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Fantasy Chaos Squad: Forsaken Heroes



Cuddly enby auntcle

Takes place in the world of "I Was Supposed To Become A Hero But Got Stuck In A Deadend Job Instead" (link to it for info: Fantasy - I Was Supposed To Become a Hero but Got Stuck in a Deadend Job Instead), however a couple hundred years before it. Fiordanfell is a small independent republic to the southeast of the Kingdom of Avastenir. Fiordanfell isn't on good terms with the kingdom as it has been only twenty years since the kingdom last invaded with Fiordanfell being one of the few places the kingdom hasn't conquered yet. However Fiordanfell remains strong due to it being an attractive place for adventurers.

Republic of Fiordanfell: A small nation that had declared itself independent from the kingdom a few hundred years prior during the Downfall era of the kingdom. It ranges from a recently opened quarry and a miner's settlement in the rocky desert like south, to swampy and forested area around The Rim in the center to the mountainous lands of the Vyyzantfyri homelands in the north. The capital of Fiordanfell is Riurren City, just half a days march north of The Rim. There are adventurer's guild branches in Riurren, The Rim and in the port city of Haever's Bay.

Kingdom of Avastenir: A large nation that surrounds Fiordanfell on three sides. Once an empire, it is now a shadow of it's former glory. It can't even reconquer former provinces it had lost in the Downfall Era, when inner turmoil threatened to end the kingdom altogether. The kingdom covers two thirds of the continent. It's capital is Avastenir (nation is named after it's capital which is the homeland of the royalty). The kingdom is constantly plotting against it's neighbors and had recently come to a stalemate in a war against the far northern nation of Snezhnaya.

Tech: There are some horseless carriages powered by mana. Most weaponry is still swords, staves and bows. However arcane muskets are beginning to grow popular. The arcane weaponry however need a user capable of channelling their mana. In places of production and some homes, there are bulky machines powered by mana crystals. And recently a device had been invented to communicate over long distances: It is simply named "communication trinket" or "commu" for short. Currently commus can only call other commus over a couple kilometers but there are high hopes in the device.

Magic: Magic exists in spoken and chantless form. Usually, less experienced magic users rely on chants to perform magic while more experienced magic users can use chantless magic. Magic types are elemental (fire, water/ice, wind, earth), summoning, healing/light magic, dark/curse magic, offensive magic, illusion magic and beast magic. There are some devices that are powered by a users magic (such as magic staves, horseless carriages, commus, muskets) and devices powered by mana crystals (industrial equipment, arcane ovens, water pumps). Arcane devices are mostly still in their early stages.


Humans: Humans are the dominant species in the east and the second most common in the country. They are known to be involved in bureaucracy, adventuring and trade.

Elves: Elves are dominant in the west and are the third most common species in the country. Many of the other species don't have a high opinion of elves because they are said to be snobbish and smug. Elves are mostly found in arcane occupations and the arts. Physically they tend to be weaker than humans and about as tall, if not slightly taller. They have pointed ears and longer faces.

Dwarves: Dwarves are the most common species in the country and most dominant in the north. They are known to be humble and sympathetic. Their most common fields of work are craftsmanship and local politics as it is rather common to find a dwarven mayor, even in a town with a small number of dwarves. They tend to be only half as tall as humans and no more than two thirds the size of humans. However they have a stronger build.

Goblins: Goblins are mostly found in the south and are the least common species in the country. Their appearance is a bit friendlier than people claim them to be. They are greenish in skin, about as tall as dwarves and rather slim in build. They have pointed ears and lower fangs that are not always visible. Goblins are mostly found in jobs involving books or education and are rumored to be on average more intelligent than humans or dwarves, yet rather on par with elves. However goblins tend to be more down to earth than elves.


There is a prophecy of heroes that will save the continent one day from a great peril. There used to be people thought to be heroes, but they quickly fell from grace due to their personalities. Later, a new group of heroes was found that were more fitting. Well, you are one of the heroes who had fallen from grace. People mock you as one of the "forsaken heroes" and often call you things like "punk", "hooligan" or "scum". In these times, you find work as an adventurer or as a con-man with constantly one foot in jail. Yet one day, the new heroes show up in town, drawing the envy of the forsaken heroes and you decide to find the other forsaken heroes to put together a party to show that you aren't a bunch of losers and petty criminals. You want to best the goody two-shoes of new heroes or at least start a brawl with them. But will you succeed?

Basically, you are a "chaotic aligned" hero/adventurer.
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