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New Member
Vague Description of plot (i’m not too much of a think ahead writer ,i usually do most of my writing right at the moment with some looking ahead)

basically what i had in mind was creating a very vast world full of places to explore , full of fighters with all kinds of supernatural abilities ,everyone will have their own goals they have in this vast world of opportunities ,as well as different purposes they serve in the series...putting on many plot developments within the characters and very diverse story writing or what not...The most redeeming parts of it i would say will be the crazy abilities ,well thought out arcs ,im aiming to more of develop a legacy within the characters and force everyone into very tough decisions that effect the entire story that everyone lives in...my first time doing this type of thing but i’ve been writing stories for quite awhile so i’m confident in what i could do with this :)

i’ll be a narrator and everyone can be characters in this adventure story ,and make decisions for themselves (you will have freedom but as the narrative i willl have the last say ,but i way make sure to let the characters stay in control :) if u would like to be in it let me know and i’ll assign everyone abilities...you’re backstory will soon follow

WARNING:you may get killed off within the story in some type of way or may not be getting a lot of story time depending on the subject of the current story arc u cannot get mad at this...i need full cooperation so that the story can reach its full potential... u could still enjoy it from the sidelines if ur not nowhere near the focus at the time and make the best of ur opportunity once u get in the story...or if u die u can just help me write it :) (theirs a change u may get brought back to life)
Since it is a 'Shounen' as implied by the title, will it have a default, 'strict' power system to work with akin to Quirks, Chakra, Nen, Devil Fruit or whatever? Or will we just do what we want with that aspect?

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