"A minion loses sight of where he is"


i am weak
k so to start this off i would just like to publicly announce that i actually hold disdain for those little goggle wearing twinkles please do not call me a minion i will sob into my frosted flakes aNYWAY

Hello all! You wonderful peeps can just call me Zen since that's what I go by on most forums nowadays. I never know what to say in introductions besides hi????? I'm 19 and will be turning 20 next month so that's cool. I'm currently in college and unsurprisingly college debt is whooping my behind WADDUP

I've been RPing with the same group of friends for a long lil while now, and with most of our schedules starting to clash together, I've set out a journey to find a new rp site to join to satisfy my roleplaying urge, so here I am! I might also refer my friends to this site, so hello my dear friends if you are reading this SHOUTOUT

I'm also an artist, though tbh my style is so poopy hAAAAAHA i say in a defeated tone. Drawing is a hobby of mine so I often draw my own pictures for my characters rather than relying on face claims. If I include a picture of anything in an rp post, it belongs to yours truly. As for my interests, I love me some good ole fantasy/magic rps. I also enjoy futuristic and mystery. I haven't dabbled in the horror genre at all, but I feel like that'd be right up my alley considering that I stay in my room all the time and eat loaded potatoes in the dark OO_. Dystopian/post-apocolyptic genres are real nice mmmm yes I need to do more of those, and group RPs are my thing. I don't do fandom role-plays, unfortunately. I'm very open to all types of RPs as long as the plot is koala tee though! I usually tend to juggle 1-2, MAYBE 3 RPs at a time. I get overwhelmed easily I am so sorry lmao

K THAT'S ENOUGH gotta learn this whole bbcode/css thing now oh lord here we go BYE
Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.

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