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One x One FFXII: Manufactured History Characters



Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Main Characters
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
Vayne Solidor
Leiandra Mireya Margrace
Balthier Bunansa
Cidolfus Bunansa
Liraz Belrune​
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Name: Liraz Belrune
Age: 27
Occupation: Archades Researcher

Appearance: Liraz stands at 5’7” with strawberry blonde hair that falls to nearly her hips, mostly straight. Her skin is relatively fair, and she has green eyes. Her frame is soft-athletic, there’s no obvious muscle tone, but it’s evident she does a bit more than just walk around for exercise.

Easily switches between dresses when working within the walls of Archades, to more travel-appropriate attire when doing field work, and tends to prefer field work to anything else. Usually goes for hues of green, blue, or black when concerned about her appearance, otherwise she’ll throw on whatever is near at hand and useful.

Weapon: Cosmos Staff (a dark wood staff, topped with magicite in the shape of an eight-point star; enhances black magic).

Notable Items/Equipment: Lab Access Card for Draklor Laboratory, Opal Ring (magic goes through Reflect).

Notable Talents:
  • Versed in a variety of magic. Knows the elemental black magic spells of Fire, Wind, Ice, Thunder, and Water, can create barriers to protect against magic and physical assault, and is able to purge various ailments from the body. She can also freeze a body where it stands, and spring forth powerful shockwaves, as well as send others to sleep. She knows some arcane magic in the realm of gravity manipulation and dark manipulation.
  • Capable of reading and translating archaic languages, including an understanding of glyphs.
  • Well-studied on the history of Ivalice relating to the Espers and Occuria, including deifacted nethicite (Dusk, Dawn, Midlight), and has started to put several pieces together on her own without the help of Venat – though certainly some nudges from Cidolfus.
  • Way too much knowledge on Chocobos, far more than she wanted to know.
  • More than a passing knowledge on Ivalice’s fiends – more the sort that seem to be rare thanks to Mist empowerment. She’s hired hunters to bring her such specimens, preferably alive, or gone along on hunts to see them.
Brief History:

Liraz Belrune is the eldest child of Kimi and Julios, and the one they rested their hopes on for many years because she was prodigal in intelligence and grasping things – but also reckless, letting curiosity drive her into danger more than once. From an early age, she declared that she would free the Espers and rule the world with their power. Of course, it was a childish joke. People didn’t even really believe in the Espers any longer, but she did, and she dreamt of meeting Shemhazai and learning the secrets of the gods from her.

Learning why the gods didn’t just kill the Espers, when they held such secrets.

Her brother, Maxence, was born two years after she was, and they were inseparable – partially because her brother learned to recognize his sister was reckless and he was always told he had to protect her, even though he was the young one. To say he was in tears a lot from wounds and frustration would be an understatement.

Their parents lived outside of Archades proper but were Archadian citizens. They raised chocobos, and were famous for it, producing some of the best used by the Archadian military. Of course, Liraz always wanted to go into the city, and of course, that wasn’t allowed as often as she liked. Things came to a head with her adventurousness when she took a chocobo and tried to find her way to Archades on her own. Maxence followed after, dutiful as he was, and they ended up in the Sochen Cave Palace.

Liraz was in awe of the Sochen Cave Palace, and despite Maxence’s cries to leave, she insisted on studying the images and tried to wring out truth from them…before, of course, some of the horrible fiends in the palace found them – wendigos, creatures that spoke of a time where heads were eaten to craft guardians.

Their survival was only thanks to the speed of their chocobos, and even then, Maxence bears the scar of the encounter from where ice burned like fire upon his chest to this day.

Liraz’s parents sent her to a boarding school in Archades in frustration with their inability to reign her in, and her clear need for more, cutting a deal with a senator in the Imperial Senate to make the cost easier to bear. Liraz didn’t know at the time her education was being funded by Gramis Solidor, and as frustrated as she was to be there, she quickly proved she belonged. Not by nobility or wealth, but sheer intelligence and wit – a wit that got her into more than one fight, all of which she lost, until she was given the chance to study magic.

And then, she was given a chance to study magicite.


Skystones, Mist, glyphs, runes, arcana, ancient texts – given these, she excelled, and would spend hours of her own time on it. Given the chance to go on a quest to find Giruvegan, she jumped at it, joining a small group that accompanied Cidolfus Bunansa when she was 19 to the legendary city. The gate impeded their passage for only a little while, and in that time she learned the Gigas, Belias, was the normal key.

