the faraway paladin

  1. Peachy.Q

    Fandom Incredibly Niche Fandoms Inside

    Hello all! I’m not replacing any current partners. I have just had a major rekindling and craving for a few particular series, and want to toss out a search in hopes someone happens to resonate with this. Main Rules I - I understand English is not everyone’s first language. All I ask is that...
  2. Peachy.Q

    Fandom Some fandoms I’m hankering for

    Firstly- This is not to replace any current partners! I just have an incessant itch for these few fandoms and pairs. Secondly- hello! I’m Peachy! I’m 23 and use they/them pronouns. I’ve been roleplaying for about 10 years now! Main Rules I - I understand English is not everyone’s first...