[The Realms] The Eternally Enduring Nation of the Uoyvaly


Nation Name: The Eternally Enduring Nation of The Uoyvaly (Uoy)



Leader:Uhk Lxohh

Race: Mixed Deus: Undead (Uoy)

Ability 1: Spirit Magic: Magic is in their very soul. Deus magic-users are easier to train and recruit

Ability 2: Rise from the Grave: Deceased enemies felled by you and allies not banished return as undead of their class before they fell

Government:Theocratic Monarchy

Economic System: As of right now the Uoy operate on a bartering system.

Economic Tier:


Currency: Currently a bartering system thus there is no currency.

Nation Bonus: Already Dead: The Uoyvaly, through either birth or ritual, consider themselves dead already. As such they are not affected by fear, whether magical or mundane.


_____In the beginning there were the Tijicel the Divine ones. Tone day the Tijicel grew bored, and decided to create the Ocijelnlel the Universe. But the Tijicel became divided over the new creation, some wanted to use it for power, others to understand their own being, others to create art and beauty, others for their own amusement, and some felt that it was a severe waste of time now that it was complete and that it was best just to scrap the whole damned thing and start over from scratch. As was often the case when the Tijicel disagreed, they fought to the death, but now that the Ocijelnlel existed, there was a place for the Tijicel to go when they were destroyed, a place to be banished. Thus the blood of the Tijicel fell and became the Sunyah the Mortals, and their tears became the Seas, and their Bodies became the rocks beneath our feet. And when the Tijicel saw that life had been brought from death a new faction arose, they were dedicated to protect the new life created. And thus the factions received their names, those who wished power were known as the Silelnl the Misers, those who desired knowledge were known as the Lelelxelnl the Seekers, those desiring art and Beauty became known as the Anyilacl the Artisans, those seeking to start over from scratch became known as the Tellynuzelnl the Destroyers, and those seeking to protect the Sunyah became known as the Qnuyelvyunl the Protectors.

_____And to the Sunyah the Tijicel were known as Wutl act Telsucl Gods and Demons.

And it came to pass that a group of Tijicel came to realize that if the substance of the Sunyah and their realm was made of fallen Tijicel, perhaps that same substance could be made to resurrect them, which faction this group belonged to is forgotten, or even if they all belonged to one faction. But Nine times they attempted to return their fallen friends to life, and nine times they failed creating the Lvuonwel the Scourge. And on their tenth attempt, the Qnuyelvyun intervened and stripped them of their divinity and cast them down into the Ocijelnlel killing them. And the place they landed was tainted and made Lvuonwel and having lost their divinity and made Sunyah they arose as Octelat Undead.And they took for themselves the name of Uoyvaly which means Outcast. And they took the leader and stripped the flesh from his head and called him Uhk Lxohh Old Skull.

_____Since then the Uoyvaly have left the Lvuonwel, for even with their former divinity they struggle to survive there. Living yet unliving, they are a strange duality, which they cite as further proof of their divine heritage. For now, no mortal race may live amongst them, but they aim to change that, for the current Uhk Lxohh (The Fifth and First) thinks he may have found a way to lead the Uoyvaly out of Ocijelnlel to once more become Tijicel, by getting enough Sunyahs to acknowledge them as the Gods they once were.


_____As the Uoyvaly believe they are descended from outcast Gods, as well as their strange living and unliving status, their culture revolves heavily around death and the heavens. Every major event in the life of an Uoy is marked by a Hijicw Bocelnah or Living Funeral, in which the Uoy spends three days fasting and meditating in his tomb, built by his father or another patriarch after his birth, followed by the emergence, where the Uoy comes forth from his tomb naked, awaiting the ceremonial garb related to the event. The only exception to this is birth itself as the process of birth is an emergence from the first tomb, the Uoy’s mother.

_____Major events which demand a Hijicw Bocelnah are, Coming of Age (13 years old, in which a red robe for women or a white robe for men is presented by the parent of the same sex), Ending an apprenticeship (in which the master presents the garb of the particular occupation of the Uoy), Joining the Military (in which the highest ranking officer available presents the military uniform), Promotions within the military (in which the commanding officer presents the arms and armor of office), Marriage (in which the bride and groom must remain in the Groom’s tomb for three days and consummate the marriage, gowns of blue are presented by the parents of the opposite spouse, children conceived during the wedding Hijicw Bocelnah are believed to be exceptionally close to their Tijicel origins), Death of a spouse (in which the survivor emerges from the spouse’s tomb before sealing it forever, this is also to see if the spouse arises again, upon exiting the surviving Uoy is presented with a robe of the spouse’s coming of age color trimmed in blue it is expected that the Uoy will be buried in this robe at his true Bocelnah even if he later remarries), and finally being named Uhk Lxohh (after which the flesh is stripped from his head leaving his face a skull, his name is forgotten for he is now Uhk Lxohh any deceased spouses are moved to the Grand Mausoleum and their tombs destroyed, the new Uhk Lxohh is robed in black and his tomb is destroyed and the rubble thrown into the sea, the Uoy he was never existed, he has now always been Uhk Lxohh).

_____After any Hijicw Bocelnah the Uoy and his family celebrate with two days of feasting, with the exceptions of childbirth and weddings, which have three days of feasting, funerals, which have one day of feasting, Joining the military and military promotions, which have a half a day of feasting, and the naming of a new Uhk Lxohh which have four days of feasting plus a half a day for every surviving spouse and child, naming of a new Uhk Lxohh is also celebrated throughout the Nation.

_____Feasting generally consists of dancing and a banquet of mainly meat, poor Uoyvaly are likely to feast on cheap meats such as roasted bat, whereas the wealthy indulge in such delicacies as salted Lion, Jackal brains, or Dolphin steaks.

_____The two major holidays are Yrel Bahn the longest day of the year, which is believed to be when the Uoyvaly were cast down, and it is believed to be bad luck to leave your house during the day during Yrel Bahn, and Yrel Afaxelcicw the shortest day of the year, believed to be when the Uoyvaly awoke in Ocijelnel for the first time after their fall, it is believed to be bad luck to stay indoors at night during Yrel Afaxelcicw and many of the sick and infirm are dragged outside during this night to get better.

Major Cities:

Celvnuquhil: The capitol of the Uoyvaly, site of the Grand Mausoleum.

Vnzlyah: The site of the Grand academy where all research is done

Ruhz: The holy city where the Uhk Lxohh goes after he has completed his Hijicw Bocelnah and his tombe is being destroyed.

Pnuckel: The center of industry, where the Uoyvaly first smelted bronze.

Quny: The largest town by the seaside, the main port for the Nation.

Wanniluc: The area where the military is trained, near the border with the Lvuonwel.

Bans: Smallest of the Major cities, Bans is surrounded by lush fertile lands and farms.

Sanxely: A merchant town.

Rocyeln: Only slightly larger than Bans, Rocyeln is a major producer of meats and hides.

Qniluc: Set in the middle of the Desert, Qniluc is more of a prison than an actual town.

Important Officials:

Uhk Lxohh V (The Fifth and First)

Shyama Anaxagoras, the current Riwr Qnielly or High Priest.

Nation Goals:

Annex 1 civilization or 5 tribal cultures through religious conversion




8000 Warriors

2500 Adepts

300 Horsemen

700 Canoes

30 War Rafts

10 Seaboats

Unique Unit

Elspahseln: In times of peace the Elspahseln are adepts in training to become Qnielly, priests, who preserve the bodies of the Uoyvaly for burial. However in times of war they turn these same techniques and magics to strengthen Uoyvaly and undead warriors, while weakening their mortal enemies.


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