But they had airships that were starting to fly in jagd. Such things weren’t necessary, and they went over, into Giruvegan.

Before Cid lost his mind in Giruvegan, Liraz did consider him good company. Charming, quick-witted, and more than willing to jest of morbid things. He had three children, and seemed to love them all.

Then the change happened.

Liraz did not see Venat, but she saw Cid as he began to talk to himself. She heard names like Venat, Gerun, Miriam, and others, which she committed to memory, and sought them out when they left Giruvegan. It led her down several paths, including to the Nu Mou and Garif. She entered the Stilshrine of Miriam with her brother – who still held dreams of being a Judge – to find what it held.

Miriam was a deity of swords but not Occuria, and within the Shrine there was supposed to be one. Traversing it, however, was difficult even with Maxence, who while not a judge, had learned a lot of engineering and a lot about vehicles, given he had stayed with their parents and got involved in helping the military in the ways of transportation. They simply could not get around the glyphs and magic that allowed transportation – they needed a relic, one from a treaty.

The whole shrine referred to a “Treaty-Seeker”. The blade within, of course, being one used to create a treaty with the gods, it made sense – but what relic?

It was back to the drawing boards, but not for long. She remembered the details, that the altars called themselves ‘Dawn’, and figured out the relic was what Raithwall hewed from the Sun Cryst to conquer the world: the Dawn Shard!

But, she didn’t know where it was. She brought this to Cidolfus, despite his clearly fading sanity, and he agreed with her assessment of what was needed. He had plans to find one such shard, though these seemed disrupted by the war with Nabradia. Or, that’s what Liraz thought, until the Midlight Shard was brought to her attention shortly after the wall, and she was taken to the ruins of Nabudis.

There, she learned what that single shard had done, now devoid of power. Still, she was given it to take back to the Stilshrine of Miriam, but it would not work. Perhaps because it was devoid of life, or perhaps because it was the wrong one. In either case, Cid has allowed her to play with it, to make attempts to return Mist to it so it would again have power.

She’s gone through the process of learning more about all sorts of stones across the continent in order to do so, but so far with no luck; nothing empowers the nethicite.

Her other research did not change, though, and there was one more venture to be had with Cid before she returned the Midlight Shard to his care – the venture to find the esper, Famfrit. It was when Vayne left for Dalmasca to serve as consul, that Liraz finally pinned down a location to explore.
Leiandra Mireya Margrace

Official name: Leiandra Mireya Margrace
Chosen name: Leindra Miran
Also known as La Arena by some locals (the sand)

Age: 22
Nationality: Rozarrian

History: Leindra was born to Lorenso and Elisa Margrac, third cousins. Her father, Lorenso, is a general and a lower member of the royalty. Her first cousin is Al-Cid. Her upbringing is unremarkable, save her thirst for adventure. Despite her mother's horror, Lorenso began to teach her to sword fight- which she began to master. Four more daughters followed after her before mother died in childbirth.

At ten, she was sent to court to begin training for her future royal duties- which she failed exceptional at. Her aunt struck a deal- she could visit the library after her studies. Leindra quickly shown herself with her sword, then dagger skills. She began to devour all legends- especially those of Rozarria and surrounding areas.

A close friendship was formed with Al-Cid during these years. When she turned 16, after six years in court, she was offered a military position but declined. For all her skills, she is a pacifist who doesn't want to hurt people nor did she want to marry within a few years. With Al-Cid's help, she was released from her duties at eighteen and began her adventures.

First, she went to all the cities: ancient and existing, to outposts where she took bounties and traded what she found for enough to survive. One place still eludes her till this day.

Appearance: Leindra stands at 5'6" and has a sold, lean build. Her auburn hair is either done up in braids when in a windy area, otherwise the wild waves go ove4 her shoulder with a singular small braid on her shoulder. She has tan skin and brown eyes.

She wears dark brown pants, leather boots to her knees, a white tunic and a brown vest tied in leather.

Weapons: she has something akin to a rapier, and three daggers.

Magic: Basic skills. She can do some healing, invested in strength and speed.

Other skills: She's quick, developed weapon skills, and cartographer.

Personality: In one word- stubborn. Once she makes her mind up, she will make it happen. The call of adventure trumps duty easily. Yet she has a fondness for justice sometimes fights that. Her years away from court has loosened her tongue. She's a pacifist.

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