, which may result in some days of poor hygiene, to being too blunt with her words. In casual conversation she tends to be very curt, usually trying to say things in as few words as possible. However this changes when a situation arises where Amelia is put under stress, and she suddenly becomes far more erratic and not blunt enough to be understandable.

Likes: Hot food, bright lit rooms, hoodies, overalls

Dislikes: Ramblers, boredom, distractions, skirts


Amelia is an only daughter of a mechanic. Her parents had divorced when she was only a toddler and her mother left her behind with her mechanic father, never bothering to come back, not even for Amelia. As a result, Amelia's father ended up forming an unhealthy attachment toward Amelia, and had a constant need to have Amelia by his side as he worked on various vehicles. As a result her childhood was one of gears, wires, and wrenches, and not tag with the neighborhood kids. Amelia learned quite a bit from her father though and takes great comfort when working with machinery, finding it peaceful.

For the most part, the excessive time Amelia spent with her father caused little trouble, however that changed when Amelia finally entered school, spending several hours away from her father. Amelia saw it as just another change in life, her mind still growing like her peers, but her father took a turn for the worse, often becoming anxious whenever Amelia was at school, until he resulted to alcoholism which eventually took his liver and his life.

Losing her father, created shock-waves in Amelia's life as he was not only her only family member, but her only friend. She only found solace when it came to mechanical work, eventually pursuing the path of an engineer.

Role: Engineer, 4th year

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