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please tell me some more about yourself


Young-jae & Han-Bin ( weldherwings weldherwings )

Iseul ( @allure )


The new assistant remained a bit of an enigma. Rarely had Yoona seen a new staff member seeming so out of place yet in her own element as well. It was contradicting, and the manager did not know what to quite make of it. Part of her rationalism advocated that it was probably due to first-day-jitters but the more paranoid voice inside had drawn a feign suspicion towards Iseul. It was a gut feeling that had rarely proven to be wrong - though, this time, the manager wondered if she was judging too early. Poor girl had only just started her first day and from some occasional glances, she seemed to work diligently. Perhaps this was just the sleep deprivation talking ( it always made her more on edge ) and the fact that she โ€“ against own volition and admittance โ€“ was losing control of her own private life. Hatching onto every little thing she could control also counted as a coping mechanism right?

Either way, Yoona had felt inclined to strike up a conversation with the new assistant and obtain some personal information they had not gained yet from the job application procedures.

Iseulโ€™s position, unfortunately, did not help to soothe the managerโ€™s internalized worry. Seeing her hunched over and very much engrossed with the phone in her hand instead of working elicited a slightly raised eyebrow, along with a consideration whether or not to call her out on it. In the end, for perhaps both their sake, the woman decided against it. A reprimand, as Yoona would imagine, was not a great conversation starter and would certainly not help in having the assistant open up a bit to her. Their boss โ€“ assistant dynamic already put her at a disadvantage. Rarely did any of her colleagues hold a conversation with her beyond one born out of politeness. At least, it was not like the chitter-chatter they did among themselves. Now, nowhere would the manager expect for them or Iseul to hold a tea party with her and spill all the โ€˜teaโ€™ as the youth would dub it, but sometimes, Yoona did wish they would open up to her a bit more. ( guess it was true that the higher you climb, the lonelier it gets..)

Listening to Iseul talk about Young-jae made her smile unconsciously. Although she worried about the naivety of him at times, he really was a sweetheart. โ€œI am glad to hear so,โ€ she responded as her gaze fleeted towards the idol in question. A quiet spirit of kindness. If only he could be a bit more kinder to himself. As a fellow perfectionist, the manager felt for the boy. She hoped that with this project, he would grow a little bit bolder and take more credits for himself. He was undoubtedly deserving of it. Her gaze returned back to Iseul, eyes slightly widening as the question got redirected back at her. Caught off guard, it took the woman a slightly embarrassing amount of time to wire her brain back into place and form an answer. โ€œAh well..โ€ She started, before letting out a chuckle, โ€itโ€™s indeed true that handling this group requires a certain amount of patience and tolerance โ€“ but as much grievance as they might give me, they make it ten times more entertaining as well.โ€ It felt odd sharing such a thing with Iseul, and Yoona cleared her throat, before adding: โ€œ but donโ€™t tell them I said that. Han-bin already has enough of an ego without me pandering to it.โ€

The mere thought of the leader hearing those words coming from her lips and subsequently never letting it down was enough to turn that ghost of a smile upside down. God, she didnโ€™t even want to think about how he would haunt her with it. Eager to switch topics so that he could be erased from the mind again, Yoona spoke up again.

โ€œ- Anyway, I am happy to hear that your first day is going well. I hope your parents are also faring well with your new job?โ€

coded by weldherwings.

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