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One x One Fallout: Orlando//Characters//Gunter


Roleplay Availability
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Screenshot 2023-07-02 191632.png
Name: Gunter Weidmann
Age: 34
Role: Lone Wolf/Guide

Appearance: A tall, muscular, imposing sort of fellow, with the look of a man who has been living rough most of his life. Eternally smudged with dirt and smelling of the swamp, Weidmann is not the sort who inspires devotion. His hair is long and dark--usually tied back.


Stealth-Bladed Combat Knife
10mm Pistol
Sniper Rifle

Equipment: Tends to travel light when on foot, but has stashes and stockpiles all over the Everglades with gear. Usually found wearing sturdy boots, leather armor, and a raincover. That is, if you see him in the first place.

Blurb: Weidmann is a man of the land, and that's really all there is to it. He knows the swamps of the Floridian wastes like the back of his hand. He's lived and hunted on the lands since he was a young child, and nothing much has changed since. He prefers to keep his own company--only venturing into civilization when it's absolutely necessary. Despite this, he is not openly hostile to outsiders, though his rugged appearance and stilted manner may scare off the few people who do come across him.

He is a hunter by trade, though he kills only what he needs to survive and has a great distaste for needless loss of life. He doesn't much care for any faction, but especially detests any who try to impose rule of law on him.

He spent his early childhood learning the ways of the land with his father, and, when a run-in with a particularly nasty Deathcroc left him orphaned, continued to live rough on his own. He has had very little contact with human civilization since his father's death, and thus is very awkward in interpersonal interactions, usually only responding in monosyllables when addressed, and leaving as quickly as possible. He is not swayed by caps, as he has no use for money, and will generally act in his own self-interest, though he is unwilling to kill innocent sapient beings or allow, through negligence, an innocent person to die.

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