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Realistic or Modern ●・○・●・○・● love, tutoring and other nuisances ●・○・●・○・●


Manic potato





will find out more later. He's from a poor background and got a tattoo of a snake on his collarbone when his dad died. The placement was strange especially since it shows on his neck. It was from a brief stint with a gang. He finally got pulled out by his mom and she risked her life to get them away from the gang. They were indebted to them so that's were most of their money went in his years of high school, leaving little to no savings for college. They relocated to another town and it was a very bare living. Because of the lack of funds he got into a party school but he's smart enough to go to an ivy league school.

He's very smart, although he doesn't look it and hates talking about his background as he's ashamed of what he's done.

A bird tattoo on his neck

unholy__war unholy__war
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name. amelia canterman
nicknames. mello, mel, ames
gender. woman-identifying
age. 21
history. amelia comes from a wealthy family. like, CEO of a major food distribution company wealthy. she grew up playing contact sports, driving cars recklessly around the Canterman private properties upstate, and spending exorbitant amounts of money on leather jackets. she has a younger brother that she is fiercely protective of. amelia never spent much time around her family, so when college decision time came around, she ignored their suggestions to attend a private institution and instead opted to go to the party school in the area. she stopped focusing on academics in her senior year, when she started hanging around a junkyard outside the city and learning more about cars (a hobby she doesn't share with anyone)
personality. amelia enjoys being the center of attention, but only in doses. she's actually a private person when it comes down to it, keeping her emotions inside and rarely ever allowing others insight into her passions. instead, she puts on a charismatic front that distracts people from asking her too many questions or observing her critically. she is very selfless when it comes to her brother, often willing to drop everything in order to make him feel loved (something amelia fears their parents don't do enough of with him, just as they did with her), but she can also be stubborn and defensive when she is afraid. though amelia knows that many people in her life don't know the real her, she is happy with the game. it keeps her from getting hurt.
click clack click

The keyboard sounded out as Julian searched for lodgings. So far it seemed he had the luck of someone who crossed a black cat and never threw salt over their shoulder while walking under a ladder. He rubbed his face with his hands. All of the places were out of his pay range. Even though the area by the school lacked enlightened individuals, it seems it was not lacking in funds.
The computer softly chimed as a new ad went up on the website for listings. It said: Free
Obviously the lack of sleep and stress over the upcoming housing crisis he was facing had got to him. Still... his eyes flicked back to the bright screen. The ad that said free with a salary roused his curiosity. He gave in and clicked on it, praying that his luck wasn't so bad as to give his computer a virus. The ad was formal, and very clear that it was for a live in tutor for the daughter of..
"Mrs. Canterman" he murmured to himself. The subjects the poster's (he assumed it was her female guardian) daughter needed help in was all things he studied extensively. His hands skimmed the keys as he sent in a resume of the subjects he had studied and his GPA and waited. Ping! the machine chimed again and this time there was a notification in his email.

His eyes looked over the message.

...I would love for you to assist our daughter
-Mrs. Canterman

Relief surged in his chest. He had done it. Not only did he find a place to stay for Christmas vacation that was happening in two days, but he would get paid as well. He gave a tiny smile before logging off of his computer.

The two days passed quickly and soon it was time to leave for the job. He put in the address in his phone and it directed him over some hills with some fancy landscaping and up a mountain covered with forested trees. It led to some gated, privileged community that was pretty forward about their wealth. He punched in the code and the iron wrought gates opened. Everywhere he looked was showy, a testimony to the money in everyone's pockets.

He finally reached the house. It had a huge, separate garage that was it's own part on the other side of the land. He parked his modest honda robin blue accord in the least visible spot. Hopefully no one would notice it. He approached the entrance and saw the intricate carvings on the oak door. A golden lion head was the knocker for the door. He glanced himself over. He had worn a white collared shirt with a vest over it. His clothing did nothing hide the large tattoo of a bird on his neck. It was the fanciest thing he owned and no doubt they'd probably usher him out the door as soon as they saw him. He took a deep breath and knocked three times with the knocker. The sound seemed to echo through the silence before he heard the shuffling of feet.

"The door's open, wait downstairs please!"

He paused before pushing the door open. It was a very spacious house with several sofas and a large plasma tv. If the sofas looked that luxurious he could only wonder how it would feel to sleep in a place as fancy as this. A chandelier hung over the doorway and it threw sparkles of light over everything. He heard two females arguing upstairs quite loudly too. Julian closed his eyes, and waited for someone to come down.
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Thrushwing Thrushwing

"You hired a what?"

Amelia made no effort to hide her incredulity as she stood across from her mother, at the top of the front stairs, one hand gripping the railing and the other gesturing wildly towards the ceiling, as if the conversation at hand was so absurd it required to be ushered out of the hallway.

"A live in tutor, dear. It'll just be for Christmas break."

"You are literally insane," Amelia seethed. She'd been planning on spending the day out with a couple of friends from the car team she'd joined, not sitting at the dining room table studying. The more she thought about it while waiting for her mother to respond, the more frustrated she felt. Only a few bad grades had come in this semester. Well, perhaps more than a few, but her parents knew full well that pushing Amelia never came without extreme hardship. She was as stubborn as her parents were imposing. The standoff continued, Amelia's mother clearing her throat and smoothed her expression--her signature response whenever a conversation became too long for her. Distance, she'd always tell Amelia, that's what gets the job done.

"We wouldn't be in this position if you had just--" The doorbell rang.

Amelia's mother gave her one last look before ascending the stairs to welcome their new live-in guest. Still gripping the railing, Amelia huffed a few times, still tossing her free hand up in the air. "I cannot believe this...", muttering to herself she pulled out her phone from the back pocket of her jeans, quickly drafting a text to the car team groupchat. can't make it today. something came up. Re-pocketing the phone, she sighed loudly and started down the stairs, dread growing in each step. By the time she came down to the front hallway, her mother had already begun a conversation with the tutor. Amelia squinted at him, certain she'd seen him around somewhere. A rather large tattoo of a bird was visible on his neck. Mrs. Canterman crossed over towards her daughter, gently pushing her towards Julian. "This is Amelia."

"Hi." She tugged on the lapels of her leather jacket, letting her hands rest there.

Whoever was arguing was arguing loud.

His reflection in one of the large framed mirrors caught his eye.

Wish I had something to cover up my tattoo...

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard footfalls come down the stairs. A women in her forties but still looked young for her age greeted him with a smile. There was no sign that any sort of argument had taken place.

When he saw the young girl next to the woman he peered at her. If one didn't know him it almost looked as if he was glaring at her. It was obvious she didn't want to be here.
Great so not only am I tutoring an unwilling student I'm supposed to get her to care about her grades

He wanted to sigh but thought it best if he didn't in front of his employer. Instead he just gave her a brief nod.

"hey. I'm Julian."

He didn't bother to extend him hand due to his shoulder to part of his hand were covered in tattoos which was partially why he had a jacket on.

"So did you want to start on biology?"

He kept his hands in his pockets. No doubt the mother would fire him if she thought he was a former gang member. Not that she was wrong.

unholy__war unholy__war

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